Do You Want To Know?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, for a kid to get to marriage today, is next to impossible. If they make it out of the womb without being dismembered, they are manipulated by the schools into self sterilization. Little girls getting their wombs ripped out and little boys manipulated into welcoming chemical castration. If they make it past those cultural hurdles, they face a drug epidemic, supplied with unlimited opiates by the CIA itself. We lose 60,000 to 70,000 kids a year to that little trick. Then there are the unending wars. If you think the US pulling out of Afghanistan was the end to the dead and maimed kids, coming back from overseas meddling operations, look at Syria. It is shocking any at all make it to have families and live a normal human life. Then they try to get their kids over those elite imposed mortal hurdles.

No matter your stance on abortion, the legalization of drugs or the benefits of manipulating children into becoming sex dolls, you have to admit, the numbers of people harmed are quite alarming. I don’t think the most hardened pro abortionist could stand to watch a mid or late term abortion, without changing their minds. I am certain not one person in the legalization lobby condone the government protecting the poppy fields, the CIA importing heroin, or 60,000 to 70,000 deaths a year from overdoses. Nor does anyone think the CCP should be flooding our streets with Fentanyl either. People who have been manipulated, by their empathy, would be shocked at the suicide rate of those who have “transitioned.” Individually, each is a deeply immoral act… collectively, how much more so?

Those in charge, whether the politicians, the bureaucracy or the people behind the curtain, cannot let us openly realize what they are doing, but they can’t help themselves, they have to tell us. How many treatises advocating lowering the population have been endorsed by the UN, Globalists and US brainiacs? Their antipathy towards the masses is palpable in their writings. The UN, for example, has written Agenda 21, there are the Georgia Guide stones, and the Gates Foundation’s panic over overpopulation. Just how, I wonder, do vaccines help with overpopulation? If you were about to do a business deal with someone, and you heard a recording of them laughing about how they were planning on screwing you in that deal, a sane person would stop the deal. Sadly, we appear not to be sane.

How evil does someone have to be, to be complicit with the overdose deaths of 60,000 to 70,000 kids a year? How malevolent is it to manipulate children into self sterilization? Moreover, only a demon, as the recent lawsuit from the Temple of Satan against the state of Texas proves, would cheer the dismemberment of babies in the womb. There are all kinds of people in this world, some of us are good to a fault while others are the opposite. The good don’t seek power, because they have no interest in lording over others, they seek to do good in the world. Those of the opposite persuasion do. Power is better than money, it allows them to do evil in the world, and call it good. But anyone with a speck of discernment can see, these things are evil, dredged up from the deepest part of the collective id.

It’s like the elite are waging a war of genocide against our children. These are not hidden facts, the abortion statistic is open for all to see, as are the overdose statistics. Information on the number of children manipulated into self sterilization are much harder to come by. In one London clinic alone, 50 children a week visit… and who knows how many go on to “transition.” They are waging an existential war against our offspring, out in the open, and we look the other way. Why? It is too ugly a truth to admit. Because if we do, we have to act. Most of us would rather hide in a corner, cover our eyes and pray our kids make it through the maze of knives. If they are born and overdose, are killed by a terrorist or commit suicide out of despair from transitioning… who cares, we were told, and did nothing.


John Pepin

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