Soulless Rino Republicans

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, some say that establishment republicans are such backstabbers, because they are part of the uniparty, others claim they sold out, while a few believe establishment republicans are simply beholding to the establishment… I disagree, I think they are worthless scum because they went to Epstein’s pedo isle, and whomever has the video now, has a lever on them. Not that there is no merit to the theories of the uniparty, sell outs and shills for their alma mater, the establishment, but most people will not self immolate, like John Cornyn, unless someone is ordering them to. The uniparty definitely exists. Since most politicians are at least a little bit psychopathic, they would sell their mothers, then there are the sycophants of the establishment, who are dangerous but still have a soul.

The uniparty is the establishment. Once a politician has been in office for a decade they cannot help but to be in bed with the establishment. Sooner or later they get into trouble and the establishment bails them out. From then on they are establishment shills. We all know who they are. They are scum. Those “republican” senators who voted for the omnibus bill need to be primaried, and if they still win, boycott voting for them. A democrat would be preferable, because at least we know where the democrat stands… with Satan. Like all establishment reptiles. Worse, as far as I am concerned, until proven otherwise, my default position is, all establishment republicans and democrats are pedophiles. Why? Because not one has demanded investigations into Epstein’s client list. Because they are on it!

Sell outs are those who don’t have a lever on them, yet, but have sold their souls to the establishment. Otherwise called the deep state, the administrative state and the bureaucracy. The real government of most Western nations. The “elected” government, where elections are still free and fair, are simply the chiffon dress that covers the naked oppression of the deep states, in our countries. They got into politics to get rich and by golly that is what they are going to do! People like Bernie Sanders, who was on welfare before getting into politics, now is richer than rich. He no longer rails about the millionaires, because he is one! One who made his money by selling out, not selling a book, that no one would read. He went from poverty to riches and he didn’t even hit oil. He sold his soul… much more profitable.

Establishment zealots are those who believe with all their hearts, bodies and souls, that the experts are always right, and even if they are wrong, everyone must listen to them anyway. They look at the roster of experts in the administrative state and stand in awe of their credentials. If an expert told them to jump off a cliff, they wouldn’t even think about it, until they are airborn. Establishment zealots don’t need money or a lever to do the bidding of the bureaucracy, they worship it. They tend to be whiny squishy crybabies, who don’t have an ethic in their bodies, having given their agency to the experts. Many judges fall into this category. Worthless for anything, but to increase the power of the authorities, they pervert law without a care to the consequences, since their faith in experts is so strong.

The soulless pedos who act, speak and vote the way someone else tells them, are mere robots, subhuman automatons that envision free will, but indeed know they sold that on pedo isle. They are certainly not all republicans, or politicians, or judges, they run the gamut of the elite. We know the pedos run the show, because, no one dares speak out… else they may meet the same fate as Andrew Breightbart, an unexplainable “heart attack.” Like the TV show The Mentalist, the Blake Society in real life is far more pernicious, endemic and evil, than anything TV writers could think up. While the Blake Society was merely run by a serial killer, our world is run by pedophile mass murderers. Our judges, politicians, top bureaucrats and corporate executives, are functionaries in that scheme.


John Pepin

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