
Dear Friends,


The aristocracy have always hated the brits,

Oppressing and trodding on their dainty bits,

He said in a voice large,

Another bayonet charge,

And we can sell the fallen bodies for profits.


Some people just don’t like peace,

They don’t like it even the least,

They prefer war,

Exciting and more,

And in suffering they’ll have a feast.


Am I supposed to be happy some kids just died,

In pain horror and dread with no place to hide,

Seems demonic to me,

To relish such suffering,

I’m sorry but in this I will not abide.


The irony is astonishingly thick,

Tar like in January it’s not quick,

The migrants must stay,

Until all danger is swept away,

And the nation is made ever more sick. 


Just as moths are drawn to the light,

Executives constantly live in a fright,

If sanity is at sway,

What will they say,

So charge in without care and regret in hindsight.


There’s a reason they don’t want you remembering when,

They ordered bayonet charges on machine guns and then,

Told you don’t wear poppies,

You cant even drive jalopies,

It’s all because they want to do it again.



John Pepin

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Sykes Picot And The Cost Of Arbitrary Borders

Dear friends,

It seems amazing to me, a relic of World War One is still with us, the 1916 Sykes Picot treaty. Which is still causing woe even today. It’s the agreement that made up the map of the Middle East. Creating purely arbitrary countries… not nations. But the globalist elite’s narrative is, bigger is always better… so smaller nations based on the democratic will of the people that live there, is off the table. Each minority will have to disarm, to a faction who’s core philosophy is unlimited power at all costs… as dangerous as it is foolish. Yet the map of Sykes Picot is paramount. If it leads to genocide, oh well, that’s the price people today will have to pay, for the idiocy of yesterday. Maybe instead, we could ask the people who live there what they think should happen to them, and their land?

After WWI the winning side drew up new maps of the spoils. The Sykes Picot agreement created an arbitrary map chopping up the Turkish empire. Leading to the tragic history of the Kurds, who were distributed between Turkey, Syria and Iraq. The outcome has been war, oppression and human suffering. As if the Soviet Union cut Kazakhstan, Georgia or Latvia into three parts, and distributed them to their neighbors. Such an act would create perpetual animosity, oppression and eventually revolution as well. Like it did in Yugoslavia, when it exploded, into ethnic/religious nations. To the shock and disgust of the globalist elites. Nevertheless, the elite across the spectrum are talking about how to resurrect Syria into another frankenstate. Not how to create a lasting peace.

In my view, the paramount issue is always the will of the people who live there. Whether it be in the Falkland Islands, Nagorno Karabakh or Syria. The will of those who live there should always trump the will of elites who don’t. Though we have elites who think they should tell everyone else what to do… without oversight, consequences or skin in the game. To that end, those self same elites have set up “International courts,” to force their will on humanity, without a care to justice, precedent or human heartedness. Then use the “rulings” of their kangaroo court to intimidate. They’ve indicted Benjamin Netanyahu (the elected leader of Israel), while allowing the criminals of October 7 to go unindicted. Which is handy since UNHCR had a hand in the atrocities of that day. They have no skin in the game.

The will of outside elites should be irrelevant to the outcome the residents want. No elite would allow some peasant in Hong Kong to dictate the government he or she should live under. Yet deem themselves worthy to order Hong Kong to live under despotism. Hypocrisy at its finest. If we want to have a say in our government, then we have to allow that others will have a say in theirs. Otherwise we are as hypocritical as the elite. The sad tale of Hong Kong might have been happier had they voted to stay a British protectorate, instead of become vassals of the CCP. But slavery was thrust upon them by the globalist elite. For the globalist elite’s benefit. Which is the point. Only people with skin in the game should have a say. The more skin the more say.

Should the Syrian Christians, (who will be exterminated as the Armenians are today), the Kurds who’ve been historically oppressed, or Alawites who face reprisals… have to join a nation where they’ll be brutalized until they die or leave? To satisfy Sykes Picot. No mouse need worry as long as cats are in charge. No. Human heartedness requires the people who live there have the last say. Then the globalist elites, agitators and Erdogan can suck it up. If the Syrian Christians, Kurds or Alawites want their own state, so be it. Who has sovereignty over the land and people, the globalist elites without skin in the game… or the people who’ve lived there for generations untold? The Golden Rule tells us the answer. What would we want had we been born there? To be subjects of a state or citizens of a nation?


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Foreign Workers And H1B Visas

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason corporations want more foreign workers, is because the policies the elite pushed on the education system, has ruined many American kids. It’s eroded their work ethic, crushed their dreams and mutilated their genitals. A person can’t be a good employee if he/she has constant doctor appointments to maintain their frankengenitals. Without a work ethic people don’t show up, and when they do, they often lower production. Moreover, the American societal myth of, “You can be anything you set your mind to…” is now, “Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse.” Poor Richard’s frugality has been replaced with profligacy, and its right action leads to right outcomes… is exchanged for narcissistic pleasures. Then there’s regulation making it more expensive to hire American workers.

At the turn of the Twentieth Century the progressive movement was gaining steam. Socialism was deemed inevitable and so pragmatic, and free market Americanism was called, idealist. The education system was then set up to that end. To make good little worker ants and discourage entrepreneurs. That way the corporations, and later the communist state, would have a steady supply of drones, and wouldn’t have to deal with lions, owls and foxes. The kids were and are taught not to think for themselves, don’t be too ambitious, and to believe the experts. The American culture was replaced with the dreamt up ideas of the progressives. The result is, graduates who can’t give change, find Europe on a globe, and move like glaciers. They make worthless workers. So something had to be done.

Cultural elites inculcate gang culture. Because nothing improves the life outcome of a boy, more than promoting ignorance, drug use and violent crime. Let’s face it, if a kid comes in for a job interview, with pants below his butt, covered in tattoos, angry, on drugs, with a rap sheet and has been fired from the last twelve jobs he’s held… would you hire him? What if the choice was him, or an alien who will show up and work. Plus he’s on welfare so he can work for half the pay. In cases such as this we look to our superiors to follow their example. We see the elite use illegal aliens for help all the time. Without legal consequences. So, if it’s good enough for them, its good enough for us. Too bad about the American kids who have zero life expectation. Gang culture is pretty cool though.

Better source material for our education system and culture would be Ben Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac. Laying a philosophical foundation of Americanism in students. Poor Richard’s should be memorized by all kids. Uplifting stories like those of Horatio Alger should be mainstays of all schools. Stories that narrate how people in bad situations, can advance beyond their circumstance, by being ethical, hard working and diligent, are invaluable. Entrepreneurship should also be taught. Including how to write a business plan, that capitalism is about meeting human needs, and illustrated by examples of orphans who became rich. Teach students that gumption can get you anywhere you want to go. That leading by example is the best leadership, and if there are no jobs… make one. There are always needs.

American graduates of public schools are ill equipped to succeed. Moreover, it costs far more to hire an American, than an alien. Due to the regulatory burden. Plus, a citizen has to pay for the alien’s welfare out of his check… while the alien works for mad money. So, the American, educated not to have a work ethic, who does work… has to pull a cart with his competition riding in it. The negative incentives that cause the imbalance, of workers to jobs, are the result of the elite’s choices. They devilishly ruin our kids with poor educations, and a corrosive culture, while burdening them with the welfare of their competition, and business with regulations. Creating incentives to replace citizens with aliens. Leading to a need for H1B visas. Almost “Problem, Reaction, Solution.”


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Who the people want it matters not,

The elite detest Trump and all his lot,

Cornyn and Thune are deep state,

String pullers both who ingratiate,

So I prefer to support Senator Rick Scott.


The elite have been playing favoritism,

Holding one group above criticism,

The more they act up,

The more the elite strut,

And now there is outright barbarism.


Appeal to ignorance is a real show stopper,

Leading to illogical thought right and proper,

It can’t be falsified,

Making it wide eyed,

But I wonder about the philosophy of Karl Popper?


It makes sense but everyone has a story,

Building with cut granite requires a lory,

Have they done a quake test,

Bureaucracy knows best,

Because the hurdle to using stone are regulatory.


An arrogant man was Bertram Russel,

Other people got his hair in a tussle,

He looked down his chin,

If we don’t agree with him,

Then the rest of us should just wear a muzzle.


Meltdowns of a brainwashed reprobate,

Fractal contortions of a corrupted state,

Wild eyed rants,

Absurd chants,

Are the result of unchecked progressive hate.



John Pepin

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Ideas On Evolution

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, evolution could be either random, or by some guiding design. Creationists call it intelligent design. That God designs everything. Meanwhile evolutionists believe in random selection. Evolutionists claim that if you take the components of a three hundred day clock, and throw them into a bin enough times and shake the bin, eventually they will self assemble into a clock. Others have more nuanced views. I’m pretty certain, no matter how many times someone throws components into a bin, a clock will never come out. Though, I have no problem with God designing everything. Even as a deist might believe in some blending of evolution and intelligent design. A clockwork God building a self assembling and evolving clock. Although there may be a better answer yet.

What if Rupert Sheldrake’s controversial Morphic fields exist? I’m no expert on Morphic fields, or anything else for that matter, but my understanding of them is… each species has a morphic field that guides their body design. The design for an ant, isn’t in the ant’s DNA, but resident in the ant’s morphic field. The DNA is the progenitor of the proteins necessary to keep an ant alive. In the same way the morphic field of a human being, designates where our eyes, ears, nose and feet will be. Sheldrake often cites the tested theory, if a rat in London learns a new thing, rats of the same kind elsewhere will learn that thing faster than they otherwise would have. Apparently he claims this ability applies to other species as well. How’s this done? Because learning adds to the map of the morphic field.

Further, what if the Morphic fields are guided by the species collective unconscious? Jung had a theory of the “collective unconscious.” In it he claimed that there is a human collective unconscious where archetypes, trauma and concepts exist. Available to us all on a subconscious level. A kind of id that spans humanity. Like Sheldrake’s morphic field. What if Jung’s collective unconscious is a form of field? Moreover that field interacts with the morphic field? Or is a different terminology for the same phenomenon? If any of these possibilities are true… it opens a whole area of potential. Especially in the area of evolution. Because, if there is evolution, it’s unlikely to be random, but if not guided by the hand of God directly… what about indirectly? By each species morphic field/collective unconscious?

Take the Panda for example. Giant Pandas are omnivores… yet they only eat bamboo. Which barely sustains them. It could be some artifact of their taste buds that bamboo is the most delicious thing imaginable to them. So they would starve before eating something else. Or, there’s a method to their madness. Perhaps, the panda collective unconscious has looked ahead, and predicts bamboo will become a climax species in the near future. (In a million years or so). So hypothetically, the panda collective has decided to force itself to evolve, to eat the plant they anticipate will be a primary food source in the future. Getting a head start on everything else. While this is pure a priori conjecture, it fits the observed world. Though this hypothesis seems difficult to falsify by experiment.

Evolution then would be intentional. The intentional evolution to stay environmentally relevant by each species collective unconscious, mapped onto their morphic field and DNA. The Panda is seeking to generate the proteins needed to efficiently digest bamboo leaves. So in the future it has access to unlimited food. Else the panda may simply love the taste of bamboo leaves over any other leaf, vegetable or meat. There’s probably some merit to Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious. Plus, Sheldrake’s morphic field is an elegant answer to the question of where is species design stored? Though being elegant doesn’t make them right. Yet these ideas commingle to make a fathomable concept of how evolution could work, outside the point of view of the strictly atheist, and religious.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Brilliant elites can be impulsive,

Their ideas being so seductive,

Lie and try as they might,

People run at their sight,

Because everyone finds hypocrisy repulsive.


Kari lake offends the powers that be,

They detest her and her policies three,

Broken promises,

Election shenanigans,

Breaking the trust we had in them you see.


Hackers will be running a lap,

Joyous at your innocence rapt,

Why all the fear,

There’s no turn here,

And only a fool would want this app.


My auto doesn’t go very far,

My seats are as hot as a star,

It’s a hundred outside,

I just wanted to ride,

But now hackers control my car.


There once was an elitist extinctionist,

A philosophy Thrasymachian globalist,

They said with aplomb,

Suck on your thumb,

As they vilified everyone expansionist.


Soldiers on duty have to make the call,

Are the orders legal or should they stall,

The hypocrites who are smirking,

Would shoot you or I for shirking,

That’s why I say get rid of them all.



John Pepin

Posted in Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re the most blessed generation in human history, and yet we’re also the least thankful. Look at the people around you with their faces drawn into a near permanent frown. Well fed, nice clothes, a roof over our heads, a car, constant diversion and the prospect of nothing but more of the same in the future. You would think such people as us would be happy and thankful. Yet, we dwell on that which we don’t have, instead of being thankful for that which we do. Instead of serving us, that lack of gratitude lowers our lot. Making us bitter and resentful, which being negative emotions, only harms us. While gratitude elevates us. In what context do they lower and elevate? In the context of our health, happiness and in personal satisfaction.

Most of the problems we’re so angry about are of our own making. Then made worse by our attitude. Especially when we become neurotic. As we all can be on occasion. Moreover, it’s often our attitude of ingratitude that traps us in cycles of failure, and dissatisfaction. That dissatisfaction that’s inculcated by the media and advertising, to get us to spend money on their culch. Keeping us focused on the negative. Which obviously magnifies our ingratitude, lowering the likelihood of escaping whatever slow moving tragedy we’ve made for ourselves, or perceive we’re trapped in. I say perceive because most often what we see as bars are only an artifact of our perspective. Sometimes all one needs do is step to the side and those bars are no longer in your way.

I’ve offered that we all have a misery quotient before. In that we feel we deserve a certain amount of misery, and if we don’t get it… we set about getting it. That’s why so many lottery winners are poor in a few years, people born to wealth become useless, and why our society is so ungrateful. If our lives are too good, then we feel uncomfortable. We experience a form of cognitive dissonance. I hear many celebrities and politicians have a feeling of unworthiness. In my philosophy, that’s because they aren’t anywhere near their misery quotient, and haven’t recognized it. Which arises from Jung’s dark side. Taking Jung’s idea further, the misery quotient if not met, and is unrecognized, will lead us unconsciously, to harm ourselves. The misery quotient then keeps us from being grateful.

Gratitude isn’t for the person we thank… it’s for us. Because thanking God for life, your loved oones for their love and even chickens for their eggs, allows us to recognize that which we have. Focusing us on the good. While ingratitude focuses us on the bad. Our lacks. No matter how irrelevant they are. Gratitude then elevates us. In attitude, satisfaction and even health. Since health is largely a mental state. I’ve noticed that the angry, forlorn and jealous have many health problems and die young. While people who are grateful are healthier and live longer. That’s my anecdotal experience. I suspect it’s empirically proven as well. Which means gratitude bestows a myriad of benefits, from health and longevity, to better life outcomes. By every measure gratitude benefits us.

Judged pragmatically, the best result for all of us… is to be thankful, and recognize that we’re the author of most of our problems, via the misery quotient. It’s not difficult to be grateful. We swim in a sea of benefits. Plenty of food, clothing and cell phones. How do I know this? Look at the refugees fleeing persecution and famine at home to come to the US and Europe. They’re to a person, obese, dressed to the nines and sporting the latest cell phones. If destitute people who’ve trekked across the globe for better conditions, have that much to be thankful for… how much more do we? Since gratitude benefits us, and there is so much to be grateful for, why wouldn’t we accept that free benefit? Health, longevity and better personal relationships, can all be had, for the low low price of… gratitude.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Poverty is a human sculptor,

Eating the lazy like a vulture,

But here’s the rub,

We’re products of,

Genes and beans but mostly of our culture.


The woke are tickled pink,

Science is now rinky dink,

With fiery pants,

How to advance,

When you’re not allowed to think.


Physical strength matters not,

Intelligent design and wrought,

Striving intense,

Won’t happen since,

If others control your speech they control your thought.


Trump will fix the world is a safe bet.

The deep state is denied an office pet,

The Middle East is settling,

Corruptocrats are rattling,

And he hasn’t even taken office yet.


The most dangerous people you can find,

Are those with an open and curious mind,

Endangering the narrative,

Taking on the initiative,

And realizing the narrative serves the malign.



John Pepin

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The War Of Ideas

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… there’s a perpetual war of ideas going on. In that war alliances arise and fall. Replacements and reinforcements arrive at the front daily from all sides. Even as some ideas that were killed long ago, reincarnate as new warriors. The theaters are, discourse and violence. Under discourse there’s propaganda, mass media, loose talk, etc… and if that fails, the most ardent will use violence to silence enemy ideas. In this war censorship, controlling speech and thought laws are the nuclear weapons. Everyone thinks they’re on the right side, and so, God must be on their side. While only the sage seek to be on God’s side. Because evil is conniving, is often beguiling, and beautiful to boot, making it appear to be good. Thereby capturing many.

Ideas are alive in a parasitic sort of way. They live in people’s brains. Mostly we don’t even know they’re there. Yet they influence us in a myriad of ways. Sometimes for the better and other times for the worse. When we use them, they can be helpful, but when they rule us, they’re dangerous. Zealots are people who’re ruled by ideas. Notions that are never of their own making. Like demons, sneaking in and possessing a person. Then making them do heinous things. Who honestly believes a Nazi death camp guard thought he was doing evil? Were the pilots who firebombed Dresden evil? What atrocity is not done with the absolute, certain and solid knowledge it’s for the betterment of mankind? These are examples of how people are captured by an idea. Then act on it.

In that way, by capturing people and making them work to the will of an idea instead of their own, ideas are almost sentient. Moreover, bending a sovereign human being to do that which they would otherwise think an atrocity, is the act of a malevolent sentience. Ideas that possess are like a computer virus or worm. The more subtle and capturing the greater their advantage in the war of ideas. Which is probably why malevolent ideas are so hard to get rid of. Their cloying nature, beauty and the appearance of goodness make them interesting. Then, once the victim gets close enough, they strike, and like a Goa’uld, burrow into the brain and take it over. Making a robot from a human being. Which is why I think ideas are often parasitic, and almost sentient. Some are actually malevolent.

These almost sentient parasitic ideas go to war with each other, for the only resource they care about… human brains. The human Brainscape is the goal of the war. The idea that wins all the brains… wins. Evil ideas masquerade as good, while calling good ideas evil, and hiding their outcome. As good ideas try to show their nature by their results. These forces ebb and flow, evil sometimes getting the edge, then the outcome dissipates the effect of the propaganda, smears and censorship, and goodness gets the upper hand for awhile. Until people become comfortable. Then evil offers luxury at someone else expense. Then the cycle starts anew. All the while, the ideas vie for brain space. In this then, you and I are kings, because we control the very space the ideas seek to conquer.

Our great power gives us the ability to sway the war one way or another. How do we prevent ourselves from becoming possessed? By keeping an open and humble mind. Humility dissipates the certainty that’s required to break a few eggs. Just as an open mind isn’t as susceptible to possession. It takes humility to seek to be on God’s side. Even as it takes supreme arrogance to expect God to be on your side. In the morass of fighting though, how does one find the golden ideas? By looking at outcomes. No matter how glittering an idea is, if it only yields suffering, then it’s base metal. In the ongoing war of ideas, you and I are warriors with superpowers. That superpower is the control of our own brains… the very battlefield itself. So… act the Juggernaut you are, find the golden ideas and fight on God’s side.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Pain And Suffering

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, while no one wants pain or suffering, apparently they are one of the reasons we’re here. It’s undeniable that pain and suffering mature us. Someone who’s never suffered, is a child, no matter their age. Indeed it’s the ability to tolerate pain that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. That ability comes from willpower and practice. I’ve heard, if you ask a roomful of first graders to hold their breath, those who hold it longest will be the most successful. I don’t know if this is true, but if it is, that strongly indicates that the ability to stand suffering is an advantage. Which is obvious… in the land of suffering. Which only sharpens the point. Suffering is part of life, and while no one wants it, we have to accept it, and learn to be strong from it. Gaining that advantage for ourselves.

Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) it’s said spent the first part of his life carefully safeguarded from any form of suffering. Being a sage, he sought it out, so he could learn from it. It wasn’t until he had suffered greatly that he had his epiphany. Attachment is suffering. I however think he was partially right. I think suffering is part of life. It’s a teaching aid. Those who never suffer never mature. Their ability to stand suffering, or willpower, stagnates. While the put upon grow in their ability to stand suffering and humility. Both must be important lessons for this life. Else a good God wouldn’t allow them. Not only allow them, but insure their happening, with free will. So while Buddha was a wise man, I believe his teachings fall short. Suffering isn’t to be avoided, it’s to be managed. By exploiting it’s ability to teach.

Suffering is different from pain. Animals experience pain but they don’t suffer. Moreover, we have the unique ability to bring pain from the past or future, into the present, and therefore suffer it multiple times. An animal can’t do that as far as we know. They don’t dread the future or lament the past. They live in the here and now. I suspect we stole the ability to suffer, for ourselves, when we ate of the tree of knowledge. Suffering then is different from but similar to pain. It’s pain of the mind. Put another way, it’s knowledge of pain. Animals mostly don’t understand cause and effect. The pain an animal feels then is in the here and now, and not magnified by the knowledge of the damage and future pain the present pain will cause. Which multiplies pain by suffering.

While our astounding ability to suffer is a real pain… it’s also a teaching aid. The more we suffer the stronger our ability to stand suffering grows. To a point. PTSD results from too much suffering. Especially suffering outside of pain. So as long as the pain or threat of pain, doesn’t overwhelm the person’s ability to stand it, that suffering matures us. If it’s too much, the mind breaks down, and weakens instead of strengthens. So. the next time we’re in a position of expecting pain, we have more willpower to stop our minds from making us suffer. Pain itself is bad enough. Plus pain is informative. If our shoulder hurts to move it in a certain way, that means don’t move it that way, so it can heal. Worrying about the pain won’t make it go away it’ll make it worse.

All of which is why I say, we shouldn’t try to avoid suffering and pain, or avoid attachment to avoid suffering, I think we should manage suffering. Since suffering is pain of the mind, and we can control our minds, suffering itself can be controlled. By controlling our thoughts. How do we control our thoughts? By learning through suffering how not to suffer. One place to start is, if you have an itch on your face, see how long you can go without scratching it. Because tolerating small pains leads to the ability to tolerate ever larger pains. It grows our willpower and thus our control over our minds. So, take an aspirin when you have a headache, but don’t dwell on it. Manage suffering to grow your ability to control yourself. Because apparently, judged by experience, that’s one of the reason’s we’re here.


John Pepin

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