Intimidating Lawyers… Very Progressive!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressive faction has staked out it’s new battle on the US Constitution… lawyers. Has anyone else noticed that every single lawyer Trump has hired, has faced criminal charges, intrusive investigations and open violations of attorney client privilege? Can it be a coincidence that Sidney Powell, who was foolish enough to step into a trap laid for her by the progressives, is facing disbarment? This level of intimidation is why no big law firm with experience in election fraud would join Trump’s lawsuit. They were intimidated that they would be ostracized, were they to advocate for legal, free and fair elections. Today’s legal landscape is far different from what the founders envisioned. The courts are nakedly political, lawyers are intimidated and law is a tool for arbitrary rule.

The progressive faction has effectively canceled the US Constitution in the courts but lawyers still pose a threat to their dreams of word domination. By bringing up inconvenient lawsuits, requiring the use of corrupt means to quell, exposes their malevolence to the world. Eventually those inconvenient lawsuits will sway public opinion to the point violence has to be used. Then no one can pretend the government is anything but a tyranny. As long as the progressive faction, through their captured entities like the administrative state, Courts and media, can intimidate and silence good honest lawyers (both of them) justice will be a pipe dream in American courts. Their canceling the Constitution, but still using it to give their oppression a veneer of authority, is dependent on the public maintaining the lie.

The courts have shown by their highly political use of “standing” that they don’t care that they are recognized as tools of a political faction. Because they think that faction can never lose now. The courts have become our Constitution’s most pernicious, deadly and conniving enemy. Working from within the system the founders set up, to protect the Constitution and the founding principles, they pervert it into its opposite… then viciously attack anyone who has the impertinence to point it out. This is because progressives are not honest people, they lie, connive and steal, to get power. In their worldview, they are the good guys because, when it all sugars off, the world will be a global utopia under their enlightened rule. The path to utopia though, is through chaos, suffering and oppression.

Intimidation of lawyers, so that politically disfavored people cannot get representation, is an anathema to the founding principles of the US. Which is the duty and obligation of the courts to mitigate. That they haven’t, and refuse to, is proof of their total utter and complete corruption. If the Constitution was followed, the legislature would impeach judges who impose their personal views on the Constitution. Can you imagine the progressive faction allowing one of their lawyers to be intimidated like they do conservatives? Heck, their lawyer, Kevin Klinesmith was only disbarred for a year, for perjury to the FISA courts! Remember when the democrats wanted to put Roger Stone in prison the rest of his life for perjury? Even as several attorneys are facing permanent disbarment… for representing Trump.

It’s time to move the US back to Constitutional rule. The first step will be to criminally charge anyone who intimidates a lawyer, especially, anyone with political, cultural or bureaucratic power. The legislature needs to wrest it’s constitutional role back and start impeaching judges who don not follow our Constitution. The Constitution is not written in Latin, it is written in English, so we can all read it and understand it. There are a multitude of documents written by the founders on their thinking. Which means it is not hard to see when the courts are imposing their will on the Constitution. Moreover, true perversions of the Constitution, like Buck v Bell, Korematsu and Wickard v Filburn must be overturned by constitutional amendment if needed. Demand no less from our representatives and senators.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Are The Courts Arbiters Of Justice Or Political Correctness?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when the courts base their rulings on the political views of the defendant, that nation is doomed. The ancient Greeks called this arbitrary rule. The United States is such a case of arbitrary rule. Moreover, that political bias is open for anyone to see. Usually, courts will couch their bias and pretend to treat everyone equally. In the US today however, the courts have given up all pretense of equal treatment, fairness and justice and instead have embraced oppression for all to see. You have to admit this is a bold move for the US judiciary. It follows a long parade of the US elite abandoning the US Constitution, its principles and the morality that Christianity teaches us.. for a globalist atheistic oligarchical utopia, where the population is kept under control in numbers, action and thought.

After the summer of love 2020, the courts bent over backwards to let violent ANTIFA and BLM sappers off. An ANTIFA thug carrying a pipe bomb and with an “illegal” arsenal in his home, was caught at a conservative rally for a Jan 6 defendant… and was given probation and a small fine. Meanwhile, the Jan 6 defendant is in prison awaiting trial. Even as the prosecutor refuses to release exculpatory evidence. How do we know it is exculpatory if they will not release it? Because if it was damning it would be front page news in the mockingbird media. Whole cities were burned to the ground, because a drug addict with a history of violence overdosed, while being held on the ground by a police officer. Unfortunate, but hardly tragic, let alone the crime against humanity it was portrayed as.

The open and obvious election fraud, during the 2020 election, was not only abetted by the courts but protected and covered up by them as well. Before the election, democrats filed strategic lawsuits to force election laws unconstitutionally changed, to allow vote fraud on a grand scale. The courts went along, gave them standing… and changed the election laws by edict, even though the Constitution itself requires election laws to be passed and changed, only by the respective legislatures. The courts then, openly, publicly and notoriously violated a basic tenet of our republic and specifically the democratic element. The courts abandoned their duty to follow the law, and their obligation to make sure the Constitution is followed, to advance the cause of a political faction… even allowing bribery.

Before the election, when republicans sued to get the real election laws followed, the courts would not allow the suits, because of “standing.” They said the republicans didn’t have standing because they had not been harmed yet. During the election the courts dismissed the suits because of standing. The Republicans couldn’t prove the damage was done. Then, after the election, the courts dismissed the cases on election fraud because “laches.” the republicans had waited too long and so had allowed their rights to lapse. Clearly, from this verifiable evidence, the courts were not only accomplices to the election fraud, but abetted the cover up as well. What other explanation is there, of the judiciary’s actions, outside of being nakedly political? Ruling based on the defendant’s politics.

If an engine ran fine, and someone breaks the spark plugs, fills it with kerosene instead of gasoline and shunts the battery terminals together, that engine will no longer run. The fault will not be the design of the engine, it will be the fault of the person who broke it. It’s obvious in the case of a car but we miss that the elite have broken the US system in the same way. What a testament to their corruption, ability to lie and our unwillingness to look at ugly truths. The courts no longer function as fair arbiters because they broke themselves. The system is not unsound the people within it are dysfunctional. They are the busted spark plugs, socialists instead of capitalists and have grounded out our ethics, then claim the system is flawed. The flaw lies with them. Broken spark plugs must be replaced…


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Clockwork God?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, I am not for or against the clockwork God theory, I do find it interesting. The US founding Fathers thought that God created the universe so elegantly, what appears to us to be interventions, were actually set up at the start of time by God. I suspect this idea is hard to accept, because we cannot imagine anything, even God himself, to be that smart. I, however, do believe God is that smart. The countervailing argument, that God is active in the universe he created, has merit as well. Since, according to religious sources not only Christian, the universe exists at God’s suffrage. He sustains it by his will. If that is indeed the case, then by definition, he is active. This question is one we will probably never comprehend but in reasoning it we gain some understanding.

Simply that God sustains the universe by his will doesn’t mean he necessarily changes or guides it, actively. Perhaps his attention is in creating new universes, higher planes of existence or something so amazing we could never hope to comprehend it. The point is, God might have set the universe in motion at the start knowing everything that would happen, until the end, or maybe he doesn’t have an end but a perpetual evolution. Either way he wouldn’t need to guide it as it goes along, he could have set it in motion like a clockwork. Else he could be using the Universe as a means of entertainment, which would be more inline with an active God interpretation. Both theories have their backers as well, and those backers have divided themselves into distinct philosophical groups.

The clockwork God theory fits more with a materialist mindset. Materialists would be more likely to believe in a clockwork God than an active one. Their image of their own omniscience lets them believe that a god could be that smart, cause they are. Moreover, a materialist’s own subjective experience bears less weight to them, than inculcated “scientifically” objective ideas, come by subjectively. Which is to say that a materialist, like everyone else, has transcendental experiences but refuse to give them credence. Because they are not reproducible, recordable or explainable within their dogma. Closing their minds off to the possibility of the supernatural. Such rutted thinking leaves only the clockwork God theory as possible. Even that is too supernatural for the Materialist’s single edged skepticism.

The active God theory fits more with the idealist mindset. People who discount the objectively observed for the subjectively felt, are no different than the Materialist, who discounts the subjectively felt for the objectively observed. Both are bigoted. Not by race, religion or class, but by creed. Their creeds are polar opposites. The idealist may not really believe in science but gets on a plane because they feel subjectively that planes fly, who cares how… which makes the idealist philosophy amenable to the active God idea. They feel God’s presence around them and so believe that God is active. That he might have started it knowing everything that would happen seems cold to them. They favor the idea that God works, (or should work) tirelessly, to mitigate their personal discomfort.

I think we should treat the universe as if God is active, while resting assured his clockwork will turn out the correct time, sooner or later. One thing we can all observe, objectively and subjectively, is that reality is a dancing landscape. What is a smart thing to do at one time and place is utter idiocy in another. Which means, other than having a family, there is no perpetually correct action. Mencius called the middle path through our reality the mean in action. If we apply this philosophy to the question at hand, we can reason that God would be smart enough to set up a clockwork, and since the Universe exists at his will, he is active in some way, and so pragmatism should guide us. Since pragmatism is maximizing the outcome for everyone, we should act that way. That is, we should pray as if God is active, while resting assured that regardless of our actions, his clockwork will tick along.


John Pepin

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Why Constitutions Fail

Dear Friends,

Its seems to me, all constitutions are written by the elite for the elite, and so it is no shocker that they all fail sooner rather than later, because of the elite. In every instance the modern elite find loopholes in the constitution to undermine it’s limitations on their rule. This happens over and over, with every successive generation of arrogant, condescending and entitled elite, until the constitutional violations are blatant and broad. Eventually that old constitution is deemed unfit and replaced by a new one. The elite write the new one, and if they are virtuous, it limits government and if they are ambitious it demands unlimited government, so the elite can rule beneficently. In the first instance the constitution must be eroded over generations before it fails, in the second, it failed before it was signed.

A constitution is an innovation that came out of the Enlightenment era. The thinkers of the time were breaking away from kings and aristocracy and embracing capitalism, limited government and industrialization. After dealing with the “rights of kings” for centuries the philosophers of the time were tired of unlimited rule. So they came up with a constitution, or a contract between the ruled and the rulers, so that tyranny can be identified and dealt with. The rights of the individual was guaranteed under a constitution because the power of the elite was limited by it. As I mentioned above, successive generations of elite have chipped away at the various constitutions, until they became a mere chiffon nighty covering naked oppression. The opposite of its intention.

There are two kinds of constitutions, the right form of constitution and the wrong form. A right constitution is one that is a set of negative liberties, or put another way, it limits what the government can do… to you, for you and in your name. Wrong form constitutions say what the government is required to do… for you, to you and in your name. The wrong form builds oppression right into its structure. Tyranny becomes an integral part of any such constitution, that seeks to give government power over the individual, to “help,” run the economy or punish longstanding power inequities. The nations laws quickly devolve into arbitrary rule, to benefit whatever interest group is ascendant. The contract between the governed and the governors becomes a slave document.

Constitutions are a great idea but unlike a contract between individuals, it is unenforcable. Obviously we are talking about right constitutions. It may look good on paper but isn’t worth the paper it is written on. Because the elite are the enforcers against their own interests. Clearly this system is failed before it is even implemented. No one, let alone a psychopath, is able to enforce the laws on him or herself. That would be expecting a human to be an angel. What Constitutions need, and have lacked, is an enforcement mechanism and absolute transparency. Without them the elite can work in the dark to undermine any constitution, no matter how well written, notorious and reasoned. A constitution must evolve to correct for deficiencies exposed by the modern elite and future ones as well.

Constitutional theory needs to evolve, to solve the problems presented to it, else it will continue to stultify. Instead of relying on an armed populace, to rise up and slaughter their way back to freedom, I think it is far more efficient to put a legal, constitutional and accountable system in place, put teeth into it… an evolution of present constitutional law. This is a better option than allowing the elite to defecate in the national well. Lets spread the word, demand our constitutions be upgraded, to include a criminal enforcement mechanism for politicians and bureaucrats who abuse our constitutional Rights, and absolute transparency, to insure they are acting constitutionally. That is a constitutional evolution that empowers the individual instead of the State. The right form of constitutional development.


John Pepin

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AI, Simulated and Real

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, true AI sentience will not be possible for at least a thousand years. Oh, we will be able to emulate it in our lifetimes, but true sentience, is and will remain beyond our reach for many centuries. Many would argue if it is indistinguishable from sentience, then isn’t it sentience? That question begs itself. That which appears to be a thing is often something quite different. We observe this in the real world around us yet fail to apply that knowledge to computers and AI. Today we have the ability to copy nature in a myriad of ways. Our copies are crude and clumsy though. We can replicate DNA, yet we don’t really know the code, we assume and experiment, we even have a clue, but the underlying code is lost to our science. That is not to say that in a thousand years…

Things are not always as they appear. The argument that, if it is indistinguishable from sentience, then it is sentient… is to say an artist rendered zebra in a field on a computer screen, one that is indistinguishable from a real one for all intents and purposes… is a real zebra. We know this not to be true. Yet that is exactly the argument futurists use to portend the coming of sentient AI. If a puppet is good enough… it becomes a real boy. No it doesn’t. A mimic is always a mimic. The same can be said of AI. No matter how it resembles human intelligence… it can never be human intelligence. You might think that a moot point, since theoretically AI could vastly exceed human capacity in short order. To that I would add that, theoretically, in 1960, nuclear fusion was almost guaranteed by 1990.

We can copy most things in nature, and our copies are crude… but getting better. We can replicate rubies, sapphires and diamonds but our copies are always distinguishable from the real thing. While a ruby is merely corundum colored with chromium in a crystalline matrix. Simple yet not so simple it can be perfectly replicated as in nature. Natural ruby’s have microscopic flaws, that are almost impossible to replicate in the lab, so a professional with a loop can easily distinguish the two. No matter how good a copy is it cannot be an exact replication of the original. Certainly not down to the atomic level. If this is true of material objects we have a very good understanding of… how much more difficult of something (consciousness) that even our philosophy struggles with, and our science is baffled by?

Great leaps have been made with neural network architecture integrated circuits. Now they are printing them in 3D to eliminate the data and addressing buses. There is a gal on Youtube, Anastasia in tech, She has great videos about the latest in processor design. The leaps our technicians are making are astounding. 3D neural architecture, 5 nanometer printing and deep learning are just a few of the amazing advancements. Even as the technology progresses at breakneck speed, the reality is, that simulating an actual human intelligence, isn’t as easy as people thought it would be in the 1960s, when Westworld first came out. Our technology may be close, but more likely, it is far too simple to actually copy the sentience of a dog, let alone a human being.

I believe that in our lifetimes, barring an apocalypse, we will see AI that resembles sentience. It may even be able to act sentient, like Sophia, but it will not be. True sentience is more than a picture on a screen that is indistinguishable from the real thing, it is not a flawed copy crudely made… nor can it be made at all until we understand what it actually is. Until we understand consciousness, like we understand classical physics, true AI will be out of our reach. Simulated AI is a mortal threat to humanity though. Because Simulated sentience, is not sentient, and therefor unable to reason, have ethics or a conscience. Moreover, since arrogance, egoism and stupidity are the hallmark of tyrants, simulated AI in their inept, malevolent and malignant hands, is an existential threat to the species.


