Dear Friends,


Wishy washy and won’t take a position,

Always awaiting the perfect condition,

We voters have no say,

The deep state’s way,

Showing the republican party is merely controlled opposition.


The ECHR will protect your health,

No matter the destruction to your wealth,

Now don’t whine,

The vax is fine,

It’s bringing in global despotism by stealth.


The elites have failed it’s clear to see,

Plus they despise both you and me,

Arrogance incarnated,

Despotism related,

And the elite won’t stop until we’re no longer free.


Every EU elite is clearly a nutter,

So drunk with power they do stutter,

Loath mankind,

Evil and unkind,

Seeking to rid themselves of us human clutter.


The elite are toiling diligently please don’t fear,

Talking and talking until their mouths are sere,

Zealots in name,

Imps in a flame,

And they won’t rest until the Beast system is here.



John Pepin

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