Dear Friends,
It seems to me, the progressive faction has staked out it’s new battle on the US Constitution… lawyers. Has anyone else noticed that every single lawyer Trump has hired, has faced criminal charges, intrusive investigations and open violations of attorney client privilege? Can it be a coincidence that Sidney Powell, who was foolish enough to step into a trap laid for her by the progressives, is facing disbarment? This level of intimidation is why no big law firm with experience in election fraud would join Trump’s lawsuit. They were intimidated that they would be ostracized, were they to advocate for legal, free and fair elections. Today’s legal landscape is far different from what the founders envisioned. The courts are nakedly political, lawyers are intimidated and law is a tool for arbitrary rule.
The progressive faction has effectively canceled the US Constitution in the courts but lawyers still pose a threat to their dreams of word domination. By bringing up inconvenient lawsuits, requiring the use of corrupt means to quell, exposes their malevolence to the world. Eventually those inconvenient lawsuits will sway public opinion to the point violence has to be used. Then no one can pretend the government is anything but a tyranny. As long as the progressive faction, through their captured entities like the administrative state, Courts and media, can intimidate and silence good honest lawyers (both of them) justice will be a pipe dream in American courts. Their canceling the Constitution, but still using it to give their oppression a veneer of authority, is dependent on the public maintaining the lie.
The courts have shown by their highly political use of “standing” that they don’t care that they are recognized as tools of a political faction. Because they think that faction can never lose now. The courts have become our Constitution’s most pernicious, deadly and conniving enemy. Working from within the system the founders set up, to protect the Constitution and the founding principles, they pervert it into its opposite… then viciously attack anyone who has the impertinence to point it out. This is because progressives are not honest people, they lie, connive and steal, to get power. In their worldview, they are the good guys because, when it all sugars off, the world will be a global utopia under their enlightened rule. The path to utopia though, is through chaos, suffering and oppression.
Intimidation of lawyers, so that politically disfavored people cannot get representation, is an anathema to the founding principles of the US. Which is the duty and obligation of the courts to mitigate. That they haven’t, and refuse to, is proof of their total utter and complete corruption. If the Constitution was followed, the legislature would impeach judges who impose their personal views on the Constitution. Can you imagine the progressive faction allowing one of their lawyers to be intimidated like they do conservatives? Heck, their lawyer, Kevin Klinesmith was only disbarred for a year, for perjury to the FISA courts! Remember when the democrats wanted to put Roger Stone in prison the rest of his life for perjury? Even as several attorneys are facing permanent disbarment… for representing Trump.
It’s time to move the US back to Constitutional rule. The first step will be to criminally charge anyone who intimidates a lawyer, especially, anyone with political, cultural or bureaucratic power. The legislature needs to wrest it’s constitutional role back and start impeaching judges who don not follow our Constitution. The Constitution is not written in Latin, it is written in English, so we can all read it and understand it. There are a multitude of documents written by the founders on their thinking. Which means it is not hard to see when the courts are imposing their will on the Constitution. Moreover, true perversions of the Constitution, like Buck v Bell, Korematsu and Wickard v Filburn must be overturned by constitutional amendment if needed. Demand no less from our representatives and senators.
John Pepin