Our “Betters” Relationship With The Truth

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one way to reliably tell a dishonest person, is that they move the goal posts instead of admitting the truth. Like the administrative state does with the inflation numbers, the unemployment numbers and the vaccine side effects statistics. The Snowden release proved every number the US government puts out… is probably a lie. No wonder they want Snowden’s neck so bad. Liars detest being exposed as liars more than anything. Take the example of the inflation numbers. If we believe the administrative state, inflation is now a ripping 7-9% depending if it is CPI, PPI or some other metric. If we used the same formula for getting inflation, as we did in the 1970s, it would be closer to 25%. Meaning, the elite are lying about the inflation rate, by moving the goal post, or manipulation.

One thing I think most people can agree on is that public servants must be honest. That is their one job. They are to serve the public’s interest and how can that be done if they are lying to us constantly? That is not service… it is something else. An employee that lies to their manager is up to no good. That our public servants in the administrative state, lie constantly, while holding us to the absolute truth at all times, proves they are up to no good. They make the rules yet cannot even abide by their own regulations. This is made possible by the fact our public servants think they are better than us. Well, better educated, wiser, and dog gone it, just better people. Ask them. So since they are so much better than the people they serve, wouldn’t it make more sense to rule, instead of serve?

Killing an effective measure and replacing it with a perversion, then using the new measure as a comparison to past measurements, is as dishonest as it gets. Sure, I’ll pay the $25,000.00 for that car… in Greenbacks, Continentals or Confederate dollars, my choice. If the new measure is so much better, then go back and recalculate all the old numbers in the new format, to honestly compare apples to apples, instead of comparing Dollars to Deutsche marks. If two people make an agreement and one person changes their terms for the better, and the other’s terms for the worse, then enforce it by force, that would be a fundamentally unfair situation. A scenario that has been the basis of many a villain story. When an individual does it, everyone sees the evil, but when the administrative state does it…

Liars despise those who expose them. Not only because of the reputational damage… but the damage done to their lies is infuriating. Lies only work when the manipulated believe them. They are wholly useless if the mark is in on it. Liars reserve their wrath for people like Edward Snowden. The administrative state’s loathing of him is palpable. He blew the whistle on our public servants manipulating the data they are duty bound to honestly release. The unemployment numbers, inflation and even the acres of farmland under cultivation, are all subject to warping, should it serve the progressive faction. That many of us know, not only limits the effectiveness of the lies, but allows us to know who they are and what they serve. A far more damning realization.

The open hostility the bureaucracy holds for Snowden, Assange and our Constitution, show the administrative state and indeed all the elite today for who they are, an anti American 5th column. People who have an obligation to protect our Constitution, the founding principles and the American way, have indeed become their most vile enemy. Lying by omission and manipulation, then persecuting anyone who would expose their crimes, the elite in the administrative state are proving themselves villains, every day in every way. Changing the way inflation is calculated is just the tip of the iceberg, of a vast conglomeration of corruption, just under the surface. If we could get the truth from the elite, that would be a start, if we could hold them to it, criminally (as they do us)… that would change the game.


John Pepin

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