Print, Spend And Regulate

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, no amount of Federal Reserve tightening will lower inflation, as long as the federal government increases spending, five dollars for every dollar the Fed wrings out of the private sector. Add to the drastic increase in the money supply, driven by print and spend policies, the supply reducing effects of over regulation, bans and cronyism, and you have the perfect equation to cripple the private economy with inflation, while canceling public debt by the same mechanism. Elegant, though psychopathic, if you think of it. The US is taking the Argentine path to economic oblivion. Wring the economy of wealth through print, spend and regulate, leading to currency destroying inflation, then rinse and repeat. Inflation always and everywhere moves wealth from the bottom to the top.

Most people only think about the demand side of the inflation equation. The supply side has the same effect on inflation as demand. In the case of our over regulated economy, any increase in interest rates, especially coupled with burdensome regulation, will result in supply shortages. Supply shortages themselves lead to inflation, as long as those shortages last. Offshoring can mitigate the effect but the utility of screwing workers is coming to an end. So, even as the Fed raises interest rates to ostensibly lower inflation, those increases actually exacerbate the supply shortages, while doing nothing to cut demand. Because, if Keynes is to be believed, government demand is equal to private demand. Increases in regulations, taxes and outright bans on production, must lead to inflation.

The reality is, the benefits of profligate spending are immediate, while the negative side effects often take years to develop. Because the stuff purchased can be used immediately. That’s why so many people buy toys they can’t afford. “Buy now pay later…” is the motto of the shark. Since this game works so well on the masses, who actually have a personal responsibility to pay the money back, how much more effective do you suppose it is to a politician, who gets the benefit, while someone else pays it back… later? That’s why politicians will never cut spending, it’s not in their interest, cutting spending is in someone else interests. So, like corruption, blurting out in anger, and drunkenness… profligate spending bestows the benefit immediately, while the cost is paid later.

The interest payments on the debt amount to almost a trillion dollars a year. The debt surpassed 33 trillion dollars and is shooting up. The US debt to GDP ratio is over 122%! Nations across the globe are looking to divest themselves of US debt, and create an alternative to the US dollar, as the world’s reserve currency. In that environment, the US elite simply can’t print and spend enough. No need to raise taxes, inflation will drain us tax mules, in stealth mode. Even as the government is spending trillions a year (37% of GDP), the Fed is raising interest rates forcing the consumer to spend less, so the elite can spend more. No amount of crushing us will squeeze enough spending out of the economy, to lower inflation, as long as the government spends five dollars for every dollar squeezed out of us.

Print, spend and regulate policies lead to economic destruction. Moreover, they’re almost unavoidable in our system of government. The incentives are to tax, print and spend… the nation into oblivion. This outcome reverberates throughout history. To fight the inflation their policies inevitably create, the elite squeeze the little guy. Then they increase their own spending driving inflation up ever more. The real brilliance is that the elite make it so difficult, even to the point of literal shut downs, that supply shortages become a factor of doing business. Which, in and of themselves, will trigger inflation. What we have then, is an elite doing everything in their power to increase inflation, while using that nation impoverishing inflation, to gain power, permanence, and enrich themselves… how Hegelian of the elite.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we live in an Ineptocracy. Where the inept rule the adept with an iron fist. It didn’t start that way, ineptocracy is born because the adept are distracted. Once the ineptitude of the ineptocracy becomes apparent, the inept must become despotic and corrupt. Otherwise they would be quickly replaced derailing the gravy train. As the ineptitude leads a nation to inflation, war and a collapsing standard of living, the adept start to notice. That leads the inept to have to censor, to protect themselves from the adept, destroying journalists like Julian Assange. Most of all though, the inept absolutely must exploit the authority they’re trusted with, to crush any dissent. This strategy works for awhile, but remember, we’re dealing with inept people here, so it eventually fails, taking down the nation.

