Progressive Avatar

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressive faction, or as Tucker Carlson calls them, the neo liberals, epitomize, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth, lust, greed and pride. Well, epitomize may be too mild a word. The progressive movement is based on envy of everyone who has more of anything than the progressive. Gluttony is epidemic in our age and it is entirely the creation of progressives. The progressive monopoly education system inculcates sloth as the primary virtue followed by lust and greed. Then there is the pride movement. All of which are the brainchild of the Frankfurt school, the Fabian society and the Masonic order as well as many other powerful organizations that work behind the curtain in our society. When they removed prayer from the public square no one thought it would be replaced by this.

Let’s examine recent scandals that have not been disproved… by actual investigations. The Pizzagate scandal was never investigated, instead it was quickly swept under the rug, probably because the allegations are too ugly to behold directly. Instead, we must use a mirror of skepticism to look, lest we be turned to stone by it. There is the Jeffery Epstein “suicide” where all the cameras were turned off anywhere near his cell, the guards were asleep and he broke his own neck he strangled himself to death so vigorously… with paper sheets. The “suicide” of his European partner, Jean Luc Brunel, who died under the exact same conditions, didn’t raise an eyebrow. Then there is the conviction of Ghislaine Maxwell for pimping underage girls… and not one elite in their black book has been charged.

Compare the way the Mueller team went after the victims of the Russia gate hoax, to the way Durham is going after the creator of that hoax. Roger Stone got a 5AM FBI and SWAT raid on his home, complete with an operation mockingbird CNN backup. General Flynn was ruined financially and his reputation effectively destroyed by the administrative state, to protect the Russia collusion hoax. The malice, vitriol and utter contempt of both their victims our constitution and the law are unambiguous examples of the progressive’s wrath. Nixon was ruined because he had ventured onto the progressive hit sheet by prosecuting Alger Hiss in the 1950’s. Showing their teeth are sharp and their memory is long. Lust and wrath are perhaps the progressive’s principle virtues.

When has there ever been a man or woman of the people who couldn’t be bought off? Take a peek at Bernie Sanders. He went from stealing wood from people’s woodpiles to keep warm, to having multiple mansions on the lake, not from work, starting a business or smart investing, perish the thought… but from corrupt politics. Even though a progressive can be bought with opulence their hunger for it only grows along with their consumption of it. Like hogs at a trough, today’s progressive cannot get enough luxury, power over the masses and shoes. If not for Nancy Pelosi’s iron constitution, she would have dry rotted years ago, from plastic surgery to cover the drinking. Then there is progressive economics, outwardly based on socialist ideology (envy), and inwardly based on corporatism (greed).

Progressives even march with pride over their perversions. Thank goodness for the progressive’s legendary laziness though else they would have already raised Hell on Earth. That people who are the avatars of envy, lust, greed, gluttony, wrath, sloth and are proud of it, would engage in censorship follows like morning after night. We see the results of their unlimited rule and almost no one likes it. Our kids don’t know if they are boys or girls, their addiction to cell phones, selfies and fentanyl are mortally dangerous. as our money becomes worthless and everything is breaking down. Seemingly, a society based on the seven sins, sucks snot from a sewer.



John Pepin

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What Is Science Really?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is the antithesis of science, to ostracize a doctor for being a whistle blower. In fact it is anti science. If the term science means anything, it is the rational, unbiased examination into the natural world. This can only be done if all observations are accounted for. Especially those that go against the paradigm. Anything less is appeal to authority and was proven a fallacy during the Enlightenment. That those who are the most educated in science, fail to apply this basic truth about the philosophy with which they have dedicated their lives, is a testament to the failure of the education system that produced them. The testimony it gives, is that the adherents of natural philosophy (science) have abandoned it, for a return to appeal to authority as a religious duty.

Appeal to authority was the dominant paradigm for the millions of years that mankind walked the Earth. As a philosophy it served those in power but it’s rate of return on invested mental energy was very low. In fact in many cases history shows that the return on innovation was negative. In that an advancement could land a person in the bronze bull. That is why if you went back to the Bronze age and lifted a person into colonial New England, they would not be that out of touch. Oh, there would be some innovations that would amaze them, iron and it’s myriad of uses, but most everything else would be mundane to them. Even looms and other mechanical items. Step them forward another two centuries and both the colonial and Bronze age person would be agog. Why, because the scientific method.

The scientific method is a way of solving the problems of natural philosophy. It is a means to discern the natural world such that it is less subject to error. Under that schema the observer forms a theory, tests it under laboratory conditions, compares the theory to the results, then concludes with their observations. Other observers then reproduce the experiment to verify the outcome, theory and results. If other observers find different results then the observers form a new theory based on the new results. That is how “cold fusion” was supposedly discredited. Despite the fact, NASA is experimenting with “confined fusion,” which is cold fusion by another name. Nevertheless, the innovation of the scientific method from the Enlightenment has launched mankind to the heavens.

Thomas Kuhn’s theory of paradigm shift goes a long way to explaining why “experts” are so reticent to use the scientific method on their own ideas… it might prove decades of work useless. Most observers observe with an eye to proving their theories correct. Only the greats observe with an eye to proving their hypothesis wrong. Every time there is a paradigm shift, the work of many observers is rendered irrelevant. No one likes their life’s work made moot. Yet that is exactly what the scientific method requires. To diligently try and prove oneself wrong. One can “prove” almost anything is correct, given clever enough logic, yet the world and reality are much less amenable to manipulation. Jump off a cliff naked, and even Daniel Webster can’t outsmart gravity on the way down.

All of which makes it so amazing to me that folks who claim to be scientists, experts and a lot smarter people than me… all have abandoned the scientific method for appeal to authority, en masse. How do I know this? Because observers who call attention to failures in today’s paradigms are threatened with today’s version of the bronze bull. Proving the paradigm is priceless not the discipline. Instead of looking for proof they are wrong, today’s new class seeks to prove they are right… and like zealots, will stop at nothing to achieve it. In doing so abandoning the scientific method for appeal to authority. Why? It’s easier than discerning a speaker’s legitimacy oneself, and it protects the expert’s from being proven wrong, so their career can advance… when being proven wrong is how science advances.


John Pepin

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The Public Lie

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when a known liar claims we cannot allow just anyone to speak, what they are really saying is, they cannot allow anyone to make their lies public. Because nothing upsets a liar, like Obama, Biden and indeed the entire elite, (including the republican controlled opposition), as much as having their lies exposed. Lies only have power when people believe them. Even the most absurd lie will be believed if it is said with conviction. Like when the FBI and CIA colluded to forward the lie, Trump was in the pocket of the Russians, or when a gaggle of former security officials lied, claiming the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. We now know that those were bold faced lies. Liars serve the prince of lies. How much more so then… than when the lies are shameless and public?

When anyone is allowed to speak, those who are peddling lies, manipulations and absurdities are quickly exposed as such. This is never more true than when the liars are the powerful and the truth tellers are the weak. This is obviously the case, since the powerful claim they must control information, to protect us from… not lies, but “disinformation and misinformation.” Truths that the manipulating psychopaths would rather us not know. Another reliable tell is when the elite are caught in lie after lie, never apologizing, just forging ahead with more lies. Recent history is replete with lies from the experts who told them with a straight face, in a deep voice and with a heartfelt look. From Russia collusion and covid to the Biden lap top, everything the experts said, has turned out to be a lie.

Freedom of speech is about getting to the truth and liars despise the truth. The founding fathers had read Machiavelli and understood his suggestions to a would be tyrant all too well. The passage where Machiavelli urges a wise prince, to lie constantly, while claiming to be the most honest person who ever walked. The saints, angels and dare he say it, God himself is abashed at his honesty. Only someone so honest can be trusted with total control over all information! What idiot would allow just anyone to blurt out anything? That would be crazy. Who knows what someone might say… The founding fathers understood this mindset since they had seen it all their lives in the kings and princes that ruled the day. The solution to such a pathological mentality was, and still is… free speech.

Another way the psychopathic liars control thought and speech is by the fallacious argument, appeal to (false) authority. In the media appeal to authority is constantly used. No matter who speaks they must have authority. That authority is however almost never knowledge of the subject matter, but authority granted by the establishment, to promote the establishment point of view to the milling masses. Which, if you compare authority granted by the Church, (and thereby God in a diluted sense) compared to authority granted by psychopathic, egoistic, liars, (and thereby Lucifer in a deluded sense) the first is more legitimate by any measure than the latter. How often is someone offered as an expert, like Bill Gates, despite his ignorance magnified by his malice for the common run of Man?

The elite are now totally in the thrall of the Prince of Lies, judging by their unwillingness to engage in debate, allow free speech and obviously, by the constant, incessant and unending lies they vomit forth. Imagine being caught in one lie in such a public way? Like saying, “The Biden laptop was Russian disinformation,” when it is now obvious you had been caught in a public lie? Would you be ashamed? I would! They are not though? What was it, 60 former intelligence officers that were caught in a public lie, and not one has apologized. That’s not normal, that is the kind of reaction a psychopath or sociopath has, they lack shame. So we have to ask ourselves, “Do we want proven psychopaths and sociopaths, to have unlimited power over our bodies, our speech and our minds?


John Pepin

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Artificial Famine

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, every good Marxist creates a famine the moment they get in power, it is their way (their Tao). Mao starved to death as many as 45 million people, Stalin used famine as a political tool and today’s elite are following in their flaming footsteps. One way you can tell someone is evil incarnate is that they preside over a famine. Especially this day and age. Starving people to death is a way to control the population, create mass hysteria and put the herd in their place. Of course, those responsible for a famine are terrified they will be found out and get their comeuppances, so they engage in self interested censorship. You could say then that censorship and famine go hand in hand, for an elite bent on being remembered by history, as subhumans that were not afraid to break a few eggs.

How can we tell that the elite are creating an artificial famine for us to enjoy? By their actions. Shutting off fertilizer shipments to farmers in the critical spring planting season, will insure a dearth of corn, milo and wheat. The staple crops. Stopping diesel fuel additive will idle all new tractors, so that the fields cannot even be plowed, let alone planted or fertilized. These policies will result in a dramatic drop in food production. Very progressive, diabolic and psychopathic of the elite. The elite’s reaction to the Russian Ukraine war only exacerbates the problem. By tossing down sanctions, like a gambler does bets on the ponies, the elite have cut off Russian exports of fertilizer to the West. Severing imports of food and our ability to grow it… by fiat, are not the actions of one who wants well fed people.

You have to wonder why food processing plants are being burned down daily? Wouldn’t you think, that since fire seems to be an issue, the corporations that run them would put a security guard at one or two? Of course, they are well insured so the managerial elite will get their bonuses, even as the people starve. Nevertheless, food security is a primary obligation of any government. Failing a primary duty like food security is damning of a government’s competence, virtue and existence itself. Some of the most heinous atrocities committed by the people, against each other and the government, have been done due to famine. Hungry people are quick to anger, protest and riot. Any government then, that seeks to stay in power, will do everything in it’s power, to secure sufficient food for the people.

Since the elite have a monopoly on the public square, they can pretend they didn’t willfully, intentionally and with full knowledge of the consequences for humanity, create an artificial famine. They can, and will blame, Putin’s war, the Wuhan flu and our obesity. Without anyone to offer a differing opinion most will default to believing the liars. That monopoly is at risk though. Even if Musk fails to pry open Twitter to become a free speech platform… their house of cards is feeling a breeze. When parents have to limit the food their kids eat, they will look to why, and their gaze will be filled with contempt. This isn’t 1960’s China, where the people are ignorant, angry and brain washed. The polls tell a story the elite fail to hear. It opines of their demise, monopoly, or not.

Who knows why the elite are intentionally creating a famine. That they are, is becoming ever more undeniable, given their actions. The stupidity argument only holds up if the elite are lazy, but they are anything but inactive… they are very active. Passing regulations to cut our ability to feed ourselves by wounding our farmers, and sanctioning foreign nations to stop critical imports, are all actions that create the conditions for a famine. Stupid and lazy go together, as does active and malevolent. Regardless of why they are doing it they need to be punished for it. Punished at the polls, with ridicule and criminally. Those found responsible for creating the upcoming famine need to be made examples of, so that the elite in the future will shudder at the thought of starving us, ever again.


John Pepin

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Religion, Atheism and Skepticism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, at one time scripture was looked upon without skepticism, now everything in it must be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt else it is discounted, but… shouldn’t there be a golden mean between the two extremes? Where we accept the Bible with healthy skepticism but without open animosity. Wouldn’t that be the more rational, mature and open minded approach? Apply skepticism to both sides? Our children are proselytized in the State’s established religion… atheism, by the administrative state’s monopoly school system. Today, people think it’s smart to say, “I don’t believe anything that has not been scientifically proven…” Then use that statement to justify their belief in atheism. When atheism is a notion based on hatred of God and nothing else.

Hatred is a powerful emotion and as such is an effective tool for manipulation. Get someone to hate, even one they would otherwise love (like God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus) and you can manipulate them into murdering their best friend. Hatred of the good and love of evil, is accomplished by calling good evil and evil good. A strategy we see in the media all day every day. The elite call grooming children by sexual predators, a good thing, and parents terrorists, for opposing the manipulation of their children into self harm. No wonder the truth burns the elite’s eyes nose and throats. They claim “science” has proven God doesn’t exist. When that is the opposite of the truth. Science has proven no such thing. It is like saying that the existence of saddles proves horses need not exist.

That the US has established a State religion is a direct violation of the First Amendment, by perverting the language into its opposite. To this line of argumentation the progressive will claim with a straight face that atheism is not a religion. It is the only line of reasoning where they don’t have to admit they are liars, devils and Satan worshipers. Obviously they know they are lying, and what they serve, but that is why they apply unwarranted skepticism to God and his works. While rejecting any skepticism of their claims. Atheism is a sect of Satanism as is Lucifarianism. It is not a religion that seeks to elevate mankind but to lower us. If atheism is based on “science” and reason, why are the adherents so emotional about it? Rational, logical and scientific discourse is never emotional… religious zealots are.

You have to ask yourself, “Why is it such big news, every time archaeologists find new proof the Bible is correct?” Recently archaeologists have found a curse tablet in the Holy land, that pushes back the time the Jews had a written language, by thousands of years. Once again proving the Bible historically accurate. To the consternation of the Lucifarian elite. You know why it is such big news when another facet of the Bible is proven correct? Because the elite do archaeology with an eye to disprove the Bible. Which only further discredits their position when they prove it true. Because the best witness is a hostile witness that verifies your testimony. I bet there is much archaeology that has been hidden by the elite to protect their atheism. We are told lies to distance us from God.

The problem with biblical skeptics is that their skepticism is a single edged sword. It only cuts one way. Some would say the same of the religious and in many cases they wouldn’t be wrong. The golden mean would be to maintain skepticism of all claims, be they in line with our wants, or not. Discounting the statements of historical figures is as arrogant as it gets. It is someone ignorant telling a witness they didn’t see what they saw. The atheists elite use skepticism as a weapon not a tool for truth. They claim the high ground by their skepticism of God’s works, rejecting any skepticism of their lies, as zealotry. How do I know the elite are lying when they claim God doesn’t exist? Because they are proven liars, like their master… Lucifer, the prince of lies.


John Pepin

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The Scalding Light of Skepticism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, unfortunately, many of us are unable to be skeptical of government, no matter how many times we have caught them in a lie. Like Lincoln’s old adage, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time…” for that you need social media’s censorship. Many people today can be fooled all the time. Mostly because they are willing to be deluded. I wonder if some people even have a nihilistic, inner self destructive urge, inculcated by the public education system. Regardless of why some lack skepticism, that lack allows them to be manipulated, and thereby push popular opinion away from self interested skepticism… and to a blind obedience to known swindlers. To our mutual injury.

Skepticism is a healthy attitude, especially when we have caught someone lying to us before. There is an entire school of philosophy called skepticism. That idea was invented by Descartes and was made famous by his adage, “I think therefore I am.” Under skepticism, the skeptic questions everything. The only thing the Cartesian knows for certain, is that he or she exists, because of their subjective reality. The skeptic is less likely to fall for a swindle, because they question everything… especially things too good to be true. Moreover, the rational skeptic has a sliding scale of skepticism depending on the reliability of the speaker. A proven liar will be met with absolute skepticism where a truth teller will have a lower bar to meet. Nevertheless, even a truth teller’s statements must be examined.

Everyone wants to be able to trust the government implicitly, but the reality is, we cannot… and the elite have proven we cannot. We have been taught to trust the government in school, because we “elect” the leaders and they rule at our “suffrage.” Clearly, since the 2020 open and obvious election fraud, we now know that to be a lie. We are told the bureaucracy is filled with experts who have the best interests of the nation in mind, yet their actions prove the opposite. If they are working in our best interests, why have they regulated the railroads to stop bringing fertilizer to farmers in the critical spring planting season? Why have they shut off Diesel additive shipments as well? When anyone with half a brain, let alone an expert, would know that such actions will result in famine?

I don’t know for certain the percentage of the population that lacks skepticism but I bet they land in a Pareto distribution. (Also called the 80/20 rule). Some people, 20% of the whole probably, will believe anything the elite say and fight to the death to defend it. In Germany in the late 1930s, only about 20% of the German people were card carrying Nazis, yet the Nazis ruled with an iron fist. What this tells us is that all it takes is a small minority of zealots to destroy a nation. Sadly, that is where we are today. Some, (20%) are so stupid, they believe even the most absurd things without a speck of cognitive dissonance. Things that are not only clearly crazy but evil incarnate. Those of us with a brain, can bend to the will of the insane, else we can stand up, and call out them out as inane.

Manipulators will manipulate… but they need moldable minds. Their access to weak minds can be cut off with an effective education system, ending social media censorship and adopting a healthy skepticism towards known liars. Absurdity needs silence else it is exposed and evaporates. Those of us who willingly self censor, because the crazies have a perverted sense of morality, are blind zealots and are openly violent. Even engaging in stochastic terrorism against truth tellers, like “Libs of ticktock” for example. We can change the paradigm by teaching those around us to be skeptical of the elite, the media and the government. Skepticism is the cure for the disease of trusting pathological liars. The 80% of us that are sane, need to control the 20% who are not… with the scalding light of skepticism.


John Pepin

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Banning Politicians From Office

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it’s time to take a page from the progressive playbook, and start disqualifying democrats for anti constitutional votes, statements and actions. Today the argument that petitioning our government for a redress of grievances, is insurrectionist behavior, has been validated by federal court judge Amy Totenberg. Clearly, since the Constitution itself, in the First Amendment, guarantees that as a foundational Right, charging anyone for petitioning government for a redress of grievances, especially the open, obvious and onerous election fraud of 2020, are engaged in anti constitutional activity, and by their own logic are disqualified to hold office. The elite hold others to a standard, they themselves do not meet, so it is only reasonable that we should force them to that standard.

In a constitutional republic insurrection can only be against the Constitution. Insurrection against an anti constitutional cabal, is demanded by the framers of the Constitution… including Madison, Jay and Hamilton, the big government guys of the day. Put another way, it is the duty and obligation of every citizen, to remove any politician, judge or bureaucrat who actively works against our Constitution and the republic for which it stands. By the standard laid down by the framers of the Constitution itself, jailing petitioners of government for a redress of grievances, especially a fraudulent election, is not only illegal, it is a blatant Constitutional violation. Therefore, anyone calling the Jan 6 protesters insurrectionists… are proving their anti constitutional chops, and should be banned from office.

If we did ban anti constitutional candidates from office, there would be no democrat and few republicans eligible to run. Rest assured though, if we treated progressives like they do constitutionalists, the elite would repeal the 14th amendment instantly… by court fiat. If you think of it, banning anti constitutional candidates from office is a reasonable action, especially since our Constitution is under assault from the very elect that are obligated and duty bound to protect it. If this is true of politicians, how much more so of judges? We expect corrupt politicians to pervert everything they touch. Judges are supposed to be held to a higher standard. Therefore, we need to start demanding the impeachment of judges that pervert our Constitution to political ends… like Amy Totenberg.

The way to decide the eligibility of a candidate, under the new democrat plan, would be to look at their past votes with an eye to determining their constitutional stance. Judged by his statements, Obama was a rabid anti constitutionalist, and his actions once in office proved it. Moreover, can anyone argue with a straight face that Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schiff, Graham, McConnell or Keven McCarthy are constitutionalists? Of course not. They are elitists, they believe in the administrative state, not a constitutional republic. That is crazy talk… limiting their power to harm the grazing masses. By their own standards, almost all those in power today are unqualified to hold office. In that, I agree with the democrats, that progressives are insurrectionists against our Constitution, and therefore unqualified.

It is time for us to find lawyers and start using the court system to disqualify democrats, and indeed many republicans, who have taken nakedly anti constitutional stances. We now have a federal judge who has verified that politicians can be banned, for a pro constitutional stance, (if it is disfavored by the elite) how much more disqualifying is it, to take an obviously anti constitutional stand? The first thing to do is find pro constitutional attorneys, like Robert Barnes. Next we need to court shop as the progressives do. File in Texas… not DC. Then file suit against every politician that we feel is anti constitutional. In this way can we restore the US, to a Constitutional republic replacing the unconstitutional administrative totalitarian state, unaccountable to anyone.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the inflation problem is entirely the elite’s fault. Energy was cheap, until Biden’s first days in office, and issued his executive orders severing America’s energy carotid. Even with the insane money printing the Federal Reserve has done in the last decade, to the tune of trillions, inflation was tame. Biden and democrat governors, as well as world leaders, loosed shortages with their shutdowns. Shortages led to inflation and then the pent up tension of all those dollars began to unwind. The reaction of the elite to their Russian – Ukraine proxy war is inept at best, and most likely intentionally malevolent. That they blame everyone else for their “ineptitude,” to be kind, is how a baby acts. Proving the elite today have the maturity of a toddler. Not the best qualification for leadership.

The reason the Federal Reserve was able to print so many dollars is because it is the world’s reserve currency and is/was exclusively used to trade oil. This created an inexhaustible demand for dollars. Any nation that seeks to trade needed them as well as to purchase energy. With that as the paradigm almost no amount of monetizing the US debt would tank the dollar. During the 2008 financial crisis the Federal reserve printed over 30 trillion dollars and it didn’t make a blip on inflation. Some people claim that 80% of all dollars ever printed were printed in the last decade. Even with all those trillions upon trillions printed the US had low inflation. Now we are seeing record inflation. Why? Because of the shortages the lock downs created. Now those shortages have created the expectation of inflation.

The Russian Chinese alliance, as well as Biden’s ineptitude has scuttled the Petrodollar. Russia is demanding other nations pay for their energy in Rubles. Many are balking, especially Europe. They want to pay for energy in their own worthless currency. Others want desperately to use dollars since they have so many and they are rapidly losing their value. Nevertheless Europe and other nations will have to pay in Rubles else go cold. Biden’s inept or malevolent policies have empowered Putin and Xi to undermine the dollar in a myriad of ways. Using the international settlements system as a weapon has exposed it as a tool of the western elite to control the world. Shockingly other world leaders are not cool with that. As a result they are looking for alternatives… like the new Chinese system.

Using the SWIFT international settlements system as a weapon has discredited it. If you were an international leader, would you use a system that can be turned against you and your nation, at the whim of a psychopath? The SWIFT system was one of the primary ways the US dollar was kept the world reserve currency. Now that it has been exposed as a weapon, every nation will be searching for a way around it. Plus, why would any country keep US dollars as reserve now? With its decrease in value approaching the speed of sound those reserves are rapidly becoming worthless. Because of Biden and the Western elite the US dollar will go the way of the Greenback and the Continental. Both were fiat currencies and became standing jokes… as the Dollar will soon be.

Biden is an idiot and always has been, but he is not in charge, someone else is. Maybe the faction with monopoly control of the Administrative state, didn’t count on discrediting the SWIFT system by using it as a weapon, perhaps they were surprised that Russia, China and Saudi Arabia would conspire to undermine the petro dollar, and it’s possible that Russia’s response to NATO amassing an army of over 100,000 troops in Poland and an additional tens of thousands in Baltic Republics, but if so, doesn’t that scream incompetence? Else they did it intentionally. If that is true they are traitors and dearly deserve the penalty for that crime. Regardless, everything that is going wrong, is the fault of the progressive faction that pulls Biden’s strings.


John Pepin

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Wars and Rumors of Wars

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, war is always the answer to every problem… for the pathological, psychopathic and stupid. Why discuss issues when we can just force others to agree by waging war on them. Whether they don’t want to be subjugated, a convenient villain or an Antichrist like Hitler, Stalin or Mao. War has other advantages as well. It bestows glory to the leader who wins a war, it lowers the population of potential malcontents, and is the ultimate expression of state power over the individual. Imagine the glee of a demon that manipulates people, who otherwise would be best friends, to murder each other in the most gruesome way imaginable. Moreover, having a productive discourse with someone who has his or her own self interests, and will not abandon them for yours, is too hard for the stupid.

We grew up on stories of WWII, Korea and Vietnam, we just lost a war with sheepherders and gave them 80 billion in parting gifts… and now the pathological, psychopathic and stupid elite are doing everything in their power to start another? How pathetic are we to allow such losers to not only run the show but keep getting us into needless wars? It’s not like we don’t have a history of wars or the suffering they create from prosperity. Did you see a speck of contrition, shame or introspection when the elite lost Afghanistan? I didn’t, instead, they punished the only military person to call attention to their debacle. Our administrative state has proven it is shameless, inept and wrathful… as well as unable to learn from their mistakes. In what sane universe do people give such idiots power?

Why act mature when you can send other people’s children to fight and die, to force others to your way of thinking, no matter how perverted it is. One thing the elite in the West have proven is their willingness to use force to silence their own people. Imagine explaining to George Washington how the government is justified… in punishing a citizen for growing too much corn on his property, sterilizing someone against their will, or jail a whole segment of citizens for an arbitrary attribute. Since the elite have perverted the Constitution… so they can use force, propaganda and then “democracy, instead of discourse, freedom and polity, they are like a puppy with a new bone. People tend to have fidelity to that which has worked in the past. So the elite use the same strategy on an international stage.

Wars are great distractions from domestic abuses, poverty and a diminishing standard of living. The Ukraine war for example. It is distracting us from the Durham criminal charges, historic inflation, energy shortages, the boarder catastrophe, the opioid crisis, the failing schools, targeting parents as domestic terrorists for pushing back on grooming children, the results of the lock downs, the vaccine adverse events like enlarged hearts in our teenagers, collapse of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, epidemic of hopelessness, gutting of the manufacturing base, and that our politicians are bought and paid for by the CCP. Quislings like Biden, Schumer, Keven McCarthy, Pelosi, Graham, McConnell, and the entire Supreme Court except Thomas and Gorshuch, epitomize this pathology.

Manipulating people who otherwise would be best friends to murder each other horribly, is evil, pure and simple, and I challenge anyone to argue it is good. Taking the side of evil and calling it good is the culture which we live in today. A “just war” for example. How many Syrians have to die before it is enough for the western elite? Are the psychopaths who run the world willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to unseat Putin? The calls for nuclear war resound from the lips of the elite like the screams of the damned in Hell. You have to ask yourself, “What kind of evil half wit calls for nuclear war over ANYTHING?” Tolerating these pathological psychopathic fools, is now become a mortal threat to us and our children. Speak up, boycott and do whatever it takes, to get these demons out of power.


John Pepin

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Theater or Cave?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, everything that we are shown is theater. From the newest lockdowns in China, to the subway black supremacist, everything we are presented is a carefully scripted narrative. Why else would the billionaire elite be so freaked out about another billionaire buying a stake in Twitter? It is because their entire malevolent edifice is a house of cards, requiring “information supremacy,” because the slightest breeze of truth would topple it. If you think these stories don’t make sense, your right, they don’t… as told. Once you realize they are all tales to trigger your emotions, change the economic paradigm and keep the ground dancing under our feet, they are no longer absurd… but diabolical. The elite have us in a cave, and what we see are shadows on the wall… to channel Plato.

The fable that the lockdowns in China are for some patently absurd “zero covid policy,” does not jibe with reality. Why clean a single stair on an escalator, test fish and tackle women on the streets to force testing? Theater, its all theater, to impress stupid Westerners that the CCP is serious about preventing the Wuhan flu. We fixate on the distraction, cats and dogs being beaten to death by shovel, to keep us from looking at the truth, the lockdowns will create more shortages, since everything is made in China, and those shortages will inevitably lead to more inflation. That increase in inflation will eventually drive foreign central banks to sell their US government bonds, causing the free fall of the dollar and its loss as the worlds reserve currency. Catapulting the CCP to a leadership position.

The black supremacist subway shooter, who the elite told us is not a terrorist (presumably because he is not a white supremacist) supposedly, left the credit card he used to rent the truck at the scene of the crime, only got off a few rounds before his gun jammed so badly he couldn’t clear it, no one tackled him when his gun jammed, when the car stopped he escaped unseen with a gas mask on in a crowd of onlookers, he had a bag of ordinance that he also left at the scene and shouted anti white racial epithets. Makes perfect sense… to no one. This whole story is clearly a lie. I suspect this was a false flag carried out by an FBI patsy to create racial animosity, “hopefully” triggering some crazy low IQ white person to do a similar thing, then voila, they have the excuse to round up conservatives.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk is threatening a hostile takeover of Twitter. That has the elite in a total panic. They thought they could control him by giving him a board seat and then shadow banning his votes, but he has no need of a hack job, the man is building the infrastructure to make mankind a space faring species, he has no need of lucrative make work. Musk has however mentioned, on more than one occasion, that he does not believe in censorship. That puts him at odds with the current crop of elite who do. Were he to pry open the town square to all ideas again, including constitutional concepts, the house of cards the elite have built from CRT, confusing boys with girls, teaching stupidity, rotting the system from within, and openly defying our Constitution… would collapse instantly.

I think it was Mark Twain who said, If you don’t read newspapers, you’re ignorant, if you do read newspapers, you’re misinformed. The meaning is obvious. That media doesn’t inform, it misinforms… to manipulate us. That was the case then, how much more so now that the pathological globalist progressive elite have monopoly control of the digital town square, newspapers and television? From their vantage of “information supremacy,” they can manipulate us into… taking an experimental biological agent they called a vaccine, accede to shutting down small businesses but not Walmart, and mask our children doing permanent social, linguistic and intellectual harm. Too many of us still believe the lies. That’s why I am cheering for Elon’s hostile takeover of Twitter… and will help if I can.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment