Our Unjust Legal System

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… our court system is rotten to the marrow. I should think, even a corrupt court system would attempt to maintain the appearance of impartiality, but not ours. It has thrown off all vestments of justice, and now stands before us nakedly political, unjust and serving evil instead of good… very progressive! I could fill pages with examples where the US court system is obviously unjust but that would be redundant. Colbert’s news crew trespassed and actually confronted a setting congressperson, and the charges were dropped… even as Jan 6 trespassers are still in prison, denied bail, a year later, and awaiting their speedy and fair trial (of which they will get neither). That this example is widely known, yet the courts stand unabashed in their dishonor, proves their open perversion.

The court systems of the world were originally designed to distribute justice to create civilization. Lawgivers like Numa Pompilius, Solon and Lycurgus, set up systems so that citizens would be treated equally (justly) under the law. Much debate was heard on the subject and much of it existent today in Plato, Aristotle and Livy’s works. Because civilization requires that all parties are treated equally, by the court, despite political favor, wealth or friendship. In a just court an innocent person need not fear even if they are pro se (for self). The lawyer would have the effect of increasing the efficiency of the process. A poor man who’s land was taken by violence, would have a strong advocate in a just court system, but would become victim again in an unjust court, ie Railroaded. Ala Alex Jones.

In the ecosystem of law there has been an ongoing war of adaptation. Laws were created to reign in the unjust elite. So the elite enforced the law arbitrarily. Courts were created to stop arbitrary rule. So the elite seized control of the courts and perverted them to their own ends. The entire judicial system was ripped from the executive branch (of a republic) and made its own branch. So the elite swindled the legislature to delegate its power to the bureaucracy (the executive) and hold hearings so that senators and representatives can grandstand. They amassed power in the executive branch absent a powerful executive. Then established the weakest branch as the preeminent one, ruling by fiat in everything from economics to social questions. Injustice has us on our heels. Now it’s Justice’s move…

Once one’s eyes are opened to it, how can anyone hold our court system in anything but, the deepest of contempt? Our judges are held to no standard whatsoever. They demand superhuman effort on our part to knuckle under to their oppression, yet cannot even follow their own self serving rules, let alone the Constitution they are obligated to enforce. What do you call people who piss on their obligations? A judge that openly serves injustice is not a judge, but something else, something dark, twisted… and creepy. A legal system run by this caliber of person, is not a justice system, but one that has perverted the law, as Bastiat predicted in his short book, The Law. Doing the opposite of their obligations and duties, without consequence, and so, grind civilization into barbarism, one injustice at a time.

The courts need to be reformed, political judges and prosecutors fired, and some sent to prison for many decades. I am not, and will never argue for retribution, as did Robespierre, but there needs to be just consequences for those that so pervert their obligations. Especially a duty so important to the well functioning of our nation, society and economy. Even as a judge sent doctor Simone Gold to prison for thought crimes, they should be held to the same standard they enforce on society. Anything less would be the acme of injustice. A judge that would send a woman to a penitentiary, for a thought crime (blatantly unconstitutional) should spend the rest of their natural life behind bars… as an example to the rest. Our court system damns itself with its every action. So the war of adaptation goes on.


John Pepin

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You Can’t Beat A Bog

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the threat of violence is implicit in everything the government does, says or rules. Why do you pull over when a police officer puts the lights on behind you? No, it isn’t because you are law abiding, it is because you know in the back of your mind that if you did not, even in a life and death situation… the government would ratchet up the confrontation until you ended up dead, if that is what it takes. Don’t believe it? Try not pulling over sometime, see how that goes. The government will escalate any confrontation, even over the least issue to mortal combat, until we back down. In their megalomaniac minds, their attitude is justified because, “We are the government!” Thus legitimizing any oppression since it is in the name of “justice.” In other words, Just Us.

Violence is self discrediting unless it is meeting previous violence… self defense for example. One could argue that the only just power any government can wield is that which the individual can justly delegate to them. Since it would be unjust for me to assault you, because you have too many windows in your home, are collecting rainwater, or because you didn’t file the 1065-635 A, sub paragraph C paperwork, on the volume of hair that you swept from a barber’s floor. Since that would be unjust of me, how can I delegate it to someone else? That would be like giving you gold I don’t have. It cannot be done, logically, physically or politically. I can however, defend myself if attacked, and therefore can delegate that power to the government. Scrounging around in other people’s business however…

Sadly the administrative state has become all too accustomed to using violence as a tool of social control. Government has a monopoly on violence, and in the agreement that gave them that monopoly, they were supposed to be under strict Constitutional limits on the use of that violence. The government has abandoned the limits but not the violence. Let’s face it, violence is a handy tool… If you are the only one who can use it. You can muscle your way and everyone has to give, else face your wrath. We all know the wrath of the US government. Just ask the American Indians, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Although you cannot totally blame the elite, since everyone knows, if a child is not disciplined, they will become a bully, as the elite have done in the absence of discipline.

When one party is allowed to do violence to another, there is a power inequality, that inequality is exacerbated when the party that can use violence, is also allowed to lie constantly while severely beating the weaker party, should they be caught in any lie at all, even a lie of forgetfulness. This also follows if the powerful are given carte blanche to use violence to enforce their every whim, while we are limited in every way. (The opposite of the way the US government was supposed to work). So the elite have made the US government a drunken lying brute, prone to violence. Embodying the worse characteristics of a bad husband. Now it is up the the American people, bloodied and battered, to justify the thumpings we have got over the last two years, like any other victim. Else get it worse next time.

All of which proves our governments, across the planet, have discredited themselves, are liars, have abandoned their obligations and have perverted the authority they no longer justly wield. Why would anyone take such feral folk seriously? Other than the ever present threat of violence, they have zero authority. How do you deal with a sociopath government? By becoming a swamp. Literally and figuratively. No bulldozer can punish a swamp with violence. The swamp just swallows the bulldozer. Especially if the swamp is as vast as the US population. How to be a swamp? Do nothing they ask. Drag your feet in everything government related. Drive 55 (to stop global warming) two abreast around the DC five bridges complex during rush hour. Be creative… deep, ductile and cloying. That’s how.


John Pepin

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Our “Betters” Relationship With The Truth

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one way to reliably tell a dishonest person, is that they move the goal posts instead of admitting the truth. Like the administrative state does with the inflation numbers, the unemployment numbers and the vaccine side effects statistics. The Snowden release proved every number the US government puts out… is probably a lie. No wonder they want Snowden’s neck so bad. Liars detest being exposed as liars more than anything. Take the example of the inflation numbers. If we believe the administrative state, inflation is now a ripping 7-9% depending if it is CPI, PPI or some other metric. If we used the same formula for getting inflation, as we did in the 1970s, it would be closer to 25%. Meaning, the elite are lying about the inflation rate, by moving the goal post, or manipulation.

One thing I think most people can agree on is that public servants must be honest. That is their one job. They are to serve the public’s interest and how can that be done if they are lying to us constantly? That is not service… it is something else. An employee that lies to their manager is up to no good. That our public servants in the administrative state, lie constantly, while holding us to the absolute truth at all times, proves they are up to no good. They make the rules yet cannot even abide by their own regulations. This is made possible by the fact our public servants think they are better than us. Well, better educated, wiser, and dog gone it, just better people. Ask them. So since they are so much better than the people they serve, wouldn’t it make more sense to rule, instead of serve?

Killing an effective measure and replacing it with a perversion, then using the new measure as a comparison to past measurements, is as dishonest as it gets. Sure, I’ll pay the $25,000.00 for that car… in Greenbacks, Continentals or Confederate dollars, my choice. If the new measure is so much better, then go back and recalculate all the old numbers in the new format, to honestly compare apples to apples, instead of comparing Dollars to Deutsche marks. If two people make an agreement and one person changes their terms for the better, and the other’s terms for the worse, then enforce it by force, that would be a fundamentally unfair situation. A scenario that has been the basis of many a villain story. When an individual does it, everyone sees the evil, but when the administrative state does it…

Liars despise those who expose them. Not only because of the reputational damage… but the damage done to their lies is infuriating. Lies only work when the manipulated believe them. They are wholly useless if the mark is in on it. Liars reserve their wrath for people like Edward Snowden. The administrative state’s loathing of him is palpable. He blew the whistle on our public servants manipulating the data they are duty bound to honestly release. The unemployment numbers, inflation and even the acres of farmland under cultivation, are all subject to warping, should it serve the progressive faction. That many of us know, not only limits the effectiveness of the lies, but allows us to know who they are and what they serve. A far more damning realization.

The open hostility the bureaucracy holds for Snowden, Assange and our Constitution, show the administrative state and indeed all the elite today for who they are, an anti American 5th column. People who have an obligation to protect our Constitution, the founding principles and the American way, have indeed become their most vile enemy. Lying by omission and manipulation, then persecuting anyone who would expose their crimes, the elite in the administrative state are proving themselves villains, every day in every way. Changing the way inflation is calculated is just the tip of the iceberg, of a vast conglomeration of corruption, just under the surface. If we could get the truth from the elite, that would be a start, if we could hold them to it, criminally (as they do us)… that would change the game.


John Pepin

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Rule By The Most Unwise – Very Progressive!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the unwise gleefully go where the wise know not to. The wise understand that no matter how wise, smart or learned they are, they are not qualified to make moral choices for others. The unwise, on the other hand, will use violence to force others to follow their moral dictates. Since they don’t know any better. The society we live in has become one where the wise know they will be set upon for speaking up. The administrative state, the courts, the media and corporations will conspire to make examples of whistle blowers, and so the wise refrain from speaking up. Even as those same institutions foolishly support and abet actual crimes to forward their agenda. Which results, and can only result, in a nation that is ruled by the most unwise. No way that could go horribly wrong… rapidly.

The arrogance of the foolish is magnificent. The unwise, by definition, don’t understand they could possibly be wrong. Even and especially in something they are utterly captured by. Because they lack the wisdom to realize they (and we) are human beings subject to error. Especially when we become zealots. A zealot however is not subject to correction through logic, experience or argument. They are brainwashed and therefore guaranteed to be wrong. Yet demand by the threat of violence, if that is what it takes, for everyone else to not only agree but to follow and spout their stupidity. Thought laws always result. Like hate crime laws. Punishing thought not action is extremely foolish. That is why we have thought laws today, because we are ruled by fools.

Foolish people lie when the truth would serve them better, as does our elite today. From the revelations about the truth behind Watergate 50 years ago, weapons of mass destruction to justify the Iraq war, the Russian collusion hoax, and now with the Jan 6 Witch Finder General Council… the elite have proven themselves to be liars of the highest order. Lying with zero shame when caught, simply doubling down, every time. The stupid spoil their authority with every sound that escapes their sordid lips. Being unwise, they believe their authority flows from the end of a gun, instead of the power of personality. One who’s authority is derived from violence, need not worry about their reputation, and will usually die as they lived, at the end of a gun… or dragged through the streets a bloody mess first.

No one can express haughtiness like a fool. The foolish see no value in anything other than what captures their fancy. Since, “we all see our own philosophy close at hand while we see that of others at a distance…” – some philosopher I am too lazy to look up. The unwise are most susceptible. Fools see no problem with using force to remake society. Being so certain in their correctness, they pervert everything they touch to their own ends, regardless of the consequences. In doing so, wiping out millennia of wisdom, and replacing it with their idol, foolishness. Since argument is not effective in changing minds, unless they are the only ones allowed to speak, violence to enforce their whims always and everywhere becomes the go to, for the stupid who have gained power.

Apparently, giving the most foolish people who ever lived, unlimited power, political, medical and religious, appears to have resulted in runaway inflation again, a tsunami of crime waves again, and a global pandemic killing millions… again. When the stupid gain power they don’t fool around. Until the stupid, unwise and unfit are divested of all power, (and relegated to welfare since that fits their aptitude) our economy will continue to collapse until we need a new currency, our society will fall to rock bottom and sooner or later, our nation will self destruct. You know it and I know it. The only ones who don’t are the unwise. Apparently, the people that run the government, media, corporations, medical system and courts… our chauffeurs, don’t see any problem with their driving, at all.


John Pepin

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Observation Bias

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… what you see depends on what you look at. If all you look at is suffering then all you will see is suffering. If all you look at is joyous things all you will see is joyous things. The wise however, step back and take a look at everything, both the good and the bad. Then judge life worth living based on a rational, more objective view, than either the nihilist or optimist. One thing is certain, I wouldn’t wish my worse enemy to be a nihilist, let alone a loved one. The optimist is taken advantage of more often, but lives a much more fulfilled and happy, if Pollyannish life. We have a choice though. We have chosen to observe what we observe. We focus on the bad, the good or all of it… by choice. Therefore we can choose to look at something different if we want.

Our culture pushes the lie, that we must all constantly enjoy the pinnacle of pleasure perpetually, without suffering with which to measure our joy… as the highest good. Our cultural leaders have led us to this place. They have taught us in movies, TV and books, that any time not in the midst of an orgasm is suffering. I could not think of a more pernicious, maladaptive and hobbling notion to enter the head of a person. Such thinking puts all of life in the category of suffering, compared to the pinnacle of physical enjoyment. Leaving out other satisfying acts, like laughing your rear end off at a joke, kissing a loved one, reading a great novel, walking in the woods, time spent in quiet contemplation, gathering with friends, enjoying a good meal and even doing the dishes listening to your favorite music.

Solon famously told Croesus of Lydia, that one cannot measure the happiness of a life until it is ended, any prior judgment could omit great tragedy or triumph. An adage soon proved right in Croesus’ own life. Focusing only on past tragedies, victories and enemies then, is a way of measuring the happiness of a life before it has been lived. Every life has adversity. More often than not we create our own adversity to satisfy some personal suffering quotient. Nevertheless, a life spent in early want, can end in great wealth… or visa versa. Instead of focusing on our wants, and by force of will, manifesting them again and again in the world, perhaps a more profitable path would be to look at where we want to go. That way we could end in great triumph instead of tragedy.

Many of the atrocities of the Twentieth Century were the result of “humanitarian actions.” People judging whether or not other people’s lives were worth living, their genes worth passing on, or their ideas worth allowing. To that end many were executed, sterilized and sent to Gulags. The “judges” observed that which they saw and omitted the rest. Arrogantly considering themselves worthy of such authority because they are, themselves. Observing the French Canadians in early Twentieth Century Vermont, and judging that because they had accents (being bilingual) they were intellectually deficient, and so were sterilized… per Buck v Bell. In this case we can conclude, from the evidence, that no one is omniscient enough to usurp such authority. Due to our innate observation bias.

This applies to our own lives as much as it does to the world. How we judge ourselves, our lives, the world, etc… is from our cave, through our lens, and while overwhelmed by idols of the marketplace. Do we look at the good or dwell on the bad? Is our choice self fulfilling or self destructive? Since that choice is voluntary, why not choose to look at all of life, in context, and thereby grow as human beings, Taking in the good, bad and indifferent, meanwhile, enjoying the little moments, as if they are as important as the pinnacle of physical pleasure. Because they are. Remember, focusing on someone else faults leads to crimes against humanity, while focusing on our own, in context and with compassion, leads to self improvement. Life is what we see, what we see, is what we choose to look at.


John Pepin

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Humility Tempers Presumption

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a quality our elite lack, and therefore we also lack, is humility. Which makes them and us fragile. The expert class forges the path. Why should an expert have humility? Its not like they have ever been wrong, that their attacks on outliers has slowed scientific progress, or their resistance to paradigm shift has hindered technological advancement? Then again, there was that time “the Science” called tectonic plate shift absurd, the round Earth theory heresy and executed Socrates for questioning the gods. Old man Schopenhauer once said, “A new idea is first ridiculed, then attacked and finally accepted as self evident.” This is made possible by experts who lack any sense of humility whatsoever. It is the absence of humility that really holds us back, scientifically, politically and morally.

People who have studied a thing so much… they know everything there is to know about it, naturally lack humility in that subject. Moreover, they project that lack of humility, or in their eyes, competence, to others who have studied equally in their field. This creates a system where humility is absent, even in the face of obvious mistakes. I won’t point out your logical fallacies if you don’t point out mine. This allows them to nurture, husband and grow their egos into giants. Someone with an inflated ego and utterly lacks humility is not a person open to constructive criticism. Especially of their cherished notions. This could be the source of resistance to change as Kuhn suggested in his theory of Paradigm Shift. This is natural to man however, and so cannot be changed, only harnessed or mitigated.

In debate there is a fallacy called, Appeal to false authority, or in the case of authorities that lack humility, appeal to genuine authority is also a logical fallacy. Because even genuine authority is subject to correction, unless the authority is omniscient, therefore inhuman. Since everyone we deal with on a daily basis, is human, we can presume they are all subject to error. So, the person with an inflated ego and the lack of humility that comes naturally from expertise in a subject, is also subject to error. Since they are fallible human beings, their word cannot be taken as omniscient, yet it often is, and we are told it is, even by experts in other fields. Therefore, appealing mindlessly to any authority, even “legitimate” authority, is a logical fallacy, since everyone is prone to being wrong now and then.

We are not blameless, we follow our leaders, and so also suffer from a dearth of humility. We idolize those without humility and even honor people who are prideful about it. Emulating people we are told are good, smart, athletic, etc… even in the face of evidence to the opposite. How often does the media lionize someone who is a deeply good person though? Or do they more often than not, honor experts, celebrities and perverts? Which makes believing the media a perilous thing. Instead of following our leaders, who have proven themselves inept, corrupt and egotistic, follow those who have proven themselves good, like Jesus Christ… pick up our burdens and carry them without whining. Everyone has them. Accept with humility that we are human beings, prone to injury, oppression and error.

It is not a weakness to be humble. Humility is a strength. It reduces the ego to a point where it can be managed. People who are humble live better more satisfying lives. Egoists are always stressed, because their world is perpetually in danger of a truth popping their bubble. They resist innovation like the plague, because to their ego, it is worse than the plague. It is an indictment of their life’s work. It is not hard to see why people become egoists when they study a field to the point of expertise. Rather than following the media’s advice to ape the selfish, and therefore stultified, it would serve us better to emulate those who are humble and lack ego. The humble don’t have egos endangered by truth. Which means, that which appears to be a weakness, is in actuality a strength.


John Pepin

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Harnessing The Pareto Curve

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the Pareto distribution is a natural law, and since it is a natural law, we should harness it as we have done with fire, gravity and chemistry. Fire burns those who touch it, yet we use it safely and effectively, to heat our homes, power our cars, and wage our wars. Fire is scary and dangerous which is a strong disincentive to harnessing fire. We did nonetheless and our species has benefited greatly. The same can be said of chemistry, where so many chemicals are deadly, and gravity where even a small stumble can break a man’s neck. The Pareto distribution is no different. It is an uncomfortable thing, it burns the heart like fire does the skin, it is toxic to the soul as DDT is to the liver and causes many to fall. Yet when harnessed, it has propelled us faster and further than fire, chemistry and gravity.

Socialism is a system that seeks to eliminate the Pareto distribution, but instead of eliminating it, it releases the Pareto curve’s destructive potential. It replaces merit, birthright or station, as the distributive metric, with political favor. The Pareto distribution is still met, but those with everything are the political elites, instead of the capitalist elites, or the hereditary aristocracy. There is still a small group that owns everything… just a different group. What socialism actually accomplishes however, is loosing a danger, that could be harnessed to good. Like setting your city on fire, to protect it from fire. Socialism then is an answer, not to the question of how to get rid of the Pareto distribution, but how can the elite turn the Pareto curve to their favor, forever.

Capitalism is the only system devised to pervert the Pareto distribution to the betterment of mankind. Not only the free enterprise system but the copyright and patent systems as well. Meritocracy. These at initial glance would appear to only benefit those who come up with ideas. Under such a system, anyone can get rich. All you need do is come up with an idea that is innovative and meets a need of humanity (else no one will buy it) and the potential wealth you could get from it is limited by, well… the Pareto curve. Which means by definition, the needs of mankind are met, better and better. Every time someone gets rich by inventing something, starting a business or anything creative, all of humanity benefits. The Pareto curve can power innovation like fire powers an engine.

This only works when capitalism is tempered with limited government. Because the moment someone gets rich, they also gain political favor, if for no other reason than they have the ability to donate money to politicians. Once anyone has political favor, it is in their best interests to subvert the paradigm from meritocracy, to distribution by political favor. Once enough elite become convinced they can live from the teat of government forever, that is when they claim the Pareto distribution is unfair and needs to be tempered, with political favor. When instead, what a society that is drifting towards socialism really needs, is limited government, not unlimited government. That way, those who have won, can’t close the door behind them to everyone else. As is the normal state of affairs.

Harnessing a dangerous element like fire, chemistry or the Pareto distribution is tricky. When controlled in an internal combustion engine, fire is harnessed to drive our world, when it is a wild fire however, it is destructive. The Pareto distribution is no different. It is sometimes harnessed to improve the lot of Man, but usually it is allowed to become an inferno, as in communism, aristocracies and tyrannies. Meritocracy is fragile. It can be disrupted by a number of things, usually stemming from some political attempt to change an outcome, to benefit a politically favored player. While meritocracy allows anyone to get rich even those who are hated by the political elite. Nevertheless, harnessing the Pareto curve for the benefit of Mankind is genius, while allowing it to become a wild fire… is stupid.


John Pepin

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The Mesmerizing Mundane

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we dwell on the mundane, while ignoring the profound. Our wants and needs are so fulfilled today we worry about the least of our burdens while pretending civilization ending forces don’t exist. If those forces were to combine and smash the edifice we depend on, to fulfill all those wants and needs, the color of our shoes matching our hat will be the least of our concerns. Many refuse to acknowledge the titanic forces gathering around us because it is such an ugly truth. Instead, fascination with who the masked singer is, far outweighs using those mental resources to understand and address the fundamental drivers of those civilization ending forces. That is the nature of humanity though. We brood on the quotidian, while the momentous comes up behind… to nip us in the derriere.

The feeling of powerlessness is hammered into those with the intellect to make meaningful change, while the ignorant and unwise are told, all they need do is join ANTIFA and BLM to fix the world. By smashing it. Because nothing is more likely to fix the world than to give the people who broke it unlimited power… enforced by the police, state secret intelligence agencies and on the mean streets by violent thugs. Then there are the examples the progressives are so fond of making. Did any rational person miss the example of Epstein being murdered in a high security facility and it being covered up? What about the fact not one client has been charged? The very real threat of violence, character destruction and being made an example of combine to give a powerful sense of powerlessness.

