Can The Dollar Be Saved?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it’s very possible the US dollar is beyond saving at this point. The Brics nations and their alternative currency shouldn’t be a pot hole in the road, for the dollar, except the world’s elite have decided the dollar has to go. How could I say such a thing? Simply judging by actions, and results… not by stated intentions. The US elites are taxing, borrowing and printing their way to our bankruptcy. Even as the Federal Reserve openly transfers wealth from the private sector to the government. To be washed into the hands of corrupt politicians and their bootlicks. Every historical example of a nation with the debt to GDP of the US today… has failed. With literally ten thousand new welfare recipients a month, monetizing the debt, and the open corruption… the Dollar is on its way out.

The Federal Reserve is squeezing the consumer in the form of ever higher interest rates, even as the federal government increases spending two dollars for every dollar squeezed out of the consumer… resulting in more inflation, less productivity, and a transfer of wealth from the private sector to the government. I suspect the plan is to gradually move ever more business, from private hands to public and corporate hands, until the whole economy is run by the experts. Then we’ll have socialism in all but name. Destroying currencies is a longstanding way to impoverish a people, creating the problem that results in a Hegelian solution. By making it harder and harder for individuals to do business and stay afloat, the Fed is crushing the little guy, so the big guys can profit.

Interest on the debt is going to surpass a trillion dollars a year in short order. That’s baked into the cake. The debt, and more importantly, the interest on that debt will soon exceed private sector GDP. Once that happens the dollar is a goner. As private sector GDP shrinks due to high interest rates, regulations and cronyism, the foundation upon which that debt’s based, shrinks. Even as the debt grows by a trillion every three months at the writing of this article. Failure of the dollar must come after the debt’s interest exceeds the size of the private sector. Leading to the elite’s preferred solution, to their abject failure, a central bank digital currency, CBDC. Giving the failures even more power and control, to fail even more spectacularly next time, after they’ve harvested another cycle of grift from us.

Argentina paved the way to cyclical hyperinflation, as a means to harvest wealth from the people, redistributing that largess to the parasites. Hyper inflate the currency by giving millions to cronies, take billions in international loans to pay off the debt, pocket some and issue new currency, hyper inflate that currency to oblivion, then repeat. Each cycle skimming a huge amount of wealth from productive people and transferring it to the parasitic elite. Now Argentina is totally screwed so they are clutching at anyone. If Milie is telling the truth, and does what he claims he will, the moment he has the finances and economy on track, the socialists will take over and begin the cycle anew. As they did in Britain to Winston Churchill after WWII. The elite in Argentina, Europe and the US are of the same ilk.

The dollar was inflation proof as the world’s reserve currency, until the elite shut down the economy, cutting aggregate supply, as they issued huge amounts of stimulus to their chums and a few pennies to us, driving up aggregate demand. Creating shortages as they drove up demand. Brilliant. The elite broke the unbreakable. Now that’s talent. Their creating inflation in the world’s reserve currency, has shocked the world, investors and holders of American debt. In the end, a fiat currency has only the value given to it by public opinion. Inflation, unlimited money printing, and a shrinking private economy the whole thing rides on is a super highway to collapse. As the exits pass, faster and faster, one has to wonder, what’s at the end? A sheer drop or a brick wall? Either way, you’ve been warned.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


A government is corrupt as it can be,

When it turns on its own citizenry,

The victims rejected,

The villains protected,

And the elite are traitors to their own authority.


You can’t grasp the hand of a mist,

Nor can we negotiate with a hardened fist,

Taking ground is in the book,

Losing land is then forsook,

By a philosophy that’s at it’s core expansionist.


The crimes of the past horrify me,

While today’s crimes I find boring,

Armenian genocide,

Oppression nationwide,

And when it comes my way I’ll cry, why me?


The average mind is trained in logic at school,

And the elite’s actions and goals seem so cruel,

One can’t visualize,

Until you realize,

The elite loath the culture, people and nations they rule.


I’m not shocked the Tories are getting flak,

With the progressives they’ve been in the sack,

Lying like rugs,

Worthless thugs,

And it’s all because the Tories stabbed their voters in the back.


Our bank accounts have got ugly,

The real economy is in a gully,

Everything’s doubled,

Including our troubles,

But don’t worry the rich say we’re in the money.


The elite know better than you,

Our world to be run by a few,

Unlimited in scope,

And without hope,

Because the elite demand arbitrary rule.


You have to believe that brilliant bloke,

Put down the gas and smell the smoke,

The planet’s heating fast,

Our wealth is in the past,

And soon you’ll find you’ve been sold a pig in a poke.


There once was a guy named Elon,

So smart he was almost a Cylon,

Tough as basalt,

Like John Gault,

And set himself to saving mankind from a group moron.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

AI’s Backside

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a fundamental problem with AI, is who runs the backside? We’ll face the front end, but who will make the decisions that control what the AI does? Probably a small cabal of ultra powerful people, walled off from the rest of humanity in an ivory tower, without consequence or accountability. Does anyone think that will go well? How could it go well? Unless the AI is open sourced, it can only be a threat to humanity. Then again, why would any power hungry accelerationist psychopath fund research into open sourced AI? The only firm that was doing open sourced AI research converted to proprietary research. Of course, there’s always the probability a collapse in some critical nation, will cripple the supply chain, so the chips become unavailable and solving the problem.

Proprietary AI will have a backside. The booth where the Wizard of Oz winds his cranks and pulls his levers. Meanwhile, we’ll face the fire, spectacle and distraction at the front end. Who thinks that backside will be public and transparent? No one, especially those spending billions of investor dollars to create their personal Sky Net, Hal and The Machine rolled into one, to subjugate those investors. In the movie 2001, Hal was fine, until the elite hacked the code and installed a backside, which made it a mortal danger. Making me wonder, if even safe open sourced AI could become dangerous, by the elite re-coding it so they can have access (a backside), for the benefit of politically favored groups and individuals of course. Without a backside, a booth of power… AI is useless to the power crazed elite.

The man in the booth will have unlimited power to manipulate us. Imagine if the eye of Sauron is turned against you. Your money will become worthless, cars your in will stop functioning, and there’s no place to hide. Such a dystopia can be yours, all you need do, is nothing. Everything you see and hear will be vetted through AI for it’s fitness to the daily narrative, your every move tracked, and your spending controlled by the man in the booth of power. People not only willing but happy to use violence to get their way will be behind the curtain. Even if a good person gets in control, his or her reign will be short, because power beckons psychopaths. Like Orwell said, “If you want to imagine the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face… forever.” Brought to us by proprietary AI.

As we grow more and more addicted to AI, it’s power over us will grow and our ability to think for ourselves will shrink. Those seeking to build a booth of power for themselves, don’t want AI to be a lever, they want it to be a crutch. Like booze, an addiction that haunts us day and night, so we’re too distracted to think for ourselves. AI and it’s myriad of distractions will become our Soma. So we’ll go with the flow of the despotism. Give a heroin addict free fixes every day, and you have someone who would kill, to keep the fixes coming. Heroin, meth or AI, they amount to the same thing, when exploited as distractions, instead of used as tools. We all know if it’s deployed as a distraction to control us, many will succumb to the lures, and become mind numbed robots.

On the other hand, AI could be simply a longer lever. Allowing us to do ever greater things. If, and only if, it’s open sourced with the booth of power open for all to see. Transparency however, is as hard to achieve, when power is at play, as breathing water. Otherwise, once we’re all addicted to AI, the man on the backside will be omniscient and omnipotent, or so those that seek to reside in the booth of power think. Then there’s the possibility that the CCP will invade Taiwan and smash our ability to make the chips necessary for AI. Aborting the AI baby so to speak, and solving the problem, perhaps once and for all. Nevertheless, AI, like nuclear energy, could be a boon for mankind, or a mortal danger. It’s up to us to decide what to make of it… not some accelerationist billionaire psycho.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The “Essential” Parasite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Biden is the perfect deep state President. Being the acme of corrupt he’s as purchasable as a candy bar at Walmart. That puts a long lever on him, with the deep state’s hand pulling it. The administrative state is the real power in the West today… and you can judge by the results, how wonderful it is as a form of government. The economy is humming along with a swarm of bees under the hood, crime is unheard of in the elite’s neighborhoods, and the world is as quiet as an artillery duel. Biden is merely a figurehead. He does and says what he’s told, so his boy doesn’t go to prison for bringing cocaine into the White House. The more he gets away with the more beholding he is to the administrative state. Making Biden a deep state puppet, everything he wears, has strings attached.

The tendency is to blame Biden for the litany of recent failures, but in fact, they’re the failures of the administrative state. Machiavelli said, a wise prince uses a fall guy when he has to harm his people, then blames the fall guy, and punishes them… to win the love of the people. Biden isn’t in charge. He’s the deep state’s fall guy. Whenever Biden says, “They’ll get mad at me…” he’s telling us he isn’t in charge. Someone else is. The permanent state, the administrative state, also called the deep state, was the author of that tragedy. As every failure is the fault of the deep state that controls the half wit in the oval office. Biden is a figure head, to give the bureaucracy’s unamerican rule the appearance of legitimacy. Biden is a patsy. The Afghanistan debacle (and all the others) are the fault of the deep state.

The administrative state has been slowly wheedling its way into complete power for decades. Woodrow Wilson, a singularly bad President, instituted the Federal Reserve along with a host of other anti American agencies and ideas. His favorite book was, Philip Dru Administrator. In which the constitutional government was replaced by a cadre of managers. A permanent government of dedicated bureaucrats. Public servants who would have the authority to do what needed to be done. Along with the university trained experts to call the shots. Laying out the map to utopia. The Supreme Court has been instrumental in paving the legal road for the administrative state to ride in on. Since then, the deep state has grown like kudzu, strangling the constitutional government.

The expert managerial “class” or new class as Alvin Gouldner called them, are utterly in love with themselves, their own knowledge and their moral superiority. Why wouldn’t they be? They are after all, smarter than the rest of us, proven by their advanced degrees, more far sighted than us, proven by their vast knowledge, and more moral people than us, proven by their lack of attachment to traditional mores and values, and their astounding ability to devise new customs, as the Girondins and Jacobins did after the French Revolution. The experts are so smart they consider themselves Nietzsche’s supermen. Able to discover morality by intellectual endeavor instead of out dated tradition. Residing in an echo chamber, atop an ivory tower, the elite need only hear the dulcimer tones of their intellectual equals.

The administrative state, that made itself “necessary,” is as inept, arrogant and self unaware… as it is corrupt. Ask any bureaucrat if he’s essential. Her answer will fill books with it’s volume, anger and ferocity. As would you or I, should our cushy 120k a year job with solid gold benefits and an 80% retirement, be jeopardized. Javier Melie calls permanent government, “parasites,” and I think he’s right. Arrogant people aren’t smart, abuse of authority doesn’t prove truth, and using a patsy as a fall guy isn’t a sign of moral superiority. As much as blaming Biden, for the failures of the administrative state is enjoyable, it’s counter productive. Put blame where blame is due. At the feet of the elitist, new class, expert bureaucrats, who are the real power behind every throne today.


John Pepin

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Fanged Limits

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, any form of government sufficiently limited, can be human hearted, but the problem is, a psychopathic government can’t be limited (because they refuse limits), while a human hearted government doesn’t need limiting. Nevertheless, no matter how virtuous a government is, sooner or later and probably sooner, it’ll become villainous instead of virtuous, and the villains will claim the virtue of old. Asserting they need no limits, because they’re so honest, far sighted and moral. Much more then you. Which is one way to tell if your elites are villains or human hearted, do they chafe at limits or ignore them? Moreover, do the elite care at all about you and your family, or only their power? A hero serves others, a villain serves himself. Smart people limit the hero now to limit the villain later.

Unlimited, all forms of government become tyrannical, it’s human nature. A person who’s been spoiled his or her entire life isn’t mature, smart or far sighted. They’re childish, stupid and blind instead. Groups, cultures and governments are the same. Groups endowed with political favor can’t help but become corrupt. There’s no lesson like no consequences to teach that crime pays. A culture that exists in luxury will sooner or later become Sodom and Gomorrah. While a government that enjoys the love and forgiveness of the people, will exploit that love and forgiveness, until all good feelings are used up. The virtuous don’t need limits, they self limit, while the villainous need limits, lacking self control, and so the human hearted won’t balk at limits, while villains will scream like banshees at them.

Good government serves the whole of the nation while poor government serves the rulers. Poor government is intolerable while good government is sought out by people the world over. The distinction being, good government insures freedom of speech, religion, property, self defense, enterprise, and all the other Rights given to us by nature, if not God himself. Rights that government ether receives by charity, or takes by force. Power attracts psychopaths like a black hole attracts mass. No matter how virtuous an elite may be, they will eventually die, and be replaced by psychopaths. Then the psychopaths will usurp ever more control until childish, stupid and blind people have absolute power. To enact whatever stupid idea passes through their empty heads… like boys can be girls.

Limited all forms of government are tolerable. Because despotism cannot exist when the power to tyrannize is limited. The very nature of autocratic government, the least tolerable, is it’s unlimited ability to force the people to its will. Limits, by their nature, force the elite to allow the people their own will. To the detriment of a corrupt elite, but benefit of the nation, economy, and culture. Put another way, despotic government can’t exist in limited form. How do you limit a tyrant? If he’s limited he’s not a tyrant. A poor President perhaps but not a tyrant. On the other hand, a President who’s limited in label, but not in reality, is the most dangerous form of despot. A covert despot. Which means limits must have coercive power else they’re merely labels without meaning.

The ideal government is one that’s sustainably limited. So we can enjoy our freedoms with as few aggravations from pestering elites as possible. Sustainably, means the limits transfer from not only the virtuous that don’t notice them, but to the villains, who set themselves to upending any and all limits to their usurpations. Limits are utterly ineffective on villains if the limits have no teeth. Since a pinky swear won’t keep a psychopath in line. Limits limit the ability of the elite to rule for their own benefit at cost to the nation. Therefore, we should be all about finding ways to limit the elite. The US Constitution was a start, but as we see, without teeth, it’s become chiffon lingerie covering naked despotism. Teeth, like a Numa, is the next step in the evolution to human hearted governing.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


The politically favored can cast a brick,

When law is applied in a way biopic,

Truth is at play,

Believe what we say,

What’s intolerable though is a populist who uses rhetoric.


A great nation run by worthless pedophile bums,

People who act and speak the acme of dumb,

The elite few,

Evil too,

The fact is we’re ruled by despotic pervert scum.


I hear a lot of presumption,

Abut kids and their function,

Programming works,

On all us jerks,

That’s why our world is in such a dysfunction.


Too late too late the tide won’t abate,

Now it’s in the fickle hands of fate,

They’re here today,

They’re here to stay,

And our end’s coming because they won’t go away.


The FBI’s utterly corrupt you see,

Parasitic pestilence like a flea,

Thinking they’ve won,

Down in Arlington,

Because they’re the acme of corruptocracy.


The globalist EU fascists aren’t going away,

In Netherlands democracy may have won the day,

Corporatocracy fights,

We have no rights,

So EU democracy will need to be brought to bay.


Don’t ever believe your lying eyes,

They tell you things that we despise,

Your going broke,

Can’t buy a coke,

Because our policies make your wealth vaporize.


The British elite have it well in hand,

It’s the people who we need to slam,

Girls to rape,

Illegals red tape,

And the elite won’t rest until all of England is Rotherham.


Around the truth we can dance,

Logic to twist writhe and prance,

Genocide long,

Armenians gone,

And you may be next they ethnically cleanse.


There once was a government crooked as a spring,

A corrupt rotten and monstrous thing,

Traitors in charge,

Living so large,

And the venomous elites think they’re smart as a scorpion sting.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Megalomaniac Management

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) only works if the leaders of the world aren’t mad as hatters. Sadly, our elites, proven by their actions, are as stupid as they are corrupt. They’re literally contemplating surviving a nuclear war. Russia has nuclear survival bunkers, for the civilian population, and the US has bunkers for the elites. Providing a contingency plan in the case of the elite’s failure. For over seventy years, the fall back of bunkers to protect from fall out, was considered too absurd to be taken seriously. So, the world was kept from a nuclear war, by the elite on both side’s self interest. Today’s elite lack common sense, morality and perspective. They don’t understand that nuclear war isn’t survivable, even for them in their opulent bunkers. Blowing up the world isn’t a sustainable plan.

MAD kept the US and USSR from going to open war… because for all their rhetoric the leaders of the USSR and US for the most part, were sane. Both ideologically captured, but with sufficient common sense to know better than to blow up the world. Today we have petulant children running the planet. George Judas Goat Soros is nearly a century old, and dates people at his level of maturity, nineteen year olds. Klaus The Varmint Schwab may transfuse baby blood to keep his youthful appearance, at eighty five, but someone that evil can’t be any more aware than a toddler. Moreover, the myriad of NGOs and think tanks that run the West are filled with eggheads, who’s ears ring from the echo chamber they reside. Their stupidity is why the US is at undeclared war on three fronts.

There are few people who would argue giving crazy people fully automatic weapons is a good idea. The very same people who would deny citizens the Right to own a gun, would give ultimate power to insane megalomaniacs without empathy, humanity or morality… who consider themselves our betters. People who would exploit law to forward a anti human political ideology, to such a degree as to sully the people’s opinion of the law, our courts and the State, shouldn’t run a hem, let alone the world. Put it this way, if the people in charge were on the up and up, why are they covering up the Epstein flight logs? Other then most of them were involved with the pedophilia, prostitution or God knows what else? Pedophiles, perverts and whore mongers with nukes, how could that go wrong?

Our leaders are not only crazy but they consider themselves our betters. What’s the mindset of someone who censors another? Not the feeling of equality… superiority. The premise of all censorship, especially when “fact checkers,” use terms like misinformation and disinformation… is the censor is smarter, wiser and more moral than the speaker. So much more so, that the censor is obligated to silence opinions they find obnoxious, lest a listener hear them and be deceived. Only the omniscient can be that smart and wise, while only God himself is that moral… therefore, the censors overestimate their intellect, wisdom and ethics to such a degree they discredit themselves. People with a lack of self awareness at that level, are dangerous, especially when handed the ability to blow up the world.

MAD only works when the world is run by sane people… ours is run by delusional megalomaniacs. People without an ethic in their souls who believe themselves to be moral supermen, who are actually immature, arrogant, pedophiles and whore mongers who’ve violated their obligations and exploited their authority to undermine the cultures, societies and nations they’re duty bound to protect… have nuclear weapons. The US is in an undeclared war on three fronts, Ukraine, Syria and Gaza/Yemen. Soon a Fourth front may open up… in Taiwan, with another nuclear armed power. Meanwhile the US is funding wars across the planet. Each war and front another proof of failure of the elite. Now it’s time to take the toys away, and put the kids to bed, before someone loses a world.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the power to label is perhaps the greatest political power there is. The faction that labels therefore is the hegemony faction. Because he who labels controls the language. Once you control the language, there’s little anyone else can do but violence. If you further have a monopoly on violence, then you’re the arbiter of truth. With control of language, elections become a rubber stamp. As Klaus the Varmint Schwab says, we no longer need elections. The elite can deem what the people want with computers. Today both a monopoly on violence and the power to label rests firmly in the hands of the post modernist progressive faction. They control the labels and thus the language. They control the bureaucracy and courts so have a monopoly on violence. Totalitarian power in all… but label.

Reality is to people that which we believe. No matter if what we believe is true or not, we act on those ideas we believe, and don’t act on ideas we don’t believe in. Labels drive our perceptions and so determine what we think. If we’re told a thing is bad by an authority, we believe it to be bad and act accordingly… whether or not it’s in fact bad. We’re manipulated this way into acting against our self interest. The more knee jerk we react, the easier it is to manipulate us. When the media labels itself “unbiased,” does that mean they’re unbiased, or that they’re manipulating us? When something is called “misinformation,” yet is later discovered to be true, like that Covid came from a laboratory not a food market, is it still misinformation? If something is labeled safe, yet is deadly, is it really safe?

If we believe that calling our representatives is useless, we won’t let them know our opinions. If we believe eating saturated fat is deadly, we’ll avoid butter and choose oleo instead. Despite the fact oleo is a hydrogenated seed oil, highly inflammatory, often rancid with the smell stripped away and the flavor added chemically… while butter has tons of micro nutrients, the saturated fats in it are healing and ideal for cell wall repair. In that case harming our health to protect it. Because we’ve been told a lie, by the experts, and the truth labeled misinformation. That little manipulation might cost a few tens of thousands of lives a year from heart disease, but how many more lives are lost from the vaccine lies? Or more importantly, the lies that cause wars. We act on our beliefs.

Since voting is an act based on our beliefs, and our beliefs are set by the labels we accept… elections are manipulated by the people who label, constantly. Not for our interests but for theirs. When someone is labeled dangerous, a far right extremist, or a criminal liar, especially without example, and we accept the label… we’re being manipulated. Add to the manipulation of our thoughts by the people that label, election fraud by mail in voting, and elections are all but nullified. The post modernist progressive faction, the faction of the global administrative state, has nearly unlimited power in their monopoly on violence, especially street violence as the summer of 2020 proved, as well as State violence, added to the power to label, and we have a Juggernaut steaming to planetary despotism.

Consider that when looking at the election results and polls from Europe and the polls in the US, as we approach election season. You know every one of those polls are biased against the right. Yet the conservative’s are running away with public opinion, despite being censored, banned, sued and even criminally charged… for wrongthink. The fact is, manipulation only works on the stupid and distracted, it fails utterly when applied to people aware of the manipulation. The post modernist elites exposed their ugly visage too soon, and now the people across the planet are aware, and revolted by what they see. Poland is proof enough that the progressive globalists mean business, like the CCP, they’re balls to the wall totalitarians. Now it’s a race to get them out of power, before they label humanity… redundant.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Best Practices

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a wise culture adopts the best practices of its enemies, history and the world, while a foolish culture is cast in stone. History proves it. The Yamato and Ainu people are the ideal example. The Yamato adopted the best practices of the Ainu, while the Ainu, refused to adopt the better practices of the Yamato. That’s why Japan is dominated by the Yamato and not the Ainu today. Change is hard. We hate to alter the way we do things. Which is a challenge to implementing this philosophy. A way to get around adopting the best practices of others, is to destroy them, instead of competing with them. A strategy used by many expansionist ideologies. The Mongols showed this to be a failure. For a sustainable culture, with a growing standard of living, adopting the best practices of others is a must.

No one likes change. It forces a little death in us. The death of a practice. I’m sure when iron was introduced to mankind, people who cast bronze were aghast. Many certainly attacked the innovation… because it forced change. Nevertheless, those that adopted iron, surpassed those that didn’t. The things we do often have some significance outside the obvious. Which is another block to altering our practices. Then there’s the worry we’re kicking down Chesterton’s fence. What unforeseen consequences could there be for changing from our old practices to new ones? All these are strong motivations for a culture to cast itself in stone. One thing Western culture has had on its side, has been its willingness to adopt the best practices of others, and innovation as the default.

Some ideologies that see themselves as the epitome, can’t adopt innovation or the best practices of others. That would be an admission that they aren’t the epitome. So instead, they set themselves to proving their superiority, by smashing everything else. They used to be called barbarians, today they’re called terrorists and bureaucrats. Censoring, heartless, violent and exploiting any authority they have to forward their agenda. Barbarians in thought, action and intent, if not in name. The culture in power, no matter its virtue, must be removed, by whatever means, so their epitome can take over. The logic that if their ideas are so much better, they will win in the marketplace of ideas… occurs to them all too well. Ideologies that see themselves as the epitome, are the acme of the unwise.

The Mongol empire expanded faster than any before or since. It was larger than the Soviet Union at it’s peak and held all in check with a grip of iron. Yet it evaporated like dry ice in the Arizona sun. Because the ideology wasn’t natural, better or acculturated, it was imposed by force. The moment the force was removed, (because of a fight for the throne) the empire dissolved. This is the natural way that such ideologies die. They expand, killing millions, then collapse, taking with them societies, technology and whole populations. Generally starting as oligarchies, and oligarchy being an unstable form of government, produces radiation, breaking it down to tyranny. That despotism then becomes unbearable and the people rise up overthrowing it in a revolution and the cycle starts anew.

Slaughtering one’s opponents isn’t only foul, but self defeating, as Marius and Sulla, Pol Pot, Tamerlane, Hitler, the Sea People’s, the Assyrians, Alexander, etc… prove, and post modernists and Islamists are doing. They could win, as barbarians often have in the past, but their reign will be short and bloody. The collapse will take with it much of what we take for granted today. The other option, is to adopt the best practices of post modernism and Islamism, and apply them to post modernists and Islamists. Both post modernists and Islamists believe their ideology is the acme of philosophy, religion and humanity. Instead of us being cast in stone, being chipped at by them, become ductile and turn their best strategies against them. Intolerance, huge protests and vindictive prosecutions seem to work.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, International Power, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


To understand our elites is pure futility,

The only thing we can rely on is their cupidity,

Unwise and dumb,

Like a pounded thumb,

Because the World is run by the acme of stupidity.


The right thing is easy to know,

Which way does the wind blow,

Demagogue the fascists,

All whites are racists,

We’re bad because our leaders told us so.


The war is on western civilization and the hoi polloi,

Treating mass migration as if it were a toy,

Though people suffer,

The elite want another,

And the elite’s affection for Muslims is merely a ploy.


There once was a group so hated,

Genocide against them was celebrated,

The first didn’t take,

But evil won’t slake,

So the war on civilization goes on unabated.


Nixon his presidency he had to kiss,

Going into a retirement that wasn’t bliss,

Marxist didn’t forget,

Eventually they’d get,

Nixon in a noose for prosecuting Alger Hiss.


They sold you down the road I’ve observed,

Ruining a culture that was their duty to preserve,

Importing an army abiding,

Then running and hiding,

So their wards can get the desserts they don’t deserve.


The reason for war is power attracts scum like a magnet does steel,

And psychopaths exploit it so we murder each other calling it genteel,

Regular people only want to live long,

In peace raise a family and get along,

Until we turn off the magnet we’ll lurch from war to war as history reveals.


British replacement is going along as expected,

The culture people and nation has been be rejected,

The elite have spoken,

The law is broken,

And the elites will be shocked when the replacements replace the selected.


Come back come back, we’re about to attack,

The world is ours for us to sack,

We stabbed you before,

But not anymore,

At least not until we’ve peppered you with flack.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment