Who Does The FBI Really Work For?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what the FBI refuses to investigate, is as damning of them and their intentions as the openly partisan nature of their “investigations” (cover ups). We all know the Whitmer “kidnappers” were FBI plants and the, well, let’s call them the marks, had to be dragged kicking and screaming all the way to the frame. To play the populous into pitying Governor Corrupticus Unscrupulous, insuring her reelection, so the deep state could maintain their puppet. That is but one of a multitude of FBI “investigations,” that take up manpower and resources, from other things that could be investigated. Minor violations like, the fire bombing of pro life adoption centers, Epstein’s elite pedophile list, if Biden is selling State secrets for cash, along with a plethora of State crimes. That they don’t says a lot.

Epstein’s elite pedophile clients apparently are above the law. There were a few reports, some FBI agents were annoyed that they had been pulled off child porn investigations, to investigate Jan 6 trespassers. That story had a very short shelf life. Meanwhile, our elites in academia are pushing the normalization of pedophilia, like in ancient Sparta. Not at all like Sodom and Gomorrah, they at least, weren’t pedophiles. They were everything else. That the FBI refuses to go after a single pedophile on that list, even a lowly one, shows that is a Pandora’s Box they know not to open. The monsters inside have deadly stingers, ask Andrew Breightbart, Jeffery Epstein or his business partner, Jean Luc Brunel… They are all dead, maybe for threatening to expose the pedophiles, or maybe pigs fly?

The Biden lap tops are clear evidence the Biden family business was selling access and state secrets to the highest bidder, heck, any bidder with the money. Their sociopath elite clients ranged across the planet, from Ukraine to China, and Moscow to who knows where. The Bidens became very rich at the family business. Why wouldn’t they? Their product is always in demand, by people with access to huge amounts of other people’s money, and they are in a unique position to supply that demand. With accomplices like the FBI, DOJ and CIA there is no way that game could go wrong. (Other than Hunter’s propensity to leave incriminating evidence around). Then again that is a problem whenever a crack head is involved in running any complex business plan.

I find it odd that the FBI spends so much time going after peaceful pro life protesters, but not pro abortion agitators who fire bomb pro life adoption centers and churches, then tagging the crime scene! Why do you think that is? In the hierarchy of crimes, a reasonable person would consider torching a building with Molotov cocktails a greater crime, than speaking publicly about the evils of killing unborn babies. Yet the FBI sees it differently. They, judging by their actions not their rhetoric, believe exercising one’s Constitutional Right to free speech is a greater threat to national security, stability and the elite, than setting businesses on fire. I bet if those businesses set on fire were abortion centers or temples of Satan, the FBI would move Heaven and Earth to bring the arson to “justice.”

How much time and money was spent by the FBI investigating the Russian Collusion hoax? Tens of millions at least. Millions in direct payments for Steele for his discredited dossier. Then there is the “Special Council” that met Trump when he came into office. The FBI spared no expense, when a race car driver thought a garage door pull was a noose, dispatching a squad of detectives to look into the affair. The FBI even now is investigating parents for not wanting their children manipulated into a sex change. Yes, what a “law enforcement” agency chooses to investigate, and what it allows to go uninvestigated, says a lot about the motivations, goals and people in that organization. Who does the FBI and indeed the entire bureaucracy really work for? The people with the Epstein tapes.


John Pepin

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The Social Question

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, all the political parties in the West, are ignoring the social question. Problems like a shrinking standard of living, destruction of the family unit and the scourge of hopelessness that plagues our youth. Instead the elite stir up international problems to distract us and waste our money on. People are having a hard time putting fuel in their cars to get to work and the elite concentrate on ginning up a nuclear war with Russia? We don’t give a damn about Russia, they are on the other side of the GD planet! We are being overrun by illegal immigrants collecting welfare, while Americans are struggling to put food on the table, and crime is rampant! What the hell is wrong with these elites? Our dollar is rapidly becoming Greenbacks and Continentals while the elite feast on unconstitutional power.

Immigration is a good thing, but nothing overdone is good. Milk is as wholesome as it gets, but spill a truckload into a pond, and in a week ask yourself if too much wasn’t a bad thing? Filling the welfare rolls with illegal immigrants may appear, to the stupid and ignorant to be kind, but it is in fact evil. For the same reason there are, “Do not feed the wildlife” signs in our parks, it is deeply unjust to citizens and there is a limit to how many immigrants even the most resilient culture can absorb. No nation needs a permanent underclass, unless it wants to abuse people who cannot fight back. If that is the goal, then the means are ideal, if national wealth, a rising standard of living and low crime is the goal, it is as Mo Ti said, “Like climbing a tree and looking for fish.”

Hopelessness is epidemic in our youth… and why wouldn’t it be? They are befuddled if they are boys or girls, instead of taught math, reading, writing, history and arithmetic. The children are set back by being reeducated out of knowledge that should be settled long before they get to elementary school. How can someone who is taught there is no God, no chance for a better future, manipulated into self hatred and bombarded by negative stereotypes… going to say no when offered drugs, sex or anything else? What hope do our kids have today? The schools push that the world will end inside of ten years, perpetually. Is that a hopeful message to inculcate to our kids? History now brain washes kids into believing they are guilty of post modernist original sin, being born of European descent.

Americans are tired of being the world’s policeman. Why should we send our sons and daughters, who have escaped the stupefying political indoctrination system that masquerades as education, to die horribly on a foreign battlefield, come home missing arms and legs, else riddled with PTSD… so scumbag pedophile elites and the Military Industrial Complex can make more money? I don’t see the upside for us. The upside for the elite and the MIC, you know, those with the backing of the CIA and Federal Reserve had JFK murdered, is clear though. They stand to make money and gain power. A win win for the soulless elites. Moreover, being the world’s police, not only gives our elites unwarranted power, but distracts us from our diminishing standard of living and siphons off marshal youth.

These and many other social questions used to be the bailiwick of the democrat party in the US, now they have fully embraced their corporatocracy, the social question is no longer pertinent. They have the power “answering” the social question was supposed to give them. Without having to help a single one of us subhuman hoi polloi. So what if their policies of exporting jobs, razing energy infrastructure, flooding our nation with illegal immigrants, giving welfare to illegals, creating international enemies from would be friends, befuddling kids, abetting the importation of fentanyl, and worshiping Satan, leading to hopelessness. While the elite are getting richer and more powerful by the day for it. Let’s face it, the elite will not answer the social question, unless we force them to.


John Pepin

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The Hegemonic Faction

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, since Madison, Jay and Hamilton were worried that one faction could come to control two of the three branches of government, and they reflected that fear in the Federalist Papers as Publius… they would be terrified to know one unAmerican faction now controls all three, and the media as well. Most of all, that an unconstitutional chimera would rise up and usurp the role of government, controlled by an anti American faction, that uses unconstitutional means outside the normal channels of government power. That chimera is obviously, the bureaucracy, the administrative state. So what we have in truth is an administrative state wresting with the remnants of our Constitutional republic for the last bits of power. The Founding Father’s worse nightmare.

The entire theater of Biden and Trump having “classified documents” in their possession, is a manipulation, to move more power from the constitutional government to the unlimited, unaccountable and unconstitutional bureaucracy. The entire issue rests on the question, “who has the power to classify and declassify?” Is the authority in the Constitutionally elected President (whether fraud was involved or not)… or does that power reside in the bureaucracy? If a bureaucrat can charge a President with having classified documents, then that presumes the bureaucrat is superior to the President. Biden is certainly guilty of numerous crimes worthy of impeachment and criminal punishment, but to take him down over this… is clearly another usurpation by the administrative State.

Bureaucracy oppresses in the dark, the media makes sure of it… since they are controlled by the same anti American faction. The statement, ignorance is no excuse under law, is perverted to open oppression when the “laws” are regulations, passed in the dark of night by a nameless bureaucrat for our own good. Those regulations are so arcane it is impossible for anyone to know them all, and so at any time you or I may run afoul of one of them, rendering us into criminals. Even as the elite get away with pedophilia, right in front of our faces, and dare us to say anything about it. This would of course be impossible without a complicit press. That the truth is so well manipulated, to keep us ignorant and cowed, is a testament to the progressive faction’s monopoly media.

The history of the United States is punctuated by singularly terrible Presidents. The most notable being in the 20th century. Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Barak Obama and Joe Biden have moved the ball down the field more than any other men in history. That field being the destruction of America. Wilson’s favorite book, or so it is reported, was Philip Dru Administrator. In it, the legislature is replaced by a bureaucracy, an administrative state. Administrating the life of the people by experts trained and professional in that field. Growing the administrative state inside the constitutional government, until it is ready to emerge, as “Alien” does. That, and eugenics, have been the uniting ideology of the progressive faction from the beginning to today.

Publius was adamant that the reason for separation of powers, Constitutional limitation and the presumption that, any power not expressly given in our Constitution to government, was reserved for the people and the States… was to limit the power of faction. In Federalist #10, Madison wanted to use faction to control faction, it failed. Today the progressive faction, wielding post modern philosophy and injecting it through the education system… has drugged the minds of the elite. That progressive faction, cut from the same cloth as German National Socialists, the Bolsheviks and Maoists, now control all three branches of our Constitutional government, with the bureaucracy as their crown jewel. Siphoning power from our Constitutional government right before our eyes. We wont even protect kids, so…


John Pepin

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Respectful Contempt

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there is a gulf between authority and power, which surpasses even that between galaxies. Authority is the ability to lead people of their own free will. Power, on the other hand, is the ability to force people to do your will, regardless of how much they don’t want to. The old Marxist saying, although it could have been said by a corporatist (fascist) as well, “Power flows from the barrel of a gun…” sums it up right there. If power is what one seeks, then a gun is what one needs, if authority is what one seeks, then the gun is the opposite tao (way). How many with power demand respect as well? There are two kinds of respect, the respect I give a scorpion, rattlesnake or vinegaroon, and the respect I give a person of virtue. The gulf between them is…

The ignorant, pathological and childish don’t understand the divergence between power and authority. They mistakenly believe power bestows authority, lacking the mental acuity to understand such subtleties… as the gulf between galaxies. Ignorant people simply do not know what they do not know, and so, are the blind that seek the one eyed man, to guide them. The one eyed man is the pathological predator. He lacks depth vision and so cannot distinguish the near from the far, the good from the bad, or right from wrong. Then there are the childish. People who have eyes to see but their hearts get in the way. Willing to cede their, (and everyone else) agency to the one eyed man, for some utopian ideal. Not one of these types is able to differentiate power from legitimate authority.

The difference between authority and power, is also insinuated in the words, leader and despot. A leader wields authority while a despot wields power. People respect a wise leader while they fear a despot. The despot believes the “respect” he gets from his subjects is better than the reverence the leader gets from his citizens. Tyrants rule by violence and the imminent threat of violence… and they have a point. Machiavelli wasn’t a fool. He was cynical. Fear is a powerful motivator of men and therefore is the basis of law. For, if the fear of law didn’t stop people from doing bad things, then what good is law? Pragmatically, those nations that have had leaders, have experienced a rise in the standard of living and in national wealth. Even as war, famine and crime accompany despotism.

If someone needs to threaten you with violence to your person, social standing or economic well being to get you to act, speak or think their way, they are not exercising authority, but power. Those who convince us to act, speak and think as they do, by the power of personality, as Confucius called it, are wielding authority. The difference is as subtle as a rock thrown through a plate glass window. Both work, but power can be wielded by any half witted psychopath, authority can only be wielded by the human hearted. A maniac with a knife is to be respected, like we do a loose rattler in the house, but not to be revered. Both the rattler and maniac needs to be dealt with as a mortal threat. Government that acts like a rattler loose in the house deserves the same kind of respect.

People who act with authority need not use censorship, violence and regulation to force us to act virtuously, they lead by example. Showing the advantage of that way of life and being actual leaders. Despots however, live the opposite way they demand of their subjects, by force of arms. A police state is never ruled by people who have themselves subjected to interrogation, once a week. Those who want to save the planet, by making us eat bugs and pond scum, will themselves eat Wagu ChateauBriand done to perfection. Because tyrants believe power flows from the barrel of a gun while leaders lead by example. Only leaders understand the difference though. A scorpion doesn’t climb up on a bench and demand I revere it. Despots do. How can we hold them in anything but respectful contempt?


John Pepin

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The Inept Despot’s Best Friend

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, censorship is the incompetent tyrant’s best friend. A well oiled propaganda machine can push absurdity and the mockingbird media will cover up the catastrophes that result. That way, even someone with an IQ under 85 can be a despot, like Biden. With a press that is on the payroll of the most corrupt administration in US history, nothing is off the table, except the truth. How refreshing to have a media that only reports lies, half truths and statistics. Saves a lot of thinking. A liar, like Adam Schiff, will claim to be against censorship, as they are censoring. Since hypocrisy is a sacrament to progressives, that makes him a saint. Yes, our overlords may be stupid, poltroons and liars… but they have the backing of the expert class, and what is more witless than a bureaucracy?

The Twitter files prove Schiff was censoring while he was claiming the mantel of free speech advocate. Machiavelli would be proud. Now that the information is out, and undeniable, Adam Schiff is unabashed. The bug eyed liar struts around without shame. Now, if you think of it, a would be oligarchy must be pretty ridiculous, to have the unlimited power this one does, and not be able to close the deal? Thankfully, their ineptitude extends to usurping power, as well as running the nation, into the ground. Those lacking the mental fortitude to understand, even recent history, are probably not ideally suited to be despots in the first place though. One has to wonder, how can the censorship continue to protect our incompetent oligarchs, now that Twitter has gone light side.

Fortunately, our mail in elections are as corruptible as a two dollar hooker, else the disasters our ludicrous leadership has visited on us, might be reflected at the ballot box. That would not do at all! Back when elections were legitimate, (at least the counting was) and paper ballots revealed the winner that night, (before electronic voting made it so much more efficient it now takes weeks…) if the party in power delivered high inflation, a foreign war debacle, out of control energy prices, a tsunami of illegal immigration and a rapidly rising crime rate… would be punished at the polls. Thankfully, the obtuse oligarchy has massaged our elections, with the administrative state’s resonant apparatus. Allowing them to continue implementing their idiotic ideas without us pesky voters getting in the way.

Imagine how much harder it would have been, for our sloppy superiors to get us to swallow that covid came from a pangolin, and to eschew safe effective treatments, for an untested ineffective shot with life threatening side effects? If not for the unrelenting propaganda, on every news station all day every day, people might not have fallen for it. Thank Satan for the propaganda! Censorship is keeping the victims from discovering they have been swindled out of health, wealth and life itself. What would have happened had the public realized, covid patients were being seeded into nursing homes to spread the virus and thus the fear, by upping the death rate? Some of the victims might have complained. Had their complaints reached ears, there might have been consequences, for our evil inept elite.

The monopoly of thought and speech, censorship, is threatened by wrongthink in our social media. Especially Twitter now it is allowing free speech. A few people know what has been happening and would like to alert the others, but the great wall of propaganda, censorship and thought laws, protect our half wit despots. What else are they qualified for, to panhandle? Election fraud can only go so far in manipulating the outcome, enough “voters” have to be swindled into voting against their own interests, as a base, for the election fraud to work from. Further disasters, debacles and pandemics might be averted or worse, blamed on those responsible, should censorship be stopped. That is why it is of the utmost importance, that the apparatus of the stupid deep state, maintain its control on language.


