Artificial Famine

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, every good Marxist creates a famine the moment they get in power, it is their way (their Tao). Mao starved to death as many as 45 million people, Stalin used famine as a political tool and today’s elite are following in their flaming footsteps. One way you can tell someone is evil incarnate is that they preside over a famine. Especially this day and age. Starving people to death is a way to control the population, create mass hysteria and put the herd in their place. Of course, those responsible for a famine are terrified they will be found out and get their comeuppances, so they engage in self interested censorship. You could say then that censorship and famine go hand in hand, for an elite bent on being remembered by history, as subhumans that were not afraid to break a few eggs.

How can we tell that the elite are creating an artificial famine for us to enjoy? By their actions. Shutting off fertilizer shipments to farmers in the critical spring planting season, will insure a dearth of corn, milo and wheat. The staple crops. Stopping diesel fuel additive will idle all new tractors, so that the fields cannot even be plowed, let alone planted or fertilized. These policies will result in a dramatic drop in food production. Very progressive, diabolic and psychopathic of the elite. The elite’s reaction to the Russian Ukraine war only exacerbates the problem. By tossing down sanctions, like a gambler does bets on the ponies, the elite have cut off Russian exports of fertilizer to the West. Severing imports of food and our ability to grow it… by fiat, are not the actions of one who wants well fed people.

You have to wonder why food processing plants are being burned down daily? Wouldn’t you think, that since fire seems to be an issue, the corporations that run them would put a security guard at one or two? Of course, they are well insured so the managerial elite will get their bonuses, even as the people starve. Nevertheless, food security is a primary obligation of any government. Failing a primary duty like food security is damning of a government’s competence, virtue and existence itself. Some of the most heinous atrocities committed by the people, against each other and the government, have been done due to famine. Hungry people are quick to anger, protest and riot. Any government then, that seeks to stay in power, will do everything in it’s power, to secure sufficient food for the people.

Since the elite have a monopoly on the public square, they can pretend they didn’t willfully, intentionally and with full knowledge of the consequences for humanity, create an artificial famine. They can, and will blame, Putin’s war, the Wuhan flu and our obesity. Without anyone to offer a differing opinion most will default to believing the liars. That monopoly is at risk though. Even if Musk fails to pry open Twitter to become a free speech platform… their house of cards is feeling a breeze. When parents have to limit the food their kids eat, they will look to why, and their gaze will be filled with contempt. This isn’t 1960’s China, where the people are ignorant, angry and brain washed. The polls tell a story the elite fail to hear. It opines of their demise, monopoly, or not.

Who knows why the elite are intentionally creating a famine. That they are, is becoming ever more undeniable, given their actions. The stupidity argument only holds up if the elite are lazy, but they are anything but inactive… they are very active. Passing regulations to cut our ability to feed ourselves by wounding our farmers, and sanctioning foreign nations to stop critical imports, are all actions that create the conditions for a famine. Stupid and lazy go together, as does active and malevolent. Regardless of why they are doing it they need to be punished for it. Punished at the polls, with ridicule and criminally. Those found responsible for creating the upcoming famine need to be made examples of, so that the elite in the future will shudder at the thought of starving us, ever again.


John Pepin

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