
Dear Friends,


The elite’s machinations are bound to fail,

Though they grind their teeth gnash and wail,

A threat to democracy,

Elections can’t be free,

And if nothing else works they’ll send Trump to jail.


The elite bring us debacle for fame,

As the MIC rides the gravy train,

Fund the war,

Please some more,

To kill the next generation in Ukraine.


A side effect of our economic success,

Is the might that we did wrest,

We’re mental prisoners,

Running with scissors,

And failing at doing our best.


The people of Europe are starting to have a clue,

The elite have gone mad from sniffing ethyl glue,

The battle now starts,

For mind and hearts,

But will you replace the elite before the elite replace you?


There once was a generation deluded,

By adults and scumbags that colluded,

Dumbing kids down,

Making kids clowns,

And in the Lake of fire the scum will be included.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Leave a comment

The Brutish Club Of Authoritarianism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, to an authoritarian, coercion is the only imaginable solution to any problem. They’re a craftsman with one tool. A club. A tool they use to bash everything and everyone into compliance. Other tools, like discourse, cultural solutions or leading by example, are unthinkable to most elites. They’re authoritarians at heart. Elites don’t put themselves through hell and high water to get authority… to lead by example. They did it to hammer us into compliance. They could’ve led by example without power. Moreover, the problems a despot sees are going to be different from the problems you and I see. Because they have a different perspective. So they’ll apply that club to problems that don’t effect us, but will, after the authoritarian is done “solving” them into the ground.

Anyone can be an effective authoritarian… all they need to have, is a Gestapo willing to apply violence to the public, a public that takes it, and the pathology to do it. A simpleton can be a despot… and many have been, and are. To lead by example, persuade, and see cultural solutions, requires wisdom, humility and human heartedness. Those are attributes lacking in our elites today. They have psychopathy in glut… but wisdom is rare as road cooked opossum. So our elites are authoritarians. They can’t be anything else. Authoritarians have a tongue, and teeth, but only use their teeth. Without the wisdom to persuade, the human heartedness to lead by example, or the intelligence to see other answers, they’re perfect for the positions they hold. Stupid, short sighted and barbarian elites.

Myth always has brutes wielding clubs. The Cyclops used a club. Because the club is considered a brutish weapon. It takes little craftsmanship to create nor finesse to swing. Indeed clubs can be found laying on the ground. Which makes the club an ideal analogue for the power of coercion. The brute may inherit power. Then he simply bashes his victims into submission. Using force when subtlety might work better. But a brute doesn’t see options other than to smash with his club. Making authoritarianism a club wielded by brutes. Moreover, authoritarians are like the cyclops, in that they’re brutish, lack depth perception and are easily blinded. What makes the analogy even more apt, is authoritarians are the incarnation of appetite… like the Cyclops of myth.

People who live on a remote island have a different perspective from people who live in a city. Just as those who are industrious see things differently from people who are workshy. We see the world from our perch in it. Since we all have different perches, we all have different perspectives. Those perspectives combine in the aggregate to inform us of truth. The power of the club however allows only one perspective to be voiced. The one with the club. Others face hammering. Because the one with the club sets the rules… and the rest of us don’t have clubs. Moreover, people wielding clubs aren’t subject to persuasion. Why should they be? They have the club. As a result, in the aggregate we become nearsighted, can’t see the future and are easily blinded. Out of our elite’s authoritarianism.

The disagreeable love clubs. So our governments, corporations and all hierarchies are brutes. Even as the club they wield blinds them to reality. Plus, why should an elite lead by example, when they have the club? Once someone is handed a club, it’s hard not to use it. Especially because we see, what we see, close at hand, while we only hear what others see, by gossip. Making our perspective the only one that counts, to us… and if we have the club, we become the Cyclops. Clubs have a way of doing that. The only way to solve the dilemma is to lead by example and stop applying clubs to those below us. First in our own lives. Then persuade others to eschew the club. If we can make coercion as uncommon as a two parent family and distasteful as dog vomit… we’ll have made the world a better place.