John Pepin

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Republican McLeadership

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, leadership that has failed, not once, not twice, but over and over, not in small ways but magnificently, is leadership we can do without. “Failure is a resume enhancer,” as Rush Limbaugh used to say, in government. No where else in a meritocracy is failure rewarded. There is of course the Peter Principle, yet that falls short of explaining the astounding success of our elite, in maintaining their failure rate. Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and Ronna McDaniel have plainly failed, significantly, incessantly and with terrific moment. Republican McLeaders would be better qualified to flip burgers at McDonalds than to lead the republican party. So I have to wonder, what is it about them that keeps such manifest failures in power? Corruption…?

Biden recently praised McConnell’s loyalty to himself. That could be one reason McConnell is such a total, complete and utter failure, at everything he touches. Like his boss. Unless success is measured by empowering the deep state and its corporatocracy. If that is the metric, destroying our Constitution, the rule of law and the American way, then they are successes, not failures. It may simply be that we are measuring their failure, or success, by a different standard than they do. In their own eyes, they may see their losing the 2020 and 2022 elections through ineptitude, corruption and wasting donated money on luxury, as a big win. For the dark side obviously, but who cares, as long as there is money to be made? Perhaps then, McConnell sees himself as a big winner, and us as a bunch of losers.

Kevin McCarthy believes that he is owed the position of House Speaker since he sold his soul for the job. Imagine the injustice if he traded his essence for a booby prize? Oh the pain of it. The American people, the American way and our children, would be the winners in that tragedy…magnifying the sting. Clearly, McCarthy has no intention of furthering the cause of Constitutionally limited government, the rule of law or reigning in our government’s anti Constitutional actions. McCarthy and McConnell are clearly on board and consider every right removed from us a small victory. Either that… or they are the biggest failures to ever live. So we are faced with a dilemma. Are McConnell and McCarthy winners… or losers? Either way, should we support either of them?

Ronna McDaniel is someone I know much less about, however, applying the same standard to her as we do the other two thirds of the republican McLeadership, she is either a loser or a winner, depending on the metric. I understand she is great at grifting money for the “party.” From the expenses publicly available, she is also wonderful at spending that money, on luxury and frivolity. Which is what one would do if they didn’t have victory over anti American forces as the goal, but the crushing of the American way as their aim. Waste the money of the opposition on an opulent lifestyle. No one is better able to implement that strategy than the leadership of the targeted party. Then again, as the pigs replied in Animal Farm when asked why they sleep in Human beds, “Would you deny us that comfort?”

McConnell got back in regardless of his failures, because the Senate is full of republican pedophiles beholding to the administrative state… who hold the video of their trips to Epstein’s pedo isle. How do we know this? Their silence on demanding the elite pedos be brought to justice. How else did the deep state manipulate sitting “republican” senators into voting for a democrat omnibus bill, just as republicans are poised to take over the House? As I said above, depending on the metric, they are either winners, or total losers. Neither is a ringing endorsement of their qualifications to continue in leadership positions. Ronna McDaniel needs to go as well. Lets seek leadership that measures victory as we do… promoting the American way, Constitutionally limited government and accountability!


John Pepin

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Bureaucratically Regulated Tyranny

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the way the elite exceed their Constitutional authority is by the unconstitutional administrative state, (otherwise called the bureaucracy). The Supreme court ruled, in the 1990s, along the lines of Wickard v Filburn, Korematsu and Buck v Bell, that regulations passed by the executive Branch, now have the weight of law, despite our Constitution granting that power only to the legislature. So much for separation of powers! Regulations (for our own good) are more powerful, unlimited, and far more pernicious than law. The bureaucracy now regulates everything, without any Constitutional authority, only that given to them by the courts. Madison, in The Federalist Papers said, if a power is not expressly given to government in the Constitution it is withheld from the government. By that measure bureaucratic regulation is unconstitutional.

In Wickard v Filburn the Supreme court drastically expanded the scope of the Interstate Commerce Clause of the US Constitution. A farmer planted 100 acres of wheat, the bureaucracy ordered him to plow it under, because he had only been allowed to grow 10 acres. He argued the wheat would be for his family, not to sell, and therefore was not subject to federal regulation, via the Interstate Commerce Clause. The Supreme Court ruled that the Interstate Commerce Clause applies to every conceivable act of a human being, because anything we do could effect prices, and therefore interstate commerce. That opened the floodgates for the elite to regulate every aspect of our lives, for our own good of course. The trillion dollar bureaucracy we have now is a direct consequence.

Madison also argued, that if the laws ever got so arcane even someone versed in law could not understand them all, that would be tyranny. He also opined that the Constitution didn’t need a Bill Of Rights because, any power not expressly given to the federal government, the government does not have the authority to touch. By these two standards, our Supreme Court has taken our Republic off the rails and into an epic wreck of tyranny. If we had the laws we had in 1820, our economy would boom, the standard of living would explode higher and the elite would suffer the greatest blow to their power imaginable. Most elites would rather die in a fire than lose that much power. Nevertheless, despite the urging of the Founding Fathers, our Supremes have brought us to the epitome of tyranny.

Regulation is so much more efficient to oppress a people than law. Passing a law is a tedious process, passing regulation can be done with the stroke of a bureaucrat’s pen, so if one seeks to efficiently oppress a people, regulation is the ticket. Moreover, there are thousands of bureaucrats in the administrative State, making <100k a year and their only job is to think up regulations that stifle innovation, protect the elite and hold us down. Another way regulation is so much more effective at oppressing a people than law, is regulations can come in a tsunami. There are so many today, and growing, that almost anything we do is illegal, making every one of us criminals, who exist at the suffrage of the administrative state. When everyone is a criminal no one dares stand out.

Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive… The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – CS Lewis. Tyranny by regulation being so efficient, pleasing to the powerful and pleasant to the conscience, one would expect it all the time. Indeed that is the example of history. Our unconstitutional anti American bureaucracy as got to go… either it goes, else our children will live in Hell itself. A Hell the elite are building through regulation of every imaginable human action, thought and word; for our own good… how progressively fascist of the bureaucracy!!!


John Pepin

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Law, Arbitrary Rule, and Social Stability

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, power is applied to little people, by those with it, but not to big people, because big people can bite back. By “people” I mean individuals, small businesses, etc… and by “big people” I mean multinational corporations, elites, governments, etc… It is hard not to notice that the laws are more harshly applied, the lower the criminal is on the national hierarchy. Let a janitor who is driving back from his brother’s bachelor party, get stopped over the limit, and he will have a life changing interaction with the legal system. Let a judge, senator or congressperson get stopped for DUI, every night, and the interaction will go vastly different. The police will drive the elite home and put them to bed. Power, that of the State and the big men who wield it, serves them only, not society.

The January 6 political prisoners are an example of our duel just us system. Instead of searching for justice, our system sets up a duel between justice, and just us. One in which just us always wins… because the faction seeking just us, sets on the bench. It is amazing that so few people are incensed, that there are Americans still in prison, for almost two years so far, without bail, awaiting their speedy and fair trial. You know, the one guaranteed by our Constitution? Yea, that one, the one they are being arbitrarily denied. Because they had the audacity to call attention to a crime committed by the elite. Moreover, the self confessed ringleader, Ray Epps, has not been arrested, while the elite run cover for him. Almost like he was their inside man. Then again, that would be arbitrarily evil, wouldn’t it?

Rioters during the summer of love 2020 didn’t spend a night in jail, for arson, assault or iconoclasm. The just us system went into overdrive to protect the elite’s Sturmabteilung (brown shirts). They serve the powerful and so are not subject to the same laws as those who are not the powerful. Since they are part of the power structure, and creating chaos to empower the powerful is a Satanic virtue, BLM and ANTIFA rioters are not held to the same laws, as the rest of us. Just like their masters, the scumbag pedophile elite, who are able to rape children with the full knowledge and support of the FBI, NSA and DOJ. Because ruining the life of a child is okay if the elite do it. After all, would you deny them a little distraction, when they work so hard for us? Just like Orwell’s Hogs.

When the law is not enforced equally that is called arbitrary rule. The ancient Greeks, living under the laws of Solon, considered even favoring arbitrary rule, to be sufficient to trigger the ostracism, for a decade. They understood that arbitrary rule is the worst form of tyranny. Under it, the oppression is total and inescapable. Arbitrary rule is based on hypocrisy, the hypocrite charges another with a lesser crime than he himself is guilty of, without missing a moment’s sleep. Proving them to be psychopaths as well. So, what we have in the US, and indeed the West today, judging by an empirical examination of the enforcement of the law, is arbitrary rule, by psychopathic hypocrites, masquerading as purveyors of Constitutionally limited republics… probably the worse possible form of government.

The elite are deaf to the cries of the oppressed, because their masters, the ones with the video of them molesting children, order them to be. Law has always been selectively applied but never more than today. The big and powerful do whatever they want, without consequence, while the little guy is crushed by the same laws. The US has encoded so much regulation that almost any conceivable action can be criminal. Even speech, religion, assembly to petition one’s government for a redress of grievances, collecting rainwater, and even democracy… are now arbitrarily illegal. If it serves the powerful, you are above the law, and if you are a member of the grazing masses, you are below the protections of our Constitution. This imbalance is inherently unstable and the elite know it.


John Pepin

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Soulless Rino Republicans

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, some say that establishment republicans are such backstabbers, because they are part of the uniparty, others claim they sold out, while a few believe establishment republicans are simply beholding to the establishment… I disagree, I think they are worthless scum because they went to Epstein’s pedo isle, and whomever has the video now, has a lever on them. Not that there is no merit to the theories of the uniparty, sell outs and shills for their alma mater, the establishment, but most people will not self immolate, like John Cornyn, unless someone is ordering them to. The uniparty definitely exists. Since most politicians are at least a little bit psychopathic, they would sell their mothers, then there are the sycophants of the establishment, who are dangerous but still have a soul.

The uniparty is the establishment. Once a politician has been in office for a decade they cannot help but to be in bed with the establishment. Sooner or later they get into trouble and the establishment bails them out. From then on they are establishment shills. We all know who they are. They are scum. Those “republican” senators who voted for the omnibus bill need to be primaried, and if they still win, boycott voting for them. A democrat would be preferable, because at least we know where the democrat stands… with Satan. Like all establishment reptiles. Worse, as far as I am concerned, until proven otherwise, my default position is, all establishment republicans and democrats are pedophiles. Why? Because not one has demanded investigations into Epstein’s client list. Because they are on it!

Sell outs are those who don’t have a lever on them, yet, but have sold their souls to the establishment. Otherwise called the deep state, the administrative state and the bureaucracy. The real government of most Western nations. The “elected” government, where elections are still free and fair, are simply the chiffon dress that covers the naked oppression of the deep states, in our countries. They got into politics to get rich and by golly that is what they are going to do! People like Bernie Sanders, who was on welfare before getting into politics, now is richer than rich. He no longer rails about the millionaires, because he is one! One who made his money by selling out, not selling a book, that no one would read. He went from poverty to riches and he didn’t even hit oil. He sold his soul… much more profitable.

Establishment zealots are those who believe with all their hearts, bodies and souls, that the experts are always right, and even if they are wrong, everyone must listen to them anyway. They look at the roster of experts in the administrative state and stand in awe of their credentials. If an expert told them to jump off a cliff, they wouldn’t even think about it, until they are airborn. Establishment zealots don’t need money or a lever to do the bidding of the bureaucracy, they worship it. They tend to be whiny squishy crybabies, who don’t have an ethic in their bodies, having given their agency to the experts. Many judges fall into this category. Worthless for anything, but to increase the power of the authorities, they pervert law without a care to the consequences, since their faith in experts is so strong.

The soulless pedos who act, speak and vote the way someone else tells them, are mere robots, subhuman automatons that envision free will, but indeed know they sold that on pedo isle. They are certainly not all republicans, or politicians, or judges, they run the gamut of the elite. We know the pedos run the show, because, no one dares speak out… else they may meet the same fate as Andrew Breightbart, an unexplainable “heart attack.” Like the TV show The Mentalist, the Blake Society in real life is far more pernicious, endemic and evil, than anything TV writers could think up. While the Blake Society was merely run by a serial killer, our world is run by pedophile mass murderers. Our judges, politicians, top bureaucrats and corporate executives, are functionaries in that scheme.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Prostituted Press

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the way we can tell that the main stream media is filled with evil bastards, who serve Satan, is the fact they are defending thought laws, government censorship and pedophilia. Lets face it, if you find yourself supporting pedophilia, you probably should reexamine your ideas. Then again, someone who the real rulers of the world have on tape, bothering a child, is someone who no longer has agency. They are a puppet. I suspect most, if not all the “journalists” and media executives who support censorship, thought control and pedophilia have an FBI dossier on them, from their stays at Epstein’s pedo isle. What reason would the press, that makes its living on free speech and so has skin in the game, would support their own destruction? Because they are told to.

The proof is the lack of coverage of the Twitter files. The biggest story of the century and it is being censored by the media itself. Why? Because they have been ordered to. If the press has the profit motive then they would go wall to wall with the Twitter files. Because it would draw in huge amounts of ravenous consumers of their product. All companies want demand for their product to go up. No rational company would suppress a product that its customers want, and forgo the profit that would go with the extra demand, unless they cannot, or like Beers, they have a monopoly. News is a product, those who watch it are the customers, the more customers watching, the more profitable the ad revenue. Why do you think the press turned down so much profit? Would you have?

The revelations in the Twitter files have been astounding, shocking and creepy. It is astounding at the open corruption and literal anti American actions of the US administrative state. Shocking in the magnitude and scope of the crimes against our Constitution, and creepy, in that those responsible must be utterly empty inside. Husks of humans. Like something from a horror movie. Apparently, the FBI and CIA as well as other unconstitutional agencies of the government, were ordering individual censorship… during the 2020 election! Clear election interference by the administrative state to get their man elected. Could there be anything more corrupt, shocking or creepy? Their censorship was so granular, they would target specific posts to censor, shadow ban and silence!

The courts have been complicit in this anti American activity by the government. Broadening the definition of 230 of the communications decency act, to facilitate government censorship of political speech, while allowing Twitter to be rife with child porn. The child porn was only recently cleaned up by Elon Musk when he took over. So, the former executives of Twitter, the government agencies doing the censoring and the courts, all agreed, that silencing pro American speech was more important than shutting down child pornography, the trafficking and sexual abuse of minors as well as other heinous things allowed on Twitter. While the government was silencing American Citizens Constitutionally protected speech? So, “decent” speech includes child porn, but not criticism of a lying elite?

Encourage your family and friends to boycott the main stream media. Point out the past lies, the “vaccine” that isn’t, covid came from a pangolin, 2020 was the most secure election ever, riots wouldn’t worsen the pandemic but attending church would, Joe Biden is competent, masks prevent disease, MRNA shots do not effect your DNA, they do not cause blood clots, the government is not censoring you, Afghanistan was not a debacle, the economy is doing great despite 2 quarters of contraction, inflation is transitory, we don’t need fossil fuels, the biolabs in Ukraine were old Soviet labs, gain of function is to prevent disease, shutdowns would save lives, direct confrontation with Russia will not trigger a nuclear exchange, and the list goes on. Liars lie, all the time… as the Twitter files prove.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment