Disasters, Natural And Man Made

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the problem with man made disasters, is that sooner or later a real natural disaster will come along, and because of the needless problems, it could knock down the house of cards that is our civilization. Man made suffering for political gain may be fun and profitable, for the elite, but it hobbles our ability to recover from an actual disaster, like Yellowstone going off, an asteroid or sudden ice age like the Denisovans and Neanderthals faced. They at least (as far as we know) hadn’t hampered themselves with a species wide experiment that results in enlarged hearts, stroke and cancer risk… and they died out. If they couldn’t make it despite their larger brains, how can we, sick in spirit with atheism, in body by vaccine side effects, and in mind with woke ideology?

The world is dangerous enough without the elite making it more so to keep us afraid and dependent on them. Another Carrington event could set us back to 1700 in a hurry. How many of us could feed ourselves with chickens, a garden and a Jersey cow? Not many I bet. That lifestyle has gone by the wayside. If a solar EMP disabled our infrastructure for only a month, it would make the man made famines look like the tiny portion at an expensive restaurant. Imagine how much worse such a thing would be, amid a shortage the elite created, in a Hegelian attempt to rewrite civilization? Not only would the skills be rare, and the necessary infrastructure almost nonexistent, but the cache of food would be depleted because of poor governance. That is a risk the elite are willing for us to take.

Man made disasters and wars have been the go to play for the elite forever. These things have away of coalescing the people around the elite’s rule… until the emergency is over. The answer then… is to make emergency permanent. Maybe that is why the elite are so hesitant to let go of the Wuhan flu (they created). Now they have cooked up monkey pox in some lab (probably Ukraine) and released it on us… to replace the Wuhan flu. Why not? There were no consequences for the experts who spliced it together, for releasing it or for denying treatment to the victims. Let alone the governors who spread covid throughout the nursing homes in their states. In the absence of punishment for crimes, one can expect more, and more heinous crimes. That is a law of nature.

The constant state of emergency weakens our ability to withstand a real emergency though. Now that the elite have tricked a huge swath of the population, into taking a biological agent, that clearly negatively effects the immune system, what if a real disease pops up? Not one they made in a lab but a real Andromeda strain? In our weakened state, many more of us would die, that otherwise wouldn’t. The examples abound. Sooner or later a real exigency will arise and in our weakened state, our survival will be less likely… all because the elite wanted more power. Is that good governance? Are such people even fit to govern at all, let alone be given unlimited power? Of course not. They know it and we know it. The only way they are going to get it is by the Hegelian Dialectic.

Power to Great Men is like freedom to the rest of us. Their psyche needs it. Today they have almost built a system that suits their needs. The Great Reset will bring it into being, or so they plan, yet that birth requires pain. They need to create a big enough disaster that we will knuckle under, give them our guns, Rights and agency, take up the yoke and become draft animals. If a real disaster strikes, while we reel under the weight of their manufactured emergency, it becomes a potentially species wide event. Right now we are in just such a depleted state. We are facing food shortages, energy shortages and logistic clogs, to create that emergency to will usher in the Great Reset. The elite would be well advised… a starved, beaten and formerly blanketed horse cannot survive an unexpected blizzard.


John Pepin

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