
Dear Friends,


Maybe it’s time to use the old melon,

Propaganda the globalists keep a tellin,

Try as they might,

Can’t win a fair fight,

Because no one wants what they’re a sellin.


Personnel is policy tis certainly true,

Bad people will undermine him anew,

One wrong choice,

Will silence his voice,

And Trump will get impeached, charged and a special prosecutor too.


You have to admire their gumption,

To cast such a net of presumption,

Put up a fight,

They must be right,

But it’s only based on an assumption.


There once was a government genocidal,

Proud of it though foolishly culturecidal,

Replace the unwanted,

They will not be daunted,

To save the world from the masses maniacal.


The elite are above the law,

They don’t follow it even at all,

Taxes for thee,

Benefits to me,

As they crash the economy into a wall.


It’s an interesting philosophical story,

Like a creation myth of the Maori,

It sounds unstoppable,

But isn’t really probable,

Because nothing can be discovered a priori.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Resentment And Revenge

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when a faction feeds on resentment as a means to political power, their wins come at cost to the future. Such a faction will row crop resentment. They’ll exploit every human weakness, and push fallacies like, “the disparity between the rich and poor…” to distract from what people really resent, the disparity between the politically powerful and the politically weak. One way to manipulate is to convince the politically weak they are the politically powerful. By exploiting resentment. While resentment is a great motivator, it harms the people who harbor it, harms the society that encourages it, and harms the civilization that holds it as a good. This harm comes in a myriad of flavors. Despotism, economic collapse, health issues, and more… can all be yours, by harboring resentment in your heart.

Resentment is a powerful emotion and so has great power to motivate. Imparting the political faction that wields it great power as well. Resentment is an envy based emotion. Without envy or jealousy it would deflate to a mere incorporeal malcontentedness. The emotion of envy, jealousy and perceived injury, can grow to become all consuming. creating a need for revenge. As that resentment grows, so too does the need for revenge, until an actual vendetta is called. Then the only productive action those consumed with hate from revenge will engage in, is to move them closer to the day they get to say, “My name is Inigo Montoya, You killed my father, prepare to die.” Making a productive human being into a mere hunter seeker drone.

Which means, an overwhelming resentment will make a person harm him or herself… to get back at those he or she resents. Therefore, a negative emotion like resentment, will never advance, but will always harm. It’s hard to argue a mindless hunter seeker drone will show up to work on time, sober, and willing to work, nor will they start a business that serves. Those programmed to hate through the subtle and judicious use of resentment are the opposite. People overwhelmed with vendetta, tend to make poor employees and to start fewer than average businesses. They are hard working at amassing political power to get revenge though. In other words, those who have become useful to the faction that feeds off resentment, become useless to themselves, their families and society. They become a danger.

While resentment is a powerful tool of politics, it’s use diminishes not only the body politic but the economy and justice itself, leading to despotism. The faction that nourishes itself from envy, jealousy and perceived injury, will have ardent followers. Zealots ready willing and able to do violence at a moments notice. Which lowers the quality of political discourse to violence. Factions that refuse to engage in violence are crushed. As Lenin’s Bolsheviks murdered Mensheviks in the night, leaving their tortured bodies as a stark reminder, of the violence the Bolsheviks were willing to apply. While that was a revolutionary period, subsequent decades only hammered the nail in further. Resentment leading to vengeance, results in damage to everyone and everything… except the faction that exploits it.

A wise faction, that seeks the best interest of the nation and indeed humanity itself, will seek to eliminate resentment by providing opportunity, education… and only political limits to the industrious. Any use of resentment should be immediately attacked as the manipulation it is, and the would be despots who use it, are discredited for it. A progressive economist of the nineteenth century, Veblen, was asked, “Why don’t Americans resent the rich?” He replied, “Because Americans think they can become rich.” Which is the real answer to resentment. Create a culture of success. Give everyone the unlimited opportunity to become rich, and plenty of careers for those without the ambition, by limiting political power, and there will be no need of envy or jealousy, leading to resentment and revenge.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

Isn’t it odd how despots all,

Ignore other’s morals and law,

They do as they please,

Put ethics in a squeeze,

And epitomize hypocrisy and gall.


There once was a judge called Amy Comey Barrett,

With the look likability and personality of a ferret,

She stabbed us in the back,

Then went on the attack,

And proved she was a conniver without merit.


There once was a guy called Trump,

The elite thought they gave him the dump,

But he said with a sigh,

I’m not a bad guy,

Then trounced them so hard it gave them a lump.


The elite are reeling in fear,

Their plans are no longer near,

They tried so hard,

Played the race card,

But in the end logic and sanity came clear.


The worst thing that can happen to,

A progressive government new,

Is absolute power,

It’ll make them sour,

Because the masses will see the evil that they do.


Naked and notorious corruption is grand,

Holding our leaders to the lowest brand,

A hundred thousand in play,

Thousands come in by the day,

And it won’t stop until the results are what they planned.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unlimited Power Leads To Unlimited Atrocities

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, unlimited power leads to unlimited atrocities. History is unambiguous on this. With examples spanning human history. Alexander’s slaughtering of the city of Thebes, Tamerlane’s atrocities against Hindus and Christians, up to today’s North Korean despot Kim. Atrocities aren’t only for villains, they’re for heroes as well… if they get to write the history. Moreover, no one who commits an atrocity thinks they’re doing an evil. Not at all, they’ve rationalized it in their heads, to be a good and necessary thing. You and I, out of ignorance and given unlimited power, would be likely to commit several atrocities in our struggle to better the human condition. Those who “know” they wouldn’t, are the ones who would commit the worst ones.

Lacking omniscience our knowledge is limited. Giving unlimited power to a limited being is asking for trouble. Moreover, no amount of surveillance will make a person or agency omniscient. Only more nosy. Which makes unlimited power foolish. Since the quality of knowing everything is impossible, it’s also impossible to apply unlimited power effectively. Our lack of true understanding and human heartedness, makes that power into a sledge hammer, wielded by a barbarian. When it would take omniscience to machine that club into a jeweler’s tool set, and human heartedness to use it. So those who seek unlimited power to improve the lot of Mankind are foolish people, playing stupid games, and we all know how that turns out… we all win stupid prizes.

With unlimited power, comes zero consequences for actions, and no effective feedback for crazy thoughts. So those invested with zero consequences and unlimited power, even with the most angelic goals, will end up killing millions. Because consequences and feedback are what keep us sane. Someone with the power to kill at a command isn’t a person others make angry. So the totalitarian is insulated from sanity. Plus, without consequences for failure, there’s no learning from it either. This lack of feedback and learning from failure magnifies the lack of omniscience, of the despot or oligarchy, into outright malevolence. Hatred against those that are clearly standing in the way of a utopian existence for humanity. Providing the victims for the atrocities.

The more idealistic the ruler the more heinous the atrocities. While a pragmatist looks at results not intentions, the idealist looks at intentions not results. So if a given action has failed in the past, or worse, yielded negative results, a pragmatist will try something different. Cut their losses if you will. Even as an Idealist will try and try again. Because the goal is so glittering it’s worth any atrocity. With the idealist mindset of win lose, that someone has to suffer to birth their vision, is only natural. The few lose so the many can win. A look at the earlier examples will find that all but Alexander were idealists. While Alexander aimed his atrocities at Thebes to settling Greece… Tamerlane, Hitler, Mao, Kim and the whole lot sought a utopian world… and delivered hell on Earth.

That’s why I say, unlimited power leads to unlimited atrocities. People are simply incapable of omniscience (unlimited knowledge) and therefore incapable of handling unlimited power. Plus the human hearted among us are few, and proof of human heartedness, is they don’t seek power. Who dares correct the tyrant? Which is why despots always go insane. Getting ever further from reality and deeper into their fevered dreams. Then there’s the idealist who seizes power in a coup. Given unlimited power, to implement their vision of utopia, breaking a few eggs is acceptable. Some have to lose so the rest can win. You could say their goal is so glittering it’s worth any atrocity, and so many are committed. No wonder atrocities are so common, and human hearted limited government, so rare.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Democrats In A Dilemma

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason the democrats not only lost in 2024, but without election fraud, they would have lost in 2022 and 2020 as well. Since their now exposed ideology is repulsive. Back in the day… after they lost in 2000 to Bush, they embraced the radical left. Exit polls in 2000 said that morals was a deciding factor in that election. The electorate had enough of lasciviously using cigars in the White House. Which angered the democrats because they saw themselves as more moral than the republicans. So they scratched around to find an answer. I was listening to NPR at the time, and the answer they reached, was to eschew bipartisanship and centrism for radical ideology. So the democrat party that had been trending communist for decades “went full retard” just as communism had been discredited.

The results of progressive democrat rule can’t be denied, as well as progressive rule in Europe. Drastically lower standard of living as measured in every way, international debacles, and thought police, leading to literal despotism. Germany’s vaunted industrial sector is in full collapse. Due to energy costs, taxes and regulation, as well as a collapsing demographic. Britain is releasing violent rapists back on the streets to make room for those charged with wrongthink. Meanwhile, the derelict lame duck president is trying to get us in WWIII. Nothing suggests failure like a constant drumbeat of failure. Now it turns out the economic disasters were covered up by lies. As jobs and GDP are revised lower, exposing those lies, the derelict in office pardons his cronies as fast as he can push a pen.

Just as when the original progressive movement had been discredited, by Wilson and his absurdist policies, and anti human eugenics, they changed their name… so too did the communists after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The communists then had to re-brand their movement. Using the techniques of Edward Bernays, they became open societies, progressivism, and given gravitas by UN agendas for sustainable development. So the crypto communists changed the name of their movement. Though it still stood for an unlimited oligarchy. Their foundational principles found in the Frankfurt School, and the teachings of Freud, Nietzsche and Marx. Which just goes to show that the idealist, elitist ideology of communism, is like a shapeshifter. It changes appearance as it’s reality is discovered.

The electoral failure isn’t lost to the wire pullers at the top of the establishment. They know how much election fraud was applied, and yet fell short, of even muting a landslide. They managed to get a few democrats past the finish line, after weeks of election fraud in California, and elsewhere… but all in all, 2024 was a total repudiation of the progressives and their policies. Importing voters to replace the people they abandoned hasn’t been as effective as they had hoped. Stabbing the union workers, minorities and farmers in the back, apparently, alienated them. Wages and benefits in a union shop don’t matter… when the union jobs go to China. Pushing minorities to the side for the new politically favored isn’t attractive. Just as farmers losing family land leaves a bad taste in their mouths.

Now the democrats and indeed progressives across the globe, are scratching around again, to find a reason they’re so repulsive to voters. Idealistic and lacking self awareness they’ll probably conclude they didn’t go far enough. Especially since most of the sane members of that caucus left. British Labor is looking at the US, Argentina, Germany, France and even Spain, and worrying they may be next. That’s why they canceled elections next year. While that’s an effective tactic, it’s a poor strategy. Trudeau is even on the ropes. Re-branding won’t work. The elites are the same. It would appear that the progressives have lost the faith of the people, not because their brand wasn’t hip enough, or their message wasn’t loud enough, but because they failed at the most basic role of governing… governing.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, media, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Just sit back take a sip relax and smile,

Trump and Rogan went a country mile,

Youtube is outraged,

It’s going viral I’ll wage,

Because it’s Trump’s version of Gangnam Style.


What better way a nation’s tyranny to predict,

Than when some foolish old guy they do convict,

He had a tank,

It’s in the bank,

When your defense lawyer agrees with a guilty verdict.


Beware take care here come the hounds,

Looking for loot by sight smell and sounds,

Take what they like,

Like the Third Reich,

Because the greed of government knows no bounds.


The rights we have are few,

Whenever politics is in view,

You may just hiss,

But remember this,

Politics does take an interest in you.


When squaring a circle one makes a call,

To look at it behind the propaganda wall,

Go ahead and be uncouth,

What’s that circle in truth,

And once seen is it really a circle at all?


Science has stopped expanding it’s clear,

Paradigm shattering innovations are dear,

Science lacks sight,

Philosophy is light,

And so science needs philosophy to steer.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Using A Scalpel To Treat Mental Illness

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a scalpel is a poor tool to treat mental illness. In this, I disagree with many experts on the subject. They maintain, if a child questions their sexuality, the first response should be to remove their genitalia, making them unable to have actual sex again. That’s called gender affirming care. Destroying a child’s gender. In this we can conclude that the words are the reverse of the action. Nevertheless, the smartest people in any room (just ask them) affirm and avow, this is the correct course of action. Being idealists, they hold that intentions are all that count… outcomes be damned. So their go to for anything is power. In this case the power of the scalpel to remove offending parts. To sculpt someone into the ideal of themselves in their mind. Plus, the required surgeries are lucrative.

I fail to understand how “gender dysphoria” is anything but a mental illness. How is it different for a woman who thinks she should be a man, or a man who thinks he should have been a woman… from a person who thinks they should have been born a monkey? How about someone who thinks they are Napoleon? Which of these two options do you think is the more rational one? To admit them to a surgery chamber and shorten them by removing a few vertebra, and shortening the femurs, change the shape of their face to look like Bonaparte, and then call them Emperor? OR, give them mental health treatment? Normal people will uniformly say, mental health treatment, is the more rational choice. As it is with those who actually have “gender dysphoria.”

In my worldview, doctors are there to help people who are sick get better, people who are injured to heal, and to do no harm. At least intentional harm. Because the state of medicine is always in flux. What’s common knowledge today maybe commonly known to be terrible tomorrow. Like using mercury to treat syphilis. The race is to see which drives you crazy first. In the case of gender affirming surgery, or more appropriately, “Gender destroying surgery…” the harm is in the act as well as the outcome. It’s not like a doctor administering mercury to treat syphilis, it’s like Josef Mengele playing god. Like applying mercury as an antibiotic, the side effect is death. The one by poisoning the other by suicide. Regardless, the outcome is the same… No witnesses.

People become fixated and captured by ideas. Sometimes those ideas are literal malevolence… as is the “trans movement.” Demonic in nature those experts possessed by it are not in their right minds. Like Nazi death camp guards they think they’re doing the right thing. Instead of listening to their hearts, that must scream how wrong their actions are, they only listen to their head, telling them they’re doing it for the betterment of the species. Their idealistic goal is worth any atrocity. Tough there’s precedent in the progressive faction for just this kind of behavior. In their eugenics movement. Another bowel movement of the progressives. Where elitists would judge others, as worthy of having children… or to be subjected to inhuman sterilization. By scalpel. Which Mengele was trying to make more humane.

There’s no telling someone’s intentions. The experts involved in the “trans” movement may think it’s an altruistic effort, or maybe they’re evil incarnate. Who can say for sure? I can’t read minds… nor can they. All we can see and thereby judge are actions and outcomes. Doing permanent damage to a child for a temporary feeling is the epitome of harming the patient. Knowingly, I would argue. The trans BM maybe another example of using leaches to cure cancer. A foolish yet noble attempt that results in disaster for the patient. There certainly is precedent for that as well. Nevertheless, using a scalpel to treat a mental illness is sufficiently counter intuitive, to be considered quackery. So I would urge everyone to speak up, to stop this insanity, before more innocent lives are destroyed.


John Pepin

Posted in Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The elite say America is full of rubes,

Inbred cousins who like the Tubes,

So why should they listen,

To those without vision,

Who think the world isn’t made of circles and cubes.


The moral of the story will disturb your bed,

If you don’t want cobra’s biting people dead,

Bounties will make it worse,

We’ll breed them of course,

Maybe it’s better to have people keep mongooses instead.


The elite cry for the disenfranchised,

The victim’s votes were compromised,

A little fraud here,

Don’t cry my dear,

It resulted in the election they visualized.


What a disaster it would be,

If cancer was cured you see,

The money’s in treatment,

With doses frequent,

It’s millions of lives versus billions for the corporatocracy.


The two party system is in danger when,

One side is so evil and hated it dost ken,

Election fraud is fair,

You have to care,

Because without it democrats would never win again.


When living in the land of lies,

Deceit will cut you down to size,

Moving lips,

Swaying hips,

And the corrupt always win the prize.



John Pepin

Posted in Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Disparity In Wealth Or Political Power?

Dear Friends,

I wonder, which seems more just to you? A vast disparity in wealth… or political power? Do you care more about someone having dozens of cars, while you can only afford two… or that someone can order you killed, and your stuff taken, without consequence? This is only possible when there’s a vast disparity in political power. Those driven by envy and jealousy, will say they would rather a huge disparity in political favor, than in wealth, while the pragmatist might reason, the negative effect on human Rights and humanity itself of over powered political favor, makes it the greater danger. Personally, I couldn’t care less how rich someone else is, or how much political favor they have, as long as they leave me alone. The rich usually leave us alone, while the politically powerful… don’t.

The wealthy also have great reputational political favor, but prosperity also carries political disfavor, in the forms of envy, jealousy and hate. Somewhat balancing out wealth in political favor. Unless that wealth is used to purchase political favor. As George Soros has done. Then wealth can make a madman a puppeteer. A wire puller who’s above the law and even criticism. This only works however when the conniver encourages the dominant political theology. Spending money on politically disfavored ideas earns political disfavor from the elite. As Musk has done. Though the lion’s share of the wealthy don’t engage in political intrigue, instead they engage in making more money or in lavish lifestyles. So while there is crossover between wealth and political power, they are indeed different things.

Over powered political favor is also called despotism, tyranny and oligarchy. Where all, or most of the political power, is vested in one person or a small cadre of elites. The rest of the citizenry can be killed in the street at the whim. Like in ancient times. Moreover, political power is always exploited to amass immense fortunes. As Nancy Pelosi has done with legal insider trading. The politically favored are above even common legal code. Like when Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne in Chappaquiddick. Those with sufficient political favor are above even ridicule. Like Barack Obama, when a rodeo clown was personally destroyed, for wearing an Obama mask in a rodeo. Which means, those with over powered political favor, exploit it to become rich, are above the law, and even criticism.

What someone else has means nothing to me. I’m only concerned with my loved ones, what I earned by the sweat of my brow, and being left alone. In fact, the more everyone else has, the happier I am about it. Why? Because the more wealth there is, the higher my standard of living will naturally be, regardless of my level of gumption. So I like there being lots of rich people, wasting their money on frivolity, opulence or investing it to make more. I don’t even care how much political power someone has… as long as they leave me alone. The problem is, no one amasses political power to leave us alone. It’s just not done. They gain great political power to use it. Who will they use it on? Us of course! So, to have my druthers, I prefer a great disparity in wealth over political favor.

Which has the greater ability to harm civilization though? Wealth disparity or political disparity? If we are to act to limit one, or the other, that has to be the question. It can be answered pragmatically or idealistically. The pragmatist will answer it judged by the result of each. Even as the idealist will judge depending on his or her feelings on the subject. The idealist might feel like it’s unfair for some to have too much wealth, so prefer others to have over powered political favor, to put the rich in their place. The outcome be damned. It’s the goal that counts. Meanwhile, the pragmatist will observe the past results of both, and will conclude that the option with the greatest likelihood for a positive outcome be chosen… political power. Which is why we must limit political power, not wealth.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Popper’s ideas are brilliant and swell,

Exposing frauds lies and cons as well,

What the experts don’t allow,

Is applying it to their sacred cow,

Because paradigm shifts do careers fell.


The enlightened in their Birkenstock sandals,

Lighting artistic cultural and political candles,

They pervert the art,

Into a visual fart,

Showing they’re nothing but cultural vandals.


In a century they’ll think us insane,

How could we think things so inane,

Then say in a fancy drawl,

They finally know it all,

Proving mankind hasn’t and won’t ever change.


Tis better to be thought a despot,

Than to prove it every day and a lot,

Openly attack and censor,

Like an electric fencer,

Proving the elite’s self blindness and rot.


Romans sweetened their wine with lead,

The Mayans polluted their water with the dead.

Stupid does churn,

We just don’t learn,

Because we put fluoride in our water instead.


If the elite can’t beat or subvert,

Their foes are dangerous they’ll assert,

Ban them right now,

Ban them somehow,

But it’s comeuppances they want to avert,



John Pepin

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