John Pepin

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Great Men

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the entire question of government, whether or not we should have collective regulation of ourselves by an elite, hinges on controlling Thrasymachus’ “Great Men.” Those who consider themselves great men will always be a scourge on mankind. The best we can do is to control them and limit their ability to harm. The trouble is, they exploit our socialization, morals and ethics to their advantage, and our disadvantage. They’re people utterly lacking morals, using morals to discredit morality, villains without ethics using law to destroy the ethical, and are psychopaths without empathy, who manipulate us by compassion, to be villains. Almost every problem mankind faces today, is a contrivance of our great men, to maintain and grow their power.

Great men are unethical yet exploit ethics to obliterate the ethical. Using lawfare with gusto, the great men are as far above law, as their victims are below its protections. They have access plenty of ideas. All the great men need do is examine their own criminality, and accuse the other of it. Which has two advantages. It discredits the virtuous opposition as corrupt, and it protects the corrupt as virtuous. Because they can spuriously claim vindictive prosecutions. Only people with a total lack of ethics would do such a thing though. Which makes it perfectly reasonable the elite would. Great men have only one goal… power over others. To that end ethics is a mere tool to the unethical. A tool to drive people into the ground like a hammer drives nails.

Being immoral, the great men of any age exploit our morality against us. We see this illustrated in the great men of today, attacking Christianity and Christians, as evil for the sin of slavery, a century and a half ago, while they claim those who own slaves today are victims of colonialism. Vilifying the people who were so outraged at the immorality of slavery they outlawed it in the West and across the world. Stigmatizing it to such an extent everyone agrees it’s evil. Even those who own slaves. Nevertheless, the very people that made slavery distasteful are being painted as evil by it! Quite a slight of hand. What makes the irony even more sticky, is the very people decrying the west for slavery… abet slavery today. Could there be anything more immoral than exploiting morality to destroy morality?

Empathy is a wonderful thing, except when used by demons to manipulate good people into being villains. Selectively showing us “atrocities,” to label villains as victims, makes us empathize with the villains. We only know what we see. We find common ground with people that we’re told are victims. Especially the victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Nothing is more offensive to the empathetic than slavery or ethnic cleansing. So when they’re told the victims are the villains and villains are the victims, the empathetic will support the villains. Illustrated, by people openly calling for genocide, being ascribed to be the victims of genocide. As their population grows logarithmically. Proving the great men are lying… else the only thing the Jews suck at, is genocide.

There are always plenty of reasons we need great men and few reasons to limit them. The great men make sure of it. Lacking morals, ethics and empathy the great men are singular in purpose. How to control them though? Transparency opens their moral and ethical failings to public view. Transparency is limited in effect though, unless there are consequences for judges, prosecutors and other bureaucrats who break the law and abuse our Rights. Constitutionally limited government hinders their ability to harm. Give that Constitution teeth and the great men will feel its bite before they can usurp power. Education is critical. Not indoctrination as we have today but authentic education. These are a few ways to limit the great men. The truth is, we don’t need great men… they need us.


John Pepin

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Weaponized Law

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite have discovered they can break the law with impunity, since they’re the ones who charge people with crimes, all they need do is not indict themselves. Moreover, the logical extension is to exploit their power to use law as a weapon. De Tocqueville made essentially the same observation, when he decried that the people would eventually vote themselves largess from the treasury, once they realized they could. The same is happening today by the elite but with usurped power. The reason both observations are true, Tocqueville’s and mine, is for any system to function, the people running it need to be virtuous. When they aren’t, the system breaks down, no matter the system. Which makes our elites villains who’re stupidly pooping in their own well.

We saw Tocqueville’s warning come true when progressives created the welfare state. FDR allowed people to vote themselves largess from the treasury… so they did. Farmers loved getting assistance, subsidies and money for not planting crops. Leading to the obliteration of family farms. The breakdown of the Black family unit can be directly traced to the Great society programs. Another illustration of people voting themselves money from the government (everyone else). The examples of government handing out money for votes are too numerous to count. The result of the money for votes scheme, is an unpayable debt, trillions in interest and an economy that’s utterly addicted to government subsidies. The social problems it’s caused create horrible conditions for millions to boot.

The faction that abetted the theft and resulting budget deficits has come full circle. Now they’re stealing for themselves. The progressives started by getting the US into WWI, spending us into a huge deficit, introducing despotism to the US, a pandemic, the Federal Reserve, income tax, eugenics, and creating economic turmoil. A bang up start. But were stymied by virtuous members of the system. Today the progressive faction is the system. They have a monopoly on the bureaucracy. Which serves and is run by them. The uniparty is progressive to the core. Even as US courts have accepted every premise of progressivism, and so have embraced it, and all it’s perversions. Which is why they’re above the law. Progressivism is unchecked elitism (aristocracy), and elitism unchecked, always leads to oligarchy.

Oligarchy exploit’s law to enhance and protect its power. That’s what oligarchs do, and is one reliable way to tell when an aristocracy has devolved into oligarchy. The next step on the evolutionary scale to tyranny. What’s the difference between aristocracy (elitism) and oligarchy? The motivation of the rulers. Aristocrats will harm their interests for the interest of the state and people, while an oligarch exploits their power to enrich themselves, at cost to the state and people. The same is true of a monarch and tyrant. The monarch is virtuous and the other a villain. Looking at the way law is adjudicated in the US and indeed Europe, it’s obvious there’s a double standard. Members of the progressive faction and their allies, are above the law, while the rest of us are below its protections.

When some are above the law, and others are below its protections, law is not a manifestation of justice, but of despotism. The clear double standard is proof the US has become an oligarchy. An oligarchy that exploits its power to enrich itself and increase its scope. Because the elite today have no ethics. Moreover, they’re only too happy to prove it. As Jan 6 trespassers commit suicide, in prison without bail, awaiting their speedy trial… progressive arsonists in ANTIFA and BLM walk free. No jail, no fine, no problem. Iconoclasm, arson and assault was forgiven, by the progressive faction they serve. Because the elite have discovered they’re above the law. All they need do is refuse to charge themselves… and indict their enemies with fake crimes. Very progressive!


John Pepin

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How To Fight The Foolishness

Dear friends,

It seems to me, the goal of the elite is to destroy the nation state, and they’re doing it by perverting everything, until everything collapses. They’re teaching absurdity in the schools, undermining education. The cultural elite are inculcating us with stories that are a perversion of reality, making us susceptible to reality’s bite. Then there’s the fact the bureaucratic elite are exploiting their power over law, to reward crime and punish justice, destroying our faith in the courts. There’s the fentanyl crisis the elite could stop tomorrow, the wars and diseases the elite started, as well as the destruction of the family unit. By every measure the elite are either failing, or succeeding… if I’m correct in my assessment of their intentions. There is a way we can combat the absurdity… by not going along.

Don’t agree to things you know are wrong. We’re pushed by the media, public opinion and courtesy, to go along. That’s a quality that makes us human. Our socialization. We’ve found that going along with the crowd, even to foolishness, is often better than standing alone and getting eaten by a lion. We’re not threatened by lions, our threat comes from the crowd becoming lemmings, and running off a cliff. Led by the self proclaimed experts. Many of us lack the self-determination to fight against a crowd. Especially when we’re berated by “experts.” In that case, we tamp down our conscience and do the wrong thing, to get along. We agree to that which we know to be absurd. So discredit ourselves in our own eyes, producing cognitive dissonance, that makes us all the easier to manipulate next time.

Don’t repeat the lies, use the words, or even grant the premise of their arguments… unless in a mocking way. Everything the post modernist progressive faction does, is based on an egoistic lust for power over others. They’re the heirs of the fascists and communists… and are willing and capable of all the atrocities their ancestors did. Class theory is merely a way to channelize our thinking to suit their needs. Grouping us and pitting us against each other is a classic elitist tactic. Still used because it’s so effective. Elitist theory better matches human history. Politically correct language is explicitly designed to promote a political ideology. It’s in the damn name. Whatever a progressive says, is projection, because people with dark triad personality disorders have no ability to self analyze.

Point out the stupidity, make jokes about it and those that push it. Ridicule them into the ground. Nothing cuts an egoist more than mockery. They take themselves absolutely seriously and expect everyone else to as well. Initially, ridicule triggers a narcissistic rage. If rage doesn’t work, they flee, to find easier victims. Gaslighting is nothing but laughing stock. How is a rock and a progressive different? The rock can tell the difference between a boy and a girl. Caustic humor works best. It burns their egos like nitric acid burns limestone. Absurdity only has power to sway if it’s not pointed out. Laughing at it is the most effective way to point it out. So ridicule, laugh at and mock the elite, who push post modernist perversions. Epstein wasn’t killed by tainted shell fish… but by tainted people.

Whether their goal is the destruction of the nation state, to make way for their Star Trekesque globalist utopia, or they’re just plain stupid, the elite are engaged in the systematic destruction of the world as we know it. That’s not really debatable. Nor is the question of why. Why doesn’t matter if a train is hurdling towards you. The question is… how to avoid it. By not agreeing to their foolishness, we make a stand against it, and it stops with us. When we refuse to repeat lies those lies lose credibility. Moreover, the elite are over represented with dark triad personality disorders, and so have egos measured in parsecs. Therefore, they can’t stand criticism, let alone outright mockery. So mock them and their ideas, to expose the stupidity, trigger them into taking off the mask, or get them to flee.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Wealth is distributed based on Pareto’s curve,

Those who claim otherwise have some nerve,

Reparations aren’t a wage,

Even in a gilded age,

While the elite plan to stay atop with lies, corruption and verve.


Self proclaimed authorities do abound,

The control freaks really go to town,

Experts align,

Everything’s fine,

The world is great just don’t look down.


The EU elites have won a great award,

Their actions have caused social discord,

The animosity is earned,

It’s time they learned,

Failure is best met with punishment not reward.


Wealth inequality is a permanent memento,

It can’t be cut or stabbed with a stiletto,

Redistribute or invisible hand,

Individual or aggregate demand,

Because wealth is distributed by a man named Pareto.


It gets worse the more the elite do polling,

Nationalism’s rising as globalism’s lolling,

Snap elections now,

Get it done somehow,

To keep that steam roller right on rolling.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Our Expert Problems

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if not for our experts, we wouldn’t have problems. An expert today is someone who sets themselves to harming mankind, the world and civilization, for profit. That’s how you know they’re experts. Another quality of modern experts is their hubris. From a position of total, absolute and utter arrogance, they point a finger at us, and claim we’re arrogant and ignorant! Because anyone who’s not an expert is ignorant. Obviously. Experts and their sycophants will yell, the ignorant, are arrogant, for not mindlessly doing as their told… by the experts. One thing our experts have, that past experts didn’t, is they are ideologues, not pragmatists. Very progressive of them! Because, if there were no more existential problems to solve, how could the experts justify their huge salaries and raw power?

Experts know, the money is in existential problems. Panicked people will pay anything. So the experts deal in panic. There hadn’t been a really deadly pandemic since 1917, and the experts who deal with such things, were getting worried. Why pay them 100k plus a year if there are no pandemics? So they created some. Reputable people claim that Aids, Lyme disease and bird flu were created in a lab… and released. We know Covid was created in a laboratory in Wuhan China, at the behest of United Health Alliance, with US government funding. The whole thing the brainchild of Anthony Fauci. So we have at least one proven example where the experts created a pandemic and released it. Which was very lucrative for the experts. Fauci made tens of millions from that little trick. Pfizer made billions

There’s no profit like war profit. Let’s face it, in the 1990s the world was becoming way too peaceful for the experts. The cold war was over. So they ginned up Islamic extremism, built up the CCP and a war with Russia to justify the trillions spent on armaments. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset. Was he still an asset on 911? There are people who say that the towers had explosives pre-placed. I have no opinion on that one way or another. The elite have proven themselves more than evil enough to do such a thing. Yet I wonder if they’re that smart? Nevertheless, there is ample evidence the US government had a hand in it. The failures at scale leading up to the attack, the insane response, and cover up of Saudi Arabia’s involvement are pretty damning. Making 911 a false flag… at least on some level.

There’s no reason our youth aren’t the happiest, healthiest and have the best futures of any generation that has ever lived. Instead, our youth’s life spans are getting shorter, not longer, their economic outlooks are getting bleaker, not brighter, and there’s hardly a kid today without heart issues. I ask you, is that proof of failure of the experts, or what? Whether it’s from feminizing chemicals in our water, micro plastics or culture, there’s no reason so many kids question their sexuality today. The experts are stirring up the settled so the kids can’t move forward. Trapping them in questions that are normally resolved at the toddler stage of development. Their failure with the youth shows the experts intentionally suck at everything. Especially insuring a human hearted future for the youth.

By every measure, our experts have failed, expertly. Can you think of a single factor of life that’s better today than 24 years ago? In 2000, the experts looked around and beheld a world that wouldn’t need most of them, in twenty years… so they fixed it. Today, crime is out of control, the economy is a shambles, and our kids are dying beside the road. The experts have unprecedented power today, yet the world is getting worse, not better. The experts censor us on social media, they wield unchecked bureaucratic might, and are so far above the law, the rest of us look like ants. What do you do to ants? Step on them. So the experts are stepping on us to insure they have work well into the future. Because there’s money in problems. Unless they blow up the world. Then they won’t need the work.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


There once was a fifth column so gay,

They whisked all our Rights away,

Ethics alight,

Like a parasite,

But forgetting never in writing and always in cash pay.


Crush the little guy by punishing interest,

To stop inflation doesn’t logically mesh,

Government spending,

Tragically overwhelming,

And will continue until from each of us they get a pound of flesh.


The Elites don’t understand the fundamental issue,

ECHR courts have sullied their honor and virtue,

Their power grows,

As everyone knows,

It’s a document that expands like the vine kudzu.


There once was a company so foul,

The squares were round as a dowel,

It’s safe I heard Pfiser say,

The palpitations might go away,

It’s like they’ve smothered millions with a towel.


The brilliant experts have got the knack,

Saying we’ve made the world out of whack,

Humanity is too ample,

Then lead by example,

So when they point and call us cancer three fingers point back.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mouths Can Speak Or Bite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, God gave us our teeth and our voices, to defend ourselves. In the jungle we need to use our fangs, but in a civilized society, our voices are often sufficient. Our elites however are taking us from civilization, where our voices have bite, to a jungle, where our bite becomes our voice. Why do I say the elite are taking us from civilization to the law of the jungle? Judging by their actions. Our courts have given up on justice, our Constitution and law, becoming instruments of oppression. Our politicians have become bed wetters, and our corporations have stopped creating value, and instead create lobbyists. Soon, the last vestiges of civilization will be gone, destroyed by the people obligated to protect them. If it falls, the elite will have made it happen, then it’s all up to us to fix it.

The elite maybe stupid or malevolent but they’re certainly not wise. Roman emperors gave bread and circuses to keep the people’s mouths full. So they wouldn’t speak or bite. While empty mouths do nothing but speak and bite. Today’s elite haven’t that level of wisdom. Since nothing empties the mouths of people faster than chaos. Even as chaos obliterates the utility of their wealth as in Argentina. Where no wealthy person dares go out dressed up, driving a nice car or wearing jewelry… because they will get robbed and beaten. Under such conditions, wealth can only be enjoyed in secret. Making wealth itself dangerous. Chaos halts innovation and advancements in technology as well. Adding future losses in the standard of living to the destruction of the utility of wealth.

The courts are leading the charge away from the law of man and into the law of the jungle. Abandoning the rule of law for political favor. Where political favor decides who wins and who loses, then rational argument is used to backtrack, and cut a trail to that ruling. In the 2020 election scandal, the courts denied the people succor, by claiming voters have no standing. They used ripeness, latches and mootness to get around allowing a hearing on the merits. Because judges knew the elite had committed election fraud at scale. They went on to deny the States to air grievances with each other. A direct violation of our Constitution and creating the same problems that led to the US War Between The States. Today the US court system is engaged in the cover up of the vaccine that wasn’t.

The elite must think they have the upper hand in a fist to cuffs with the population, else they wouldn’t be picking a fight. Taking away our voices one by one. Disenfranchising us with mail in open election fraud, denying us our day in court, calling us a threat to democracy for speaking up, and importing people who despise us… are examples of leaving civilization, to go on safari. Machiavelli said, a wise prince chooses the people as allies, instead of the aristocracy (the elite) because the aristocracy are few and the people are many. Today, the aristocracy must feel pretty full of themselves… to pick a fight with billions. Then again, they’re killing 200 of us a day in the US with fentanyl, millions from Covid and the vaccine that isn’t. Their ace is, however… once nukes fly, the disparity in numbers will be rectified.

Once a fight starts talk is over, until then, we’re wise to use our voices and prepare… until the elite close that door with finality, and it’s time to use our teeth. Hope for the best but prepare for the worse. With every word censored, right removed, and election perverted, the elite move us closer to chaos. Some say the plan is to burn the world down and rebuild it as the elite would have it. A global administrative state… like Star Trek. A bold plan. One that’ll require a lot of human blood to lubricate the process. Unless the masses bite down hard. Then there’s the possibility the elite could usher in something they can’t imagine… like the Beast System and the End Times, written about by John in Revelations. If that’s the case, the elite ushering it in will wade in a lake of fire forever, for their troubles.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me… pandering shows utter contempt for the person being pandered to. That they might not know it is irrelevant. If someone back stabs you, and you don’t know it, are you harmed? Yes, by the reputational damage. Pandering is similar. It treats the subject as subhuman. A simpleton to be manipulated by pandering. Others see the pandering, and holds the person that needs to be pandered to, as childish. Especially if the pandered themselves don’t realize their being pandered to. “I aint in no ways tired…” When said authentically is a powerful statement of drive, but when said as a way to pander, shows total disrespect for the audience. Authenticity then, shows respect and holds the audience as adults, equals, and not patsies. Pandering is contemptuous of the listener.

How is it possible for pandering to be respectful? You pander to a toddler. Coochy coochy coo! Cute is cute and you know who! Now, that kind of speech may be appropriate for a child, but wholly inappropriate for an adult. Especially a stranger. Moreover, pandering requires the panderer to judge the other is childish. Thus pandering will manipulate and not enrage them. Most people are made susceptible to pandering because of our alienating culture. Many folks feel alone and unheard. The longer they feel this way the more open they are to pandering. Their need for validation is so high. Once pandered to, they will fall in love with the villain, who considers them children to be manipulated. Which is of course why politicians pander so much.

Treating an adult like a child is the ultimate form of disrespect. That’s why whenever the target notices it they get enraged. Because respect protects us from violence. Pandering is effectively contempt. Once recognized, contempt damages our ego. Why don’t more people become angry when pandered to then? I suspect it’s because they’re in some way emotionally needy, too busy to notice the contempt behind the pandering, or just plain stupid. We’re all stupid now and then. That’s one thing that makes us human. So, we’re all subject to manipulation by pandering, now and then. Many will subconsciously ignore the contempt behind it, because to recognize it, would mean recognizing our own flawed nature. So, to control the cognitive dissonance, we pretend the pandering is authentic.

Pandering is a peculiar form of manipulation, in that pandering tries to get us to have affinity, for someone who detests us. If they held us in esteem they wouldn’t be pandering. Once our emotions are manipulated to favor the panderer, we are more likely to do as they ask. What a nice guy, he talks just like me! So I suppose I’ll get that shot with the deadly side effects. That Yankee would never lie to me, not with that southern drawl! Pandering bypasses our normal sense of caution. Allowing villains to enter through the back door into our consciousness. So… pandering is a swindle. A swindle that con men use on unsuspecting rubes, to take our money, agency and humanity. Just because the game is run by politicians doesn’t make it any less of a fraud.

Authenticity is respectful. Both of the listener and the speaker. Pandering is a con, while authenticity is honest. When people are authentic, they can be trusted. We know where we really stand and there’s little pretense. We pander to children because they’re children. With a child it’s a form of play, not manipulation. Because we don’t respect a child, we love them unconditionally, in and of themselves. An equal however, must be treated as an equal, else they’re offended. Whether they realize it or not. Moreover, when we do a bad thing to someone, even accidentally, we dislike them, to assuage the cognitive dissonance. So, those who pander, are knowingly manipulating the listener and unknowingly, themselves… to dislike the listener. Making pandering an evil we should detest, call out and avoid.


John Pepin

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