Ineptocracies can develop because while the adept are busy doing things… the inept seek power. What other option do they have? Would you hire them? I wouldn’t, they’re inept. That’s why you always see a concentration of inept people around the seats of power in any nation. The capital cities are full of them. The most expensive homes in any country are found in the suburbs of the capital city. Lived in by the ruling inept. Where else could someone so inept get that kind of gig? No where. Unlimited power, money and prestige, without having to do a thing. Now that is magnetic to the inept. While the adept would rather build, innovate and create. Once the ineptitude oozes from the top down though, even the firms in the technical spheres become inept… like Boeing.

The problem with ineptocracies is that they lead like a dog. A dog only wants to be in front. They don’t know where you’re going, how you’re going there or how fast you want to go, so they have to constantly look back to see. As a result, they’re constantly underfoot, and getting in the way. Else they race off after a distraction and get lost. Ineptocracies are the same. They get caught up chasing a squirrel and get lost, perhaps they’re so concerned with public opinion they’re constantly underfoot, or since leading is so important to them, they get in the way of everything with their inept regulations. Leading like dogs. Eventually, these qualities so reduce the output of a nation that country becomes impoverished, regardless of it’s natural resources… like Argentina.

The very nature of an ineptocracy is instability. Leading like a dog and tripping up the adept, eventually leads to a fall. The ruthlessness of an ineptocracy increases with age, until that ineptocracy becomes despotic. Corruption is an ineptocracy’s twin brother, born at the same time and growing together, only separated by epigenetic changes in life. Then there is, of course, the ineptitude of an ineptocracy, at doing the basic functions of government. That’s why ineptocracies have out of control budget deficits. The people follow their leaders into ineptitude as well. Evolving the whole of society to become inept. All these qualities of an ineptocracy make it unstable. No matter the nation, currency or people, ineptocracy leads to a fall.

Ineptocracies form and collapse rhythmically, like a pulsar, Cepheid variable, or pounded thumb. Once an ineptocracy falls, it’s replaced by the adept for awhile. Then the adept are slowly replaced by the inept, as the adept go onto other more interesting enterprises, in the private sector. Where innovation is valued instead of conformity. Eventually, government is run by the inept, without any adept people at all manning the ship. Then, sooner or later, the inept steer the ship into a shoal, and blame the adept. Because they were distracting the inept with comments like, “Watch out for that shoal!” Based on the description I have given, would you say the US and indeed the whole of the West, is in the adept phase of this cycle… or the end game of an ineptocracy?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


High Speed Rail…


High speed rail seems swift,

Funded by government grift,

If others are building rail,

We have to seek the grail,

And follow them over a cliff.




Lurching from debacle to defeat,

Until the collapse is complete,

We’re almost in range,

For a nuclear exchange,

Brought to us by the corrupt elite.




Some people new ideas they will resist,

Nothing’s outside of science they insist,

Twisting facts inside out,

Believing without doubt,

And praying that God doesn’t exist.




Calling CCP spying espionage is silly,

A cute notion from a pretty little filly,

They have a better in,

If the CCP wants information,

All they need do is call General Milley.


Saddiq Kahn…


We live in such strange times,

Things can change on a dime,

People wig out,

When stabbings are about,

And vote to change the paradigm.


Jan 6…


The elite acted without reluctance,

Charging crimes without substance,

Elections without integrity,

And there will be no equity,

Until the elite get their comeuppance.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Mechanism Of Impeachment

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our elites are using the impeachment, like Pericles used the ostracism… to do the opposite of their reason for existing. Pericles, the ancient Athenian ruler, exploited his arbitrary power to get any would be rival, ostracized. Like the progressive faction uses the impeachment to go after political dissidents, to establish a one party state. Both examples use a power given to limit the power of the elite to oligarchy, and especially a single elite from becoming a tyrant… to abetting those very crimes. The establishment went after Trump twice, once to hide the Biden crime family’s crimes in Ukraine, the second to further the crime of election rigging in the 2020 election. They also went after Ken Paxton for standing up to their unconstitutional edicts, rulings and regulations.

Ken Paxton stood up to the administrative state during the Covid fiasco. With the passage of time and cooler heads, as it turns out, the administrative state was wrong about everything. From the mask mandates, to the vaccine mandates, everything they did was wrong and led to worse outcomes for humanity. Not to mention creating Covid in a lab in the first place. So when a State Attorney General, Pen Paxton, stood up to them, they had to do something. They were outside of Constitutional limits by a long shot, and they knew it. So, like any rabid dog, they attacked. They called their bootlicks in the Texas House and ordered them to impeach Paxton in the dark of night… without evidence. So they did. Just like Pericles, they used a mechanism to control corruption, to forward corruption.

Soros Prosecutors, Like Big Fanny, and Alvin Bragg, who use their positions of authority to abuse the electoral process, are why the founding fathers put impeachment into the Constitution. As a mechanism to remove obviously corrupt players, like them, from positions where they can damage our republic by their corruption. That they are immune to impeachment, but those who stand up to the deep state are subject to impeachment in the dark of night, is a sure sign impeachment is being used to the opposite of its intent. Exactly as Pericles used the Ostracism to silence his political adversaries, today’s progressives are using impeachment, as well as licensure and reputational destruction, to silence theirs. If that doesn’t work, they simply censor, and the US Supreme Court stands behind their censorship.

Now that one of theirs, Biden, is under investigation to impeach, in full view of the public, not in the dark of night, the progressive faction is freaked out. They claim McCarthy is weak because of it. I agree, weak because he couldn’t hold the conservatives from impeaching the obvious criminal. Biden is on the face of it, guilty of influence peddling, all other crimes are subservient to that. Yet he isn’t charged with influence peddling? I wonder why? The clues are obvious, we have evidence of Hunter putting Dad on the phone to Burisma, the discussion of payment for getting rid of the prosecutor, Biden got rid of the prosecutor, and then more phone calls discussing the consequences of not paying up. That is prima facia evidence of influence peddling, bribery and a host of cascading crimes to cover them up.

Impeachment was instituted to stop corruption, as Solon implemented the ostracism, to stop arbitrary rule. Yet both have been turned to their opposite. Pericles, while ostensibly avoiding politics, exploited the ostracism to vanquish his political foes. Our modern versions of Pericles have used their authority to silence, intimidate and destroy those who wouldn’t parrot their lies. Make no mistake, that’s exactly why Trump is under indictment in several states and the corrupt federal district of DC. That’s why Paxton was impeached in the dark of night and is now the subject of an FBI witch hunt. Wouldn’t it be more practical to use the impeachment against corruption instead of to promote corruption? Impeaching corruptocrats like Biden, Fanny and Bragg is why the Founders put it in our Constitution.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Experts Deference To Experts

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there’s a devilish nature to the excuse du’jour of the progressives, that they can’t answer a basic question because they aren’t experts. Like, they can’t discern a boy from a girl, because they aren’t doctors. That answer sidesteps the question, distracts and gives the false impression, experts are always right. Historic evidence of their being wrong most of the time notwithstanding. When asked their intentions, good people tell them, while evil people change their story, fog the air and attack. Claiming ignorance because one isn’t an expert does all three. It changes the story because they claimed to be experts before claiming not to be, fogs the air by changing the subject from the question, to whether it takes an expert to answer it, and attacks by putting the question on the defensive.

One way to not answer an inconvenient question is to side step it. Have you noticed how often politicians don’t want to answer straight forward questions, especially progressives? Instead they use every conceivable means to distract, by changing the subject, attacking the question and answering a query they weren’t asked, doesn’t speak well of their intentions. If someone has been caught lying, over and over, plus they can’t give you a straight answer to any question, they’re probably hoodwinking you. Well, that’s not actually true, they’re definitely hoodwinking you. If someone claims they’re so smart they should be a supreme court justice, for example, but can’t discern that which a toddler can, you have to question their discernment, judgement or their intentions.

With today’s inversion of morality, where truth is villainy but hypocrisy is heroic, responsibility for one’s actions lays in the view of others. Today’s elite’s claim they’re such whizzbangs, they can change the weather, but cleaning up corruption, fixing government spending or showing up to work sober, are outside their capabilities. The captured media is agog with how our experts have done such a wonderful job. Giving the experts credit where credit isn’t due. Politicians claim to be so smart, they can regulate every action of the individual, by the bureaucracy. For our own good. If things go wrong they can blame the bureaucrats. Even as the bureaucrats blame the politicians but consider themselves the real power behind the throne. No one takes responsibility but everyone in government vies for credit.

No notion could be more pernicious or counter productive than the false belief in the experts. History doesn’t pull punches when it comes to the credibility of experts. From bleeding to draw out our bad humors, to mercury to cure syphilis, experts have been consistently wrong. Today’s experts brought us the Covid virus, made in a lab by experts for our enjoyment, mandated the vaccine that neither stopped the spread nor was safe, and now they’re engaged in undermining elections, to save democracy. Experts have arrogance in common. They’re arrogant, and why shouldn’t they be? They are the smartest people in the room. Their the best educated with university degrees. Plus, they have a more nuanced morality, than the common herd. So why shouldn’t they have unlimited power? Or so the logic goes.

All three fallacies, sidestepping a question, avoiding responsibility for one’s actions and deferring to experts, lead to evil. Even if done by saints toward a Utopian goal these tools lead to bad outcomes. Because no one is omnipotent, except God, but usurping the role of God is the point, isn’t it? It’s one of the reasons the experts do these things. Villains don’t tell their victims, they’re going to be victims, beforehand, that makes victimizing us harder. So, villains sidestep questions, attack the questioner and distract. Since we know this in our hearts, and now know it in our heads, when you see an elite distract, differ to experts or attack the question, you know they have no good intentions. They’re villains who’re planning to victimize you, so take heed, and act accordingly.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Covid Relief Fund Fraud…


Another epic failure brought to us by the elite,

They prefer eschewing victory for defeat,

The Covid thing was such a fraud,

It had the funk of three day old cod,

So I’m not surprised the grift fell like sleet.


On Gullibility…


Of wisdom many haven’t a sliver

At government lies they go all a quiver

A soda filled fridge

I’ll sell you a bridge

You just name the river.


Offshoring Jobs…


We’re all a bunch of slobs,

Looked down on by the snobs,

Bring them all in,

Then lay me off again,

Because we don’t need no jobs.


Science As God…


Science from philosophy is shorn,

And a vacuous morality is born,

No matter the metrics,

Science answering ethics,

Is like using a hammer to remove a thorn.


Elitist Theory…


There is no such thing as classes,

It’s a fiction pushed by asses,

To obscure in the dust,

There’s the elite and us,

All to factionalize us teeming masses.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Constitutional Consequences

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason breaking a law has consequences, is because a law without teeth is a mere suggestion. What would happen if a bank robber who was caught… only had to give back the money that they hadn’t already spent? Everyone would rob banks. It would be stupid not to. The same holds true of constitutions and constitutional law. There are no consequences for violating our Constitution, in the most vile of ways, so our elites violate it all day in every way. The worse that could happen is the power they usurped, and are using now, will have to be given back. I propose a better paradigm. Give our Constitution’s teeth. Write in a few consequences for violating it. Let’s make violating our Constitution at least as punishable as growing one hundred acres of wheat.

If a constitution is a contract, where only one party is held to it, while the other is given free reign, it’s not a contract, it’s slave papers. In a contract both parties give something and get something. Moreover, it’s an established precedent that any ambiguity, goes against the party who wrote the contract. In the case of our Constitutions, the elite write them, enforce them and violate them at will, because the elite don’t punish themselves. When was the last time you turned yourself in for speeding? Even as the elite interpret any ambiguity as giving them more power. That’s how they expanded the Commerce Clause to give the administrative state unlimited power to regulate. Because a farmer grew too much wheat on his land. That ambiguity led to Wickard v Filburn and the exponential growth of the bureaucracy.

Laws without punishment have no effect, just as constitutions without teeth are useless, and have proven themselves worthless for multiple centuries. Take the Magna Carta, when King John was forced to sign it, the elite thought they had done a great thing, and had slashed the power of the king. That was far from the truth. Even today in the British commonwealth, a “constitution” is a slave document, instead of a charter of basic human rights. How do we know this? As in Canada, the people have no rights, only those the elite randomly grant. Take for example the rounding up and prosecuting of the truckers in Canada… or the arrest and prosecution of people engaging in silent prayer, facebook wrongspeak and for carrying chefs knives to work, in Britain. Not the actions of limited governments.

What sort of teeth should we add to our constitutions? Criminal law has something to say here. Fines, jail, and even capital punishment are in line for violating our Constitutions. Fines for first time “minor” violations, jail for habitual offenders, all the way up to the death penalty for those actively engaged in a conspiracy to overthrow the Constitution. Obviously, politicking to change the Constitution within the parameters set forth in the Constitution, would not only be okay, but protected by the Constitution. Just as trying to change a law by writing op eds, running for office and creating special interest groups is legal. Only violating Constitutional limits would be punishable. Every government official, under this system, that called social media to censor Americans, would be fined, and some might go to jail.

History has proven that sooner or later, the elite will ignore any limits in their constitution, and usurp power. It’s human nature. Moreover, not one elite has ever been punished criminally, for violating a constitution. Especially the US Constitution. Instead, they’re rewarded with usurped power to wield, increased political favor, and everything that comes with the first two. All of our Constitutions have become slave papers instead of contracts. The elite have made it so. They do as they please, while we’re limited by unconstitutional regulations, monitored, and taxed to pay for it. It’s past time to add teeth to all our Constitutions. Put in large fines for minor violations and jail time for greater violations, even execution. Then enforce them, as zealously as they enforce their arbitrary edicts, on us.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The Stupid Elite…

Those residing at the acme,

Often eschew true reality,

Throwing down a saw,

Preferring a log,

To fell their very own tree.


Crime In NYC…

NYC had become a cesspool back then,

But Rudy drained the swamp fern to fen,

He cleaned up the crime,

Made NYC safe and fine,

And the progressives have made it a cesspool again.


The Legendary Dower Londoner…

Were Londoners always so cross,

Or is it a new thing that they’re a frost,

The old movies they were inviting,

And they said things quite exciting,

But now the culture has evolved to dross.



Proof that we are loved by God,

A companion friend and clod,

Angels in fur,

Never a cur,

But most of us call them a dog.


On Decolonization…

The logic of decolonization is thin,

It’s all about getting a political win,

Debating who’s truth is justice,

But what it all boils down to is,

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin.


Paxton Impeachment…

There were representatives in Texas,

Supposedly rock ribbed republican jackasses,

Looking for fame,

A RINO in name,

Impeaching him because to the corrupt Paxton is a menace.



There once was a veep named Harris,

Wearing fashions that came from Paris,

She said with a broad smile,

I’ll sleep with you for a while,

But remember it’s power that I cherish.


On Our Replacement…

Calm down there’s no need to panic,

Or running around like a frantic,

Everything’s fine,

Drink your wine,

And move to your new deck chair on the Titanic.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Criminal Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, while some people are criminals, all governments are criminals. By criminal I mean breaking the classic laws of any nation, murder, theft, and fraud. In fact, most people don’t engage in any of those things, yet all government’s do. What’s war but State murder? What are taxes but State theft? Moreover, if I lie to my government it’s a felony, but if my government lies to me it’s politics. A government agent rarely opens his or her mouth without lies oozing out. Such as half truths, total fabrications and withholding exculpatory evidence from the victims of lawfare. Even as those who we know are criminal, state actors, demand those of us who don’t break the law, turn over more power to those who do… themselves. In what universe does that makes sense?

“Come on now,” I can hear some of you saying. “Taxing is not theft. Perhaps civil asset forfeiture is, but taxes surely aren’t?” The same argument is made for war and lying, they protect national security. You don’t want the Russians or CCP knowing what we are up to, would you? The Russians and CCP know everything our government does! Heck, General Miley even told the CCP he would dime out Trump to them if he considered war. National security is to keep us from knowing. Does anyone think national security would be endangered should the JFK murder files be opened? If something is illegal, criminal and immoral for the individual to do, that individual can’t then delegate a State to do it. We can’t delegate that which we can’t do, including theft, fraud or murder. The state then is criminal.

People who do criminal acts are criminals. That doesn’t seem to be a controversial statement, except to criminals who want to justify their crimes. Since all governments engage in criminal acts those who abet those crimes are criminals. If you steal money and I find out, and don’t tell the government on you, I am guilty of abetting after the fact. If I even bring you food, when your surrounded by IRS agents for not paying income taxes, I’ll be sent to prison for abetting the standoff. Any act that helps the furtherance of a crime is itself a crime. Therefore, every member of government is a criminal. As long as that government continues engaging in crime. If a government were to stop engaging in crime, it’s no longer criminal. Just as, a person who stopped robbing banks, stops being a bank robber.

Disarming those who aren’t criminal serves no purpose but to protect the criminals. Since empirical evidence proves, we’re ruled by criminals, protecting their brothers in villainy only makes sense. Other regulations like bans on collecting rainwater, minimum wage laws and limiting what can be grown on someone’s land, only serve to crush the little guy and elevate the big guy. Taxing and spending, despite the sales pitch, moves wealth from the bottom to the top in a myriad of ways. A few are, increasing inflation, the top is close to the purse strings, and the top has accountants to get out of paying taxes in the first place. They usurp power and claim we delegated it to them, when that’s patently absurd, we didn’t have that power to delegate. The elite are smart criminals.

Once you understand that government and most of what it does is criminal, then it’s actions come into focus. Spastic court rulings make sense, like rewarding people for breaking into homes, paying BLM arsonists for the indignity of being arrested, as those same courts throw Jan 6 protesters in prison for decades. The insane regulations, power grabs and the way the elite treat our Constitution like toilet paper, is a sure sign they’ve abandoned all pretense of justice, and have gone full retard. It’s immoral for me to murder, steal or defraud people, so I can’t delegate those powers to the State. The State then is a criminal fraudster that has convinced us it can do anything, because we “delegated them the authority through our Constitution, and it’s in our best interests…” say the criminal liars.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Seek justice I know not where,

Certainly not in the lion’s lair,

It may seem abrupt,

But our courts are corrupt,

As the hegemonic faction practices lawfare.


Forgiving College Loans…


Who cares what the cost,

Political expediency is no loss,

Favor the favored,

Follow the herd,

And now the worker subsidizes the boss.


School Choice…


On students government will foist,

Public school without a voice,

The Kool-Aid drink,

It’s wrong to think,

Because that would make you pick school choice.




Shut downs in aggregate supply,

With stimulus on the demand side,

Who could have seen,

Inflation would be so keen,

It’s like the elite took us for a ride.


Nanny State…


Big government is really great,

We can’t leave it all to fate,

Bureaucracy will grow,

And let the world know,

We want a global nanny state!




I never begrudge a man his wage,

After all who am I to gauge,

Although they’re a blight,

Those worthless parasites,

Rent seekers who are the elite of our age.


Covid Vaccine…


The FDA thought it knew what was best,

But their rhetoric didn’t stand the test,

The FDA lied,

People died,

And no villain will pay a price for this mess.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment