Justifying Wrongs

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are a thousand valid reasons for doing the wrong thing, but never a reason to do what’s right… except of course, that it’s right. Right and wrong however are spiritual concepts, and bureaucracies, filled with experts, deal in expediency. That’s why they always do wrong, and always will… it’s the expedient thing to do. The elite demand sacrifice from us but are never willing to sacrifice themselves. Like the old fallacy, the needs of the few are outweighed by the needs of the many. How is it a fallacy? Because it presumes the only answer to any question, is to sacrifice someone for the greater good. In other words, it justifies wrongs. Bureaucracies are heartless enough to implement this paradigm of doing justified wrongs, for the greater good. How many wrongs though, make a right?

Justifying an evil is simple. Any wrong can be justified in someone’s mind. The rapist thinks the girl had it coming, the murderer believes the victim deserved it, and the fraud is convinced he is doing the world a favor by teaching patsies a lesson. Moreover, inculcating an entitlement mindset in the populace, is a sure path to justifying evil. If I am entitled to be warm, and I’m stronger than you, why not take your coat? I deserve your coat, not you…. or do I? If people are likely to justify evil for selfish reasons, then States are guaranteed to. People have a conscience, not all, and it’s subject to massage through justification, but nevertheless, human beings are wired to care about the effects of our actions… bureaucracies aren’t. They’re heartless, and every evil they do is justified… for the greater good.

Why is it that someone’s sacrifice is for the greater good? Why is it that the greater good is never advanced by the betterment of everyone, instead of sacrificing a few… million? If a sacrifice is good, then a million must be better, right? Like Cambodia during the Killing Fields. Except, pragmatically, history is unambiguous on this subject. Killing the weak to advance the strong, because the weak are always who sacrifice for the greater good, has never resulted in an end to suffering. No, such actions only make suffering more widespread, worse and to be enjoyed by all. Evil actions beget evil outcomes, no matter why they’re done, or who does them. War is the acme of this in the real world. In war, the good are ordered to lay down their lives… so the powerful can have more power to abuse.

Bureaucracies are heartless, and lacking hearts, they’re unable to identify right from wrong. In fact, in the West today, atheism, anti God, has become the established state religion. The US elite justified establishment of anti religion, as the state religion, on the basis of the US Constitution. That the state is barred from establishing a state religion, justifies establishing a state religion, of anti religion. Because anti religion, isn’t religion… it’s the lack of religion. And so the marry go round of circular logic goes. Therefore, a bureaucracy that has embraced anti religion, as the established state religion, must act evil, as a requirement of their faith. Anytime an evil can be justified by the bureaucracy, they’ll act. Because their role in an anti moral state… is to inflict evil for the greater good. Like Jack Ryan.

Since we can rely on bureaucracies to always do wrong, as an expediency, isn’t it only rational to limit them? Bureaucracies, on the other hand, will justify their unlimited power with ad homonym, appeal to authority and outright lies. You and I are bad about justifying our own evil deeds, but the state’s made it a sacrament. Anything can be justified given a smart enough advocate… except to do the right thing. Because atheist government serves Satan, as the established state religion, evil is their go to. People want to do the right thing, but it’s too hard, it’s easier to spend time in prison, lose your husband or die in a ditch. Because doing the wrong thing is so easily justified. Especially for governments, who demand others sacrifice for their good… since “their good” is synonymous with the “greater good.”


John Pepin

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