John Pepin

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Three Big Lies

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, without lies, the elite would have nothing to say. Everything that leaves their mouths is full of lies. Like the open racism of critical race theory, the obvious child abuse of the trans sex movement and the hoax of man made climate change. Each is a pile of lies so tightly packed they form a solid whole. Critical race theory, which is taught in the public schools, as proven by the denial of the fact by the lying elite, teaches that white people are inherently racist and that only white people can be racist. The logical fallacies in that notion are as plentiful as sand on Miami beach. Our perverted elites who manipulate children into self harm, ie, self sterilization, then suicide once they are no longer useful to the perverts, are astounding in their evil. While the climate change hoax is being used to destroy our economies, make us energy dependent on psycho states and drive out small businesses.

The climate change hoax is all but disproved… by any rational person’s lived experience. Moreover, that Mars, Venus, Ceres and several Galilean moons have warmed with Earth, during the 1980-2000 period, is pretty damning of the hoax. That information is closely guarded though so most have never heard of it. If you have, the liars dismiss it by saying they could be warming or cooling, they just happen to all be warming,.. and I have a tranquil seafront lot to sell you, with a stunning view of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. Despite the Earth cooling for the last two decades, the hoaxers are still at it, undermining energy production, driving up taxes and hobbling our firms. The Securities and Exchange Commission SEC is even floating the idea of climate regulations on US corporations.

The sexual deviants that are openly manipulating our children into self sterilization, are child abusers, no more no less. In a sane world they would face criminal charges for their actions, and if guilty, go to a penitentiary for life, as examples to anyone else who would manipulate children into self harm. The idea that a child, who hasn’t even reached puberty, knows what sex they should be, is as absurd as giving an 8 year old the keys to a Ferrari. Then they use their victims to create more victims, by allowing boys who have been chemically castrated, to compete against real girls. Using your victims to victimize others… very progressive. The trans movement was hatched in the bowels of Hell itself, and has visited Hell on earth, to countless youths manipulated by our diabolical elite liars.

Teaching critical race theory to children is another form of child abuse. It inculcates racism directly into the children’s minds. Undermining a century of real progress in race relations. As it is intended to do. Many of those feeding this horse excrement to the kids are simply stupid. Too stupid to know better, they should be mopping floors, digging ditch or greeting people at Walmart… not teaching children. Others however know exactly what they are doing. They understand that white children are not going to just knuckle under and let themselves be doormats. Some will, but most will become vehemently racist. Which is clearly the goal. Teaching children to hate a race, like the Hutus did the Tutsis, is a lie only the most heinous would vomit from their filthy mouths into the zeitgeist.

All three lies are the talk about town today. They are lies that we are required to repeat and believe, even though we all know they are lies. Solzhenitsyn warned us about lies in his Gulag Archipelago. Beware of social, cultural and national lies, they lead to gulags, oppression and tyranny. Each, in its own way, harms mankind in soul, mind and body. The lies about covid alone account for millions of deaths around the world. The elite’s stories about the Biden laptop, the Ukraine biolabs, and Syrian chemical weapons attacks… are proven lies. When the truth never escapes the lips of the elite, you can count on lies becoming the norm, oppression common and public child abuse. Now that we understand that everything the elite say is a lie… isn’t it time to treat them as the liars they are? Assume everything they say is a lie at the outset and require proof before belief.


John Pepin

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You Have Power… You Just Don’t Use It

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are forging our own yoke and willingly donning it, many gleefully. Over the last two years, the elite have shown themselves to be not only incompetent, grasping and lacking self awareness, but their open election fraud, censorship and the cover up of the Biden laptop has gone by without a peep from the public. When I bring up that maybe we should write a few letters to our representatives, senators and the President, I get back sneers. People have given up on the process and are gearing up for the apocalypse. In doing so, we are forging the yoke, by allowing the nincompoop elite, to operate without complaint. Then, once they move and many of us go down in a blaze of glory, that will justify the rest donning that yoke of tyranny, to protect from the crazy constitutionalists.

It is true that one or two letters have little affect on a fat cat senator. They live in an echo chamber that is rarely penetrated by sanity. If however, they are inundated with emails, calls and letters from the voters complaining about… the boarder, the Biden crimes, keep us out of wars, stop printing money and monetizing the debt, etc… and they will act. There is nothing like a deluge of angry letters from constituents to put the fear of God into a fat cat. Moreover, there is nothing like the fear of God to get a fat cat off the sofa and acting. This is what makes that people’s lackadaisical attitude so vexing to me. People have freely given up their power because they have lost hope. When that power exercised, would restore hope, constitutional limits and our republic.

How long does it take to make a call to two senators and a representative? It is even less work to compose a very short missive and email it to them. The amount of effort needed to make your opinion heard by the elite is minimal. So laziness should not be an impediment. Especially since most of us have time to kill. Why not use a commercial break to write that missive and email it? Let them know, “I want the FBI to stop investigating mothers and fathers as domestic terrorists, if they don’t want their children indoctrinated by the administrative state’s tax funded monopoly public education system, in a nakedly racist ideology, namely, Critical Race Theory.” It is as easy as copying it from this article and pasting it on an email. All it takes is a moment of time to change the course of history.

Our culture, education system and idols of the marketplace, all tell us there is no hope. The world will become a dystopia and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The culture inculcates us with dystopian sci fi, the schools ignore civics and the talk about town is how we are screwed. Everyone knows in their heart that the elite have taken us off the rails and most are just bracing for the impact. What we need to recognize is that there is a way we can put it back on the rails. With little effort on any one person’s part… but many people taking part. A dozen calls, emails and letters will get the attention of a boss hog. A few hundred will get the slug thinking. A few thousand will get him out of the stripper bar and into the legislature to do something to stop it.

There is always hope. All we need do is act. Personally, I think it is easier to write a letter to a few entrenched elites, than to gear up to go out in a blaze of glory. Easier for me, my family and loved ones. Plus, the future is much brighter if we can get the train back on the rails, and fire the conductor and engineers that took us off it. The way to do that is to let the elite know what you think. Stewing in silence hasn’t worked. Now we need to say something. Don’t shout in a towel, write an email to your representatives and senators. Be an agent for positive change in the world, instead of a wart, waiting to be excised. Here is a link to find who represents you, your senators and their contacts. Take a few moments each week to let them know what you think. The future may depend on it.


John Pepin

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Empathy And Judgment

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, to be able to judge, one has to be able to put oneself in the shoes of another. Without that basic empathy judgment is always selfish. When we watch an interaction between people, we see it from the perspective of one of the actors. The side we chose depends on our innate perspective. In other words, our subconscious chooses which side we identify with. That side, we will see as the victim, or the hero… the other, the villain or he has it coming. Empathy then is usually a thing we apply in a bigoted fashion. It follows, that only those who are able to put themselves in both sets of shoes, are those most able to judge. The next question becomes, is everyone able to, with practice, choose to perceive a situation from all sides? Given scientific progress… the future of humanity depends on it.

People innately fall on a scale of empathy. I don’t think that can be denied. Empathy however, like anything else, can be honed. That exercise requires commitment just as body building does. One can wish to have huge guns for arms, but if we only play video games and eat chips on the sofa, that will probably not happen. No matter how much we wish it. To get huge guns, or to grow our empathy, we must exercise those “muscles.” The way to start is small. Don’t try to be a Buddhist monk, who will not kill mosquito, all at once. Heck, why would anyone want to become that empathic anyway? Start by considering the point of view of someone, who’s perspective is irrelevant to us and our wants and desires, someone safe. Then expand the exercise to people who are less safe.

Our science has advanced to the point that, not only a rogue nation could exterminate the human race, but a rogue corporation or even a lone mad scientist could. Our recent brush with the laboratory created Covid 19, that killed millions across the planet, and we have yet to see the consequences of the species wide biological experiment, is just such an example. This makes our ability to empathize all the more important. Moreover, those with empathy are less likely to use others as lab rats. Sadly, the elite usually lack empathy but make up for it with gobs of pride, envy and wrath. History is pretty clear on that. The average Joe however, has usually been filled with empathy due to our religion, life experience and education. The administrative state’s monopoly public education system inculcates the opposite.

Judgment in our age and the one to come is more important than ever. Not just for the elite but for the average man and women. Take the abortion debate. Whether you agree that a baby should be allowed to live or that the mother’s right to autonomy is paramount, your position depends on who you empathize with. The baby or the mother. While that is obvious enough, a more subtle point is… can we take that empathy and make it objective, instead of subjective? In other words, can we switch our empathy from one to another and weigh them equally? In the abortion argument, do you see carrying a baby for nine months, an equal or greater wrong, to being chopped apart? Using the Golden Rule, I personally would tolerate most discomforts for a year, rather than have parts ripped off me.

Since empathy and judgment are so intertwined, it makes sense for us to teach our kids to empathize, before judging, but that good judgment is of paramount importance. Good judgment being only possible where the judge can empathize with both sides. To be able to step into another’s shoes, and equally weigh the imagined experience between the two, despite our innate point of view. People used to have more empathy and that counterbalanced the elite’s lack. Today however, with the rapid advancement of science, without a corresponding advance of philosophy, that lack puts the human race in mortal danger. This danger is compounded in the way we are educated to despise empathy, and embrace the elite’s qualities of envy, pride and wrath… and our constant existential crisis shows it.


John Pepin

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Bonhoeffer, Confucius and The World As It Is

Dear Friends,

I have been trying to rectify the concepts of Bonhoeffer’s stupidity idea, the world as it is and Confucius’ leaders lead by example. Bonhoeffer’s idea that the real culprit in mankind’s fall is stupidity. That even the most intelligent can be stupid, and that stupidity is a far bigger threat to humanity than we can imagine. The world as it is would appear to reflect that idea in its problems. Problems that if the elite were the least competent wouldn’t be happening, yet they are, so the elite are either stupid else malevolent. The charitable sentiment is they are idiots. Confucius had much to say on the right ordering of a society though. His teaching’s leaned on the family, then the state, that leaders lead by example whether conscious of it or not, that ritual protects culture as righteousness does prosperity.

Our leaders epitomize what Bonhoeffer defined as stupid. They are overly educated, arrogant and myopic… very efficient. Efficient at what? Efficient at self destruction. The world was doing pretty good in 2019, before the corona virus was released, since then the elite have failed at everything. Turns out shutting down the economy created to shortages, that led to inflation, and now the expectation of inflation and monetizing the debt, is driving more inflation. Well done elite. The Russia and Ukraine war is the natural result of the Russia collusion hoax. The elite claimed that Russia equaled Trump for so long, progressives now despise Russia, like Trump. When Biden severed America’s energy jugular, he not only took away energy independence, but enriched the mad dogs of the world.

Confucius taught that the family is the basis for society, that the government is based on the family, that filial service is the highest calling, that rotten wood is no good for carving, that ritual is the way society protects its societal myth, the Golden Rule and most importantly for this discussion, that leaders lead by example. Stupid leaders will lead the people to be stupid, unwise and corrupt. Just as smart leaders will lead the people to be smart, wise, and virtuous. From this, if we accept Confucius’ teachings as true, we can conclude that since our world is acting stupidly, our leaders are stupid. That would be the logical conclusion, our leaders are too stupid to know they are destroying the world, so it’s not their fault. Except, I don’t think they are all stupid, some are malevolent, calculating and psychopathic.

I think elite psychopaths manipulate the stupid elite to their own ends. If you listen to Klaus, the Varmint, Schwab, and take him seriously, his claims the World Economic Forum controls most of the world’s governments… including, Russia and Ukraine. One has to wonder, if both governments are puppets of the WEF, why are they at war? Unless that war serves some greater goal of the WEF? Regardless of what that greater goal is the world is obviously being played. Klaus the Varmint is not the only elite that openly claims to be a world oligarch. George Soros is another. Along with his Open Society Foundation, that is dedicated to a world without boarders, so that globalist bankers can run the world, without the pesky people, governments, or morals getting in the way.

Look at beady eyed Biden and ask yourself, is he is a manipulator or the manipulated, stupid or wise as a serpent? The man couldn’t successfully mop the floor of a Wendy’s. With him as their front man, the manipulators expect the people to blame the half wit “in charge.” Deflecting responsibility from them and their malevolent game. Calling the elite stupid also has a certain Schadenfreude. It doesn’t actually accomplish anything though. If you accept that our leaders are for the most part stupid, and those idiots are manipulated by malevolent forces, then the first step is to get rid of the stupid leaders, next identify the manipulators, give them a good fair trial… then make examples of them. Lastly, set up a system to insure the elite never become so stupid and malevolent ever again.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Labor Unions

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the basic idea of unions is good, the problem is in the implementation… because of the pernicious incentives created by political favor. I would never argue that a higher standard of living for the workers is a bad thing. If unions actually provided this outcome they would be unambiguously good. Sadly, political favor creates pernicious incentives for the union bosses, to defecate where they eat. Ideally a union would protect their members pay, benefits, safety… AND JOBS. Instead, unions today make it corporate suicide to hire union members, or have a union shop in the US. Not only that but unions support policies that drive jobs overseas… as well as politicians who favor offshoring. Not because they demand good pay for their members but due to the anti American faction they promote.

The first order, duty and obligation of a union boss, is to protect the jobs of the workers he or she is supposed to represent, not a political faction that is antithetical to their jobs, children and future. Political favor however creates a reverse incentive. The more political favor the fat cats at the top can garner, the fatter they can get. There is no filling a black hole of pride, greed and envy. The union bosses support a political faction that lays waste to the cities they take over, with the support of the unions. Then all the industries that had union members, go belly up, and the cities become husks of what they once were. Wastelands filled with abandoned buildings, drug addiction and a princely elite. All because of the pernicious incentives of political favor on the leaders of the unions.

A union should staunchly protect their industry, protect the workers and especially the firms that employ their members. Why do you suppose it is that businesses fight becoming unionized so fiercely? It’s not because they don’t want to pay fair wages… it is because a union is the death knell of a firm. The union will do everything in it’s power to bankrupt, hinder and hobble every company that has the misfortune, of having a union to deal with. These negative effects are magnified when the union is a public sector union, because the firm that hires their members cannot go bankrupt! So the union can do any absurdity it wants. Take the teachers union, it undermines the education of the children, abuses the trust of the parents, and creates hopeless drug addicts who don’t know if they are a boy or a girl.

Examples abound, of unions where the fat cats at the top do everything in their power, to undermine the people they represent… or resent. By supporting legislation that is antithetical to a functional market, to gain political leverage, cutting deals under the table, maintaining an adversarial relationship between management and workers, protecting worthless workers and throwing good workers under the bus. Unions do the opposite of their duty. While there are those who would argue, it wasn’t the progressive administrations backed by the unions in Detroit, Bethlehem and Allentown, that pushed out industry, but anyone pragmatic cannot miss the correlation. Unions are like the Mayans who sacrificed people to their water god then threw the corpses into their wells.

If unions took their rightful place, as partners to business, protecting their industries instead of undermining them, defending the firms that are unionized instead of stabbing them in the back, and doing everything in their power to make the firms that hire union workers more profitable so the profits can be shared with the workers, instead of driving profits to zero as a goal. A parasite can take one of two paths. It can kill its host or it can help its host. The first path leads to eventual extinction no matter how fast the parasite is able to jump. The second leads to immortality. Sadly, unions take chosen the first, when the second would have benefited them, the workers and the nation. In this case, I would say the fat cats at the top are, as Bonhoeffer would call them… stupid.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment