Consequences And Limits

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when there are no consequences, there are no limits. This applies to all human beings. The baby unlimited with consequences, lives a short, crime ridden life. Just as the politician unlimited with consequences for abuse of authority, corruption and rent seeking, will abuse their authority, be corrupt and rent seek. Given enough time, a lack of consequences would corrupt anyone. Because even the most benevolent of us, given free reign to his or her id, sooner or later, and probably sooner, will become a demon. Since that’s the case, how much more so, psychopaths addicted to power? That’s why I think our world is a latrine fire. The people invested with the most power to do damage, are unlimited, while the weak are crushed under law. Because the elite suffer no consequences for corruption.

The child unchecked by discipline will first be a brat, then become an out of control teenager, and finally blossom into a criminal. This pattern has been repeated throughout history, in every culture and by every ethnic group, with the same results. Because at heart, we are all the same. Psychologists call them unsocialized children. They weren’t socialized at the critical point in their lives and so they’re doomed to a miserable life. This is a societal cultural problem and is best addressed with social and cultural solutions. The point is though, a child unchecked with punishments will grow into a criminal adult. This is a well documented fact. It’s due to human nature. People who can get away with anything, will sooner or later, do everything.

A saint give free reign to his or her id will soon become a demon. No matter how well controlled someone thinks their id is, the reality is, our ids control us. The subconscious has been described as an elephant, and our conscious selves as the rider. We control it to some extent, but the id does all the real work, and if it gets out of hand, we have no effective control. Now, take away consequences for letting that elephant get out of control, and anyone will let it get out of hand ever more often. Since controlling it takes so much effort. The lazy will give in first but even the strong will capitulate eventually. Look at Kim Jong Un. He was born into a family that could do anything… and he’s grown into a mortal demon. But would he be as despicable, had he been born elsewhere, into a Baptist, Jewish or Mormon family?

Then there is the example of Robespierre. He was born into a Christian family and was raised to be a pacifist. He wanted only equanimity between the elite and people… until he came into power. Upon being stymied, and knowing there would be no consequences for his actions, he ordered his political foes beheaded. Becoming the spring of a river of blood. A mortal demon. Until he himself was executed by guillotine. History is nothing but examples of people corrupted by lack of consequences or born into an elite without consequences for their actions. In every example, the consequences to the state, people and society have been devastating. Every great empire, civilization and society has been felled by their own elite, once they become utterly corrupted by a lack of consequences.

Today we live in a situation where the elite are above, not only the law, but the constitution’s that were written to reign them in. Why? Because those contracts between the governed and the governors, lack consequences for abuse. With only political consequences, far removed from action, and those don’t apply at all to the bureaucracy… there are effectively no consequences for corruption, abuse of authority or even pedophilia. As the Epstein murder called suicide proves. Without consequences… there are no limits. This is the natural order of things, and will remain the natural order, until we limit our elites with consequences for their actions, and the outcomes of their policies. No document with a binding pinky swear will limit people without consequences for their actions. Only consequences will.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Culture, Society and Law

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite are using the culture to create problems, they then pretend to try to fix with law. Drug abuse, school shootings, crime, homelessness, hopelessness, unemployment, lack of family formation, etc… are examples of problems created by the cultural elite. Then the State elite pass laws and regulations to “solve” those same problems. Law is a poor means to solve a societal or cultural problem, and so they fail. Often making things worse. Which plays into the hands of the elites. More problems require more government to solve them. Since, if government and law fails, then you need more government and law, obviously. Meanwhile the cultural elite are creating ever more problems for the State to solve with the misapplication of law.

All of our local problems are caused by the social and cultural elite. How? By the negative messages they emit into the zeitgeist. Drugs are largely a result of hopelessness. Hopelessness inculcated into the youth by our opulently expensive education system. Why’s the climate change narrative taught in schools if not to discourage kids about their futures? How dare you! Why do you suppose almost all small businesses are started by immigrants to the US? Because the schools don’t teach children to be entrepreneurs, they teach kids to be entitled, self indulgent, ants. Americans know better than to try to run the gauntlet of regulations, taxes and potential criminal action should we start a business. It’s much easier to take drugs, get on welfare and play video games. Then there’s our demonic culture.

