Why Is Biden Such A Failure?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the world has been melting down since Joe Biden was “elected.” In every way and by every measure, things are far worse than they were when he was sworn into office in the ice cold before a huge crowd, possibly exceeding three. Inflation took off under Biden’s careful management even as the supply of energy was cut by his administration. Crime has become ubiquitous under Biden’s leadership. People after all, follow their leaders. Homelessness is as common as hair. After the debacle that ended the Afghanistan war, Biden has the forethought, insight and acumen to get us into a two fronted war today… and is talking about opening a third front in Taiwan or the Philippines. American’s health is worse then at the turn of the twentieth century due to the covid vaccine Biden mandated.

Perhaps Biden is stupid beyond imagining and all these bad occurrences aren’t what he intended. Poor Biden, he tries so hard, but like Kim Mentally Ill, his hard work goes awry. The poor incompetents, they’re overwhelmed by the magnitude of the swell of problems, their actions have inadvertently created. The more they try the worse things get. If Biden tries to cut inflation by increasing spending and cutting supply, inflation goes up! How’s that even possible? Giving billions to illegitimate regimes that have rallies calling for “Death to America!” apparently ended up funding terrorism? Counter intuitive that. Who could have foreseen that shutting down domestic drilling would increase the cost of oil? On and on, Biden’s smart policies result in the opposite of their intentions… or do they?

Maybe Biden is unlucky, and so the the world is melting down under his leadership, because it’s bad luck. It’s like Biden and his plucky administration are shoveling water against a tsunami. They’ve upgraded their shovels, to snow shovels, but the larger shovels still aren’t working. Where a tsunami hasn’t wiped everything out, they are starting backfires to prevent fire from erupting, and that’s set everything that’s not soaked, ablaze. Like Maui. The winds keep shifting and the Biden administration can only drive an automatic. So they’re out of their element. The unfortunate buffoons. Who could have predicted running the world from the oval office would be so hard? So it may be that Biden and his administration are unlucky, that everything they touch is destroyed by fire else wiped out by tsunami.

Then there is the possibility that Biden and his administration are utterly, totally and completely corrupt, skin to bone… and this is exactly what they wanted. There certainly is evidence enough to prove this conjecture. From the millions in unaccounted for money, to Biden’s openly admitting he got a foreign prosecutor fired, (who was investigating a firm his son sat on the board for)… suggest that corruption could be an issue here. The 40 something whistle blower complaints to the FBI about Biden corruption, that the vaunted FBI gave a thorough memory holing, make me think the FBI and DOJ are corrupt as well. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, like Elon Musk, to understand that such corruption will lead to many disasters.

No matter which possibility is true, Biden and everyone in his administration have to go. They’ve proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, they can’t lead. If they’re so inept everything they try results in the opposite, then stop them trying! If it’s that the Biden administration is unlucky, then get the jinx away from power! Before their ill fortune rubs off on the rest of us. If they’re villains however, get them away from power, then arrest, prosecute and if found guilty, imprison them. Nevertheless, results speak for themselves, and the Biden administration has a loudspeaker blaring in our ears about theirs. I should think even the dullest knife in the drawer could cut that melted butter. No matter why the Biden administration is failing so badly, they and everyone like them need to be kept from power… forever.


John Pepin

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