
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we live in an Ineptocracy. Where the inept rule the adept with an iron fist. It didn’t start that way, ineptocracy is born because the adept are distracted. Once the ineptitude of the ineptocracy becomes apparent, the inept must become despotic and corrupt. Otherwise they would be quickly replaced derailing the gravy train. As the ineptitude leads a nation to inflation, war and a collapsing standard of living, the adept start to notice. That leads the inept to have to censor, to protect themselves from the adept, destroying journalists like Julian Assange. Most of all though, the inept absolutely must exploit the authority they’re trusted with, to crush any dissent. This strategy works for awhile, but remember, we’re dealing with inept people here, so it eventually fails, taking down the nation.

Ineptocracies can develop because while the adept are busy doing things… the inept seek power. What other option do they have? Would you hire them? I wouldn’t, they’re inept. That’s why you always see a concentration of inept people around the seats of power in any nation. The capital cities are full of them. The most expensive homes in any country are found in the suburbs of the capital city. Lived in by the ruling inept. Where else could someone so inept get that kind of gig? No where. Unlimited power, money and prestige, without having to do a thing. Now that is magnetic to the inept. While the adept would rather build, innovate and create. Once the ineptitude oozes from the top down though, even the firms in the technical spheres become inept… like Boeing.

The problem with ineptocracies is that they lead like a dog. A dog only wants to be in front. They don’t know where you’re going, how you’re going there or how fast you want to go, so they have to constantly look back to see. As a result, they’re constantly underfoot, and getting in the way. Else they race off after a distraction and get lost. Ineptocracies are the same. They get caught up chasing a squirrel and get lost, perhaps they’re so concerned with public opinion they’re constantly underfoot, or since leading is so important to them, they get in the way of everything with their inept regulations. Leading like dogs. Eventually, these qualities so reduce the output of a nation that country becomes impoverished, regardless of it’s natural resources… like Argentina.

The very nature of an ineptocracy is instability. Leading like a dog and tripping up the adept, eventually leads to a fall. The ruthlessness of an ineptocracy increases with age, until that ineptocracy becomes despotic. Corruption is an ineptocracy’s twin brother, born at the same time and growing together, only separated by epigenetic changes in life. Then there is, of course, the ineptitude of an ineptocracy, at doing the basic functions of government. That’s why ineptocracies have out of control budget deficits. The people follow their leaders into ineptitude as well. Evolving the whole of society to become inept. All these qualities of an ineptocracy make it unstable. No matter the nation, currency or people, ineptocracy leads to a fall.

Ineptocracies form and collapse rhythmically, like a pulsar, Cepheid variable, or pounded thumb. Once an ineptocracy falls, it’s replaced by the adept for awhile. Then the adept are slowly replaced by the inept, as the adept go onto other more interesting enterprises, in the private sector. Where innovation is valued instead of conformity. Eventually, government is run by the inept, without any adept people at all manning the ship. Then, sooner or later, the inept steer the ship into a shoal, and blame the adept. Because they were distracting the inept with comments like, “Watch out for that shoal!” Based on the description I have given, would you say the US and indeed the whole of the West, is in the adept phase of this cycle… or the end game of an ineptocracy?


John Pepin

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