Vigilantism After The Great Reset

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite might be biting off more than they can chew, when it comes to triggering the American people to political violence. They think (hope) conservatives will eventually be set off and shoot random people, blow up a bridge or beat up haphazard black people… when nothing could be further from the case. In this they are projecting their own attitudes, actions and ideas on conservatives. Clearly, Soros, Schwabb and Blofeldt haven’t watched any vigilante movies. Because if they had, their blood would go frigid at the thought of triggering the American people. If, and I pray it doesn’t happen, the elite do manage to make it bad enough to trigger Americans, I suspect conservatives will do targeted killings… of the elite. Leaving the people, infrastructure and civilization unaffected.

Obviously the elite will need to damage the infrastructure, people and civilization, as they are doing today, to blame on the vigilantes. I wasn’t there when it happened but, I firmly believe it was not some angry American conservative lone wolf, who blew up the underwater natural gas pipeline that fed gas from Russia to Europe. A state actor carried out that little bit of terrorism. Were the elite able to somehow pin it on a conservative, or politically disfavored group however, it would have been the crime of the century. Because, as we all now know, if an action is a crime depends on who does it, not the action itself. Burning down a police precinct for example. It would have been a crime against the rule of law, had conservatives done it, rather than BLM under the direction of the elite.

Talk to a progressive and you have talked to every progressive. Group think is what they do. Violate any tenet of the ideology and you are excommunicated. As Ellen DeGeneres and J K Rowling have discovered. Keep to the narrative, no matter what, and even frequent trips to Epstein’s pedo isle are acceptable. That is where the NPC (Non Player Character) meme came from. They are not lone wolves, they are herd animals. They think, act and attack as a pack. To a progressive, the enemy is whatever group they are aimed at. The individuals in that group are therefore, villains, no matter their actions. Mere group affiliation is sufficient. Therefore, a progressive cannot imagine the lone wolf, except as a thought experiment, something arcane and theoretical, not someone who could actually exist.

Progressives at all levels project… it is a quality of their personalities. The NPC in them really shows in this aspect of progressivism. That is why they think conservatives, once the threshold of pain has been reached, will go off and attack groups they have been told by the mockingbird media, are the enemy of the conservative. They understand that their fellow NPCs would take it to heart and dehumanize those in the vilified group. Then set upon the enemy with fury and without remorse. It is unfathomable to a progressive how conservatives think for themselves. Conservatives reason that no man is my enemy, my enemies are principalities, inhuman ideas and the avatars of them. Conservatives judge and punish individuals… while progressives judge and punish groups.

A brainwashed BLM activist is to be pitied not hated. He or she has been manipulated into self harm for the benefit of those who despise them. Just as the elite manipulators have been manipulated into spending their very souls, serving that which detests them and will glorify in their joining it, burning in Hell for all eternity. Me, not so much. I pity them. I don’t hate them. I do however hate their actions. There are those who are not as charitable as I however, more violently disposed and quite a bit smarter too. They are the ones that, once triggered, will target the Schwabbs, Soroses and Rothchilds of the world. If they do, I would not want to be in their blood soaked Louis Vuitton’s. In fact, you could say, I pity the fools. For only a fool would draw the ire of America’s Rambos, Bournes and Chuck Norris.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Civilization Is A Process

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is our responsibility to add to human civilization, not replace it. Our elite are mesmerized by the notion of building the world again from the ground up. Redefining everything and in doing so, make themselves gods. Like Robespierre and his bunch. Today’s elite think themselves so much more wise, learned and smarter than the sum total of human history, it would be criminal of them not to rip the whole edifice of human civilization down, and replace it with their version. In the past, people were born into the world and contributed to the sum total of our knowledge, wisdom and humanity. Each generation adding something. Those additions building up to the point where 8 billion people can live on this planet peacefully and with little hunger. Today’s elite are going to fix that.

The wisdom the human race has built up over the millennia is hard fought. In the paleolithic (early stone age) people lived by their wits. By the neolithic (late stone age) people had built trading communities like Gobekli Tempe. With the introduction of agriculture, these trading settlements grew into cities, then city states. Each successive age collapsing then being replaced by the next incarnation of humanity. Learning a bit each time. The Romans sweetened their wine with lead oxide, middle ages Europeans spilled raw sewage onto the streets, and in the 1970s scientists demanded we stop eating eggs, because eggs have cholesterol. Today we know better. Not because we reasoned it out, a priori (using only logic), but because the daily beatings over the centuries taught us the hard way.

The knowledge our species has accumulated is the result of continual adding to it, generation after generation, until we were able to create the philosophy of the ancient Greeks, the Renaissance and the industrial revolution. We struggled at first using only observation to discern the world as it is. Even with that imperfect tool we made advancements. Then the scientific method was developed. We added experiment to observation and broke the game. Using hypothesis (an idea), experiment (testing the idea against reality), then writing down the results, we were able to accelerate our understanding of the world exponentially. Our knowledge today makes us arrogant though. Our elite believe they could have invented it all in a generation, since they are that smart. Doing it all… a priori.

Our morality is the result of our religious doctrines. Ideas that today’s elite seek to do away with since they are convinced religion is the opium of the masses. They judge our religions against a utopian vision only made possible through the ethics religion teaches. The elite believe with all their hearts, that they could independently invent the morality that religion has given the world, without the mumbo jumbo. Ask any committed progressive. If he or she, and other progressives, had their minds wiped, then set down naked on a tropical island, in an hour and a half they would have reasoned out all the morality religion has given us, the wisdom of the ages and in another hour or so, they would have operational nuclear fission reactors, using nothing but coconuts, seaweed and clam shells.

The elite today are cut from the same cloth as Robespierre, Lenin and Hitler, they are not only willing to break a few eggs to make an omelet, they relish breaking those eggs. Their egos dwarf a red giant. People who are inept at everything, think they should be allowed to replace the entirety of human wisdom, knowledge and ethics, because they are so smart. Too stupid to know how stupid they are, they would visit calamity on humanity, and blame us for it. If we let them. The elephant in the room is, the elite are not that wise, ethical or smart. They are fools who believe their own propaganda. Stop allowing them to redefine the basics, like boy and girl, point out and laugh at their stupidity, then let’s put the half witted elite in their place… the unemployment line.


John Pepin

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Full Bellies… Empty Lives?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, throughout human history, until only a few decades ago, most people lived with empty bellies but had fulfilled lives. Now our bellies are full and our lives are empty. Our lives are no longer than they were when we were hungry, because now we die of heart ailments due to obesity, lack of exercise and the clot shot. Who has a more contented life, a peasant from Russia in 1917, or a meth head in a trailer park in Reno? The children of the Russian peasant might become cannon fodder, or write a world renowned book, while the children of the meth head fill the belly of Moloch, or take their parent’s nihilistic path. The elite would have us think there is no solution to the hopelessness, nihilism and empty lives they created, other then to give the elite totalitarian powers. I disagree.

Nihilism is alien to the content while contentment is alien to the nihilist. People with a family, home, children and job, don’t set around thinking about how irrelevant life is… they are experiencing how relevant it is, first hand. While the nihilist who is setting around dwelling on him or herself, all day long, thinking of nothing else, cannot imagine how anyone could be content, fulfilled and especially, satisfied with life. They are like different species trying to employ empathy… a fish imagining the life of a polar bear, and visa versa. No matter how many ring dings, doughnuts and hoo hoos a nihilist eats, the high fructose corn syrup will never fill the void of an empty life. Even as the person with a fulfilled life avoids sugary snacks… to be with their loved ones as long as possible.

People who are fulfilled and content are not easily manipulated, while people who are agitated and uncertain, are putty in the hands of crafty psychopaths. Getting a family man to set his home on fire, to protest an injustice that has nothing to do with him, is a monumental task. Manipulating someone who is already angry, hopped up on oxy, and nihilistic to set their apartment block on fire, to protest some manufactured injustice, is easy peasy. Heck, the most hopeless, stupid and nihilistic will set their own cars on fire in the protest… then whine they can’t get their crack, without a ride. Angry nihilists then become a permanent underclass, demoralized to the point of suicide, if they can make someone else pay as well. Just as riling up the contented, is like riling up set cement, and concrete is impermeable.

It makes perfect sense, if you don’t think about it too much, that we can have either enriched, fulfilled and content lives… else be well fed. That is not the case at all. When the American boys turned up to be sacrificed to Ares during World War One, the scrawny Europeans called the Americans, “Dough Boys,” because the Americans had meat between their bones and skin. In other words, back then, America had solved the dilemma. Americans lived both fulfilled and well fed lives. Anything that happened in the past is by definition… possible. To argue otherwise is to argue against empirical reality. Since it is possible to have well fed, content people, why wouldn’t nations strive for this above all things? Instead they seek well fed nihilists. Almost like the elite want a permanent underclass?

Today we are looking at energy famine, and eating bugs, while we watch our remaining children sterilized. We have not only lost our fulfillment, contentment and satisfaction with life, but we are also loosing our ability to become obese to cope with it. Are we that easily manipulated? Will we allow ourselves to be sterilized, starved and our humanity taken away? We need to be the concrete that is not only hard to rile up but impermeable to tyrants. Be cement and don’t accept nihilism in our schools, defend American values, and think about others. Do the right thing, not because you are following some leader, or law, but because it is the right thing. Join together to make this a world where children are cherished, well fed and have a future. Lead by example and be the cement in our societal concrete.


John Pepin

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Our Pedo-Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, every politician, judge and prosecutor that hasn’t demanded Epstein’s elite pedophile clients be charged with pedophilia, must be pedophiles. How could I presume anything else? Normal people want pedophiles charged. So, either the elite are pedophiles, or they are willing to abet pedophilia. Neither is a resounding tribute of their virtue. Don’t expect republicans to demand an inquiry into Epstein’s murder-cide. They are either cowed or complicit. Even as democrats are clearly compromised. The entire political class took a deep breath, when Epstein was arrested, and let out an aggregate sigh of relief, when he was given thug assisted suicide. Regardless if the elite refuse to speak up because they are guilty, complicit, else afraid of the deep state, their authority is forever tarnished.

It appears from what we have been allowed to see, and the testimony of the little girls that were abused, by the creepy pedophile elite, this was an ongoing operation for decades. Which means hundreds maybe thousands of little girls were abused by these elite perverts. Not one so far has seen a speck of justice, and if the elite have their way, which it looks like they are going to, the victims of Epstein and Maxwell will never get justice. Each girl abused increases the magnitude of the crime. Each elite that was involved magnifies the extent of the damage to our society. Which means that thousands of little girls, abused by hundreds of elites, equals infinite damage to our society, culture and government. Because the elite run them all. If the elite are that corrupt… then they are nothing but villains.

Do you want villains running our world? Because there is no other conclusion we can come to, given the circumstances. We have an elite that are either too scared to speak up, to protect little girls, or they are the villains themselves. I wonder whenever I see an elite today, how many times that POS went to pedophile island. All judges, prosecutors, politicians or bureaucrats, until this is sorted out, I consider them all pedophiles. How can we hold them in anything but absolute utter contempt? What is more contemptible than someone who abuses little girls, and probably little boys too. Lets face it, a villain who is a pedophile, murdered a man in prison to cover it up and then called it suicide, is a villain we don’t need running our courts, congress, senate or executive. They belong in prison.

Nevertheless, that is exactly the caliber of man and women we have in our highest offices… villains. They could prove me wrong tomorrow, all they need do is act, but rest assured, act they will not. Because many of them have a long lever welded to their backs. They never imagined, a moment of indiscretion on a private island owned by a notorious pimp to the elite… could go wrong? So now they are allowed to make noise, like they have a spine, but that was replaced long ago on a private island owned by a notorious pedophile elite pimp. Those that do not have a lever, because Epstein had not got around to setting them up for blackmail yet, are too weak kneed to stand, because they look around and see a sea of pedophiles with long levers on their backs…. who would do them real harm. If they stood.

