Bonhoeffer, Confucius and The World As It Is

Dear Friends,

I have been trying to rectify the concepts of Bonhoeffer’s stupidity idea, the world as it is and Confucius’ leaders lead by example. Bonhoeffer’s idea that the real culprit in mankind’s fall is stupidity. That even the most intelligent can be stupid, and that stupidity is a far bigger threat to humanity than we can imagine. The world as it is would appear to reflect that idea in its problems. Problems that if the elite were the least competent wouldn’t be happening, yet they are, so the elite are either stupid else malevolent. The charitable sentiment is they are idiots. Confucius had much to say on the right ordering of a society though. His teaching’s leaned on the family, then the state, that leaders lead by example whether conscious of it or not, that ritual protects culture as righteousness does prosperity.

Our leaders epitomize what Bonhoeffer defined as stupid. They are overly educated, arrogant and myopic… very efficient. Efficient at what? Efficient at self destruction. The world was doing pretty good in 2019, before the corona virus was released, since then the elite have failed at everything. Turns out shutting down the economy created to shortages, that led to inflation, and now the expectation of inflation and monetizing the debt, is driving more inflation. Well done elite. The Russia and Ukraine war is the natural result of the Russia collusion hoax. The elite claimed that Russia equaled Trump for so long, progressives now despise Russia, like Trump. When Biden severed America’s energy jugular, he not only took away energy independence, but enriched the mad dogs of the world.

Confucius taught that the family is the basis for society, that the government is based on the family, that filial service is the highest calling, that rotten wood is no good for carving, that ritual is the way society protects its societal myth, the Golden Rule and most importantly for this discussion, that leaders lead by example. Stupid leaders will lead the people to be stupid, unwise and corrupt. Just as smart leaders will lead the people to be smart, wise, and virtuous. From this, if we accept Confucius’ teachings as true, we can conclude that since our world is acting stupidly, our leaders are stupid. That would be the logical conclusion, our leaders are too stupid to know they are destroying the world, so it’s not their fault. Except, I don’t think they are all stupid, some are malevolent, calculating and psychopathic.

I think elite psychopaths manipulate the stupid elite to their own ends. If you listen to Klaus, the Varmint, Schwab, and take him seriously, his claims the World Economic Forum controls most of the world’s governments… including, Russia and Ukraine. One has to wonder, if both governments are puppets of the WEF, why are they at war? Unless that war serves some greater goal of the WEF? Regardless of what that greater goal is the world is obviously being played. Klaus the Varmint is not the only elite that openly claims to be a world oligarch. George Soros is another. Along with his Open Society Foundation, that is dedicated to a world without boarders, so that globalist bankers can run the world, without the pesky people, governments, or morals getting in the way.

Look at beady eyed Biden and ask yourself, is he is a manipulator or the manipulated, stupid or wise as a serpent? The man couldn’t successfully mop the floor of a Wendy’s. With him as their front man, the manipulators expect the people to blame the half wit “in charge.” Deflecting responsibility from them and their malevolent game. Calling the elite stupid also has a certain Schadenfreude. It doesn’t actually accomplish anything though. If you accept that our leaders are for the most part stupid, and those idiots are manipulated by malevolent forces, then the first step is to get rid of the stupid leaders, next identify the manipulators, give them a good fair trial… then make examples of them. Lastly, set up a system to insure the elite never become so stupid and malevolent ever again.


John Pepin

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