No civilization ever has or ever will be free from forces that would see it end. Those civilizations that ignore the threat long enough eventually are destroyed by them. “Slowly at first… then all at once.” That is the way all civilizations fall. We focus on the fall but not the events that led to it. In Troy we see the Trojan war but not the events that led to it. In Rome we concentrate on Attila the Hun and other Barbarians that gnawed at the corpse of a once great empire. The Prussian republic wasn’t felled by WWI, it started falling long before that, WWI was simply the impetus. They all ignored those factions that openly despised them. Then, in an act of stupendous stupidity, they allowed those factions to become hegemonic, just before their fall. As the US and indeed the West has done.

The mundane can be so fascinating. One can get lost binge watching a TV show for days, all the while, enriching those funding the civilization ending forces. Disney, the company founded by a man who loved children and wanted nothing but good for them… has been twisted into a child grooming service for pedophiles, perverts and psychopaths. Using their hundred million dollar movies, to bend the minds of kids into believing splendidly self injuring notions… very progressive! Even as the corporate establishment has never seen a baby they didn’t want to dismember, as an offering to their god, Moloch. The elite keep us fascinated by a light glittering off a piece of soiled tin foil, while they steal us blind. The trick is not to fall into a daze at the mesmerizing icons. Have at least some situational awareness.

The set up now, is that the most capable are convinced they are powerless, while the least wise are empowered by the state’s failure to equally enforce the law, to smash their way into utopia. Meanwhile, the civilization ending forces aiming at our civilization are getting rich, by distracting us from their machinations. Sounds like the plot to a soap opera or a B movie. Sadly it is our reality. Our focus is not on the profound but on the mundane. Not because we choose the mundane rationally, but because we are manipulated into it. In doing so we give up our agency to those who would oppress us. All we need do is step out of the dream and into reality. If you don’t hit what you aim at, at least you usually come close. So, aim at the profound, because if you aim at the mundane, you will probably hit it.


John Pepin

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Supply Side Inflation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, this bout of inflation is unlike others, in that instead of being led by demand growing to exceed supply, this one is being led by supply destruction, and being fought with the traditional means of demand destruction. Which creates a race to the bottom. Keynesians believe inflation happens when aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply and deflation happens when supply exceeds demand. Monetarists argue that inflation is always and everywhere the result of printing too much money. One could unify the two theories with the understanding that too much money, by definition, drives up demand, while too little money cuts demand. If only because more money is on hand to buy that which is available. Again, showing that at its core, inflation is when demand exceeds supply.

If we agree that inflation happens when demand exceeds supply, then clearly, it can be created by increasing demand, printing money for example, or because supply is destroyed. Either side of the equation can be changed to get the outcome one wants. However, a truly malevolent or deeply stupid leader might destroy supply even as he increases demand, with government money printing. Say, shutting down an economy (destroying supply) while at the same time printing trillions and handing it out like pez at a party. I couldn’t think of a more genius way to create dollar destroying inflation. Should a government do such a thing however, wouldn’t the experts call attention to it, warning us, and the government that was being so magnificently stupid? Apparently not.

The elite fear deflation more than anything because it empowers workers and savers and disempowers borrowers and profligate spenders. No worries though, the elite have outsmarted economics by controlling the interest rate. Holding it artificially low so that demand always exceeds supply. While the resulting bubbles obliterate lifetimes of savings in a single event, the effect of controlling sticky wages, stealing the savings of workers stealthily and creating a materialist consumer mindset, far outweighs the human ruining bubbles. That cost is paid by workers anyway. The elite always have a way out. If workers try anything to protect their wealth the elite will simply take it by fiat as Roosevelt did to gold. A government that doesn’t hold itself to basic ethics will not hold itself to Constitutional limits.

Counter intuitively, governments believe that runaway inflation is a good thing, because it allows them to flush the results of their extravagant spending down the toilet… along with many people’s savings. Those bubbles that keep frothing up due to the Federal Reserve maintaining perpetual inflation, sometimes don’t just ruin people’s savings and jobs but the currency as well. If our debt is valued in greenbacks and the greenback loses all its value, then your debt goes away too. Well, not your debt or my debt but the debt of the elite and government does. If, for example, the US dollar were to become worthless, all the US debt would go away. Debt held mostly by American taxpayers. Our savings would become worthless as well. Our debt for our homes, cars or college tuition… would not however.

The reason the experts claimed that inflation was temporary last year, was because they knew it was largely generated by supply destruction and extravagant spending. They assumed the spending would slow down and the supply would rebound. What they failed to account for, was the globalist’s deep and lasting commitment, to continued supply destruction through regulation. Of course, that inflation evaporates not only the trillions the government owes, on the books, but the literally hundreds of trillions the government owes that is off the books. They are called unfunded liabilities. Central Bank Digital Currencies, CBDCs, will be touted as the “only” answer, after their Hegelian play has ended. So, the human suffering on an epic scale will have worked out, for the elite who caused it.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Follow The Leader

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one of the reasons we are getting stupider and stupider, is because people follow their leaders… and ours are inept, corrupt and arrogant. We see it all around us. People too incompetent to count correct change arrogantly think they should run the world. Crime is skyrocketing at the same time as our objectively corrupt regime, evidenced by the 31 million received from the CCP and the Ukrainian shenanigans of the Bidens, who came into power by fraud. Their lawlessness has oozed into every pore of our nation. Arrogance and ineptitude followed their lawlessness. This is one of Confucius’ tenets and an idea that Mo Ti (a philosophical combatant of Confucius) also favored. People follow their leaders, provably true as well as intuitive, and is exemplified by our society today.

Our civilization, science and technology is breaking down by every measure, even as basic science continues to forge ahead by moment of inertia. Since curiosity and honest inquiry are racist throwbacks to the capitalist patriarchal hegemony. The signs are obvious and startling yet go unseen. Like Boeing’s failures. That company is set up to succeed yet it fails instead. In the 1970s during the peak of the energy crisis, there were no rolling blackouts, collapse of the grid for days at a time during epic cold snaps, or air travel chaos like today. The crisis then, was gas lines, and the price went from .50 cents a gallon to a buck. Then there is the medical establishment’s red face over covid. They created it, stupidly or malevolently released it, denied treatment to the victims, and said rioting is a covid safe activity.

The corruption of our leaders is reflected in the rising crime rates of our society. People follow their leaders into virtue… or vice. Ours epitomize vice and so our people, culture and nation are following them to the abyss of perversion. There is a mass shooting in the US almost every day now. The murder rates, in our big gun controlled cities, has shot up to record numbers in record time. Retail theft has driven many outfits out of progressive cities. Who could fail to mention the opioid overdose death rate? How many will die this year from Fentanyl? So far over 100,000 people have. Do you trust a word the pathologically lying media says anymore? Have you noticed in your own life, that people lie more, are inept and are less religious? It is because we are following our leaders to Hell.

There is no one as arrogant as the stupid and ignorant. The ignorant don’t know any better and the stupid think they are smart and so should be despots. By that measure, our leaders today in the constitutional government, the administrative state as well as our cultural, media and social leaders, are the acme of ignorant, stupid and arrogant. Being too ignorant to know that no one can run the world as an autocrat effectively, too stupid to understand that they are specifically unqualified to run a mop, let alone the world, and so arrogant they couldn’t care less. With role models like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Schumer and obviously… the Clinton crime family, I am amazed we haven’t collapsed yet.

On a more personal level, at work, do you tend to emulate those in a lower station in the firm’s hierarchy, or those above? Do you dress like the people in the newsroom or the executive office? We emulate those in the positions we seek. This determines our trajectory in life. Nations are no different. If a nation emulates the highest ideals, morals and actions, then that nation will thrive. If a nation emulates the perverse, carnal and conniving, that nation will soon collapse, believing it was someone else fault. The national trajectory is set by the leaders of a nation. We have a limited say with our vote. Our leaders however, have decided our vote is an impediment to their plans, and so have effectively nullified it, keeping to form. No wonder our civilization is faltering… with these half wits in charge.


John Pepin

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