You Have Power… You Just Don’t Use It

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are forging our own yoke and willingly donning it, many gleefully. Over the last two years, the elite have shown themselves to be not only incompetent, grasping and lacking self awareness, but their open election fraud, censorship and the cover up of the Biden laptop has gone by without a peep from the public. When I bring up that maybe we should write a few letters to our representatives, senators and the President, I get back sneers. People have given up on the process and are gearing up for the apocalypse. In doing so, we are forging the yoke, by allowing the nincompoop elite, to operate without complaint. Then, once they move and many of us go down in a blaze of glory, that will justify the rest donning that yoke of tyranny, to protect from the crazy constitutionalists.

It is true that one or two letters have little affect on a fat cat senator. They live in an echo chamber that is rarely penetrated by sanity. If however, they are inundated with emails, calls and letters from the voters complaining about… the boarder, the Biden crimes, keep us out of wars, stop printing money and monetizing the debt, etc… and they will act. There is nothing like a deluge of angry letters from constituents to put the fear of God into a fat cat. Moreover, there is nothing like the fear of God to get a fat cat off the sofa and acting. This is what makes that people’s lackadaisical attitude so vexing to me. People have freely given up their power because they have lost hope. When that power exercised, would restore hope, constitutional limits and our republic.

How long does it take to make a call to two senators and a representative? It is even less work to compose a very short missive and email it to them. The amount of effort needed to make your opinion heard by the elite is minimal. So laziness should not be an impediment. Especially since most of us have time to kill. Why not use a commercial break to write that missive and email it? Let them know, “I want the FBI to stop investigating mothers and fathers as domestic terrorists, if they don’t want their children indoctrinated by the administrative state’s tax funded monopoly public education system, in a nakedly racist ideology, namely, Critical Race Theory.” It is as easy as copying it from this article and pasting it on an email. All it takes is a moment of time to change the course of history.

Our culture, education system and idols of the marketplace, all tell us there is no hope. The world will become a dystopia and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The culture inculcates us with dystopian sci fi, the schools ignore civics and the talk about town is how we are screwed. Everyone knows in their heart that the elite have taken us off the rails and most are just bracing for the impact. What we need to recognize is that there is a way we can put it back on the rails. With little effort on any one person’s part… but many people taking part. A dozen calls, emails and letters will get the attention of a boss hog. A few hundred will get the slug thinking. A few thousand will get him out of the stripper bar and into the legislature to do something to stop it.

There is always hope. All we need do is act. Personally, I think it is easier to write a letter to a few entrenched elites, than to gear up to go out in a blaze of glory. Easier for me, my family and loved ones. Plus, the future is much brighter if we can get the train back on the rails, and fire the conductor and engineers that took us off it. The way to do that is to let the elite know what you think. Stewing in silence hasn’t worked. Now we need to say something. Don’t shout in a towel, write an email to your representatives and senators. Be an agent for positive change in the world, instead of a wart, waiting to be excised. Here is a link to find who represents you, your senators and their contacts. Take a few moments each week to let them know what you think. The future may depend on it.


John Pepin

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