Centrally Planned Self Organization

Dear Friends,

It seems odd to me, that materialists believe in self organization, when it comes to evolution, but are staunchly government central planners? They could argue, how could we believe in God and self organization at the same time? Both positions appear at the outset to be self denying. But are they? If self organization is so fundamental to the universe, so much so it led to the creation of the universe itself, then self organization should be elevated to a godlike status. Central planning then is discredited by the existence of that self organizing artificial god. On the other hand, if God created the universe, he could have centrally planned self organization. In a God created Universe, self organization is not impossible. If God doesn’t exist though, and it is self organizing, central planning is discredited.

How can central planning be discredited if the Universe self organized as the materialists say? Because if self organization is a universal law, and it would have to be to create life, then central planning would be a violation of that law. Perverting a universal constant. Complexity theory deals with self organizing phenomenon. Like the universe and life. A complex system has several requirements. Independent units that interact, are interdependent, and create feedback loops. Such complex systems are disrupted when one or more variables are locked in by central planning. Locking a variable by law, erodes the ability of a complex system to interact, to be interdependent or to create feedback loops for the good or bad. Therefore central planning under the materialist religion is heresy and doomed to failure.

If the universe was centrally planned by God, complex systems are not discredited, because it is one of the ways God used to bring the universe into existence. We know there are complex systems, flocks of birds, schools of fish, and some say consciousness itself is the spontaneous emergence of order from chaos. Knowing that complex systems exist, and that nothing is outside of God’s ability, it is only reasonable to follow the evidence of empirical observation, and conclude that if God does exist, he created complexity, when he decided the speed of light, the Plank constant and the mass of a proton. Under such a paradigm, central planning would not necessarily fail, because central planning must have been how God created a self organized Universe, but central planning is usurping the role of God.

This idea extended into government shows that if one is a materialist, logically, one cannot believe in central planning… but to be consistent, that person has to believe in the spontaneous emergence of government, as words do in the English language. If an atheist then claims adherence to any of the central planning philosophies, communism, Marxism, Nazism, Fascism, etc… they are violating their core principles. That God not only does not exist but everything about him is to be rejected. Since central planning is required for God to have created the universe, and if he doesn’t exist the only other possibility is spontaneous self organization, atheists must believe in absolute freedom… else be blasphemers. Because any regulation at all hobbles the ability of the complex system to self organize.

If you believe the universe is a self organizing emergent phenomenon, as an atheist must, then central planning is an impiety to you. If you believe in a creator, and the scientific method as a means to detect God’s laws… then empirical reality tells us that spontaneous emergence is a real phenomenon. It may be God’s primary tool, since we see it on the microscopic, the human, and the intergalactic scales. If that’s so then believers should embrace it as well. Therefore, central planning should be repulsive to believers and outright heresy to materialists. That we are not united in this is a testament to the draw of power. So, those who claim to be materialists, and demand a totalitarian centrally planned government, are heretics to their faith. Ridicule them for their totalitarian lack of self awareness.


John Pepin

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