A Pervert And An Elite Walk Into A Bar…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, shame and ridicule are underutilized tools in our toolbox. Imagine if we all showed just how disgusted we are, by the Biden crime family, the uniparty and the utter corruption of our courts? Dumping millions of metric tons of disrespect on the elite would harm them more than anything else. They thrive on adoration… loathing is like poison to their psyches. If we reacted with disgust every time they tried to speak to us, give a solo fingered peace symbol, turn our backs and walk away… they would be offended. Because we’re ruled by narcissists, machiavellians and psychopaths. Let’s face it, you can’t be an elite today without a dark triad personality, and the easiest way to make them go away is to expose them, by calling them what they are, perverts, deviants and crooked, every one of them.

Narcissists need attention and they need that attention to be adoring. Take the example of Representative Occasio Cortez. She epitomizes the narcissist personality. Pictures comparing her face to a donkey, plastered all around her district, would illicit a response from the police. Because such actions would drive her into a narcissistic rage. That rage would transfer to the police, who would stop enforcing the law, to run down the propagandist who so upset the little darling. Like the FBI did to the social media meme maker, who’s in prison, for a meme that denigrated Hillary Clinton and her voters. If an action is not illegal though, as is spitting on the ground in front of politicians, then they can do nothing… but pass laws against spitting on the ground in front of a politician. Exposing their puerility.

Disrespect cuts a Machiavellian like a laser… it burns its way through. Machiavellians work by manipulation. Manipulation requires authority, whether false, fraudulent or assumed. That veneer of authority is scratched off when people disrespect the machiavellian. How can anyone take a conniver seriously if people are calling him a scumbag pedophile to his face? How well do you suppose her lies will work when people call her a liar and laugh at her? Swindlers need authority, else their poisons are neutralized. You can’t use racial epithets (unless they’re of European descent) because that’s been criminalized, but it’s perfectly legal to call a politician a liar, scumbag, pedophile, pervert, crooked, corrupt, or other legal moniker that suits their personality, lifestyle and criminal propensities.

Psychopaths don’t feel shame, but they do feel anger, and nothing arouses them more than discourtesy. Calling a psychopath a name when he or she can do nothing about it, turns the tables on them, and infuriates them. Done often enough and by enough people and even the most willful psycho will break. How many times do you think Adam Schiff would tolerate being called, a bug eyed dirtbag liar, by everyone he runs onto, before he retired from office? Would Nancy Pelosi stay around if she was the constant butt of open ridicule about her drinking, crepe face and corruption? These people are egoists first and foremost. Harm their ego and you cut them to the quick. Only bald people get angry at being called bald. That’s how you can tell a crooked politician, they cant take being called crooked.

The trouble is, getting people over their awe of the powerful. Instead, replace that awe with contempt. Call them liars, frauds and pedophiles to their faces. Treat the elite with utter scorn. Clearly, they are not going to reign themselves in, the law is now a tool of oppression so we can’t count on it. No, we have only ourselves and the few weapons we do have, to save Enlightenment principles and Christian morality, from the pervert elites. In this fight we have very few weapons, shame, condemnation and disrespect are our most subtle and yet most powerful tools. Call the elites every blue name you can think of, whenever you talk of them. Normalize calling judges, politicians and elites, degenerates, pedophiles, perverts, sickos and deviants, because lets face it, that’s exactly what most of them are.


John Pepin


…and the bartender says, “What’ll you have today senator?”

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