Political Gaslighting

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressives are gaslighting us, showing who they are if we just look. How many times have democrats denied reality? How many times have progressives said something, then denied it later, only to get angry when confronted with their own words? These are classic signs of gaslighting. What is so evil and pernicious about a political faction gaslighting, (using propaganda), is that it is both a form of psychopathic manipulation, and since people “follow their leaders,” gaslighting and other forms of manipulation will become common. As a means to gather and maintain corrupt political power, gaslighting can be very effective, but only when the main stream media goes along with the gaslighting. Is a narcissistic manipulative world one we want to live in?

Gaslighting is a word that comes from the name of an old movie. It means to manipulate someone into believing an untruth and doubt their own reality. The gaslighter will do something then deny it, lie about something unverifiable and then question the target’s sanity. These are forms of abuse that play on our innate need to be agreeable. The narcissist exploits that civilizing factor to manipulate people into self harm, for fun and profit. Gaslighting is a favorite means for narcissists to manipulate family members. The Hegelian dialectic is also a form of gaslighting, it creates a problem, to get a reaction, then exploits that reaction to implement something that couldn’t have been done before, a classic gaslighting technique… do something, lie about having done it, to manipulate people.

We tend to follow our leaders, we do as they do, if they are virtuous, we become virtuous, and if they tend to vice we also tend to vice. This historical reality can only be denied by people who are gaslighting you. This was a central tenet of Confucius teachings. So, when our leaders engage in open gaslighting of the people, many will follow their lead, and bring that form of abuse into their homes and businesses. Since the elite do it, it must be okay, so I should be able to advance by that technique as well. The Victorian era is called the Victorian Era, because Queen Victoria set an example of modesty, which the people followed. Contrasted with the earlier Romantic, where debauchery was the norm and the people followed then as well.

For gaslighting to work as a political tool, (propaganda), the faction that would engage in it must control the flow of information. That way they can spin it to bolster their lies, and even create stories as a fiction writer does, forming reality to their desires. Today we have a main stream media that lies about itself to the world and, in many cases, to itself as well. This is one reason alternative media is so despised. Take two news outlets. One openly avows it’s political bias, while the other claims to be unbiased. The second is clearly gaslighting while the first is not. Claiming to be unbiased… in and of itself, is a form of gaslighting! Unless the writers and editors are not human beings, subject to the same prejudices, knowledge gaps, anger issues, and with a sinful nature, just like you and I?

Fast and Furious was an example of gaslighting, as was the lie about a film causing the Benghazi attacks, the entire Russiagate hoax, Hillary acting like she didn’t know what wiping a hard drive was, Obama claiming he only discovered such and such a scandal when we did… through the papers. These and many others are examples of gaslighting. Those who engage in gaslighting are manipulative and narcissistic. Don’t think for a second they are using abusive measures to manipulate you… to help you. That is like the mouse who becomes mesmerized by the snake’s eyes. The thing about gaslighting is that it is open. It has to be. To fight it then we must call attention to it, call them out for it and explain it to others… else we will end up in a world where gaslighting is commonplace.


John Pepin

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