Bureaucratically Regulated Tyranny

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the way the elite exceed their Constitutional authority is by the unconstitutional administrative state, (otherwise called the bureaucracy). The Supreme court ruled, in the 1990s, along the lines of Wickard v Filburn, Korematsu and Buck v Bell, that regulations passed by the executive Branch, now have the weight of law, despite our Constitution granting that power only to the legislature. So much for separation of powers! Regulations (for our own good) are more powerful, unlimited, and far more pernicious than law. The bureaucracy now regulates everything, without any Constitutional authority, only that given to them by the courts. Madison, in The Federalist Papers said, if a power is not expressly given to government in the Constitution it is withheld from the government. By that measure bureaucratic regulation is unconstitutional.

In Wickard v Filburn the Supreme court drastically expanded the scope of the Interstate Commerce Clause of the US Constitution. A farmer planted 100 acres of wheat, the bureaucracy ordered him to plow it under, because he had only been allowed to grow 10 acres. He argued the wheat would be for his family, not to sell, and therefore was not subject to federal regulation, via the Interstate Commerce Clause. The Supreme Court ruled that the Interstate Commerce Clause applies to every conceivable act of a human being, because anything we do could effect prices, and therefore interstate commerce. That opened the floodgates for the elite to regulate every aspect of our lives, for our own good of course. The trillion dollar bureaucracy we have now is a direct consequence.

Madison also argued, that if the laws ever got so arcane even someone versed in law could not understand them all, that would be tyranny. He also opined that the Constitution didn’t need a Bill Of Rights because, any power not expressly given to the federal government, the government does not have the authority to touch. By these two standards, our Supreme Court has taken our Republic off the rails and into an epic wreck of tyranny. If we had the laws we had in 1820, our economy would boom, the standard of living would explode higher and the elite would suffer the greatest blow to their power imaginable. Most elites would rather die in a fire than lose that much power. Nevertheless, despite the urging of the Founding Fathers, our Supremes have brought us to the epitome of tyranny.

Regulation is so much more efficient to oppress a people than law. Passing a law is a tedious process, passing regulation can be done with the stroke of a bureaucrat’s pen, so if one seeks to efficiently oppress a people, regulation is the ticket. Moreover, there are thousands of bureaucrats in the administrative State, making <100k a year and their only job is to think up regulations that stifle innovation, protect the elite and hold us down. Another way regulation is so much more effective at oppressing a people than law, is regulations can come in a tsunami. There are so many today, and growing, that almost anything we do is illegal, making every one of us criminals, who exist at the suffrage of the administrative state. When everyone is a criminal no one dares stand out.

Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive… The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – CS Lewis. Tyranny by regulation being so efficient, pleasing to the powerful and pleasant to the conscience, one would expect it all the time. Indeed that is the example of history. Our unconstitutional anti American bureaucracy as got to go… either it goes, else our children will live in Hell itself. A Hell the elite are building through regulation of every imaginable human action, thought and word; for our own good… how progressively fascist of the bureaucracy!!!


John Pepin

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