The Established State Religion… Satanism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Atheism is a subcategory of a religion, as Catholicism and Protestantism or Sunni and Shia are subcategories of Christianity and Islam. Moreover Atheism is a subcategory of Satanism. Atheism, being the belief that God does not exist, but more than that, atheism is hostile to God, as is the deity they worship, knowingly or not… Lucifer. An agnostic however is not hostile to God, they merely question his existence, making agnosticism a subcategory of religion, in line with Christianity, Judaism or Buddhism. Atheism, like other Satanic religions, exploits lies to gain power. Because, those who would knowingly follow Satan are of such a lesser caliber of men, they are useless to his cause. The swindle, that made atheism the official State religion, made our government literally serve Satan.

One could argue results, since the results speak for themselves. Prayer was taken out of the US schools in the late 1960s and replaced with atheism. Since then the success of graduates has fallen off the table by every measure. In knowledge, life outcomes and success in building nuclear families, the education system has failed… unless you understand it now serves Satan. Then everything it does makes perfect sense. Instead of learning their ABCs, children are confused if they are boys or girls, taught to worship Satan (themselves and the State) and brainwashed into a Satanic political faction. Now, instead of most graduates going on to create successful families, have well paying jobs and leaving this Earth surrounded by loving family, graduates die of opioids, get sterilized and die alone on a toilet.

While the education results are bad, the economic results are worse. The atheistic government, following in it’s Satanic duty, regulated the American economy out of existence. Forcing corporations to move manufacturing to our mortal enemy, their religious brothers, Communist China. That little trick cost millions of well paying jobs in the US. Would a government that believed in God, the golden rule, and is human hearted do such a thing… or are those the actions of a government that serves Lucifer? Governments that serve God inculcate hope in the people, governments that serve Satan inculcate hopelessness in theirs. Ask yourself, does your government inculcate hope in the people, or hopelessness? That alone will answer if your government serves God or Satan.

To claim that atheism is not religion is to say that football is a sport, but basketball is not, because it is not football. Else one could argue that atheism is not belief so it is not religion, which is certainly a belief. Atheism is an idea held in the mind of a human being. Ideas represent beliefs… therefore atheism is a belief. If it is a belief about the transcendental, and it is… then it is a religion. Since it is a belief that is openly hostile to God then it falls into the subcategory of Satanism (those theories, ideas or beliefs that are antithetical to God). The last argument that atheism is not religion is that atheism is disbelief, and thus the opposite of religion, which is belief. This argument holds that disbelief is not a belief as well. If I disbelieve in penicillin to cure disease, does that mean I am not believing something?

Atheists will argue to the ends of the Earth that atheism is not a religion, it is religion’s opposite, and so it should be the official State religion. Just as a zealous Catholic, Islamist or Jew, might like to have the State enforce their religion, teach it in the public schools and actively suppress other religions through oppressive and illegitimate means. Being antithetical to God, as is Satan, means Atheism is a sub category of Satanism. That the Administrative state is atheistic proves it literally serves Satan. The results speak for themselves. Our society, culture and nation is floundering under the state religion of Satanism. Isn’t it time to return to Constitutional rule, abandon the established State religion of Satanism, and return prayer to schools, the Golden Rule to government and God to our lives?


John Pepin

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Politics Cannot Solve Our Problems

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our society has become enthralled by the lie, that politics can solve all our problems. When the exact opposite is usually the case. Most of our problems directly result from politics. If you don’t think of it, it makes perfect sense that government could solve any problem. The State has the money, the power to pass laws and a monopoly on violence. It wields incredible power. The reasoning goes, with that much power, the State could do anything. Yet consistently, the State fails even in its most basic duties, let alone taking on changing the planet’s temperature, resetting our economy or usurping the role of the church. Politics indeed cannot solve all, most or even a few of our problems, we cannot subcontract our duty to the government, we must solve them ourselves.

How could an entity with that much temporal power not be able to solve any problem? Government has always wielded enormous power, money and armies to do what it wants. That power is over human beings, not the weather, physics or economics however. A government can wage war on drugs all it wants but it cannot win. Drugs are not people and thus cannot capitulate. That is why, even when government honestly wants to help, it hinders instead. Because the elite see that money, bureaucracy and army and think they can impose their will on God. The fact gravity, fire and economics are not amenable to regulation by government, is lost on the elite and their sycophants. Like when Xerxes ordered the Hellespont whipped for destroying his bridge. It is an exercise in futility.

While the State is more than happy to accept all the Rights we are willing to delegate to it, for the purposes of solving all our problems, solving problems is not in the State’s interest. Expecting anyone to act against their interest is always a fool’s errand… especially sociopaths and psychopaths. Therefore, no matter the power government is given, it will never solve a problem, the money is in managing it with a bureaucratic agency. This is one reason no problem has ever been solved by government, they have been managed. If government solved a problem, there would no longer be a need for that agency, and that can NEVER be allowed to happen. Take the “Rural Electrification Project” that is still operational. Apparently, in the US, rural people will never get electricity… despite our having it.

If all our problems could be solved by an all powerful state, why didn’t any of the historic totalitarian governments solve any of humanity’s longstanding problems? Rather they exacerbated the problems to tragedy and crisis. Far from making sure everyone is well nourished, labor is not alienating and everyone is equal… famine always accompanies any socialist order. That is just a historic truth. Those that see government as the solution to all our problems, have forgot there are other sources of solution, sources that have been the font of great strides in humanity. Fraternal organizations, churches, and individual initiative have solved all our problems in the past. Even the problems government created. Why not return to what has worked… instead of clutching onto that which has not?

The reality is, politics cannot solve our problems, it is the source of most of them. We must solve our own problems, and to do so, we have to take back the power we have delegated to the State for that purpose. It is using those powers to make things worse. The first step is to get our fellows to realize that our problems cannot be solved by politics. Let everyone hear the message and the logic of it will permeate even the strongest brainwashing. It is a self evident fact, and being self evident it needs no argument, but to be heard. The elite cannot attack that message so will attack the truth tellers who utter it. When you hear someone claim that we need law, a court order or a Presidential edict, to solve a problem, point out to them… not all our problems can be solved by politics.


John Pepin

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How Much Power Is Enough?

Dear Friends,

It seems a self evident fact to me… some people have more power to effect the course of humanity than others. Those people just met in Washington DC to connive their next move. In that they begrudge us the little effect we still have and seek with all their malevolent might to divest us of it. With terms like, “Stakeholder Capitalism,” that is corporatism or fascism by other names, they openly tell us, “You will own nothing and be happy.” As if that wasn’t Orwellian enough they announced that in a few years the SWIFT system (System for International Settlements) will be replaced by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). How totalitarian of the elite. Yes, some people have more power than all of the rest of us, and they want even more. Is that sane… or pathological?

There is a term, enough, that is lost on some people. Some people can never get enough, be it money, sex or power. They are a black hole, the more it consumes the more voracious it gets. While it in and of itself is a terrible burden, when that gluttony goes unhindered, the rest of us suffer as well. Those gluttons who get big enough bend society, economics and politics around them as a singularity bends light, space time and has an event horizon. Time eventually ends them all, and even their legacies, but perhaps it would be wise to stop them from getting that big in the first place? Since it would be immoral to try to change someone’s nature, the Pareto curve is so unrelenting, and socialism only exacerbates the problem, then the answer would be… as total a meritocracy as possible.

The basic argument boils down to, who is better suited to rule, us (the hoi polloi) or the experts? The consensus of experts is that experts should have unlimited power, wielded through a global administrative state. Hard to argue against the experts, unless you realize referring to someone as an expert, who is an expert in another field, is call to false authority. It is the go to for the experts today. Instead of turning off our brains because someone is called an expert, by liars, perchance we could base our verdicts on the power of the argument, rather than the perceived authority of the speaker. Trusting authority instead of the logic of the argument is why children don’t know if they are boys or girls today. Now that we have established what the experts think… what do you think?

Those of us who practice pragmatism have to decide which has yielded better results, rule by experts or self government? The experts gave us the French Revolution and its government, the Soviet Union and Mao’s China. All of which excelled in death by government. With these setting the pattern how could a government go wrong? On the other hand, self government brought us the United States, prior to the 1930’s rise in the Administrative state. A period of unmatched gains in prosperity, technology and science. There have been glitches, the War Between the States for example, but all in all the United States has been a beacon for the world to follow. Doubt it? Then why do so many risk life and limb to get here? They vote with their feet for self government, as it is.

Just because rule by experts has always resulted in the mass deaths of the ruled, doesn’t mean it will happen again on a global scale, but it does suggest that is the trajectory the experts have put us on, again. That the powerful begrudge the weak any say at all is not simply haughty, hypocritical and half witted, but shows a total lack of self awareness. Then again psychopaths are rarely self astute. Since self rule has worked so well in the past, wouldn’t it behoove us to go back to it, instead of trusting the experts who have let us down so many times in the past? That would be the pragmatic thing to do. An idealist would argue, global corporatist socialism is what they have always needed to get Utopia to work. Ignoring the past, they feel the experts should have unchecked power… I don’t, do you?


John Pepin

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The State’s War On Religion

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a government that seeks to control what preachers say at the podium, serves Lucifer. No matter if the government bureaucrats who limit ministerial speech, are experts in comparative religion, bureaucratic sages or geniuses, their limits are still limits, not from God or a prophet speaking in God’s name, but from a measly cubicle cribber… and thus will amount to an arbitrary, or worse, political stranglehold on religious thought. How does that not serve Lucifer? There are two great forces that have always been at odds throughout human history. No, they are not the proletariat and the capitalists, they are the Church and State. That was the epic battle of the titans we have been witness to, participants in and victims of. In that war, the politicians have the initiative, due to State violence.

In the titanic battle between the State and the Church, the State has the advantage of a monopoly on violence. Which means the State need not convince anyone of anything, it only needs to pass a law, then send in the police backed by SWAT. Ways you can tell that the state has become despotic, might be; A pastor that stood up to the Schutzstaffel in his church, could get pulled over on the highway by SWAT and arrested, jailed and prosecuted for his insolence. The State could arbitrarily shut down churches but not liquor stores. Else the elite might demand copies of sermons to peruse for wrong-think, like in Houston Texas. When one side (the State) has a monopoly on violence, and is corrupt, they would do anything to forward their egoistic goals… nothing is off the table.

In the US the state controls the church by the mechanism of tax free status. Churches, synagogues and other religious organizations get a tax free exemption, as long as they don’t engage in anything that can be seen as political. Which in practice, as in everything in the political realm, is subjective, and thus arbitrarily enforced. Usually with an eye to politics. The Black churches are an example of nakedly political churches that are allowed to openly push for democrats, because that faction controls the levers of enforcement, the Administrative state. While if a Catholic, Baptist or Mormon church is too ardently anti abortion, their 501 c 3 status is threatened by the same administrative state. By this mechanism the state controls the church’s speech, thought, and therefore… cannon.

Some people complain that the Chinese Communist Party is anti religion, when that is not the case at all. The CCP are devout believers, in themselves, and demand at the barrel of a gun, that everyone else believe as well. No other religion is allowed to get between the subject and the state. In this we see that a faction has usurped the role of state and church. Bulldozing churches, ethnic cleansing of Muslims and involuntary organ donation for Falun Gong practitioners, are the advantages your religion has, when controlling the state and it’s monopoly on violence. Well, for those without morals, hearts or souls anyway. The CCP has simply decided to use its monopoly on violence in a way that is practical, to enforce their whims on every man woman and child in society, without exception.

When a state uses coercion to limit the speech of religion it is usurping that religion by violence. Obviously, “religions” that practice human sacrifice, call for violence or other crimes against humanity, are not religions, or even civilized, and must be controlled. Those that refrain from calls to violence should not be limited at all however. The hair is cleaved at violence and calls for violence. That is the fire in a theater the progressives are always using against our free speech, even as they throw smoke bombs, shout and pull the fire alarm, to manipulate us. The administrative state doesn’t need moral guidance… experts know it all. That is why they see no problem usurping the role of the church, and in so doing, serving their dark master better than he could have hoped.


John Pepin

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The Value Of Public Education

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, anyone who still has their children in the public schools, has to be strongly considering taking them out and home schooling, sending them to a private school, else joining a neighborhood co-op. With the revelations that the schools have been exposing kindergartners to pornography, manipulating children into self harm and inculcating stupidity as the highest virtue, the value of a public education is plummeting faster than a rock in a septic tank. The results speak for themselves. In the 1960s the US was at the top of every metric for education. Now we are in the middle of the pack. Ask a high school graduate about Mao’s famine, how to read a face clock or the difference between a boy and a girl. They will be befuddled. Then there is the safety factor as Uvalde has shown us.

Failure is not an option in the public education system… it is a feature. The schools fail the students, the parents and society. They fail in their most basic duty. Instead, teaching the kids to be stupid, and inculcating absurdity, like the notion that everything can be solved by politics. Empowering to the politicians, disempowering for everyone else, and just… wrong. Measured by their fundamental role, to prepare kids to succeed in the real world, the public education system falls demonstrably short of that metric. How could I say such a thing? Experience. How many kids today grow up to be successful in family life, business, or socially? Very few. Instead, 100,000 die of opioid overdoses a year, they graduate college unable to hold down a job, and many no longer even know if they are a boy or girl.

Is it possible that the people who have our children more waking hours a day than we do, and are called the authorities… could have more effect on them than us? One has to consider that the time parents spend at home with their children… asleep, is not as engaging as the waking hours the administrative state’s monopoly education system has over them. Then there is the time the kids are doing homework, essentially the state monopolizing the little time the parents have with their children, to protect them from the dangerous ideas their parents may have. Like Constitutionally limited government, freedom of speech, religion and thought. The young political leaders must be protected from the counter revolutionary ideas of past generations. The public schools excel at that.

Uvalde is not the only time the police have been on site at a school shooting and have done nothing. This is getting to be a theme. The government runs interference for the shooter to maximize the victim count and thus the Hegelian reaction. Since Columbine, when the police stood down for hours, the role of the police has been to bar the parents from stopping the slaughter of their children. Protecting the shooter until they run out of ammo. One thing all the school shootings have taught us, is that we can count on the police in an emergency, to make it worse. Our kids are not protected by the State, they are its victims. With the revelations that the parents were arrested, not the shooter in Uvalde, any sane parent has to be rethinking allowing their cherished child to return to the killing fields.

Soon, the only children that will be left in the public indoctrination system will be the ill tended, ill socialized and forever illiterate. Oh, they will be able to read text messages and emojis, but literature, science and history will be eternally out of reach. Being the racist tropes of a white supremacist patriarchal hegemony they are… no one educated to be stupid would want to read them anyway. The rest will be in neighborhood education co-ops, home schooled and in private schools. I wonder how much longer people will tolerate paying for a public education system, that is so bad, they cannot trust it with their children? Then, maybe, enough of us will demand either education vouchers or tax reductions. Watch the elite claim that the public schools are the most important thing… not your kid.


John Pepin

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Topical George Washington Quotes

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, George Washington’s quote, “Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession…” is topical. Our enemy (the progressive faction) has posted himself in positions of power, the courts, education, bureaucracy, media, corporations, etc… while we did too little to prevent them, and now we are faced with the arduous task of dislodging them. The administrative state has become an enemy that has posted itself on the higher ground of state authority, usurping that power from us and the Constitutional government. We face an uphill battle into an improved position because we didn’t listen to that sage man’s advice, and allowed our mortal enemies, masquerading as friends, to post themselves above us.

Which brings us to another Washington quote, “Be courteous to all but intimate with few, and let those few be tried before you give them your confidence.” Another way to put this idea is to say, treat others as you would like to be treated in their circumstance, but don’t trust just anyone, be “wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove…” to insure your good works are not returned with evil. The only way to secure that others don’t return evil for your good, is to watch them, try them and be aware of their actions. In this we have also fallen short of the ideal. We have trusted scoundrels and treated our fellows with contempt. The opposite of what Washington urged of us. As a result, we are told lies, made sick by their experiments and are experiencing an historic breakdown… of everything.

Another topical quote by George Washington, “As mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government.” What a libertarian thing to say. It used to be liberal but that term has been usurped by the progressive faction. Now liberal means to believe in whatever absurdity is politically fashionable. That is why we ignore the caveat, “who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community…” and give the protections of civil law to those who do not comport themselves as worthy, and withhold those same protections from those who do. George Floyd versus Ashley Babbitt for example. Then there is the curious case of MS13 versus Oath Keepers.

With the pending demise of the US dollar, the Washington quote, “Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.” The only issue I would take with this quote, is that the terms, “fraud and injustice,” are too weak… but since they are the terms that fit the definition, they will have to do. Today the elite have leveraged the fiat US dollar into a magical treasure chest they can tap anytime they want. Printing trillions out of thin air and giving it to their cronies, using it to buy influence and pay off rent seekers. The elite have even changed the way they count inflation to hide their criminality. Washington had first hand experience with paper money (fiat) in the Continental.

One last Washington quote, “No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness on his country’s ruin.” We would have been well served to have heeded all the advice of George Washington, the United States first President, the man who could have been king, but turned down the position… so we could live in peace and prosperity while preserving our liberty. When a nation’s leaders openly avow they are engaged in demographic change, forcing suffering on the people to promote a pie in the sky idea, or shutting down arbitrary parts of an economy to stop a virus they cooked up in a lab, (and getting rich in the process) those men are building their greatness on our nation’s ruin. Let’s at least follow Washington’s advice in this case.


John Pepin

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Disasters, Natural And Man Made

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the problem with man made disasters, is that sooner or later a real natural disaster will come along, and because of the needless problems, it could knock down the house of cards that is our civilization. Man made suffering for political gain may be fun and profitable, for the elite, but it hobbles our ability to recover from an actual disaster, like Yellowstone going off, an asteroid or sudden ice age like the Denisovans and Neanderthals faced. They at least (as far as we know) hadn’t hampered themselves with a species wide experiment that results in enlarged hearts, stroke and cancer risk… and they died out. If they couldn’t make it despite their larger brains, how can we, sick in spirit with atheism, in body by vaccine side effects, and in mind with woke ideology?

The world is dangerous enough without the elite making it more so to keep us afraid and dependent on them. Another Carrington event could set us back to 1700 in a hurry. How many of us could feed ourselves with chickens, a garden and a Jersey cow? Not many I bet. That lifestyle has gone by the wayside. If a solar EMP disabled our infrastructure for only a month, it would make the man made famines look like the tiny portion at an expensive restaurant. Imagine how much worse such a thing would be, amid a shortage the elite created, in a Hegelian attempt to rewrite civilization? Not only would the skills be rare, and the necessary infrastructure almost nonexistent, but the cache of food would be depleted because of poor governance. That is a risk the elite are willing for us to take.

Man made disasters and wars have been the go to play for the elite forever. These things have away of coalescing the people around the elite’s rule… until the emergency is over. The answer then… is to make emergency permanent. Maybe that is why the elite are so hesitant to let go of the Wuhan flu (they created). Now they have cooked up monkey pox in some lab (probably Ukraine) and released it on us… to replace the Wuhan flu. Why not? There were no consequences for the experts who spliced it together, for releasing it or for denying treatment to the victims. Let alone the governors who spread covid throughout the nursing homes in their states. In the absence of punishment for crimes, one can expect more, and more heinous crimes. That is a law of nature.

The constant state of emergency weakens our ability to withstand a real emergency though. Now that the elite have tricked a huge swath of the population, into taking a biological agent, that clearly negatively effects the immune system, what if a real disease pops up? Not one they made in a lab but a real Andromeda strain? In our weakened state, many more of us would die, that otherwise wouldn’t. The examples abound. Sooner or later a real exigency will arise and in our weakened state, our survival will be less likely… all because the elite wanted more power. Is that good governance? Are such people even fit to govern at all, let alone be given unlimited power? Of course not. They know it and we know it. The only way they are going to get it is by the Hegelian Dialectic.

Power to Great Men is like freedom to the rest of us. Their psyche needs it. Today they have almost built a system that suits their needs. The Great Reset will bring it into being, or so they plan, yet that birth requires pain. They need to create a big enough disaster that we will knuckle under, give them our guns, Rights and agency, take up the yoke and become draft animals. If a real disaster strikes, while we reel under the weight of their manufactured emergency, it becomes a potentially species wide event. Right now we are in just such a depleted state. We are facing food shortages, energy shortages and logistic clogs, to create that emergency to will usher in the Great Reset. The elite would be well advised… a starved, beaten and formerly blanketed horse cannot survive an unexpected blizzard.


John Pepin

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Our Outrage Over Uvalde

Dear Friends,

It seems astounding to me… the selectivity of our outrage. We are justly outraged at the Uvalde shooting, yet strangely quiescent about the millions of deaths around the globe, caused by Fauci and the CCP’s lab experiment, the tens of thousands killed by “vaccine” side effects, the hundreds of thousands who died of overdoses, the thousands that are dying around the world in the elite’s senseless wars, the millions killed in abortions, the gang slaying of poor inner city youth, the children who are being manipulated into self sterilization, the unknown thousands who die trying to cross the US southern boarder, or the thousands of children that go missing every year and end up in human slavery. I should think those preventable crimes are orders of magnitude more outrageous than a lone psycho acting out.

A lone psycho is like a tornado, hurricane or lightning, they always have existed, and always will exist, the secret is not to give them unlimited political power. That keeps the death count lower. A lone psycho might be able to kill upwards of a hundred people given the right circumstances and opportunity (and the complicity of the state). A psycho with unlimited power on the other hand can kill millions… and they have. Compare all the deaths by crime and to the deaths caused by wars, genocides and other government actions, and you will see the second dwarfs the first. Now and then a crazy will rise up and kill people, usually because of the education system’s inculcating nihilistic stupidity. Which brings me to the fact, the public school system in Uvalde has some culpability as well.

Wars, plagues, and vaccine side effects are preventable. Plagues can be avoided by simply not creating them in laboratories as bio weapons and releasing them. That shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish yet it appears to be outside the elite’s capabilities. Side effects of an ineffective biological agent masquerading as a vaccine are as preventable as they get. Just don’t mandate the grazing masses to take harm inducing biological agents as a means to enriching the pharmaceutical corporations. Then there are wars. People who have the same moral structure as the Uvalde murderer, with political power, love to get people to fight in wars. There is nothing more exhilarating, to a psychopath, then to have armies of people acting as pawns for his or her enjoyment… not at all outrageous.

The reason our outrage is so selective is because the media tells us what to be outraged about and what to ignore. What says the most about them is what they guide our attention away from, like human slavery. Since (supposedly) the media is all about making money, they would post the most outrageous stuff to get the best viewership? Yet, in practice, certain subjects, subjects that expose the elite as the villains they are, are blacklisted? Topics like the 2020 election fraud, human slavery, the origins of covid, Epstein and Maxwell’s customers, the FBI’s open corruption, the Hillary generated Russian collusion hoax, the Mueller team’s astounding lack of intelligence, the CIA’s importing drugs, the utterly outrageous experiments the US government has conducted… and I ran out of room for more.

Outrage is a good thing. Those who are unwilling to allow outrageous actions in their presence create civilization. This is how mankind has gone from cavemen, where every interaction was violent, to civilized society, where our children used to be able to walk to school unmolested. Our lack of outrage then is the cause of our societal ills. The press whips us into a froth when it suits the political needs of the progressive faction, but real outrageous actions, actions that are exponentially worse than a lone psycho, and are preventable, are covered up by that same media. So, yes, be outraged at the lone psycho, but don’t stop there, be more outraged at far more outrageous actions by the elite. Then your outrage can be effective in improving the lot of mankind… instead of embodying the sin of wrath.


John Pepin

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The Elite Want Us To Act Up

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite want us to act up, so they can come down on us, like on January 6, 2021. Rest assured, that is the template they will use if anyone acts up. How long have they gone, so far, without bail or a speedy trial… for trespassing? Thousands of hours of video footage hidden from the public and denied the accused. Exculpatory evidence is also denied the accused in Jan 6 “insurrection.” Any conservative that even protests will be open to the FBI infiltrators acting up to discredit and provide reason for criminal charges. Now that sounds like something out of a dystopian sci fi movie eh? Sadly, it is what we should expect from the elite today, given their history of lying, false flags and wrap up smears. Only a fool, child or the brainwashed, expect a scorpion to act the butterfly.

The provocations are multitude. From the Russian collusion hoax to the Covid coverup, the elite have gone to great lengths to rile us up. The other day the Biden administration, (the administrative state under Biden) admitted they held up a bunch of legitimate oil and gas leases, at the peak of the energy prices, so far, because of a math error. Seriously? A math error, I bet the dog ate a lot of their homework when they were kids as well. Then there is the war the elite are salivating to get us into with Russia of all nations. Like dogs ogling fresh vomit. Who can forget the “disinformation” whatever. Can you imagine, the government is creating an agency to oversee speech with an eye to stopping… “disinformation?” Could the obvious Orwellian references get any oilier?

I suspect the short term timeline is November this year… long term, the elections of 2024. I see obviously Nazi and antisemitic posts on Gab and Mewe now and then, when I do I almost always call them out as being FBI bait. You know what… they almost never deny it. Which makes me wonder why the FBI would be ginning up racial animosity and gathering people with fascist sentiments? Unless it is to make good on Biden’s claim that white supremacy is the greatest threat to the world there has ever been… after global warming. The searing light of public attention exposed the FBI and its true nature in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, releasing the catch on their trap just before an election, clearly to effect the outcome. Then there is the Russian collusion hoax the FBI gleefully engaged in.

Any action that can be misconstrued as violent by the lying media will be and we will be off to the races. They will use January 6 as their template as has the tyrant Trudeau, in Canada. No bail, no trial, just hard prison. Political prisoners always have it the toughest since they offended against the state, while rapists, child murderers and home invaders only offended against the hoi polloi. As with the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping FBI false flag, the Russian collusion hoax the FBI abetted and the Jan 6 “Insurrection,” that video showed was led by FBI infiltrators, we can expect the FBI to coordinate, fund and otherwise set up more false flags to effect the mid term elections. Expect the lying media to go along, like they did the Biden laptop lie, and push the propaganda.

Everything is spinning out of control, and since the elite only care about their own hides, they are playing their last card, civil insurrection as a rational for suspending elections, you know, like Twitter suspended Trump for the FBI led “Insurrection.” If the FBI can gin up enough stupid people to participate, let’s just call them The Marks, the media can take a small manufactured riot and turn it into Pearl Harbor, 911 and the Afghanistan debacle all in one. Then the elite can “justly” claim, there is too much violence to have an election, else use the problem they created to enact some Hegelian solution. It all hinges on us acting in their play. If we refuse to act, their production cannot go on as billed, and they fail. If we act, their production goes on as planned, and were trapped, are we foxes… or muskrats?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Measuring Good And Evil

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, that without empathy, sympathy and indeed kindness, the concept of evil would be impossible to understand. Since it is only through the lens of empathy, kindness and sympathy can we even see evil. For without kindness, evil simply is. Concepts need metrics. The opposite is true as well. That without hatred, anger and wrath we could not understand the good. We can say that in these cases, the opposite gives meaning. Like cold and hot. Without feeling the one we cannot understand the concept of the other. If you have never been cold, how do you know you are hot, and if you have never been hot, how do you know you are cold? Far from an eclectic thought experiment, these ideas have real world implications. That goodness needs evil and evil needs goodness… is one example.

Vulcans (if they existed) would not be able to grasp good or evil. Ethics for such people would consist entirely of calculated profit. If a strange dog helps you, it did it out of a sense of good and evil. On the other hand, if a theoretical Vulcan helped you, it would necessarily be out of a calculated sense of profit. Since Vulcans have no emotions, thus no sense of right and wrong. Why is a dog’s ethics better than a Vulcan’s profit calculation… if I am helped anyway? For several reasons. The first requires a sense of right and wrong to understand. The dog’s action, motivated by ethics is selfless, and therefore pure hearted. The Vulcan’s is essentially a selfish capitalistic exchange. Not immoral but not selfless either. Which means the Vulcan’s help (goodness) will always be contingent while the dog’s is not.

Therefore good and evil are deeper concepts than simply actions but of motivations and perspective. When a farmer cuts the head off a chicken, from the chicken’s point of view and evil has been done. From the farmer’s perspective a good has been done, and from a neutral perspective… it depends on the frame of reference (perspective) of the viewer. An observer who identifies with the chicken will see evil, where one who identifies with the farmer, will see good. A truly objective observer might see everything differently, depending if they have empathy, kindness and sympathy in their hearts, or coldness, selfishness and pride. Leading us to conclude that good and evil are not amenable to objective calculations but are basically subjective feelings.

Some may fall away there, and say if good and evil are “merely” subjective feelings, then why consider them at all? I might offer that our feelings are often the most important things in our lives at any given moment. At least we live as they are. I say that because there is not one among us who has not been overwhelmed by emotion at one time or another. How can we dismiss a thing that can overwhelm us? Only a fool pretends that something that can usurp our consciousness is irrelevant. Nevertheless, can a subjective thing be objectively measured? Again I would offer yes. Everything we measure objectively is based on subjective experience. We all subjectively experience red as a color and agree it is red. The same is true of an inch, a horse and cold. Making every objective observation subjective at its core.

If good and evil are subjective feelings, dependent on context and deeper than mere actions and motivations, then how can we ever measure the good or the bad? By using the aggregate subjective experience as a guide… as we do inches, colors and indeed horses. You and I can tell when we walk outside if it is cold or hot. Therefore we can also tell if a thing is good or evil, if we have kindness, empathy and sympathy in our hearts. Since we can now understand good and evil, and every human hearted person wants more good and less evil in the world, (although the elimination of all evil means the elimination of good as well). Then we are left with the Golden rule as the measure of good and evil, both subjective and objective in the aggregate, and reciprocity in response.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment