Criminal Government

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, while some people are criminals, all governments are criminals. By criminal I mean breaking the classic laws of any nation, murder, theft, and fraud. In fact, most people don’t engage in any of those things, yet all government’s do. What’s war but State murder? What are taxes but State theft? Moreover, if I lie to my government it’s a felony, but if my government lies to me it’s politics. A government agent rarely opens his or her mouth without lies oozing out. Such as half truths, total fabrications and withholding exculpatory evidence from the victims of lawfare. Even as those who we know are criminal, state actors, demand those of us who don’t break the law, turn over more power to those who do… themselves. In what universe does that makes sense?

“Come on now,” I can hear some of you saying. “Taxing is not theft. Perhaps civil asset forfeiture is, but taxes surely aren’t?” The same argument is made for war and lying, they protect national security. You don’t want the Russians or CCP knowing what we are up to, would you? The Russians and CCP know everything our government does! Heck, General Miley even told the CCP he would dime out Trump to them if he considered war. National security is to keep us from knowing. Does anyone think national security would be endangered should the JFK murder files be opened? If something is illegal, criminal and immoral for the individual to do, that individual can’t then delegate a State to do it. We can’t delegate that which we can’t do, including theft, fraud or murder. The state then is criminal.

People who do criminal acts are criminals. That doesn’t seem to be a controversial statement, except to criminals who want to justify their crimes. Since all governments engage in criminal acts those who abet those crimes are criminals. If you steal money and I find out, and don’t tell the government on you, I am guilty of abetting after the fact. If I even bring you food, when your surrounded by IRS agents for not paying income taxes, I’ll be sent to prison for abetting the standoff. Any act that helps the furtherance of a crime is itself a crime. Therefore, every member of government is a criminal. As long as that government continues engaging in crime. If a government were to stop engaging in crime, it’s no longer criminal. Just as, a person who stopped robbing banks, stops being a bank robber.

Disarming those who aren’t criminal serves no purpose but to protect the criminals. Since empirical evidence proves, we’re ruled by criminals, protecting their brothers in villainy only makes sense. Other regulations like bans on collecting rainwater, minimum wage laws and limiting what can be grown on someone’s land, only serve to crush the little guy and elevate the big guy. Taxing and spending, despite the sales pitch, moves wealth from the bottom to the top in a myriad of ways. A few are, increasing inflation, the top is close to the purse strings, and the top has accountants to get out of paying taxes in the first place. They usurp power and claim we delegated it to them, when that’s patently absurd, we didn’t have that power to delegate. The elite are smart criminals.

Once you understand that government and most of what it does is criminal, then it’s actions come into focus. Spastic court rulings make sense, like rewarding people for breaking into homes, paying BLM arsonists for the indignity of being arrested, as those same courts throw Jan 6 protesters in prison for decades. The insane regulations, power grabs and the way the elite treat our Constitution like toilet paper, is a sure sign they’ve abandoned all pretense of justice, and have gone full retard. It’s immoral for me to murder, steal or defraud people, so I can’t delegate those powers to the State. The State then is a criminal fraudster that has convinced us it can do anything, because we “delegated them the authority through our Constitution, and it’s in our best interests…” say the criminal liars.


John Pepin

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