Just Galling

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in a just world, the people who created the shortages in energy and food, would go cold and hungry, but instead, the powerless will go cold and hungry, while the powerful will eat Wagu filet mignon, and keep their chateaus a balmy 79 degrees this winter. What we have then is a fundamentally unjust system. If the elite who caused the problems, were to voluntarily turn their thermostats down to 65 degrees, and eat bugs, lead by example, then they wouldn’t be such unconscionable hypocrites. The fact is, they will not suffer a single cold nose because of their stupidly destroying Europe’s access to energy. Biden, Pelosi and McConnell will not go hungry because of their war on fertilizer. Suffering the results of the elite’s incompetence or malevolence, is the job of the hoi polloi… us.

Food will be in shortage due to the elite’s war on fertilizer. In the 1960s the experts predicted mass starvation by now. They said there would be a silent spring because of mankind’s ravaging the planet… by the 1990s. Those predictions have not panned out because of the increase in the use of fertilizer. Made possible by cheap natural gas feedstock. Today, the 8 billion people on the planet eat better than the 3.3 billion did in the 1960s. Because of cheap fertilizer used in the poorest of nations. (The slight increase in CO2 might help as well). Nevertheless, now the elite have deemed nitrogen to be a poison, (despite the fact 78% of the air we breathe is nitrogen), it must be phased out. So, no more nitrogen fertilizer. All it will take to accomplish this… is to starve to death ¾ of the human population.

Energy is scarce because of the elite’s war on energy. The elite are in a panic over the grazing masses use of fossil fuels… as they fly from NYC to Paris for a luncheon on their private jets. What if the little people used up all the jet fuel? The elite would have to stay in LA. That is simply unacceptable. That’s why it is only fair and just the breeders have their standard of living lowered, so the elite can elevate theirs a little more. Who cares if a 59 year old man has to walk in the cold to work and back again because insurance, fuel and taxes make driving too expensive? That saved energy will allow a rich person 10 seconds of jet fuel, flying across the pacific to a global warming conference. The elite tell us all the time, we will have to tighten our belts a little… So they can loosen theirs.

People will starve to death and others will freeze to death because of the “failures” of the elite. There is no denying it. Doesn’t that make today’s elite horrible people? Deeply flawed humans with too much power, no wisdom and lacking humanity. To be fair, the people who will starve, die of exposure and calamity, will be the poor… no elite will suffer that fate. So it’s okay. Not even the downtrodden care if they are starved, abused or oppressed, since social media tamps down their laments as disinformation. Nevertheless, people will die because of the decisions the elite have made in the last few years. They have put the car in the ditch, we are outside pushing, and they keep putting the car in forward as we try to push it back out. Then spray us with mud. Almost like they want it to stay in the ditch?

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. I write my representative and senators regularly, demanding justice, if more people did, there would be more justice. The elite keep us well oiled though. With bread, circuses and hopelessness. What else has congress made of itself with the Jan 6 hearings, if not a circus? Don’t worry about the poor elite, they will come through the catastrophe they created, just fine. The downtrodden will suffer, and many will die, but that simply reduces the surplus population. Genius if you think of it, cutting our food and energy, no need for bullets, rope or guillotines. The hypocrites need not lift a finger. They don’t need 75% of us anyway. In a just world however, criminals would be the ones to suffer for their actions… not innocents. So squeak! Before it’s too late.


John Pepin

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