Can There Be A Peaceful Transition of Power without Honor?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, for there to be a peaceful transition of power, via the democratic process, all sides have to be honorable. When one isn’t, you end up with what we have today in the US, a dishonorable hegemonic faction that rejects the will of the people, that they call themselves democrats is not just ironic, it is sarcastic. First world nations pass the baton without animosity and violence… that is the way of third world nations. Third world nations, such as the US has become under democratic leadership, only transition power by bloody civil war. When one side is unwilling to follow the rules, the rules cannot maintain peaceful transitions of power, and the democrats have proven themselves unwilling to follow the rules, when it comes to unlimited power over us.

Honorable people do honorable things and dishonorable people do dishonorable things. Thieves steal, murderers kill people, swindlers manipulate folks, liars lie and pedophiles bother children. In this we see that democrats embody all these dishonorable things. They steal by looting, taxes and arbitrary regulation, they kill untold millions of babies, many by dismemberment as they fight for their lives, manipulating us to act against our own interests is a hobby for democrats, as is lying to get what they want. The Podesta emails told stories of chilling pedophilia by democrat leaders. The Epstein murder that was called a suicide strongly suggested they are true. Now Ghislane Maxwell has been taken off suicide watch, I suspect she will be dead in a week. Could more dishonorable people exist?

After the 2016 election, democrats could have passed the torch like adults, but instead they decided to pervert the bureaucracy to spy on, then entrap conservatives with false charges to destroy them. By any definition, that was not a peaceful transition of power. Exploiting the mechanisms of power, to hold power, is the definition of corruption. Yet there will be zero negative consequences for Obama, Biden, Yates, Brennen, and the rest of the cabal. Creating a hoax investigation, based on the hearsay of a Brookings institute progressive zealot’s drunken bar fantasies, that resulted in tens of millions spent and the destruction of two innocent men, all to hamper Trump’s transition, mar his first 100 days and undermining his first three years in office, was psychotically dishonorable.

BLM and ANTIFA, the violent wing of the progressive movement, are all about the application of violence to get the political end they seek. They meet every definition of domestic terrorism. The democrats Sturmabteilung (Brown Shirts) BLM is made up of, by all appearances on TV of the riots, rich white kids. The same holds true of ANTIFA. They are rich white kids manipulating black kids to destroy their own neighborhoods. Which will profoundly lower the standard of living of the poor black kids… but not the rich white kids that encourage it. Rich white kids live in gated and guarded communities. It will be the poor kids who suffer the consequences for ANTIFA and BLM violence, riots, looting and beatings. Using violence to forward an agenda is pretty darn dishonorable.

The dishonorable faction, unwilling to peacefully hand over power and are overtly violent, should that faction win, there will not be a peaceful transition of power again. Being dishonorable, they will go after their opponents criminally, and pervert the bureaucracy again to their own selfish ends. They are violent and use violence to gain political leverage, and since it worked, they will double down on the violence, forcing every other faction to arm up, else be slaughtered. Which is why the dishonorable faction wants to outlaw our guns. If the dishonorable faction wins, all these things will come to pass. They probably will win, in states with unverified mail in voting, (dishonorable people use vote fraud), unless we vote in a landslide… legally, on election night, and litigate every single mail in ballot.


John Pepin

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