A Heavenly Dialogue

Dear Friends,

I thought this up the other day…

On a beautiful morning in Heaven, God an Lucifer were walking. Surrounded by awesome sights the human mind cannot comprehend. The path itself made of gold, platinum and inlaid with mythril.

Lucifer was berating God again, “It was a mistake giving those beasts souls… and free will.”

God replied, “They have potential.”

Lucifer pounced, “Potential, what even is that? In a few thousand or million years they could amount to something? I think not. They eat their own poo!”

God patiently smiled and said, “They’ll learn, and not by divine nature, they’ll learn by trial and error. Which is only possible if they have souls and free will.”

Lucifer became incensed and replied, “They’re beasts! They don’t deserve free will!”

God said, “I gave you free will, why not them?”

Lucifer stood upright and said, “I have a divine nature, theirs is of the filth of life… blood, hunger and suffering. Enlightenment can never come from such a place.”

God stopped walking and looked Lucifer in the eye. God said, “What I gave to you by divine nature, they will learn by free will, struggle and strife. In the end they will understand it while you just know.

Lucifer became furious and said, “I’ll show you!”

God muttered, “You will only show yourself.”

Do you think free will is something integral to our existence here? Why else would a good God allow evil in the world? That free will must be so important that God is willing to accept suffering. If freewill is so important to God himself then, isn’t it something we should embrace as well? Not for license… but for liberty. The liberty to do the right thing, not because it is required, but because we freely choose to do it. When there is an egoistic option, and we choose the selfless good option, we are transcending our Earthly nature. Maybe, that is why free will is so important. Because unless good is chosen, freely and with full knowledge of the options, good doesn’t really exist. That’s the sacrifice that God demands, not the sacrifice of some bewildered animal or hapless victim… but of our own selfishness.

Perhaps Lucifer in the story is not doing his own will, by testing mankind, but has been manipulated into it by God? Because to become fully realized morally, spiritually and psychically, we have to be tested. Individually, nationally and as a species. Those tests are written down in history and we are expected to learn from the results. That we don’t isn’t a failure of the lessons but our failure to learn them. Because we don’t want to sacrifice our own selfishness, we prefer to harm some victim and call that a sacrifice. Some, like the ancient Phoenicians, would rather sacrifice their own babies, then give up their egoism. Like today’s pro abortion zealots. Lucifer in this scenario is a dupe, not a king, rebel or chieftain… he is a mark.

Why would God manipulate Lucifer into testing us, well, we already answered that, because free will is so important. Free will isn’t an end though, it’s a means. It’s a tool to hone our understanding of the world, physical, moral and spiritual. Our burdens, Lucifer’s tests if you will, are designed to teach us right from wrong. We have been given the yardstick to go by, the Golden Rule, but implementing it means sacrificing too much selfishness. So we muddle in the middle, anytime we start to get a handle on things, we forget the lessons of the past, and repeat them, with the same results.

God Bless,

John Pepin

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Why Meritocracy?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we don’t seek meritocracy for the benefit of the meritorious, but for the benefit of mankind. Those who are smart, wise, moral, hard working and have a good attitude, will make it under any system. In a system of meritocracy however, such people shine, and illuminate mankind. Like Elon Musk, they become billionaires, who advance technology and industry. By doing so they rub the noses of people who got where they are, not by merit, but by political favor, heritage or conniving… in their own worthlessness. Such an affront to their sense of entitlement is unacceptable and must be punished. When people of merit earn positions of power and leadership, their virtue will make their works beneficial, and the whole of humanity profits from their merit, more than the meritorious themselves.

When people who are worthy earn power, it is used to benefit mankind. Since that is the nature of merit. Those who merit their position will do a better job, at the work, than someone placed there like a post turtle. Doing a good job is only one facet of how merit improves the lot of man. That drive for merit then becomes the means to success, and so merit is sought by everyone. The more people that are in jobs that suit them, (jobs they merit) the better they will be at those jobs, and the more efficient the economy will run. Because, as people do better jobs, more work that is of a better quality will be done. Finally, we look up to our leaders, the meritorious or the moronic. If we emulate people with merit, we will gain merit ourselves, imitating moronic frauds though…

Those who get ahead by fraud, political favor or heritage, will not do a good job, because they’re not capable of doing a good job. It’s outside their abilities. No matter how much they may want to, they will fail, like Boeing. Like a fish who wants more than anything to climb a tree. Unless that tree is underwater, it isn’t going to happen, so they drive their firms underwater. It’s bad enough for the company, if a janitor is inept, but for the CEO of a corporation to be a moron, it’s certain bankruptcy for that firm. If conniving, fraud and heritage become the only means to success, everyone will emulate the rulers… connivers, fraudsters and inept egoists will fill the world. Moreover, people follow their leaders, and if our leaders are stupid, we will ape them and act stupidly ourselves.

Meritocracy is one of the primary reasons capitalism works to increase the wealth of nations. Let’s face it, if every State, company and firm is run by corrupt fraudsters, they will make their money from rent seeking, because that’s all they know. Providing a good for recompense is alien to the corrupt. Such actions, (win win) are more the wheelhouse of the meritorious. An economy that is based on fraud, getting something for nothing and government force, (rent seeking) is not one that will provide any wealth to the nation. An island, with no resources, incessant natural disasters, and is all side hill, on the other hand, that adopts the free market, can become an economic powerhouse, like Japan. How could that be possible? Because when the meritorious are elevated, everyone is elevated.

If a nation adopts free enterprise, it’s also adopting meritocracy, alternatively, a nation that adopts communism or socialism, (Marxism or Fascism) selects political favor, fraud and heritage as the means to riches. Such a society will quickly become rent seeking, and then a negative sum gain economy. Regardless of the CCP’s wealth today, it will dry up like a mud puddle on Mars, the moment they lose the ability to dump products on the planet. The US and Europe are giving up on meritocracy and moving to rent seeking as an economic model. Which means we are also becoming… negative sum gain economies, growing only by inflation. We could revert back to meritocracy, and become economic powerhouses again, but that would diminish the power of the frauds, entitled and corrupt, too much.


John Pepin

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How To Solve All Our Problems

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, while we detest what’s going on in our corporate boardrooms, media and bureaucracy, we have to realize, every bit of this nonsense is coming from education. More specifically, the progressive post modernist monopoly on education. No sane CEO would endorse wokeness on his company unless he or she had been brainwashed. No board would allow it either, unless they had been indoctrinated as well. They are only employees. The actions of the corporate boardroom today, is like a janitor purposefully overflowing poop filled toilets, blowing boogers on the windows, and cleaning desks off, and onto the floor. In short, they are doing the opposite of their job, yet face no consequences because the owners, the shareholders, don’t really have a say… or do we?

The Bud light fiasco has endangered the savings of countless retirees. While a single executive has been fired, thousands of retired Americans that put money into that company, with the idea Anheiser Bush would be a good long term investment, now have their investment gored and the dividends slashed, because the executives did the opposite of their job. Yet the malefactors will probably still get their million dollar plus bonuses for the bang up job they are doing down there. What retard thinks, red necked, pickup driving, gun toting, rural American men, would be cool with drinking a beer that is endorsed by a boy who dresses like a girl? Seriously? Those men had no choice. They had to stop drinking Bud Light else risk being called a “Sally.” Talk about acting stupid… or malevolent.

Target has a different niche it sells into. Their primary customer base are progressive middle aged women. So at the outset, it would appear that selling clothes that “tuck” the penis of toddler boys, so they look like girls, would be a good fit. Turns out, those progressive women are also mothers, and genital mutilation may be all the rage, in liberal circles these days, but most mothers want their own children to live healthy happy prosperous lives, not die of suicide, poor, depressed and mutilated. Shockingly then, Target’s putsch for toddler genital mutilation has alienated many hard core liberal women. That alienation has resulted in many of them turning away from Target, not to Walmart, obviously, they are too snooty for that… but to other pretentious stores.

Then there is the media. Their self immolation on the six o’clock news is a sight to see. Telling us lies, we know are lies, they know are lies, the only ones they are really lying to, are the airwaves… and the stupid. They have utterly discredited themselves. No one believes the media anymore. Speaking of disbelief, who thinks the DOJ is an unbiased enforcer of justice? They have discredited themselves as well. The nakedly political persecution of Trump, allowing of election fraud, abetting foreign influence, literal racketeering, as well as a multitude of other crimes, allow only one interpretation of the entire bureaucracy… they are utterly corrupt. They are doing the opposite of their job. All of them, the media, corporations and bureaucracy, are programmed to be stupid by our education system.

Our schools are cesspools of perversion, where not a single fact is taught, unless it undermines the life outcomes of the students. Kids enter school knowing whether they are a boy or girl, how to interact with others, and they aren’t egoists. The schools then, at great public expense, unteach all those things. The kids are confused if they are boys or girls, are taught to debate as toddlers, and convinced they are indeed the center of the universe. Math is presented as unintelligible. History is taught with an eye to discrediting the good and lionizing the evil. Meanwhile science is inculcated as unquestioningly following the dictates of the experts. Wrest the education system from the greasy fingers of the post modernist’s, with an education voucher system, and all our problems will slowly dwindle away.


John Pepin

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Random Thoughts

Dear Friends,


Which party in America is elitist?



When elitists join the populists it’s swell,

They don’t care for us though you can tell,

Elitists are haughty,

And often naughty,

But they really hate our smell.


What do you call a president who sells state secrets to our adversaries?

Joe Biden.


National security is deified,

Our Constitution is nullified,

Transparency’s a joke,

And your nose better not poke,

You’d go to jail because everything’s classified.


What do you call people who makes faithless oaths?



Perjury is indeed a great sin,

In Congress you will not win,

They will charge you and bar you,

Feather and tar you,

Unless you are a democrat kin.


Someone who says one thing and does another, used to be called hypocrite, what are they called now?



Passing laws that apply to thee,

But enforced on us they cannot be,

Being better than all,

I can’t be burdened by law,

An oligarchy without limit are we.


When is ethnic cleansing a good thing?

When it is done to us.


Unlimited immigration is astounding,

Dynamiting our very founding,

But replace us they must,

Else wear prison dust,

Once we discover their wrongdoing.



John Pepin

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Centrally Planned Self Organization

Dear Friends,

It seems odd to me, that materialists believe in self organization, when it comes to evolution, but are staunchly government central planners? They could argue, how could we believe in God and self organization at the same time? Both positions appear at the outset to be self denying. But are they? If self organization is so fundamental to the universe, so much so it led to the creation of the universe itself, then self organization should be elevated to a godlike status. Central planning then is discredited by the existence of that self organizing artificial god. On the other hand, if God created the universe, he could have centrally planned self organization. In a God created Universe, self organization is not impossible. If God doesn’t exist though, and it is self organizing, central planning is discredited.

How can central planning be discredited if the Universe self organized as the materialists say? Because if self organization is a universal law, and it would have to be to create life, then central planning would be a violation of that law. Perverting a universal constant. Complexity theory deals with self organizing phenomenon. Like the universe and life. A complex system has several requirements. Independent units that interact, are interdependent, and create feedback loops. Such complex systems are disrupted when one or more variables are locked in by central planning. Locking a variable by law, erodes the ability of a complex system to interact, to be interdependent or to create feedback loops for the good or bad. Therefore central planning under the materialist religion is heresy and doomed to failure.

If the universe was centrally planned by God, complex systems are not discredited, because it is one of the ways God used to bring the universe into existence. We know there are complex systems, flocks of birds, schools of fish, and some say consciousness itself is the spontaneous emergence of order from chaos. Knowing that complex systems exist, and that nothing is outside of God’s ability, it is only reasonable to follow the evidence of empirical observation, and conclude that if God does exist, he created complexity, when he decided the speed of light, the Plank constant and the mass of a proton. Under such a paradigm, central planning would not necessarily fail, because central planning must have been how God created a self organized Universe, but central planning is usurping the role of God.

This idea extended into government shows that if one is a materialist, logically, one cannot believe in central planning… but to be consistent, that person has to believe in the spontaneous emergence of government, as words do in the English language. If an atheist then claims adherence to any of the central planning philosophies, communism, Marxism, Nazism, Fascism, etc… they are violating their core principles. That God not only does not exist but everything about him is to be rejected. Since central planning is required for God to have created the universe, and if he doesn’t exist the only other possibility is spontaneous self organization, atheists must believe in absolute freedom… else be blasphemers. Because any regulation at all hobbles the ability of the complex system to self organize.

If you believe the universe is a self organizing emergent phenomenon, as an atheist must, then central planning is an impiety to you. If you believe in a creator, and the scientific method as a means to detect God’s laws… then empirical reality tells us that spontaneous emergence is a real phenomenon. It may be God’s primary tool, since we see it on the microscopic, the human, and the intergalactic scales. If that’s so then believers should embrace it as well. Therefore, central planning should be repulsive to believers and outright heresy to materialists. That we are not united in this is a testament to the draw of power. So, those who claim to be materialists, and demand a totalitarian centrally planned government, are heretics to their faith. Ridicule them for their totalitarian lack of self awareness.


John Pepin

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Obstinacy and Truth

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one can be obstinate like water, or ice. If water is poured on the ground, it conforms and penetrates. If ice falls to the ground, it just sets there. Until it melts it cannot penetrate. The difference is, ice is rigid and not subject to conforming, while water is liquid, and thus by it’s very nature it forms itself to it’s surroundings… the truth. Strike water and it will resist. If one is obstinate like water then, they can change if a new idea is superior to the old one, but they are not a pushover either. Obstinate like ice however, means one is unable to bend, and will shatter if forced to. Obstinacy can be a means to find and protect the truth, then seek its depth, else it can be too rigid, and so it becomes an impediment to the truth. The secret is to differentiate if one’s own obstinacy is ice like or liquid.

Post modernists claim all truth is relative. A relative truth however, violates the basic definition of the word, truth. Especially when applied to the objective and public. If someone says they didn’t “steal” a cookie, the truth of that statement is not subjective, but objective. The post modernist elites want to have it both ways. Their subjective “truths” trump everyone’s “truth.” Even as the truths of everyone else, objective or not, are discounted as a projection of the progressive’s own maladroit psyche, all truth is only a means to power. Their truths then, are actually a means to power, and nothing more. While we know that truths, like mathematics, history and science, empirically proven, are objective and thus true truths. The post modernist philosophy, is ice like obstinacy, “truth” must conform to them.

Others say with authority that truth is objective. If 1+1=2 always and everywhere, then that is a true truth, empirically proven and consistent throughout time. If however, that result is politically inconvenient, the master manipulator can argue effectively that 1+1=3. That doesn’t mean that if I have a diamond and add another to it, I will have a trio of diamonds, no, that magic math only applies to the elite. Their “truth” is that 1+1=3 to them, but something else to us. Else it could be that 1+1=4 to them and 1+1=0 to us. If truth is all subjective, then the subject with the most political, military and violent power, is always right. Clearly, that is an illogical situation. It’s only through logical manipulation that we can conclude… a white horse is not a horse, but a black or yellow one is.

While it may be possible both are correct. What if there is a kind of truth that is subjective and not simply a means to power over others? There is, the subjective feelings of love, hate, realization and revulsion. These kinds of truths are subjective and cannot be quantified by any expert. Such subjective truths however, cannot apply to the non subject. If I like the taste of strawberries, I can’t demand everyone else eat them. That would be insane. Some people don’t like strawberries. That’s their right. Subjective truths then, while they do exist, are not reason to force someone else to another’s will. To understand truth then, one has to realize there are subjective truths and objective truths. The subjective ones are personal, and not public, while objective truths are public and true truths.

Those who maintain that truth is only subjective are like ice. They are rigid and forcing truth on them will shatter them. Truth is indeed both. Water penetrates ice does not. Ice cannot conform to truth, but if we are like water, conforming to it and penetrating it at the same time, we gain a deeper understanding. Why should we care? Because those who understand the world, the wise, so to speak, have better life outcomes. The wise understand subjective truths lead to personal understanding, while objective truths lead to public understanding. Such people are malleable, while at the same time, resist the sudden onslaughts of crazy notions masquerading as truths that sweep nations, (like post modernism). Obstinacy can be like ice or water, the one leads to understanding, while the other leads to pain.


John Pepin

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Transparency Is Toxic To Corruptocracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in politics as in life, the corrupt usually win. This is because the corrupt are willing to break the rules to gain the edge. While civilized people learned in their terrible twos to follow the rules. Those who don’t, as long as their shenanigans are not found out, enjoy an advantage. That’s why so many corporate CEOs, politicians and bureaucrats are psychopaths. They are willing to break the rules, when it suits them, but exploit those same rules to hinder everyone else. Their lack of ethics, in this case, gives a leg up to the immoral. Often however, the corrupt have to move once they have been discovered to be dirtbags. So they move somewhere else. Then start their swindling all over again. There is no place where this paradigm is more true, than in politics, where appearances trump reality.

While the virtuous are held back by ethics, the corrupt are not, giving them a huge advantage in every interaction. Lies are very effective, at manipulating people into doing things that are against their self interest, and in the interest of the liar. That is the basis for bunko crime. A swindler sells something they don’t own, misrepresent a thing or otherwise gain the confidence of the victim to take advantage. The whole game is based on a lie. When lies are effective, the corrupt are kings. Anyplace where someone can lie and get away with it the virtuous don’t stand a chance. You can rest assured that no one of merit, quality or honesty will survive long in such a situation. If your not in the game, your a mark, the honest are the marks, not the successful.

Politics is where corruption really glistens, like sewage in Moonlight. A faction that controls the media as well as the bureaucracy is untouchable. They decide who is charged, and for what, even as their press boot licks carry their water for them. The only way to achieve such a hegemony in government is to be utterly ruthless, single minded and profoundly corrupt. Since in politics lies are rewarded and truth is punished, both criminally and at the ballot box, the truthful must walk over frozen plowed earth, while liars on the other hand, have the road graded and paved before them. We can say then that politics is based on lies. Politicians sell us that which they don’t own, misrepresent things as their opposite, and pretend to be that which they patently are not.

Since politics and fraud intersect, is it out of the realm of possibility that politics itself, is a form of bunko? A swindle? Where we are told lies to manipulate us? I can think of a few things we are told is true that are not. Elections are free and fair is laughable. With mail in election fraud, anywhere there is unaccountable mail in voting, especially bonded with state sanctioned ballot harvesting, the elite decide who wins… not the electorate. Law is equally applied, is another joke we are expected to believe… despite the evidence of our eyes. Hillary was given a pass for her CCP monitored email server, wiping the hard drive along with a myriad of other crimes. Now there is the example of the Hunter Biden slap on the wrist… compared to the Jan 6 protesters and Trump’s unending political indictments.

The answer to corruption is transparency. If people see the truth of how corrupt our rulers are, we would revolt immediately, because it is so revolting. That’s why transparency is so detested by the elite. I suspect that’s why Fox is paying Tucker Carlson millions of dollars, to shut him up. Even filing lawsuits against him for having a Twitter VLOG? How much do you think hegemony is worth? To control the regulatory apparatus, exploit the trillions government spends, and the ability to criminally punish your enemies? To a corruptocrat such power is worth their very soul. The answer is transparency, corruption dies in the light, it grows in the dark. So shine a light on it. Talk about it… to everyone. Demand absolute transparency, do away with state secrets, and settle for nothing less.


John Pepin

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Another Batch Of Limericks

LGBTQ is now cool,

It’s all they teach in school,

What doesn’t make sense,

At great public expense,

Because the elite think parents are fools.


There once was a fellow named Barr,

The man should taste feather and tar,

He tripped through the law,

Is full of character flaws.

Then stabbed in the back his benefactor.


I heard of a painter so posh,

His name was Durham by gosh

The report did established,

No criminal should be punished,

Because the report was just a white wash.


Some people make me wince,

Like the ex veep Mike Pence,

A bootlick as mentor,

Then became a traitor,

Since scum can’t sit on a fence.


A stinking liar is Schiff,

Although his delivery is stiff,

His lies cost a pretty sum,

Consequences he had none,

But now we’ve all had a whiff.


The scum of the earth are RINOs,

They deal with more yeast than Gynos,

Kneading their lies,

Into healthy bitter pies,

That’s why most of them are winos.


Speaker McCarthy claimed he was brave,

Us from the tyrants he would save.

He huffed and he puffed,

Then spoke very gruff,

But in the end all he did was cave.


Biden is a real square fellow,

The law he does always follow,

A top secret or three,

Donated to the CCP,

Yea I know, that’s pretty hard to swallow.


You have been dead before,

One need not be forlorn,

It was in the past,

And it didn’t last,

What do you think you were before you were born?



John Pepin

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Fascist Globalism Versus American Nationalism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it’s pretty hard to win a war, when your own elite are on the other side. The culture war, the great struggle between ideologies, and nationalism versus globalism, for example. In each effort, our elite, the ones who are supposed to represent us in these existential struggles, are playing for the other side. How do I know this? Judging purely by their actions. If the republicans really wanted to do something about the out of control corruption in DC, they would impeach Wray for withholding documents, lying to congress and refusing to do his job. They would impeach Garland for open partisan lawfare as well as refusal to do his job. The democrats, if the shoe were on the other foot, would have already put the men behind bars… with the enthusiastic help of republicans.

In the culture war, the democrats hold law from prosecuting their violent followers, while exploiting law as a weapon against their foes. Can you imagine the outcry from democrats should a violent pro abortion activist be raided early in the morning by SWAT? Like peaceful pro life protesters are… for praying silently. The lack of action by republicans on this issue is revealing. The term, controlled opposition, comes to mind. Even “pro life” republicans balk at making abortion illegal. Their recent vote on the debt limit in favor of every democrat point, while caving on every conservative point, was telling. Then again, there is their vote not to punish Adam Schiff for lying about the Russian collusion hoax, makes it undeniable. With friends like republican elites, enemies are redundant.

There are two kinds of nationalism. One can be loyal to a race (fascist nationalism) else one can be patriotic to an ideology. Like the American Ideal. The first leads to Nazism, the second to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, unencumbered by the State. In the titanic fight we are in, the people stand for American nationalism, while the elite are all in on fascist globalism. It is to be expected that some elites will have traitorous leanings, but today, even those who claim to stand with us, are secretly against us. Globalism is in fashion, and fashion is not subject to logic, only the emotion of appearances. So the elite will not stand to hear the American Experiment has anymore life left to it. They’ll kill whatever is left so they can get on to building a legacy, and becoming the… Founding Trans Mothers.

In the great struggle of ideologies, Marxism, Fascism and Freedom, our elites are solidly behind global fascism. Freedom had its day. Even Marx and Hitler, two peas from a pod, agreed on that. While capitalism is good at creating economic wealth for everyone, a constantly improving standard of living and freedom to pursue happiness, it denies the rulers power… and so has to go. They would prefer Marxism but, the lesson of the Twentieth century and all, plus the fact that when the CCP converted from communism to fascist mercantilism, their economy exploded. Our elites are smart, just ask them, they know communism always fails economically, so they have adopted fascism. Put on a global scale, their totalitarian planetary Reich will last ten thousand years… and there will be no escape!

What we have then is a two party system where both parties stand united, in a bipartisan fashion… against the American people, our Constitution and the United States as an entity. The EU is no different. The elites in the West have decided the nation state is passe. We need to move onto a global government. Like in Star Trek. So if an elite comes along who agrees with the hoi polloi, he or she is vilified, persecuted and lawfared until they give up, or join the dark side. That’s why Trump is so loathed by the elite. He is an anathema to them. Good heavens Lovey! A patriotic populist! Could there be a more unfashionable person? Nevertheless, the people love him because he isn’t obviously stabbing us in the back… like the republicans and Tories are. Maybe America needs a Reform Party.


John Pepin

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Probing American’s Privates

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the 80,000 IRS agents the government is hiring could scrape a few dimes from small businesses, ruining them… or, they could go after the hundreds of billions the government has lost track of. The mind boggling billions that have disappeared from the Covid relief funds for example. A good CPA could save more money in ten minutes, auditing the government, than a million IRS auditors could do in a thousand years, squeezing pennies from us little guys. The fact is, the elite don’t want their pork trimmed, they want more money from us, to fatten up the hogs. Since we abandoned the democratically representative republican paradigm decades ago, to become an autocratic government in all but name, the elite call the shots, and those who call the shots, get their way.

A trillion dollar deficit is not going to be filled by bankrupting a few small businesses. That would be like filling a black hole. It can’t be done, because the more it grows, the hungrier it gets. Like chasing a rainbow, it will be forever beyond one’s grasp. As well as the pot of gold beneath. The elite are chasing for a pot of gold by scrounging every penny from us. Their greed, avarice and envy is boundless, yet grows, with every tax dollar they take in. There is a saying, if your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. The elite have only the hammer of deficit spending, so they attack with gusto every problem… with other people’s money. Obviously, such wise leaders as we have, would only use our money for their own interests, to do otherwise would be, good heavens, populist!

At this point the deficit is growing faster than GDP. According to economic sources, other than Gingrich’s short budget surplus in the late 1990s, the US has grown the debt at twice the rate of GDP since the 1980s! That isn’t “sustainable.” The deficit is now over 31 trillion dollars and growing fast. The brain balks at comprehending such numbers. Yet the amount of money you and I owe, because the elite spent it in our name, grew a trillion dollars last year alone. As the government wastes more and more of the national capital on malinvestment, cronyism and foreign wars, less and less will be available for reinvestment, maintenance and innovation. Until eventually, everything we make, will go to feeding the dragon the elite summoned into being. That, bad as it is, isn’t even the worse part.

Eating the young to stay fat is a self destructive strategy. When government becomes the be all end all of people’s existence, and the only legal source of income, we either figure out a way to rent seek, else starve. The capitalist option, creating something of value and selling it, thus improving your life and the lives of those who bought it from you, a win win, becomes impossible. Regulations block the way, taxes take the profit, corruption increases costs, and envious elites will use law as a means to punish the few who still win. As Lenin did to the Kulaks. So everyone becomes a grifter. Because grifting is the only thing that can be done in a rent seeking economy. And a rent seeking economy becomes inevitable when the government spends all of the public’s money on maintaining power.

If the government really wanted to solve the deficit problem, they could do it in a heartbeat, but the deficit is a problem that they can manipulate into more power, wealth and prerogative. So they only want to appear to solve it, while they exploit the fear of it to usurp more power. No corruptocrat wants to be audited by an uninterested third party. That would be suicide. No, the elite, who have unlimited power now, want unlimited deficit spending and a rent seeking economy. They are accelerationists at heart, pushing to end the world. So they can rebuild it in an image they prefer. A global fascist totalitarian oligarchy where the experts run the show. That’s why we are getting 80,000 IRS agents to probe every American’s private papers… and not an audit of the insane spending.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment