With Friends Like These… Who Needs Enemies?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, with agencies like the FBI, NSA and CIA… we don’t need enemies. The scoop from Revolver news is damning, explaining and terrifying. It would appear that, at best, the FBI had prior information yet failed to act. At worst the FBI instigated and ran the operation for some nefarious purpose. Perhaps to stop Ted Cruz from forcing through and actual signature audit of the contested states? This information makes me question who was really behind the recent hacks. The one thing the last year has proven, is the legacy media will lie when the truth would serve them better. Since we know the story they shilled was a lie, what do you suppose the real story was? Wouldn’t you rather spend the billions we waste supporting, arming and building up our internal enemies… on us instead?

At best, this story shows the FBI to be useless… at worse, they are enemies of the people, state and our Constitution. The CIA is well known for false flags the Gulf of Tonkin for example. Now it is clear the FBI does it as well. Apparently, the CIA is tasked with doing them on foreign soil, and the FBI does them on US soil, a clear division of labor… very progressive. You have to wonder though, did the FBI pick it up from the CIA, or did the CIA learn it from the FBI? Of course, the FBI could simply be utterly, totally and amazingly incompetent… stupid beyond the ability to keep their hearts beating. That has to be considered as a possibility. Nevertheless, both options, the FBI is inept to the point of being a danger, or are malevolent, suggest the FBI needs to be eliminated.

Now it has been revealed the NSA is spying on Tucker Carlson. As a white man who has not atoned at the alter of woke, for his sin of being born white, he is who the establishment is targeting, when they say white supremacy is the greatest threat to… whatever. Since there are so few crimes committed by white supremacists, the deep state has to commit them for those lazy enemies of the state. Leftists play along, they have risen up, (so the top could come down) BLM and ANTIFA rioted all summer and the riots continue to this day in Seattle and Portland. Yet the deep state illegally, unconstitutionally and immorally spies on a citizen. A journalist pointing out their hypocrisy no less. Which illustrates why they are spying on Tucker Carlson, that “white supremacist,” who is too slothful to be violent.

Jan 6 appears to be a nexus… where a riot might have been created by the deep state, to cover the deep state stealing an election. Piling atrocity upon atrocity. If the FBI did indeed coordinate the Jan 6 “insurrection” then why? One reason could have been to silence Ted Cruz and the others who were planning on calling in to question the results of the election. That tactic worked perfectly. Plus, it allowed them to paint all republicans as insurrectionists, to be hunted down like rabid dogs. Then they did. The deep state hunted down the people waved into the Capital by the capital police. Those miscreants are being held in maximum security without bail and in solitary. Like all political prisoners. Yet the leadership is not? They are walking free… as are the BLM and ANTIFA rioters.

I think the US has plenty of mortal enemies abroad, we don’t need them in our government, undermining democracy, doing the crimes we citizens just won’t do, and perverting our Constitution in every way possible. At what point does it stop making sense to shred the constitution to save it? Talk about ridding us of the unconstitutional FBI, CIA or NSA makes most people instinctively shudder. Their brainwashing has been so effective. What would we do if there wasn’t an NSA to monitor our phone conversations, an FBI to race bait, commit crimes and undermine the rule of law? What a disaster if the CIA were stopped and the false flags stopped with them! Can you imagine? Heck, the pipeline hack might not have happened at all. How could we do without adventures like that?


John Pepin

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