The failed war on drugs is proof enough that trying to solve a cultural problem with legal solutions is a non starter. Because law is a poor solution for cultural problems. More often than not, the application of law to solve a societal or cultural problem only makes the problem worse. The problem of poverty was to be solved by the “Great Society.” Since then, the government has taxed, printed and borrowed trillions of dollars to spend on it… making poverty far worse and cloying than before the program started. A failure by any account. Now we’ve coined a phrase to label the new poverty… generational poverty. There is no more upward mobility. Government took a societal problem, applied law, and made it far worse. Just like they did with gangs, grift and drugs.

Many people think the State’s goal is to improve the standard of living, help us make our lives better and lift up the downtrodden. They’re wrong. The role of government is to protect its power and grow that power. Those other things are a means to that end… as long as they serve that end. The moment benevolence hinders the elite’s thirst for power, is the moment they’re thrown off. Examples abound of governments that came into power, sometimes democratically, often at the barrel of a gun, that immediately turn against everything they stood for during the revolution. Cuba, China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Uganda, Venezuela, the EU, etc… Otherwise, why would the CCP and Trudeau’s Canada effectively kill the handicapped? While calling capitalists evil for not helping them enough?

The worse the elite make things for the rest of us, the more power, privilege and profit there is for them. Talk about a pernicious incentive. Maybe that’s why the elite all work to make the world worse. The cultural elite by creating cultural problems like school shootings, then the State elites can exploit the people’s emotions to pass laws that won’t solve the problem, they’ll make it worse, but the power of the elite will be enhanced. The more they fail, at making things better, the better they have it. They must believe its best to ride out a dying world than to toil in an ascending one. So they’ve diligently worked to poison this one, culturally, socially and legally… to make their lives better, how post modernist of them! Maybe, instead, we should keep law, culture and society in their place?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The truth is what we’re told it is today,

In public opinion the media has sway,

Manipulation is cool,

It’s just a State tool,

All brought to us by Edward Bernays.


The dross is such an arrogant faction,

The system is now a tipsy contraption,

Powered by steam,

Cultural gasoline,

And lit with a portable oxidation reaction.


Great defenders of the decent and just,

As long as we stay on the short yellow bus,

Democracy gets a harrumph,

Like with Donald Trump,

Because if they cant beat us, they’ll ban us.


The past is now a black hole,

To find it you must mole,

What’s in is out,

Now don’t pout,

Go along for the ease and lose your very soul.


What is original is unique,

Taking a special technique,

It may not sell,

But who can tell,

Though if an idea makes money it’s not obsolete.


Look close and you will see,

The real enemies of democracy,

Losing at the polls,

So they ban and troll,

Because elections are too important to leave to you and me.


The Middle East is only one piston,

Of the end times crazy train engine,

Trans and CBDCs,

Covid and vaccines,

All help the build the coming beast system.


A maple is a tall and stout tree,

Representing the soul of a nationality,

Upon closer inspection,

In the next election,

Will root rot, borers and sap suckers kill Canada’s democracy.


When otherwise smart people act the tool,

They become an echo chamber of fools,

Please don’t conflate,

No need to debate,

The best way to treat them is with ridicule.


Often slaves believe they’re free,

Hemmed by fences they can’t see,

Observe the truth and,

You will understand,

The greatest threat to human existence is the bureaucracy.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Desecration Of Armistice Day

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the British people have put up with too much from their elites. No elites have been as hateful of the people they rule… as the English aristocracy. With them allowing a pro Palestinian march, on Armistice day, is another poke in the eye to the British people. Does anyone think the march on Armistice day, the day commemorating the mass slaughter of British people by their own government’s failures, idiocy and carelessness, is by chance? Of course not, the march is to show the British people just how little the elites think of them, their great grandfathers, and the sacrifice that was demanded of them. I mean really, how low can they go? Fifty thousand men died a month, during the Great War, and the commemoration a century later is being desecrated?

The First World war, a failure of the elite that dwarfs most others, resulted in the deaths of millions of young men. The war only created more problems with Sykes Picot, and the fines imposed upon Germany, led directly to the rise of Adolph Hitler and the Second World War, with it’s slaughter of humanity. The leaders back then were every bit as stupid, malevolent and corrupt as they are today. Woodrow Wilson saw the slaughter going on and thought, “I gotta get American boys into that!” So he sent the US army in a plague filled ship, to die by flu, machine gun fire, artillery barrage and poison gas. Very humanitarian of him. WWI stands out in human history as a singularly stupid event brought to us by our elites. Now the memorial is going to be vandalized by people who despise the British.

At least the world elite didn’t create the Spanish Flu, in a gain of function lab… it was natural. Unlike the Covid virus. Which was created in a gain of function lab, then released, probably intentionally, to derail Trump’s Make America Great Again program. It worked, and the elite got what they wanted, Trump out, their flunkies in, and the world back at war. Isn’t it strange how history has repeated itself? A century after the Great War, we have another pandemic, and the world devolving into war. The institutions set up for preventing world war have acted to facilitate it. The war to end war started because of a series of miscalculations and historical forces that drove the world to madness. Today, our elites know full well what they’re doing, so world war is what they want.

Maintaining that day of remembrance is the VERY LEAST the psychopathic British elites could do. Families decimated by war, the Spanish flu exacerbated by the government’s reaction, and that war in fact ended the British Empire in all but name. Since the island couldn’t come up with the necessary troops to maintain it after that. The apatite for war had been permanently slaked in the British people. Not the British aristocracy though. It seems, ordering men to bayonet charge water cooled machine gun positions, isn’t as devastating, as being ordered to charge water cooled machine guns with bayonets. The survival rate was much higher. Allowing the stupid to survive, while the brave died. No wonder the British elites want the remembrance of their idiocy forgotten.

I’m so glad my British ancestors fled the isles. Today the British elites love Britain, but for the British people, culture and history. Across the Western world the elites are waging war, not on Russia, Gaza, Israel, Syria, or China, but against their own people. Allowing the desecration of Armistice day is simply a manifestation of the rot. A putrefaction that’s so ripe, it can be smelled against the wind and across the ocean. The British elites, inbred and retarded, have run the show for far too long. They have become a turd that thinks it’s still a steak. It’s time to replace the Western ruling class wholesale. If you people of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and the Hebrides don’t replace your rulers, they’ll certainly replace you. To see what your leaders think of you… watch what happens on Armistice day.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Scofflaw Cops

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, something that’s going unseen but is vitally important, is the fact people, including law enforcement, are starting to ignore “laws.” In Arizona, the governor’s unconstitutional edict has been roundly ignored, opposed and vilified by law enforcement itself. For the absurd despotic action it is. In Illinois, the land of Lincoln, the unconstitutional gun “laws” are being ignored there as well. This is a brand new thing. Never before in my lifetime do I remember laws being ignored by the populace. Not simply surpassed, when law enforcement isn’t around, like a speed limit, but literally scoffed at. By law enforcement itself. This is a profound statement on the public’s opinion of our leaders, laws and their authority. How long before jury nullification becomes a thing? It shows abuse of authority has a cost.

Out of a sense of normalcy bias, people will go along, to get along, with absurdity from their government. That’s how hyperinflation, wars and a collapsing society come about. We go along because, let’s face it, who has time to protest, write letters and meet… other than the idle rich, people on the dole, and paid rioters? Most normal people, who’re connected to reality, have no time for these things. We have work to do… to keep ahead of the tax burden, inflation and stay in compliance with their ever growing regulations. As a result, the average person isn’t well informed about politics, and so, as Plato warned us… we are ruled by inept, immoral and unaccountable people. Yet we go along with the absurdity. Well apparently the absurdity has got too absurd and the people are starting to buck.

One of the reasons a society collapses, is because those who pass laws and regulations lack a feedback mechanism. The elite are insulated from the outcome of their ideas. Others pay the price while the elite get the benefit. So the state passes laws and regulations that are ever more disconnected from reality. Moreover, when its discovered that the laws they passed to solve a problem, make it worse, people will demand a new solution. That solution is always to pass another law that’ll make the problem worse. Adding more friction… making laws grow constantly in scope, reach and absurdity. The solution is never to remove the failing law and replace it with a social or cultural solution. Law grows ever more complex until, even a man well trained in law can’t understand them all… as Madison called Tyranny.

Today those laws and regulations are so obviously antithetical to our Constitution, it’s getting harder and harder to go along, to get along. They’re taking our guns away? By executive fiat in Arizona. Meanwhile Illinois has made gun registration mandatory. These are laws that are so patently unconstitutional, even law enforcement can’t abide them. Even as the federal government cuts the razor wire on our southern boarder and welds the gates open, opening our society to terrorism by foreigners, our government calls for us to beware of Islamophobia. Then, in the next breath, claim right wing pro constitutional extremism is the nation’s greatest threat? The crazy elite have discredited themselves and now the establishment they’ve abused for so long. So much so they’ve made cops scofflaws.

Abuse of authority has a cost. People will go along for awhile, until things get too bad. Inflation gets out of hand, crime, disease and wars become overwhelming issues… and the elite pass laws that make no sense whatsoever. That’s when people will recognize the elite for what they are, as crooked as a horseshoe. We’re seeing the results of decades of abuse of authority starting to play out. As the state’s storm troops, BLM and ANTIFA waged war on us. The apparatus of law enforcement was used to frame innocents to forward a political narrative. Yes, people are waking up to the abuse of power our elites are engaged in… and we’re not going along anymore. Our elites burned the document that gave them authority and so have none. So treat them with the contempt they’ve earned.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


They launched the rockets in an attack,

In hopes the Israelis would strike back,

War serves their aims,

It bolsters their claims,

But instead of killing innocents it’s the criminals they should whack.


Appearance trumps the expert’s pragmatism,

Why should they have any skepticism,

Our leaders like tyranny best,

And they’re smarter than the rest

So their problem is with the despot not despotism.


A B C D E F G,

Google’s as corrupt as it can be,

Alphabet soup,

Worthless poop,

But mostly they they hate you and me.

It’s a good thing the US doesn’t enforce lies,

Like covid is natural and the elite are good guys,’


Only truths in our schools and they wisely contend,

We can change a boy into a girl and back again,

And FEMA camps aren’t Gulags for those who defy.


No better means have been devised,

Our humanity and rights to despise,

The acme is the bureaucracy,

Look close and you will see,

Inside every bureaucrat there is a tyrant in disguise.


Some are puppets and others autonomy,

Grift corruption and cronyism in epitome,

The prosperous few,

Taking from you,

When you live in a rent seeking economy.


A single voice silences the diverse,

For the State its easier to converse,

Federal this and federal that,

Until everything is out of whack,

And the Constitution itself has become perverse.


When war breaks out you run,

Kinetic action is not for fun,

They seal our fate,

With gobs of hate,

And the elite who rule us are scum.


One thing we all know is old hat,

Universal suffrage is where it’s at,

Illegals voting, mail in and ballot harvesting,

Whatever it takes to keep it interesting,

Because no one hates democracy like a democrat.


If a tree falls in the forest and crushes your friend,

You see it clearly but you had better pretend,

Put it in the bank,

The lie is sacrosanct,

It’s the truth that no one dares defend.


Lurching from debacle to defeat,

Grinding us all under their feet,

Inflation to crime,

Getting worse all the time,

Because all the world’s problems come from the elite.


Demanding government censor thee,

Would be scandalous from you or me,

Though wrong all the time,

It’s perfectly fine,

Because it came from the BBC.


The world is as it is today,

Where morality is held at bay,

Inflation, crime and war,

And we’re getting a whole lot more,

Because the elite want it that way.


The arrogance of the throng,

Blowing hits from a bong,

They know what’s best,

The experts can attest,

Trouble is the experts are always wrong.


Those who serve evil align,

Thinking slaughter is fine,

Ethnically cleanse,

As long as its not them,

And building a Beast system the whole time.


The medical monopoly is long in the tooth,

Forcing us to become the eagle eyed sleuth,

Misinformation they opine,

Knowing all the time,

If we do we’ll discover the whole truth.


Peering into the objective,

Maintaining a perspective,

Is not the best choice,

For a comedic voice,

Because it’s objectifying the subjective.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Is Biden Such A Failure?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world has been melting down since Joe Biden was “elected.” In every way and by every measure, things are far worse than they were when he was sworn into office in the ice cold before a huge crowd, possibly exceeding three. Inflation took off under Biden’s careful management even as the supply of energy was cut by his administration. Crime has become ubiquitous under Biden’s leadership. People after all, follow their leaders. Homelessness is as common as hair. After the debacle that ended the Afghanistan war, Biden has the forethought, insight and acumen to get us into a two fronted war today… and is talking about opening a third front in Taiwan or the Philippines. American’s health is worse then at the turn of the twentieth century due to the covid vaccine Biden mandated.

Perhaps Biden is stupid beyond imagining and all these bad occurrences aren’t what he intended. Poor Biden, he tries so hard, but like Kim Mentally Ill, his hard work goes awry. The poor incompetents, they’re overwhelmed by the magnitude of the swell of problems, their actions have inadvertently created. The more they try the worse things get. If Biden tries to cut inflation by increasing spending and cutting supply, inflation goes up! How’s that even possible? Giving billions to illegitimate regimes that have rallies calling for “Death to America!” apparently ended up funding terrorism? Counter intuitive that. Who could have foreseen that shutting down domestic drilling would increase the cost of oil? On and on, Biden’s smart policies result in the opposite of their intentions… or do they?

Maybe Biden is unlucky, and so the the world is melting down under his leadership, because it’s bad luck. It’s like Biden and his plucky administration are shoveling water against a tsunami. They’ve upgraded their shovels, to snow shovels, but the larger shovels still aren’t working. Where a tsunami hasn’t wiped everything out, they are starting backfires to prevent fire from erupting, and that’s set everything that’s not soaked, ablaze. Like Maui. The winds keep shifting and the Biden administration can only drive an automatic. So they’re out of their element. The unfortunate buffoons. Who could have predicted running the world from the oval office would be so hard? So it may be that Biden and his administration are unlucky, that everything they touch is destroyed by fire else wiped out by tsunami.

Then there is the possibility that Biden and his administration are utterly, totally and completely corrupt, skin to bone… and this is exactly what they wanted. There certainly is evidence enough to prove this conjecture. From the millions in unaccounted for money, to Biden’s openly admitting he got a foreign prosecutor fired, (who was investigating a firm his son sat on the board for)… suggest that corruption could be an issue here. The 40 something whistle blower complaints to the FBI about Biden corruption, that the vaunted FBI gave a thorough memory holing, make me think the FBI and DOJ are corrupt as well. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, like Elon Musk, to understand that such corruption will lead to many disasters.

No matter which possibility is true, Biden and everyone in his administration have to go. They’ve proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, they can’t lead. If they’re so inept everything they try results in the opposite, then stop them trying! If it’s that the Biden administration is unlucky, then get the jinx away from power! Before their ill fortune rubs off on the rest of us. If they’re villains however, get them away from power, then arrest, prosecute and if found guilty, imprison them. Nevertheless, results speak for themselves, and the Biden administration has a loudspeaker blaring in our ears about theirs. I should think even the dullest knife in the drawer could cut that melted butter. No matter why the Biden administration is failing so badly, they and everyone like them need to be kept from power… forever.


John Pepin

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Mortal Demons

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressives are being completely consistent in their position… they support abortion to birth, as well as beheading babies or burning them to death. Consistency is the hallmark of someone’s truth. The mortal demons. It’s shocking anyone could be that inhuman. Not just inhuman but unwise as well. If murdering children is acceptable political speech, then those who accept it, subject their own children to such atrocities. Because, if it can be done to anyone, it can be done to anyone. Your loved ones for example. Murdering a child is a crime against humanity, whether personally by beheading, burning or stabbing… or impersonally by bombing. The fact is, war, all wars, are proof of failure of the elite. What can you do with failures you can’t replace? Ridicule them out of power.

The progressive anti life stance is consistent with their anti human ideals. People who believe in abortion to birth, there are too many people, and murdering families in their homes is acceptable, are insane mortal demons. They’ve become disengaged with their humanity and have become zealots for Satan. Mortal demons intent on bringing Hell to Earth. Lacking ethics, self awareness and wisdom, they demand absolute unlimited power over mankind, because in their delusional state, they consider themselves our betters. At its core, the anti human, anti life stance of many people today… violates the fundamental tenet of the Golden Rule. The hypocrites. Such people dole out death like candy, yet cherish their own miserably wretched lives, clutching to them like a miser does a gold coin.

Those political ideologies that are anti human, like Marxism, Socialism and post modernism, serve the rulers, not the ruled. How do we know this? Pragmatically. The results of Marxist, socialist and post modernist rule is always the same… public executions, gulags and famines. Not the ideal situation to raise a family. The rulers live like kings though. Then again, the mortal demons that run such concentration camps masquerading as countries, the kings in all but name… think there are too many people and so favor less family formation anyway. Win win… for the rulers. Lose lose… for the people. North Korea is a great example of a country run by a mortal demon. He dishes out death to people for the most minor infraction, yet the fatso clings to his own life with sausage like fingers.

Inhuman ideologies and people claim the moral high ground, even as they seek the underground. While the Marxists, socialists and post modernists in the West decry our treatment of minorities, the handicapped and the poor. You know, the downtrodden. In nations they control, the downtrodden are executed, sent to gulags or encouraged to starve to death. Reducing the surplus population. Marxist regimes march into power at the barrel of a gun and maintain power by fear. Never by improving the lot of the people they rule. That’s out of the question. Such rulers, mortal demons, hate mankind and actively work to kill as many of us as possible. Since there are too many of us anyway. The reason for existence of these ideologies is to amass power in the hands of a few. At cost to the many.

History shows, these subhumans rise to the top of political organizations, like scum on a pond. Their ruthlessness gives them a decided advantage. Not above killing their political foes, like Hamas does, such people are a force to be reckoned with. They lack shame, remorse, humanity or morals… they do however have egos the size of galaxies. A despot must have respect else their rule is short lived. Mortal demons use fear to gain respect. That’s not respect though, its fear. Ridicule is our best weapon against them. Call them out for the scum they are. How is a DC limo and a Hoover different? On the Hoover, the dirt bag rides on the outside. Disrespect them mercilessly. It’s far more human hearted than their campaigns of slaughter. Treat them as the jokes they are and ridicule the mortal demons out of power.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Economists aren’t supposed to feel,

Science and logic are their wheel,

But lies believed become agreed,

Though misconceptions do they feed,

And no lie as attractive and pernicious as the new deal.


The grazing masses aren’t fooled at all,

Soon we’ll consider it the last straw,

Courts generating only laughter,

Passing rulings without wiping after,

Makes it clear it’s just politics dressing up as law.


Hickory dickory dock,

The experts are in a flock,

They don’t need tests,

To know what’s best,

So cut off the little boy’s… penis.


The elite hate the populists,

Us gone is their fervent wish,

The far Right can’t hide,

They stand against genocide.

Of those hated Tommys, the British.


Loudmouths who think their smart,

Open their mouths and only fart,

Their braggadocio,

As we all know,

Is based on their lack of heart.


Violence is a political reply,

But is only tolerated by one side,

The Marxists will beat,

People on the street,

While the State’s police go run and hide.


The world does careen down a crazy street,

It’s obvious we have been lied to by the elite,

You’ll fear your demise,

When you realize,

We have people without brakes in the driver’s seat.


Canceling is simply a symptom,

Of a total lack of wisdom,

Progressives do cancel,

The good to strangle,

And are openly building a Beast system.


It happens all the time,

In this I have to chime,

Common sense was blocked,

So no one should be shocked,

When you import criminals you’ll get a lot of crime.


State regulation is a cancer,

Crushing mankind like a Panzer,

Growing ever more fat,

Like a typical bureaucrat,

Because government is never the answer.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Can A Turd Become A Steak Again?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, no matter how clever someone is, they can’t reform a turd back into a steak. Like for example… the FBI, DOJ and CIA. They’ve been processed into a turd, from a steak, by the deep state’s internal workings. Now they’re wholly useless for anything but fertilizer. Like the excrement they are. They’re agencies that have not simply turned against their reason to exist but are actively working against justice, humanity and mankind itself. Becoming an existential threat to the human race, and indeed the biosphere, should their playing with nuclear weapons go awry. They have literally become waste products. Utterly unusable in their present form, and since a turd can’t be made into a steak, it’s time to flush them down the proverbial toilet.

Turns out Mark Meadows was wearing a wire for the FBI whenever he talked to Trump? Seriously? So the FBI is so absolutely corrupt they were working against the elected President from day one? Because he wasn’t controllable. This atrocity against our Constitution is proven by multiple evidences and testimony. The FBI is nothing but freshly dropped runny excrement. They don’t enforce laws, they abuse the law for fun and profit. Why shouldn’t they? The DOJ is as corrupt as the FBI and so is the National security apparatus. The deep state has a long lever on every congressman, senator and obviously… Biden. Anyone too new to have been compromised by an Epsteinesque scam, is forced to play along, by those who are. Until the FBI can get dirt on them as well.

The DOJ apparently has demanded Trump be silenced again. Because, obviously, their frame job can’t work if the public finds out about it. So the corruptocrats in the DOJ are again abusing their authority, to corrupt ends, to further their corruption. The glistening turds. Abuse of authority is very profitable… in money and power. The problem is, that corruption has to remain hidden, else the public will be revolted by it. As we are by any newly plopped corn filled feces. The DOJ is invested in maintaining a false narrative, not finding justice, or getting to the bottom of corruption… because they’re at the bottom of the corruption. You see, this is why they can’t have Trump in a position of power. He has a big mouth and that mouth is likely to expose anything. A corruptocrat can’t allow that!

The corruption of the CIA and indeed the entire “national security” apparatus is magnificent. Their machinations across the world have resulted in millions of deaths, the rise of Islamism, and the Heroine/Fentanyl epidemic. Remember the “slam dunk” that WMD were in Iraq? I recall just before the corrupted election of 2020, the national security corruptocrats lied as a group, claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Lies piled upon crimes against humanity, iced with undermining our Constitution, characterize the national security mechanism. They don’t serve the American people, our Constitution or humanity, they serve their own narrow interests… at cost to mankind. The CIA and deep state… epitomizes the funk of poop.

Would you eat a turd someone said they had made into a steak? Only by using it as fertilizer, growing grass, then using a bovine meat production system to convert the grass into steak, then I would eat it. A direct conversion however is impossible and I’d eat green brier, grass tops and squirrel first. Everyone employed by the corrupt DOJ, FBI and National security, need to be fired. Since there’s no cleaning up those corrupt agencies, the only answer is to destroy them root and branch, salt the ground they were on, and start anew if, after years of deep consideration, we decide we really need them. First we have to rid ourselves of the infectious menace. The longer we eat raw feces the more likely we are to get sick and die. So lets clean the kitchen, and put the poop where it belongs… in the latrine.


John Pepin

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