Political Greed

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the most destructive form of greed, is political greed. Individual greed however is good. The individual seeking to improve his or her life, the means being serving others… and by doing so elevates all mankind, while the politician seeking to enrich themselves, take from mankind. Then there’s corporate greed, which the greedy politicians either love or hate, depending if they’re in bed with that corporation. Have you ever heard the fake Indian attack Planned Parenthood’s revenue river of blood, profits or wealth? Of course not! Their greed is her greed. So it’s okay. Your self interest, on the other hand, is vile and hateful to the greedy politicians. It gets in their way. That’s why a greedy politician will call you “greedy,” for not wanting to give him your hard earned money… to do evil.

As Milton Friedman said, everyone’s greedy, my greed’s fine, it’s everyone else greed that’s bad. The communist, the socialist, the fascist and the capitalist are all greedy. Because man is greedy. The difference in paradigms is for the communist to fulfill her greed, she must take from others at the point of a gun, the socialist is a bit more courteous about it, they take using a gun, but say thank you after… meanwhile, the fascist enables their greed by taking from the politically disfavored, and investing that money in global conquest. The evil capitalist however has a different path to meeting his greed. He has to think of a way to serve mankind to get rich. The bastard. Someone else has to get a want or need met for the capitalist to get rich. It’s a two way street, a win win, making it unacceptable to the greedy elite.

No one is more greedy than a politician, who produces nothing but friction, for his daily lobster. All day long they set around making deals to benefit the politically favored at cost to the nation, economy and mankind. Regulations are to an economy as brakes are to a car. Someone who lightly touches the brakes too often will wear them out quickly and have poor gas mileage. Someone who rides the brakes will get the poor gas mileage and brake wear, faster and with the added benefit of loss of control in bad weather. The brakes on our economy must be red hot. That friction may harm the economy and the little guy… but does it enrich the greedy politician and rent seeker. Who’s greed is never mentioned in the unbiased media, in their scrambling greed for a piece of the king crab.

How can someone who is being stolen from accept the moniker, greedy, from the thief? Imagine you’re being held up at gun point in an alley and the thief calls you greedy, because you held out a few dollars in your shoe, for a cab ride home? Would that be the penultimate form of hypocrisy? No, it wouldn’t. When a politician calls you greedy… that’s the penultimate form of hypocrisy, the acme of deceit. Because the robber is certainly not wealthy, moral or intelligent, nor does he claim to be. While the greedy politician is wealthy and claims to be moral and smarter than us. So much smarter, they can spend our money much more efficiently then we can… just ask them. A politician then does the same action but claims it’s virtuous when they steal money. Magnifying a crime with hypocrisy and a lie.

Political greed is a singularly evil human quality. It can only be met by damaging mankind. That’s why politician’s have thought up so many manipulations, to convince us that their greed is virtue, while ours is evil. Twisting right into wrong is a past time of all lawyers, psychopaths and politicians, but I’m being redundant. Amplifying their crimes of greed with hypocrisy, pride, envy, gluttony, sloth and protected by wrath. Then there’s the Epstein thing leading me to conclude lust is also on their list. Meanwhile, some of us believe a better way is to provide a way for everyone to get rich… by serving mankind. Horrible, I know, to serve others for one’s wealth, but you have to admit… it’s efficient. Building wealth instead of destroying it and disempowering the politicians with their multitude of sins.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


We’re on the hook for their stupid mistake,

Their failures are ours since we’re not on the take,

A few thousand deaths there,

More suffering than their share,

Because the elite are filled with greed, envy and hate.


Some say Alex Jones should do time,

Others think what he says is just fine,

He’s in the fight,

Shining a light,

Which is the worst kind of thought crime.


The politically disfavored are easy to fire,

Our progressive society has become a mire,

Deny the clues,

It only proves,

You can’t get rid of a diversity hire.


There’s no sense seeking redress,

When truth is being suppressed,

As was predicted,

Bannon was convicted,

But Hunter need not worry about contempt of congress.


Above the law are they,

The rest of us are clay,

Mold as they wish,

Into a heart or fist,

And with the worse of crimes the elite get away.


Our laws are applied with context in mind,

Applying political favor of the best kind,

Target the little guy,

While the elite fly,

Because other than double… standards are hard to find.


Protesting for a redress of grievances brings alarm,

So they set up a false flag with outrage to farm,

Arson’s okay,

Iconoclasm away,

And there’s no problem whatsoever with pulling a fire alarm.


An alternate version of reality,

Has been conjured up for us to see,

Freedom is a misty mire,

Back into the dumpster fire,

And they’ll put an end to democracy.


A nation once founded on ethics,

Then sinned with the horror of eugenics,

Censorship’s a must,

Democracy’s a bust,

And now it’s ruled by fascist relics.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Warped Politicians

Dear Friends,

It makes no sense to me, the same people who expect Eagle Pass Texas, a town of thirty thousand, can accept twelve thousand illegal immigrants a week, and that’s perfectly acceptable… yet also firmly believe that New York City, with a population of nine million, is completely overwhelmed by ten thousand a year? Moreover, New York is a self declared sanctuary city. No wonder they’re so angry all the time. The cognitive dissonance must be mind rending. Add to it the unfiltered hypocrisy of not wanting illegals to live near them, or on Martha’s Vineyard, yet expect others to… and you have a recipe for a deep mental illness. The human brain isn’t meant to be warped into such an absurd space. The illegal immigration issue alone highlights the situation the elite have got themselves into.

Politics is never a sphere, encompassing everyone’s benefit, it’s twisted and bent along the lines of special interests. A Venn diagram of universal interests would necessarily be a circle or sphere. Special interests however most often are at odds with the general welfare. So they would trace lines within the circle of general welfare, including only the interests of the favored that’s bought the politician, and excluding the general welfare. That politician therefore, must pay heed to the interests that purchased him or her, against the interests of the general. Contorting themselves into it. A politician who doesn’t bend to special interests, can breathe deeply, until the gobs of money arrayed against her gets her voted out of office, in favor of he who’s willing to squeeze in.

To fit in such a space one has to contort him or herself. Warping them in mind, body and spirit. The question then becomes, how to twist the desires of the special interest, and against the general welfare, into a manipulation that makes it sound like it’s for the general interest? War for example. The Hegelian dialectic has been very successful. Exploit resources in the media to claim we’re under attack. Then use the outrage you ginned up to fuel the war you wanted. Sending the children of the patsies to die for cheaper bananas. To believe, or force oneself to believe, such actions aren’t evil, one has to segmentalize their consciousness. Else their conscience would destroy them via their super ego. We all have to think of ourselves as the good guy… even as we commit atrocities.

That’s why the longer someone is in politics the more crooked they become. They’ve had to squeeze into some pretty tight spaces. The more someone segmentalizes their consciousness, the easier it becomes, until they have no conscience whatsoever. Eventually becoming so crooked, when they die, they’ll have to be screwed into the ground. Why would a person who’s tirelessly worked against the interests of mankind, for a special interest, be bothered by a little insider trading, bribery or perverting democracy? They wouldn’t. That’s why they’re so corrupt. Selling one’s soul warps the spirit as much as the mind. Once the soul is gone, the sky’s the limit, of crime. Such corrupt people get along fine until they’re threatened with discovery. Then they act as a unit to cancel the threat, like an immune system.

If politics warps, and power corrupts, then how twisted and putrid must our elites be? The examples of illegal immigration, covid, the response to it, the attacks on democracy, free speech and law itself prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, our elites are as crooked as a spring. To not see what they’re doing though, now that projects stupidity, by searchlight. Replacing them is a temporary fix. The incentives will bend anyone who slides into that brake, the answer is to limit the power of the elite, all elites. Political interests will forever warp people to their will, and as long as the power to benefit the politically favored at cost to the whole, is in the hands of politicians, judges and bureaucrats, those incentives wont change. Take the power, create consequences, punish corruption, and that’ll be a start.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A few Bad Jokes

Dear Friends,

What do you call a radical conservative? A zealous conformist.

They say Nancy Pelosi’s pretty… pretty drunk, stupid and homely.

Biden is a real go getter, he tells the Secret Service to go get this and go get that.

What makes a democrat so wise? They eat a lot of chips.

I hate the way they pick on Biden, he’s going to the bar for this country! Cheers, Moe’s, The Drunken Clam, etc…

The elite are meeting in Davos I hear. They want to support the downtrodden. Starting with the hookers.

Klaus the varmint Schwab says, we’ll all own nothing and be happy… But how can everyone own the same thing?

Look at how much the elite care about us. They’re eating all the Wagu beef… saving the bugs for us.

Three of the most toxic things are, nuclear waste, dimethal cadmium and democrat policies.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


An echo chamber it’s hard to assail,

Its logic and wisdom seem so detailed,

A modern consensus,

Politics is contentious,

And science doesn’t work when political favor prevails.


A common thing among despots,

Their failures are never their fault,

The people stray,

The elite betray,

But the buck stops with the man at the top.


What happens once propaganda has failed,

The stupid turn to violence and blackmail,

He’s far right,

Her hair’s alight,

Because the elite will burn it down before they to go to jail.


There once was a suit named Kevin,

Walked and talked a bit like a penguin,

He said with a wink,

I’m quite the fink,

And he waddled away a mite thinking himself a titan.


What is there for a fellow to say,

As we watch the world go astray,

Some live large,

Those in charge,

And it’s all because the elite want it that way.


Energy is the driver of an increasing living condition,

As our standard of living’s lowered without contrition,

Tighten your belt,

Eating bugs will help,

Since the elite are about civilization’s controlled demolition.


Elite’s lies are wise not discrediting,

They foster a deeper understanding,

A few die young,

Heroes unsung,

And their lies will lead to a despotism everlasting.


We’re told diversity has no pitfalls,

Foolish ideas that are patently false,

Her rape’s okay,

She crawled away,

And the people who visited it on us live behind guarded walls.


There’s no secrets from the CCP,

The deceit is for you and me,

A real distraction,

Tyranny in action,

Because there’s an “I” but no “we” in national security.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems very frustrating to me, that we can’t trust a word from the mouths of the experts, government or press anymore. They’re all the worse kind of liars. Lying when the truth would serve them better. What I find so annoying about this, is that before I can give a smidgen of credence to anything they utter… I have to do a TON of research. Then I don’t trust most source either. So I’m reduced to reproducing experimental outcome. Which, obviously, as a curmudgeonly old guy with limited resources, isn’t always possible. I can feel my blood pressure rise whenever I hear the term, “The science says…” as if there’s a deity, the Science, that speaks to us… omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent. When in reality, it’s a bunch of psychopaths, trying to manipulate us into self harm.

I used to trust the experts back in the day. It seemed they were more human hearted then. I can’t imagine any of my childhood doctors ever tolerating sterilizing a child. They would have become violent at such a notion. They certainly worked with far less. No MRI, PET Scans, or stents… they had to use their knowledge and intuition. Humanity and empathy was a big part of their practice. I suspect that kept a lot of psychopaths from many expert professions back then. Today, if you see a doctor, it’s for a moment and they usually don’t talk, they read what the nurse wrote. Any ache or pain befuddles them without fifty thousand in tests. Then those tests are usually inconclusive so they want to do exploratory surgery. Like anyone wants a demonstrated incompetent carving on them with a knife.

My trust of government when I was a kid was Pollyannish. It was unwise to the Nth degree. Youth always fall for that scam though. Only those raised to be skeptical of power have some immunity. Being a boomer I wasn’t. We were taught in school, the media and by culture, that the government was fighting for us against the evils of communism. While communism is evil on a scale unimaginable by an ignorant kid, the evils of our elites was nearly as bad back then, and equal today. With deaths measured in the millions. Now, in my jaded state of absolute disrespect for power and those who wield it, my default position is the government and elite are always lying, unless proven true, by multiple sources. Because I don’t trust people who have lied to me over and over… for centuries.

I used to trust the media that I agreed with, but now, not so much. They often have headlines that aren’t backed up in the story. That irritates me. It’s a waste of my limited time. Once I catch any news source participating in that kind of shenanigan, I tune out. I have to say though… I’m astounded at the outright anti truths the “unbiased” media vomits. The color of bile, with the same smell and taste, their reporting is often the opposite of the truth. I haven’t been to the boarder, but I shop at stores, and the amount of people today in the store, who don’t speak much English and are obviously not from around here, outnumber those who do! I’ve never seen that before. Lending credence to the reports the border is open, and calling into question Biden and the unbiased media’s assertions.

We live in a technological age. In such a time, honest experts, government and press is paramount. That honesty leads to trust. Our elites are all demonstrable liars though. Daily standing before us, with straight faces, saying up is down and wrong is right. Our doctors give us anti advice, then profit from the harm they’ve done. Our politicians act as demons, trying to harm the nation and its people. Meanwhile, the media calls itself the most trustworthy organization that ever existed, following Machiavelli’s advice to lie constantly, then claim to be a truth teller. Undermining the fabric of honesty that’s required for our technology to function, our science to advance, and our standard of living to grow. Losing trust due to a mistake is one thing, losing it because of malevolence, is another.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

War In Europe

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one way you can tell the elite in a nation, are utter, complete and total failures, is if they start a war, and the people stand down. That was the death knell of ancient Rome. The elite so abused the people no one would fight for them. Why would they? Fighting for the elite is a lose lose. It always has been and it always will be. The only fight the people have a stake in, is a defensive war, against an aggressor. Manning an army to fight a foreign war so a corporation can get cheaper bananas is a fools errand. If you don’t die or are horribly disfigured, you get to be demonized when you come home, and refused your Constitutional Rights. As history proves… all the way back to Rome. The real war is against the elite, who are so arrogant and stupid, they would alienate the people then start a war.

In ancient Rome when a man was drafted, because no one would join willingly anymore, his land was stolen by the neighboring rich person, and his family send to a Roman equivalent of Cabrini Green. When he returned home his land had been taken and he had no means of supporting his family. Quite a reward for his service, eh? The constant importation of skilled slaves from the wars made sure there was no work for a man without land. It got so bad that Roman citizens would literally disable themselves, to make themselves unfit for service… so as not to lose their family land! The Roman elite had created such a set of pernicious incentives, they couldn’t man an army, and so the frontiers came crashing back in. Led by the mercenaries they had hired to fill in the gaps in the ranks.

In the US, the boys returning from Vietnam were greeted with spittle, jeers and hate. The boys who came back from Iraq and Afghanistan, are now called domestic terrorists, and labeled the biggest threat to the US there is. Literally by the very people who sent them to die for their country. Listen to the way Dark Joe Biden speaks about our veterans… and he wants to make more of them. The VA system is a joke. They can’t even get an eye prescription right… no matter how many times they try! Moreover, look at the job situation they returned to. Vets have to compete against a tsunami of illegals (8 million so far under Biden), on welfare, and so willing to work under the table for a pittance, to get some mad money. Even as the veteran has to pay the taxes for that illegal’s welfare, under cutting his wages.

When the Iron Curtain fell the deal was, NATO would not march one inch towards Russia. That was a red line for the nuclear armed Russians, who had been invaded from the West three times in recent history. So what did the elite in the West do? They marched NATO to the very doorstep of Russia. Establishing their intentions of invading… along the same path as Army Groups North, Center and South. Mitch the lich says our most important mission is to conquer Russia? Now, after triggering the Russian bear, the elites are calling on the very people they have been tyrannizing, attacking and labeling domestic terrorists for the last two decades? Really? And they expect anyone will join or even accept a draft, to go die for the elite’s stupidity… so their children can be raped, killed and replaced?

The dirty secret is, Russia’s demographics is worse than that of Europe, and if you discount the boat people, only slightly better. Because Europeans aborted their children and replaced them with immigrants to warp their demographic curve. Kill off the few remaining natives and the ethnic/cultural cleansing will have been completed. All it takes is a foreign war to send the patsies to die in. Plus it slaughters Russian kids as well. A win win. Elites so evil and stupid deserve a great comeuppance. Evil for wanting to replace their populations with a permanent underclass, and stupid, for alienating their people then starting a war. At least the Roman elites had the excuse they sweetened their wine with lead oxide. Despite the lessons of history, our elites only excuse is, they’re too stupid to know better.

Because let’s face it, “War is a racket…”


John Pepin

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Republican Leadership

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if the republicans win the House, Senate and Trump the Presidency, expect the republicans to take up the democrat mantle, opposing everything Trump wants to do… because that’s what controlled opposition does. They follow orders. Especially when the deep state has video of the senator molesting a child. I suspect every republican who voted with the uniparty to keep the boarder open, trillions of deficit spending and the world wars… is a pervert who’s on video with a child. What other conclusion can we draw, given the recent history of the deep state? Someone has the Epstein videos, the FBI raided his isle of perversion, and the FBI is the epitome of a corrupt deep state actor. Republican leadership are acting as controlled opposition… because they’re compromised.

You can tell controlled opposition by what it does and says. “I didn’t want to take my football and go home…” is absurd. It’s more like, when you have the ball, run a damned play, don’t give it back to the other team. False analogy’s are the hallmark of controlled opposition. One wonders how much video the deep state has on him? Rinos constantly have to vote against their stated principles, because… climate change ate their homework. How much longer before the republican controlled House passes a budget? One member short because they voted to oust Santos, a republican, but not democrats found guilty of far worse… like Debbie Wassermann Schultz. Their lack of movement on impeachments of Mayorkas, Wray, Garland, or Biden the buffoon, is more proof.

Remember last time Trump held the Presidency and republicans the House and Senate? Republican leadership backed democrat lies, and attacks on the rule of law, to get Trump out. Why would they act differently this time? With the recent revelation of “powerful [pedos] people back East…” trying to bribe Kari Lake out of the Senate race, the proof is there for all to see. The swamp is deep, and the swamp is wide, in such a place, anything can hide… especially snakes. Asps like Roberts and Barrett on SCOTUS, literal hypocrites, who would remove the national border but never security from the Supreme Court. These scoundrels epitomize the snake archetype. They’ll not change until and unless we demand it. By showing our disapproval in the most strident of ways.

When the deep state has video of you molesting a child, your pretty well compromised, if Mossad, and MI 6 have one as well, you might as well be possessed. I suspect the entire republican leadership as well as several “Justices” on SCOTUS are compromised in this way. I’m certain a myriad of judges, state and federal, have featured in full length movies from Epstein pedo isle. That’s why Mitch the lich is so invested in bankrupting the US to fund a war we have no stake in. His top priority, according to him, is the ouster of Putin… not the betterment of the US citizen. Far from it. Our good doesn’t even come onto their radar. I suppose someone having so much leverage on them would make them blind and obedient. Explaining the actions of republican leadership pretty well.

I judge future actions by present actions, like, continuing Nancy Pelosi’s policies, open boarders, tax and spend with unlimited budget deficit, for a year after she was thrown out of office. Instead of doing anything meaningful, the republicans have held hearings, and impeached no one, passed no meaningful laws limiting the power of the deep state, nor even passed a budget! No matter how large their majority, it will be deep state democrats who wield the power, because that’s the way the system works. One party, all for one and one for one… the uniparty. The few republicans who act up will be hounded by the uniparty and deep state, like Ken Paxton, Rand Paul, Kari Lake and Trump have been, until they capitulate and take the bribe. Republican leaders are compromised and they’ve got to go.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends, 


The left does despise the far right,

Only them progressives have to fight,

Terrorism is intellectual,

Muslims are intersectional,

And peace will only come once post modernists have quenched all light.


Inflation the fed is trying to cajole,

But federal spending is a black hole,

Crushing the private sector,

Won’t change the vector,

And it’s time for the fed to realize it’s lost control.


Elon Musk is an entrepreneurial tiger,

The corporatists in the brains are a bit lighter,

A reputation to burn,

They will never learn,

But do Musk’s shareholders agree with Bob Iger?


The Republicans ejected Santos for an alleged crime,

Turning their backs on their voters at the same time,

Evil disposition,

Controlled opposition,

But they won’t lift a finger to eject democrat slime.


Just because people can be manipulated,

Doesn’t mean we should be hated,

The psychopaths game,

Evil, villainous and lame,

And it’s despotism the elite have for us fated.


The elite have been struck but the god cupid,

Falling in love with an evil vision lucid,

Having kids is rude,

Stop growing food,

Proving the people running the world are stupid.


Darkness has hidden the light,

Smothering in us the will to fight,

Doctorate degrees,

Conspiracy theories,

And everyone has to admit Alex Jones was right.


An evil idea the elect has captured and obsessed,

Western civilization’s crimes must be addressed,

Emotionally exploding,

Their failures revolting,

And by their actions we can tell they’re demon possessed.


Walter in his grave must spin,

His temple to childhood a church of sin,

Pedos drooling saliva,

Rip out that little girl’s vagina,

That’s why I say boycott Disney to ruin.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Powerful Stupid

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the US Founding Fathers set up a republic, because they were afraid that in a pure democracy the people would get fixated on some shiny idea, and take the nation into a ditch. They reasoned that the elite, tempered by education and the people, would be the most stable form of government. The elite, after all, have the most to lose if the nation deteriorates. History however has shown them wrong on at least one point. The elite are just as likely to become fixated on some absurd notion, as the most gullible yokel… if not more. Bonheoffer called such people, “stupid.” He said they’re the most dangerous people on Earth. Our Founding Fathers couldn’t know the power of mass media, or Edward Bernays systematic propaganda… that’s caught our elites in mind and soul.

History, especially twentieth Century history, proves the elite’s stupidity. The elite get these absurd ideas in their heads, and without common sense, feedback from sane people or limits to their power, they implement those asinine ideas to the detriment of mankind… over and over. Imagine how stupid someone has to be to think slaughtering millions of people is smart? Farming is bad? How completely off kilter does someone need to be to think killing babies is good? What kind of demon imagines sterilizing little girls and boys will help them? These and many more crazy ideas of the elites are being implemented today. The media’s reporting a plurality of elites think Americans have too much freedom. Could there be a more stupid thing to think than that, point a finger at someone, and three point back.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the acronym an anagram of DIE, is the latest mind trap the elite have fallen into. Replacing equality with equity is insightful of their mindsets. Equality means everyone is treated equally, equity means some are treated better, others worse, based on their political favor. Elevating political favor over humanity. Diversity is how political favor is defined in this paradigm. Charting one’s intersectionalism, where their race, sex, and mental illnesses intersect. The more challenged someone is, the higher they score on the DIE index, and the more political favor they have. One thing all the elite agree on is, inclusion is based on exclusion. Only if some are excluded can everyone be included. They think this is brilliant logic. I think it’s a joke.

The election of Trump so infuriated the elite, it led to a wardrobe malfunction. Starting with such obvious lies wasn’t a smart move though. Claiming the germaphobe Trump liked to be peed on by hookers, with God knows what diseases… begged credibility. Then the lies got ever more absurd from there, like, Trump was a Russian agent. Billionaires seldom need money that bad. Now the elites are openly exploiting their authority to use law and the courts to crush the man. Acting like children, or people possessed by demons, the elite stand naked before the public, covered with warts, puss oozing sores and deformed in the most heinous ways. That isn’t what they wanted. They expected, in their stupidity, to commit crimes in public, like murdering Epstein, and get them covered up.

It’s not that a republic is bad, nor a democracy, it’s that people are easily manipulated, power corrupts and is magnetic to psychopaths. That’s the problem, we’re all subject to having stupid ideas. It’s the power to implement them that’s the issue. Speaking of fools with power… we have the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, their minds filled with the stupidest ideas ever to enter the brain of a human being, and with the billions, authority and NGOs to implement them. Openly calling for an end to democracy, erasing freedoms of every color, and seek unlimited totalitarianism in the name of tolerance, convinced that they’re Socrates’ Philosopher Kings… being the acme of stupid. Republic, democracy, whatever, the solution is to limit the power of the powerful stupid, to harm others.


John Pepin

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