What we have then, is a government run by pedophiles, villains and cowards, in the pay of a shadowy organization, like the WEF. They do the bidding of their masters… or else. Because once SPECTRE has video of someone abusing a little girl, or little boy, that person no longer has agency, ethics or will, they have a lever installed. Oh, threatening a man’s grand kids is effective, but no where near as effective, as controlling his or her destiny. All the evils that flow from our governments are because of this. Who thinks Trudeau wasn’t a frequent flier to pedo isle? He probably shared the row with Roberts, Clinton and McConnell. Until we get a real investigation into the Epstein scandal, we will continue to be ruled by villains without conscience, who are controlled by a super villain. Demand an investigation.


John Pepin

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The Control Freaks Who Control The World

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, many economists, historians and academics believe there are three basic systems of human organization.. free enterprise, communism and fascism. Free enterprise is where individuals make their own choices, communism is where you have no choices, and fascism is where the state makes your choices for you… for the betterment of all. So far, communism and fascism have failed every time they have been tried, while free enterprise has succeeded. Nevertheless, despite the empirical evidence of free enterprises’ superiority, the elite stubbornly opt for either communism or fascism. I think it is because these two systems are based on central control, and the elite, being control freaks, think that they, the experts, must do a better job than a self arranging complex system.

These three systems of human organization are more than simply economic schemes, they encompass the totality of human endeavor… economic, social and some even seek to control our evolution itself. You might think that free enterprise is all about getting rich, and that is a large part of the incentive structure, but it is about much more than that. This is because before free enterprise can exist several factors must be met. The people must have a minimum of integrity, the laws must be limited and fairly applied, crony capitalism must be discouraged, taxes must be low or nonexistent, free speech protected and regulation has to be replaced with standards. The other two systems also cover every aspect of human life. Instead of freeing mankind, they control us to the nth degree, even to the point of eugenics.

Socialism even failed Jesus’ disciples. It failed the Pilgrims, the French, the Russians, the Chinese, the Cambodians and the list goes on and on. Each failure spilling more blood than the last. At each incarnation, the socialists, both fascist and communist, thought more power in the hands of the despots would make it work. Each time more power was usurped by the experts… more people died. Mao killed tens of millions with his Great Leap Forward, Lenin’s Bolsheviks killed millions in their march to power and the blood that flowed from Robespierre’s guillotine filled rivers. The Pilgrims starved to death en masse until they gave up socialism and embraced free enterprise. History teaches us nothing if not that free enterprise succeeds, whenever it is tried, as fascism/communism fails… every time.

Control freaks desire control. They are deeply uncomfortable when not in control. The whole idea of a self organizing system gives such people the Heeby Jeebies. Empirical evidence be damned, they cannot understand, how order can arise from chaos, if they are not the ordering agent. I suspect it boils down to maturity. Some people are not able to let go. That illusion of control gives them something solid to grasp in this maelstrom of a world. Control freaks are just not mature enough to allow free enterprise to work. It upsets them too much. Even if fascism and communism create disaster for millions of people. Millions of others get to live under strict order, and that, in and of itself, is a price control freaks are willing for others to pay… to make the control freaks more comfortable.

We have to ask ourselves, do we want strict top down order, that kills tens perhaps hundreds of millions, but lets control freaks feel good about themselves? Maybe we would prefer a system where the control freaks are not so comfortable, but hundreds of millions of people get to live, with an ever increasing standard of living? These are the two options we as a species are faced with. The control freaks are at the top today, pulling the lever on totalitarian global fascism, and we have less and less say every day. Because control freaks are not open to debate, delegation of authority, or democracy. Those things limit their control. Just like in WWII, two of the three great systems are faced off, Fascism and free enterprise. The elite have chosen global fascism… what do you choose?


John Pepin

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Anti-Americans Run America

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, who would have ever thought patriotism, adherence to constitutional principles and the American ethic… would be called bad? Because it’s nationalist. Even as what the elite call “good” is the very definition of anti-American… global fascism. Now that is political progress, in the wrong direction to be sure, but progress nonetheless. Can you imagine in 1950s America, the schools teaching atheism, socialism, and confusing the children if they are boys or girls? People would have risen up and demanded an end to it. Today we have been so demoralized we bend like willows. Even when our own children are at stake. We have been conditioned to equate family, Christianity and our Constitution as nationalist, therefore bad… and the acid of woke anti American globalism, as good.

The anti-American democrats have usurped the fire in the cave and their shadow dancers portray the opposite of reality. Through social and the mockingbird media the elite control what is projected on our collective cave wall. The elite manipulate what we think this way. If they were to lose control of the shadow dancers their entire power structure would collapse. Because it is based on lies. Lies may seem solid enough when no one is allowed to examine them. Sooner or later however, the void below becomes apparent, then, like the coyote chasing a road runner, once we realize we are floating in air, we drop. That is why the elite are so incensed that Elon Musk has bought Twitter and is allowing non people to speak. Any lack of censorship will expose the void below and that is unacceptable.

Back when schools taught things like, reading writing and arithmetic, the students graduated knowing at least a modicum of history. When I was in school we were required to pass basic competencies before we could graduate. Moreover, we read George Orwell’s Animal farm. Industrial arts was a real course back then, with stationary machinery, welding stations and small engine repair. We were not taught about Mao’s Great Leap Forward, that killed upwards of 40 million people though, nor Stalin’s Ukraine famine or Pol Pot’s killing fields. Hitler, on the other hand, was the topic of many a class. Fascism, we were taught, was the state working with corporations on a goal set by the leader. Otherwise called, Corporatism, stakeholder capitalism and ESG, often condensed to, “Woke.”

Fascism and Americanism are incompatible, so one has to go, and the elite favor fascism, so Americanism is on the way out. Americanism, the idea that everyone is created equal, freedom of speech is doctrinal and is built on Constitutionally limited government, limits the elite too much. Obviously fascism and its ideals of unlimited government, the marshaling of the whole to one end and the ordering of society along the lines of a military, is the antithesis of Americanism… nationalist or globalist. Nevertheless the fascist system appeals to the authoritarian types. That is what separates Soros from Hitler. Hitler was a nationalist fascist… while Soros, Obama, Wray, Breyer, Garland, Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, Roberts, etc… are all globalist fascists. Huge lack of difference.

Today’s fascists are not nationalist, not in the least, they are globalist fascists. Anti-Americans in charge of America. They see nationalism, patriotism and love of nation as evils to be destroyed, and global fascism as the way of the future. So America has to go. Canada, Britain, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, Greece, etc… as well. Singing such magnificent platitudes as, Environment, Social and Governance, they vilify free speech, nationalism and protect pedophiles. The globalist fascist cave wall is quite the spectacle. We have the very definition of anti-Americans in our high offices, bureaucracy and courts. No nation, no matter how well founded, can withstand acid corroding it from within. Our nations will fall to globalism, unless we speak up and point out the lie papered voids… while we can.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Just Galling

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in a just world, the people who created the shortages in energy and food, would go cold and hungry, but instead, the powerless will go cold and hungry, while the powerful will eat Wagu filet mignon, and keep their chateaus a balmy 79 degrees this winter. What we have then is a fundamentally unjust system. If the elite who caused the problems, were to voluntarily turn their thermostats down to 65 degrees, and eat bugs, lead by example, then they wouldn’t be such unconscionable hypocrites. The fact is, they will not suffer a single cold nose because of their stupidly destroying Europe’s access to energy. Biden, Pelosi and McConnell will not go hungry because of their war on fertilizer. Suffering the results of the elite’s incompetence or malevolence, is the job of the hoi polloi… us.

Food will be in shortage due to the elite’s war on fertilizer. In the 1960s the experts predicted mass starvation by now. They said there would be a silent spring because of mankind’s ravaging the planet… by the 1990s. Those predictions have not panned out because of the increase in the use of fertilizer. Made possible by cheap natural gas feedstock. Today, the 8 billion people on the planet eat better than the 3.3 billion did in the 1960s. Because of cheap fertilizer used in the poorest of nations. (The slight increase in CO2 might help as well). Nevertheless, now the elite have deemed nitrogen to be a poison, (despite the fact 78% of the air we breathe is nitrogen), it must be phased out. So, no more nitrogen fertilizer. All it will take to accomplish this… is to starve to death ¾ of the human population.

Energy is scarce because of the elite’s war on energy. The elite are in a panic over the grazing masses use of fossil fuels… as they fly from NYC to Paris for a luncheon on their private jets. What if the little people used up all the jet fuel? The elite would have to stay in LA. That is simply unacceptable. That’s why it is only fair and just the breeders have their standard of living lowered, so the elite can elevate theirs a little more. Who cares if a 59 year old man has to walk in the cold to work and back again because insurance, fuel and taxes make driving too expensive? That saved energy will allow a rich person 10 seconds of jet fuel, flying across the pacific to a global warming conference. The elite tell us all the time, we will have to tighten our belts a little… So they can loosen theirs.

People will starve to death and others will freeze to death because of the “failures” of the elite. There is no denying it. Doesn’t that make today’s elite horrible people? Deeply flawed humans with too much power, no wisdom and lacking humanity. To be fair, the people who will starve, die of exposure and calamity, will be the poor… no elite will suffer that fate. So it’s okay. Not even the downtrodden care if they are starved, abused or oppressed, since social media tamps down their laments as disinformation. Nevertheless, people will die because of the decisions the elite have made in the last few years. They have put the car in the ditch, we are outside pushing, and they keep putting the car in forward as we try to push it back out. Then spray us with mud. Almost like they want it to stay in the ditch?

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. I write my representative and senators regularly, demanding justice, if more people did, there would be more justice. The elite keep us well oiled though. With bread, circuses and hopelessness. What else has congress made of itself with the Jan 6 hearings, if not a circus? Don’t worry about the poor elite, they will come through the catastrophe they created, just fine. The downtrodden will suffer, and many will die, but that simply reduces the surplus population. Genius if you think of it, cutting our food and energy, no need for bullets, rope or guillotines. The hypocrites need not lift a finger. They don’t need 75% of us anyway. In a just world however, criminals would be the ones to suffer for their actions… not innocents. So squeak! Before it’s too late.


John Pepin

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The Hegelian Manipulation That Is FTX

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the absolute corruption the FTX bankruptcy exposes, is astounding. That it is being manipulated into a Hegelian swindle is shocking even to the most jaded and cynical. The pathology that leads to such behavior is indeed deep, dark and disturbing. Basically, people created a decentralized currency to get around the central bank controlled monetary system. It got out of hand and became successful… so the elite set up a centralizing means, the FTX exchange, where they took depositor’s money and spent it on whatever they wanted, orgies, drugs and overturning democracy. They paid off the elite so they would turn their backs. They say, so far, the money squandered is upwards of 9 billion dollars. Those must have been some orgies! Like I said… astounding.

Bitcoin, the first crypto currency, was invented specifically to limit the elite’s ability to manipulate money. Based on blockchain technology it was designed to be un centralizable. The inventors saw the central banks and their control of the money supply as a source of global oppression. The scheme was to counter the Rothschild corporate policy, Let me coin a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws. Bitcoin, and all the other crypto currencies that have come after, are manifestations of mankind’s desire to get out from under the will of evil men who, coin the currency. The potential to lift the stone of despotism from the back of mankind is awesome. So much so the CCP has outlawed it. The elite in the West despise crypto as well, but wanted to harvest money from it first… so they created FTX.

The elite centralized a decentralized scheme by making it appear like FTX was a bank for crypto. Marketing made their exchange cool, changing one crypto to another and other wiz bang things. FTX “lent” money to corporate partners. They bribed the mockingbird media and bought the regulators at the SEC. Not that they had to, with one of the executives at the company, the daughter of the head of the SEC. With connections like that, scams become easy. What a swindle it was. No other has come close. 9 billion dollars of depositor money lost. The executives in their million dollar beachfront mansion are still having orgies… leaving the little guys the bag holders. Bank fraud will have to miss his next meeting with Zuck the schmuck, the 3 WEF stooges and pugnacious Pelosi.

As always, once the elite centralized the decentralized crypto currency, their corruption took over. That corruption led to blowing up the entire crypto sphere. Which was probably their intent all along. Now the vast destruction of people’s wealth has led to calls to further centralize crypto. The people who blew up the crypto market with their corruption, are being rewarded with more power to feed that corruption, because they will soon regulate it. Making the whole idea of a decentralized currency to get around the bankers soon to be moot. Crypto will be regulated out of existence and replaced with a Central bank Digital Currency, CBDC. In the end, the idea of blockchain decentralized currency, to get around the oppressive banking system, will have led to the system becoming a bigger threat than ever.

The elite did not become the elite because they are squeamish about morality, laws or humanity. They became the elite because they consider themselves above such things. Their egos, lack of remorse and lust for thrill supersede minor limitations like those. Which makes their actions hard to understand by the common run of man. We look at people who are hypocrites, then use the exposure of that hypocrisy to gain more power, defrauding us all the way, and we assume our eyes must be malfunctioning. Nevertheless, unless we act, the elite will be rewarded for their corruption, and we will be the pigeons again. Giving depth to the saying, “Steal a penny from the rich and the State will move heaven and Earth to get to you, steal everything a poor person has, and they won’t dispatch a car.”


John Pepin

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Harassment By Hypocrite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there used to be a concept called harassment, where the authorities would use police powers over and over on an innocent person, as a form of intimidation… now it is called protecting democracy. Once a person is proven innocent multiple times yet still charged, by people who have demonstrably broken the exact laws they charge the other with, that can only be considered harassment by hypocrites. What proves harassment is if someone is charged with a multitude of crimes, and it turns out, the people charging the person fabricated all the evidence, to get the target. Moreover, someone who could hold up to years of intense scrutiny by every prosecutor in the nation, with an eye to finding the crime, and they can’t find any, is pretty darned clean… like Donald Trump.

The entire Russia gate was a frame job. Mueller’s flawed “investigation” (cover up) proved Trump innocent. Durham’s cover up masquerading as an investigation, exposed the actors for the crimes they committed, even though no one has gone to jail. Then there are the facts that have been coming out about how the FBI literally paid a foreign spy to dig dirt on a US Presidential candidate. Illegal foreign collusion if there ever was. Roger Stone and General Flynn spent time in prison, for supposedly lying under oath. Even as an FBI lawyer perjured himself in a FISA document to get surveillance on a Trump ally. Yet he only lost his law license for a year and is practicing again today. In the past that would be enough evidence to condemn those attacking the man.

The impeachment over a phone call to Ukraine? If that didn’t stink to high heaven to you… you must have covid. That corruption is being exposed today. With the FTX implosion, its ties to the democrat party and shockingly, Ukraine. Looks like the whole Ukraine operation was a money laundering system that the elite were terrified Trump might get wind of. So they impeached him to distract us. That scandal has cost tens of thousands of people their lives in the Russia Ukraine war. People who kill innocents, promote the killing of innocents and start wars, regardless if by subterfuge or open invasion, are scum. Marching NATO to the door step of Russia is as provocative as it gets. Therefore, we can conclude, with 100% reliability, those who are attacking Trump… are scum.

Those who are evil are the most afraid of evil being visited on them. Elitists are happy to use violence to get their way but chafe at the charge they are inhuman. War, police powers and criminal law are tools to dirt bag scum. A thug in prison is a better person than most politicians today. At least he is open about his aggression. A manipulating hypocrite who works in the dark to force everyone to his will, is far more dangerous, yet called a hero. Because the psychopaths in the elite have better ad agencies. Imagine the hypocrisy of someone, who promoted violence against innocents all summer long, then charged their political foes with insurrection, because they tried to petition their government for a redress of grievances? Then jailed the protesters for over a year without bail, trial or human Rights… for trespassing on public property.

What we have is a struggle between ideological futures. The elitists would settle for a 1984 George Orwell society but they are striving for a Brave New World. While populists want a return to Constitutionally limited government, individual sovereignty, democracy and a perpetually rising standard of living for the downtrodden. This vision is incompatible with the centrally planned economy, society and culture the elite are trying to build. Any populist that gets power could derail that crazy train. That is why the elite have fabricated charges against Trump, undermined him at every turn, and had a special investigator waiting for him when he took office. What we have then is, people proven to be criminals, using criminal law to harass someone proven innocent. Welcome to the future.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Judges Who Pervert The Legal System

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the republicans need to start impeachment proceedings for many judges. Most of the judges in the southern district of New York, the DC courts, and various judges across the nation… at both the State and Federal level. Starting with the judges in the Alex Jones trial and the judge that signed off on the raid of Trump. The judicial branch is supposed to be limited by the legislative. That the legislative doesn’t is a failure on their part. Regardless if republicans control the House or Senate, in any state or the federal government, simply entering those articles of impeachment would give other activist judges, pause. Today, a judge that wants to exploit their authority to undermine the rule of law and our Constitution, has no worries. Wisdom suggests we give them some.

Judges are the linchpin of our legal system. If our judges are corrupt the legal system is worthless. It’s only a means for arbitrary rule. The worse kind of tyranny. Our judges know this. They are well educated. Certainly better than I. So why don’t they do their damned job and protect our Constitution, legal system and the basic rule of law? Because they have been brain washed. They believe in their hearts that the US is evil. Founded on slavery, racism and injustice. They focus on every bad thing the West has ever done, and zealously believe the West is singularly responsible, for every evil in the world. Even those that happened centuries before the ice sheets receded from North America. People who so fervently believe such absurdities are not subject to logic or rational argument. They are robots.

People perceive our legal system today as a rigged game. Oh, it has always had its detractors, but even the most ardent hater of the United States would rather be charged here, than in the Soviet Union. Not so much today. It appears that now you might get a fairer trial in Russia than the US. Especially if you are charged with political crimes. Self interested individuals will not participate in a rigged game. Why volunteer to enter a heads I win tails you lose contest? That makes you a pigeon. Not only do people refuse to play along with their own oppression, they also lose all respect for an institution that has so disrespected itself, its role in society and its founding. Judges that use the bench as a means to social change disintegrate the public’s respect, favor and past honors. Harming all of humanity in the process.

When the population has lost all respect for their government, that government has not long to live. They say, when a spouse rolls their eyes at their partners antics, the marriage is over. Because no marriage can stand contempt. The marriage between the people and their government is the same. The contempt of one leads inevitably to the contempt of the other. The way that judges are acting today, as well as the fact the legislatures refuses to reign them in, proves the elite hold the law and us in utter contempt. Now that we see, what total hypocrites the elite are, we hold them in absolute disdain. So, how can the marriage last? They hate us and we are starting to return that hate. Sadly, because hate destroys the hater, not the hated. It is human nature, when confronted with scorn, to return it.

Today, no one respects the law as anything to be honored, but to be feared, like a scorpion. You don’t hold a scorpion in reverence, you avoid them, and kill them when you get the chance. The judicial system, led by our hypocrite judges, have made our entire legal system, a scorpion. The legislative branch is tasked with overseeing the judicial, so it doesn’t become a scorpion, with the impeachment for violating the Constitution. They have failed. Judges act without oversight, consequence or limit. Republicans are not helpless though. Those who the FBI doesn’t have a lever on anyway. Republicans can enter articles of impeachment for judges who violate their oaths without being the majority. That they don’t or don’t back those who try to, tells me, they have levers installed.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment