We Don’t Have To Eat A Mushroom Cloud

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now that we are in World War III, as admitted by both Biden and the German NATO representative, it is time to ready ourselves for the nukes to fly. Prepare for the worse and pray for the best. Nonetheless, our oligarchs are determined to blow up the planet, if they can’t rule it. They are much smarter than I, but I would imagine detonating hundreds or thousands of nuclear warheads distributed across the planet, might, just might, do more harm to the environment than belching plant food into the atmosphere. Clearly, that is a conspiracy theory. NATO is now sending main battle tanks to Ukraine to further the killing, which is proof positive NATO is waging war on Russia. If they do manage to immolate the planet, that would make them the worse people to have ever lived. Wouldn’t it?

A decade ago, or so, George Soros penned an article that Eastern Europeans should be manipulated into fighting Russia, so the West wouldn’t have to experience body bags, delivered home. Very prescient of him. Today that is exactly what is happening. The Ukrainians have been manipulated into self harm by our globalist masters. Now they are bleeding so psychopaths can have more power, luxury and children to molest. Once again, German Panzer Kampf Wagons are steaming across the steppe, into Russia. Along the same path taken by Army Group South. The only difference is that Ukrainians are driving them instead of Germans. Soros, the Nazi collaborator and Judas goat, planned it perfectly, he manipulated young people into dying for that ninety year old’s pathological plan.

The elite tell us all the time how we are a pestilence to the planet. With our cars, heated homes and flush toilets, we are too great a burden for the planet. If only we could be exterminated, us masses, the elite would protect the planet in our name forever. Emitting plant food into the air, like it was campfire smoke, we are warming the planet leading to record cold. Our mere existence is an annoyance to the elite. That is why a nuclear war would do the planet good. It would be like using a lice comb on the planet. Combing us lice and our nits from their biosphere. The environment would thank them, in a few centuries, if all life is not extinguished in the process. But then again, if you are going to make a planetary omelet, you have to irradiate a few nits.

On the other hand, if Putin is not as insane, evil and egoistic as the Western elites who run NATO, the world will not experience a nuclear war, only global fascist oppression forever. The globalist elite are the type to burn it down if they can’t have it. You know those people. All or nothing types. They can’t be dealt with, and so become ever more angry that no one will play with them, even if the ball is theirs. Most people grow out of that behavior when they become teens, but the psychopaths who run the world, obviously never did. You can tell their mindset by their language. They speak in win lose, zero sum games and demagoguery. Whatever Putin is, a power hungry tyrant by some reckonings, but if the world is not ended in nuclear annihilation, it will be Putin’s fault.

We are not powerless spectators to our immolation. We have mouths to speak, hands to write and thumbs to text. We can even overcome the onerous censorship if we put our minds to it. As ANTFA burn our cities again, to distract us from the pending nuclear war, the utter corruption of the elite and the Project Veritas videos, we can do something. Call, email or write your senators, representatives, and state governors, etc… Let them know what you think about ending the world, so the elite can have unfettered access to little boys and girls, to molest. Get the word out what is going on and encourage others to pass it along. If the elite get enough input from us they will change plans. Even the compromised will have to back down. We can end WWIII, before the nukes fly, if we try.


John Pepin

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The Constitution And The Role Of Law

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if the enactment of law started at, “Is this Constitutional,” and continued with, “is this a valid role of law,” the problems we have… we would not have. One constant of government and especially unlimited, unaccountable and uncontrolled government, is that it creates problems, then grows to solve those problems, then grows again to solve the problems it just created, and so forth and so on… until every single aspect of human life must be suspended in regulation, for the leviathan to breathe. The other option, the option we are carefully distracted from with weather balloons, riots and wars, is a limited, accountable and controlled government. Water to the wicked witch of the West… the globalist corporatist elite. Maybe a house will fall on the wicked witch of the East?

If the State acts outside the Constitution that authorizes it, that action is not constitutional, and therefore not legal for the government to do. If we accept this truism, then it follows that when the Constitution that authorizes a government’s very existence, whose fundamental tenet is limited, accountable and controlled government, is being violated in the most perverted of ways, is no longer legitimate. If I am running a “bank” and steal all my customers money, only showing on paper their accounts are full… is that a legitimate bank, or is it something else, a fraud perhaps? How is government any different? Other than its self limited police and military power? By this standard, the fact Korematsu, Buck v Bell and Wickard v Filburn are still law in the US, is proof the US government is extra constitutional.

What is the “valid role of law?” Different people would answer differently. Which makes this a subjective question. Some have argued government should be total and unlimited, while others have countered that government must be limited and accountable. The role of law depends on where on that scale the inquirer lands. If we accept the definition of the US founding fathers, that government must be limited and accountable, then we have a way to glean the correct role of law, by an objective means. The founding fathers were a diverse lot, but their big debate was not if government should be limited, but how government can be limited. By this standard, the role of government cannot be so unlimited it can order us to do things… only limit us from property and violent crime, not social.

A government that thinks it has the authority to order our lives like chess pieces is a government that is out of control. Bureaucrats are the biggest victims of the Dunning Kroger Effect and thereby victimize the whole of mankind with their stupidity. They know a lot, so think their opinion is omnipotent, but they know just enough to be dangerous. Enforcing mask mandates during a pandemic, when masks had already been proven to be counterproductive a century earlier, using fear to demonize treatments then promote an injection that was neither safe, effective, nor sane. Only a government that is completely off the rails would open its boarders to replace its own population. What does it say about our courts that they jail patriotic political prisoners for years… while allowing anti American arsonists to walk?

I don’t think it is a great insight to point out that governments that are unlimited, unaccountable and uncontrolled, are also corrupt governments. If not corrupt today, tomorrow they will be. It is human nature. Corruptocrats want more power, and to rule from behind a curtain, like the Wizard of Oz. If every law and regulation was first put to the test of constitutionality, and if it exceeds the objective role of law as the founders opined, and only if that proposed regulation or bill meets those two standards can it be advanced, that would move our governments away from tyranny and toward being limited, accountable and controlled. If we could get our wizards to have a little humility, self awareness and prudence, we would prosper, become healthier and the State would wither.


John Pepin

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CBDCs, Gold And Silver

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are rolled out as everyday currency, the demand for silver and gold to transact will go nuclear. CBDCs will enable central planners the granularity they need to run the economy from the top… down. Prior to the invention of Bitcoin, (leading to CBDCs) the experts had failed in every attempt at the centrally planned economy, with disastrous consequences. They all collapsed, despite the power, will and inhumanity of the rulers. With CBDCs, the experts will be able to reach into your life and force you to buy or sell, when it is convenient to the central planners, not you. Not only when you spend your money but what you buy is in their view and control. Today’s would be despots see CBDCs as the answer to the socialist dilemma.

A digital currency is similar to your credit card. Instead of carrying cash, you will pay for everything, and be paid, in a digital dollar. The log of every transaction kept for eternity as is done with Bitcoin. The powers in charge will have the ability to see what you are spending your money on, what you have spent your money on and by association, predict what you will spend your money on. With algorithms running on super computers, they think they will be able to manipulate your spending to fit into their central economic plans, like a cog in a sprocket. The elite are counting on the convenience to bring us all onboard. Because, with a chip in our wrist that can be read as we walk out of a store, the contents of our packages read as well and our account debited accordingly, is pretty convenient.

Convenience is good and all, but the elite are not going to count on it. First they will suggest CBDCs, then they will push us, finally, those who refuse to go along will be shoved into it. People like the Amish will be forced by law, to violate their deeply held religious tenets, or go to jail. Criminals, privacy zealots and traditionalists will also resist CBDCs. Initially, they will be voluntary, until the bugs are worked out, then mandatory, to make the economy more efficient. I suspect, as in Nazi Germany, efficiency will be the watchword. The transition might go smooth but it will probably experience hiccups. Power outages that make transacting impossible, so some people may go hungry, cold, or die, which would create resistance, that the elite will have to solve with brute force.

The central planners see CBDCs as the panacea to petty crime and political wrongthink. How can you buy crack with a CBDC? If the transaction is logged, and you know it will be, the police then have probable cause (as if they need that anymore) to search your home. How hard would it be to get a judge to issue a blanket warrant, to search your premises, if there was a transaction for anything illegal in your CBDC record? Even something that was legal in the past? We would be naked before an all powerful government, while that government would be clad in the purple velvet robes of unlimited, omnipotent and unaccountable power. Dissidents can be shut out of the system at the push of a button. Wrongthinkers can be banned from buying or selling… by the arbitrary whim of the central planners.

Such a totalitarian economic system will be resisted. No sane person submits themselves, in mind, body and spirit, to people who despise them. That would be stupid writ large. Yet here we are. The US Federal Reserve has already implemented CBDCs to clear international settlements, as a test bed. Soon CBDCs will replace Federal Reserve Notes. When that happens something else will have to take the place of physical currency. I believe that will be silver and gold. Until the central planners send the red guard, house to house, to round it all up, trade in silver and gold as currency, again, will become the default way around the Beast system. So I suggest picking up a hundred bucks worth of silver bullion and keeping it stashed. Because soon, we may not be able to buy or sell without a CBDC… or bullion.


John Pepin

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The Problem With, Youknow, Conservatives

Dear Comrades,

You know, people spreading disinformation are, youknow, dangerous. They, youknow, are anti vaxers too. How can anyone, youknow, be that dumb? Then they, youknow, hate the government. Even though the, youknow, government is all good and, youknow, great. How could we even, youknow, live, if the youknow, government wasn’t there, you know? It really makes me mad at the, youknow, climate deniers too! The evidence is, youknow, right in front of their, youknow, faces! Some of those, youknow, racists, even home school their, youknow, kids. How are those kids going to, youknow, get an indoctrination? Then there is all the hate directed to, youknow, Fauci. The man did his, youknow, best. I worry these anti vaxers, haters and youknow, racists types, might, youknow, get power.

Whenever I talk to those, youknow, conservatives, I have to, youknow, wonder at their stupidity. They youknow, don’t listen to, youknow, the cause. They think, youknow, outside the mainstream, and youknow, don’t accept the, youknow, propaganda our experts tell us. Everyone needs to think the way the, youknow, experts tell us to. They are the, youknow, experts! The reason us, youknow, reasonable people all think alike is because that is, youknow, the right way to think. Duh! Those, youknow, haters, reading our expert’s diktat like it is, youknow, creek water. It wouldn’t be so, youknow, bad if those conservatives would, youknow, stop thinking for themselves. Thinking for yourself is, youknow, dangerous. Who knows what kind of crazy ideas, youknow, might come out of it!

Everyone knows free markets need a heavy hand of, youknow, regulation. They simply, youknow, can’t function without it, you know? Before the bureaucracy, youknow, was born, there were no free markets, only, youknow, exploitation by the Bourgeoisie. Those markets, youknow, weren’t free, they were, youknow, unregulated. Unregulated markets can’t be, youknow, free. Anyone can get, youknow, rich, when the government doesn’t, youknow, control it. That is how the bourgeoisie become, youknow, rich. With, youknow, regulation, who can compete is regulated, so, youknow, public safety, and youknow, environment and youknow, carbon foot print are, youknow, limited. The same goes for the, youknow, FBI, CIA and NSA, without them, Amerika cannot have a, youknow, foreign policy.

Climate deniers really, youknow, get my goat. We are, youknow, surrounded by evidence of, youknow, global warming, all the youknow, time. Every day, records for cold are being, youknow, broken. If this, youknow, global warming keeps up, we will all, youknow, freeze to death. They stand there and, youknow, think for themselves. As I said before, youknow, it is dumb to think for yourself when, youknow, the experts are, youknow, willing to do it for you? They know that global warming is, youknow, real. Just, youknow, ask them, they will, youknow, tell you. It is all over the, youknow, news. Yet they just, youknow, keep on thinking for themselves and, youknow, being bad people, youknow, because of it. Sooner or later though, they will see their, youknow, errors, or, youknow, go to jail.

You know, we all, youknow, want to just, youknow, get, youknow, by. Us, youknow, smart people, who, youknow, know what to think because our, youknow, leaders have told us, you know? Those, youknow, others are going to mess the whole, youknow, thing up. You know what I am saying don’t you? That is why I, youknow, support, youknow censorship and, youknow, deplatforming. Because I am, youknow, smart enough to, youknow, do and think what I am, youknow, ordered. Denying, youknow, global warming, anti, youkknow, vaxers and just, youknow, getting in the way. Everyone knows, youknow, the world needs to be under, youknow, a global government like, youknow, Star Trek. So I, youknow, hope you support the, youknow, globalist fascist elite in their… you know.


John Pepin

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Language As A Tool Of Oppression

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the definitions of populism and elitism are stale, and in need of redefining. Today, if you query most sources, they would say that populism is socialism, and elitism is capitalism. When the reality is, both stand for socialism, and neither stand for free markets. How can we split this hair? Both seek an unlimited central government to regulate every aspect of the lives of the masses. Making them totalitarian in nature. They only empower the elite. Populism the most if you believe the manipulators. So we are presented with one choice, despotism, either for the “benefit” of populists or of the elite. The reality is, the universe offers us an option other then totalitarian centralization. That option is decentralization… actual populism, or free enterprise, limited government, self rule and accountability.

Socialism in and of itself is an elitist enterprise. Far from being populist, all ideologies that seek to centralize authority are in fact elitist, while those that seek to decentralize authority are populist… or should be called populist anyway. How can the economy, society and national affairs be effectively run from a central authority, without a cadre of expert elites? AI is not ready yet, and if it is someday, AI would then become the elite, by definition. So no matter what a nation has, elitism or populism as the guiding philosophy, both will become despotic in time. Since both seek to centralize all authority and power into the hands of the elite. The one so the elite can become a self interested oligarchy, and the other so the people will be cared for, by big brother… a self interested oligarchy.

Elitism is the idea that intellectuals should make all the decisions. It is often thought that elitism means capitalism because the elite are the “capitalists.” The reality is, the elite are industrialists, but also bureaucrats, politicians, judges, media influencers, etc… they are the egoistic top ten percent of the population. The experts. Those that would run the world with unlimited power, beneficent for the betterment of the masses, or selfishly for their own good. Either way, they are the elite, seeking unlimited power. Does it matter what theater the show is in, if it is the same show? Elitism no more favors a free market than Marx. Because elitism and populism are different words for the same thing. The elite want us to think that all roads lead to Rome, or in our case… totalitarian global oligarchy.

Language is used to manipulate us in a myriad of ways. Misinformation and disinformation are simply rebranded wrongthink and wrongspeak. They are manipulations to keep us from thinking and instead react emotionally. Elitism and populism are similar. They might have had some utility in the past, back when elitism was associated with republican government (a blending of Aristotle’s Right forms), and populism as equality. Now elitism’s definition is the same as populism. That way our minds are channeled into one way of thinking. That the inevitable end of government, the ultimate government, is a global oligarchy of the elite, oppressing us for our own good. The elite want us to think limited government, accountable leaders and freedom for the individual… is impossible, absurd and racist.

It serves the elite to manipulate our thinking on the most fundamental level. When they control not only what we are allowed to say, but what the words themselves mean, that is absolute control. Making language itself a tool of oppression. How can we even talk about limited government if there is no language for it? Under such a regime how can the elite fail to get their global corporatocratic administrative state? If populism and elitism both mean unlimited government by experts, then what word means limited government, people power and capitalism? There is none. Unless we make up a new word, but the elite will quickly pervert its meaning anyway. It has to be elitism or populism. Since elitism obviously means rule by the elite, populism (people rule) will have to do.


John Pepin

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Slogans, Catch Phrases and Brainwashing

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives control their mind numbed robots, with slogans and simple phrases, as was the convention in Orwell’s 1984. Meanwhile, constitutionalists treat their fellows as human beings with agency, intent and wisdom… leaving many people out. They are omitted from the available people to convince, not because of race, religion or heritage, but by vaccine status. What I mean to say is, those who are too busy to really look into the way the world works, but mind their own business, are easily manipulated by slogans and catch phrases. People who don’t have the time or the education to understand how absurd the elite’s arguments were, during the self inflicted pandemic, stood in line for the clot shot. They are, sadly, the progressive’s cannon fodder in the globalist war on mankind.

An education system that indoctrinates instead of teaches is critical to the success of any long term propaganda effort. This is because propaganda, no matter how well crafted, delivered and absorbed, will eventually be discovered, and the manipulated will react with anger. Those who have been inculcated that fire does not burn, and water does not wet however, will often be susceptible to propaganda forever. Their minds are closed to rational argument and open only to emotionally charged slogans. Sad for them because such an education is a disability. It harms their life outcomes in so many ways. Nevertheless, we have to recognize there is a large portion of the population that is handicapped in this way. They must be helped to see the truth. Because the elite are mediadacious.

Easy to remember and emotionally charged slogans have great moment in the world of people too busy to dive deeply into the truth. They want to set down after a hard days work and see what is going on. They believe the news because that is what you do. This doesn’t make such people lazy, or stupid, but trusting, of psychopaths who manipulate them into self harm, for fun and profit. This is why successful politicians, especially the less intellectually gifted, speak only in slogans and phrases. They charge the atmosphere with emotion, and emotion cannot be countered with logic… only more emotion. Until a fight breaks out. The best slogans say nothing at all but will immediately generate a gut reaction. No thinking needed. Bureaucratic Oligarchy is the Administrative State, the state Satan creates.

Controlling the minds of the people then is as easy as controlling the narrative. That is why the meta government is so terrified of memes. They have the power of a slogan, the memorability of a catch phrase but they also appeals to the mind as well. Whenever a meme hits, it is because that meme illustrates some truth, that formerly lurked under the surface of our consciousness. The NPC meme is an example of this. Talk to one progressive foot soldier and you have talked with every progressive foot soldier. Others do their thinking for them. Talk to a constitutionalist however, and you know nothing about what others of that ideology think… at all. Because we are independent thinkers who get our information outside the State narrative. Brainwashing needs soap and water.

Progressives cannot “meme” because their sloganeering, demagoguery and catch phrases appeal only to the eyes, ears and emotion. For art to become a meme it must also appeal to the mind. Thinking is the last thing the oligarchy wants of their zealots. A moments thought could ruin a lifetime of brainwashing. Making memes double dangerous. They appeal to the same emotions as slogans and catch phrases, but to the mind, so undermine the official narrative. If we want to carve a few of the progressive NPCs from the long houses of the progressive plantation, we need to get our memes before the audience, and start using more slogans and phrases. Because, bureaucracy bites, Armageddon is in Ukraine, our courts are corrupt, covid came from a lab, and the deep state should be drowned.


John Pepin

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The Globalist Elite Are Psychopath Fascists

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, China went from poverty to wealth by abandoning communism and embracing corporatism, not capitalism. Having seen that our globalist elite want to adopt the fascist model globally. The progressives are in fact the American globalist fascist party, renamed. People mistakenly think our rulers hated fascism, because they killed so many of us fighting it, but the reality was, they love fascism, but hated German nationalism more. Hitler thought FDR would come into the war on his side, since they were identical in progressive political ideology, he underestimated the world elite’s hatred of German nationalism however. China continued along the path of socialism, but marshaled by fascism, instead of Marxism. Which the elite believe by manifest destiny is our future as well.

The Chinese Communist Party recognized at the end of the Cold War they had to innovate else die. Communism had been proven a failure by 1990, economic, humanitarian and social. Since it is all about the Party, the CCP innovated. They pretended to allow capitalism, but in fact it was corporatism, (fascism) that they fostered. Even as the discredited academics, who had gone full retard in favor of Marxism, scrambled to find another justification for them to have despotic totalitarian power. They invented post modernism and the CCP adopted fascism. Two names for the same. Since the elite killed so many of our grandparents, to stop German nationalism, but had used anti fascist propaganda to justify it, fascism or corporatism as Goebbels called it, had to be rebranded… into Post modernism.

The elite the world over despise free enterprise. Why? Didn’t they get rich from free enterprise? Why yes, many of them did, but as Joseph Schumpeter so presciently pointed out, the moment someone gets rich by capitalism, they immediately turn around and close the door behind them, (by regulations). So they will not face competition from someone younger and hungrier. If a capitalist has this nature how much more so of someone who despised capitalism from the beginning? The elite know that Marxism is a proven failure. Since they hate the ignorant masses, and indeed all freedoms, they needed to find another system to glom onto. The academics have long said there are “only three” economic systems, capitalism, corporatism and communism. Since capitalism and communism are out…

Elitists think the hoi polloi are expendable. Hitler wrote about how the common man should be willing to sacrifice his life for the State. Very gracious of him to volunteer our lives for his ideas eh? Mao killed millions in his experiments, even as Lenin committed genocide against the Kulaks, to enhance his political power. This is a common thread connecting all authoritarian despots, their willingness to slaughter people. They loath us because they think we are stupidly manipulatable. Like any psychopath does his or her victims. They lack the brain power to understand that most people are busy. We have lives to live, children to raise, jobs to do and a world to build. Many of us simply do not have the time to pour over journals to discern the truth. So the elite use propaganda to manipulate the trusting.

Our elites are moving us inexorably away from free markets, limited government and individualism… and towards a brave new world of corporatist totalitarian oligarchy. Using the fascist model that the elite believe worked so well, economically, in China. Why not? They believe us stupid and malleable, not even human beings but something less… masses. If we can be made to think and act against our own interests, simply because we heard a slogan, then we must be foolish. Else they are psychopaths manipulating people who trust them. What would a rational decent person think? That people who trust the manipulators, deserve it, or that psychotics who use trust to pathologically manipulate people into self harm, are glistening pieces of feces? I know what I think… what do you think?


John Pepin

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The Constitutional Appendix

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our progressive overlords have flipped the script on our Constitution, souping up our ride to oligarchy. Today the States regulate that which our Constitution limits to the federal government, while the federal government regulates everything else. The Tenth Amendment be damned. One example of states regulating interstate commerce is gasoline. Even as the Supreme Court opened everything else to federal regulation with Wickard v Filburn. Making peeing subject to federal control. This innovation has allowed the government to become a tyranny through regulation. Since passing laws is so slow and tedious, our rulers have invented the administrative state. Where thousands of bureaucrats work diligently to oppress us in every way imaginable. So much more efficient.

Regulation is much more efficient because it is law by edict. A bureaucrat thinks up an oppression then that notion becomes law with the stroke of a pen. No debate, no real public input and no justice, the regulation is just passed… by edict. That is how the administrative state has grown our aggregate law, from a few books in Nineteen Hundred, to a pile of paper that would reach the Moon were it printed and stacked. No legislative branch could pass that much law in a millennia. Edicts can target the smallest factor in everyday life. Law passed by a body of men and signed by an executive can never be so granular. That granularity of regulation makes it a tool to control individual action. While laws only control societal actions. So regulation is the ideal for any would be oligarch, tyrant or democrat.

The bureaucracy is a function of the executive which makes the legislative branch redundant. Why even have a legislative branch today? They have ceded their function to the Executive Branch. Now they are scrambling for a role in the new government order. So they will be holding trials to replace their former legislation authority with spectacle. Those hearings will not be an information gathering mechanism to pass laws. That would get them in trouble with the deep state. As I have heard politicians say, the national security apparatus (an arm of the bureaucracy) can get you six ways to Sunday. Moreover, the administrative state’s enforcers, the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, etc… have the Epstein videos, so have a long lever on the Constitutional government, through blackmail, extortion and fear.

Even the courts fear the bureaucracy and its power. They find themselves in the same situation as Doctor Frankenstein when confronted with a monster of his own creation. That monster will turn on them eventually, but as long as they can placate it, they are safe… for now. Anyone who seeks a redress of grievances from a crime of the deep state, vaccine injuries or election fraud for example, are denied “standing.” An extra constitutional un American principle introduced during the progressive era to create arbitrary rule. That is one progressive notion that has worked perfectly. That way, even the democratic element of our republic can be stolen from us. Protecting the most corrupt politicians and judges from consequences. Those who starred in feature length films on pedo isle are assets.

At some point the Constitutional appendages of our government will have to go. Like an appendix that has become infected. In some nations, where the Constitutional government understands its new role, it may hold on, although diminished in authority, like the “monarchy” in Britain. Once the administrative state has become the behemoth it is supposed to be. Astride the planet, with unlimited power wielded by expert oppressors, our new global corporatocracy will be sublime. The people will own nothing and be happy, because the elite will own everything and anyone not happy will be beaten, until they are. Flipping the script has worked well for our overlords. Their oppression will be remembered as long as people live. If humanity survives the oligarchical administrative state’s expert oppression.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

I find it amusing, when the Davos crowd talks about conspiracy nuts, causing people not to trust our lying government and our devious institutions. Perhaps if our governments and institutions had not lied to us we wouldn’t have lost that trust? Doubling down on the lies, open election fraud and calling for more censorship though… are sure fired ways to win back our trust! The kind of people who demand trust, even after they have proved they are liars, as our elite have, are afflicted with the dark triad personality disorders, narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Then again I am being redundant. The pathology in Davos is there, for anyone to see and hear, who has eyes and ears. The real conspiracy is happening in Davos Switzerland, it’s called, “Confession through projection.”

Trust is earned not inherited. The elite think we owe them our love, loyalty and lives, because they are such great people. Regardless that they hate us, have zero loyalty to us and wouldn’t lift a finger to save any one of us. Leaders eat last… but rulers eat first. By that definition we have rulers not leaders. Rulers are Machiavellian. Leaders lead by example and thus inspire trust. Rulers are narcissistic hypocrites and thus inspire distrust. No one follows a hypocrite, they do what a hypocrite orders, because of fear. Hypocrites wield power not authority. People who have had power used on them, by people who are themselves above the law, learn to distrust such despots, they despise the dastards. Authority however, which the elite confuse with power, is built on trust.

Trust lost is near impossible to win back. Only a fool instantly trusts someone who has betrayed them. How much more foolish is it then to trust someone who has a long and storied track record of betrayal? Psychopaths, who betray not only their spouse, their oaths and their nation but humanity itself, are the acme of untrustworthy. Every time they victimize us, like with gain of function pathogens, they expect we will turn the other cheek? Even as they imprison political dissidents without bail or trial for years? Held for trespassing on public property. Justin, the septic tank Trudeau, literally stole money from the bank accounts of political dissidents. How can any sane person ever trust such people ever again? No amount of intimidation, violence, or calling us names will change that paradigm.

Trust is indeed the basis for government, and once lost, those in government are lost as well. If everyone follows their rulers, and thinks law is a means for the elite to stay ahead of the commoners, no matter how corrupt, inept and stupid the elite are… no commoner will willingly participate in that system of laws. Without the willing participation of the people, laws lose all meaning and become a mere exercise of power over the weak. Once the law is merely the powerful oppressing the public the whole affair breaks down. “What makes a king a king? Public opinion…” when public opinion decides our rulers are despots, the public will soon despise their rulers. Then everyone will engage in constant acts of rebellion. Those acts may be small or even passive aggressive… but they add up.

Our elites have earned our distrust, loathing and contempt, having proven themselves villains. Getting our trust back is the least of their worries. That train left the station three years ago. Now the elite, the Davos crowd, should be worried about trials, for the slaughter of millions from their gain of function, denying palliatives and the clot shot. Let alone threatening the world with nuclear oblivion. With runaway inflation, crashing standards of living and making election fraud more efficient with mail in voting, the elite have made themselves criminals. Our trust in them is gone, and soon everyone will consider them despots… the Davos crowd would be wise to lawyer up, for the pending charges of crimes against humanity. Belmarsh, Alcatraz or Guantanamo bay would be suitable lifetime jails.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Nuclear War Or Global Fascism, What A Choice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the march to nuclear Armageddon continues, unabated by sanity, humanity or self preservation. This is the biggest issue we face as a species today. Not global warming, white supremacy or even people trespassing on public property, that is where the elite want our attention, but a species wide extinction event, in an instant, that could literally happen any moment, is a far bigger threat. At least, a rational person would see nuclear immolation as more risky, than a theory that has a perfect record of predictions coming true… zero. Meanwhile, our elites are telling us that Putin is unhinged, and so must go. I don’t see any Russian armies massing in Belize or Nicaragua however, I do see NATO armies massing in Poland and adding Finland to NATO… almost like NATO is the aggressor.

We have real problems in the United States, without sending a hundred billion dollars to kill people I would certainly be friends with, should I meet them. Admittedly, I have only met a few Russians and all of them casually. There is not one Russian I have met that I didn’t like though. They are tough people with a penchant for swearing, even the little girls. The Russians I have met anyway. I find their fatalistic sense of humor to be gratifying. To sum it up, I have liked, very much, every Russian person I have met. There is not one I would harm. I would, on the other hand, go out of my way to help any of them. So, forcing me to give money to kill people I like, is an injustice of the highest order. That one hundred billion would be better spent rooting out corruption in our own government.

Why does NATO even exist if not to conquer Russia? The Soviet Union ceased to exist three decades ago. Making NATO the epitome of a government program that outlived its usefulness… yet unlives on as a lich. NATO was faced off with the Warsaw Pact. The Warsaw Pact no longer exists. Hell, Poland is now in NATO! History is pretty unambiguous about armies from the West marching towards Russia. Napoleon, The Crimean War, World War I, and World War II for example. That, and their prior history, is probably where the Russian people’s fatalistic sense of humor comes from. In WWII alone thirty million Russians died. I bet they are not looking forward to a repeat of that performance. Maybe that is why Russia doesn’t want NATO armies amassing on the historic path of Army Group South?

War has a way of eliminating long term thinking. Yes, the profit for the Military Industrial Complex is great, but that profit can only be considered short term, should it cause the end of the world. Few corporations look beyond the next quarter. I suspect the more far sighted defense contractors are investing in rocks… for the next war. If there is anyone around to manipulate into it that is. Every billion sent to Ukraine, to kill Russian and Ukrainian boys and girls, is a billion in the pocket of the military industrial complex. Not just the money the US sends, but including the billions from Germany, France, Poland, Britain, etc… Clearly, spending billions to kill people is preferable, to the elite, than spending a penny to save one. How progressive, woke and inhuman of them!

In a world with a shortage of children and young adults, why would the elite waste those precious lives in senseless, unending, unjust and inhuman wars? Perhaps the elite look around and see so many of us, they think we are like the passenger pigeon, too many. The Davos crowd demands their pilots not have the clot shot, they refuse to ride in electric cars and flew there in private jets… but are worried the world may run out of luxury, so they want the rest of us dead. Leaving just enough to service them as betas, gammas and epsilons. Nuclear war brinkmanship is a means to that end. If Russia doesn’t nuke us then NATO will capture it. So the world can end up under a progressive global corporatist bureaucracy. A dictatorship of the proletariat, by the experts, for (the survivors) own good.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment