Wise Goernment… We Have Not…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that we have the least wise politicians in the last two hundred years. They toy with that with which they know nothing. (No way that could go bad).

This energy /climate change bill the house just passed will slow growth for decades. Until the year 2050 if it gets passed in it’s present form. The cap and trade part alone will inevitably drive up electrical bills around the nation. No state will escape unharmed.

To pass this giant power grab/tax increase by the Federal government at a time of economic malaise is actually stupid. Any recovery that gets started will have the caret pulled out from under it by this huge increase (legislated increase) of energy prices. The result will be a Wv-v-w-w-w–w, with each successive w smaller, recession.

I think the Elite are counting on their Industrialist friends to keep the economy moving. The Elite will punish those that don’t go along and reward those that do. Look at the example of Bank of America. If the government gets away with forcing BOA to open it’s own jugular vein, then all bets are off, as to the eventual end of the Elite’s power, to shape and mold industry. Ala command and control economy.

Illegal immigration into the United States and Europe generates societal upheaval. To have the Elite encourage it so they can have access to cheap nannies and gardeners, is tantamount to condoning it. The example of the Hyscos people in ancient Egypt shows us why unrestrained and unassimilated immigration is dangerous. Immigration pressure is always an effect of a good economy especially when coupled with liberty. Together they are a powerful draw to humanity.

Immigrants must be assimilated into society as a whole. There must be a societal myth among immigrants they need to assimilate and there must be real demands of immigrants to assimilate. This way immigrants can add their fortes to society in general. Keeping immigrants ignorant of the prevalent language generates societal friction. Keeping immigrants poor generates more societal friction. Throw them in slums and friction abounds. Add to this racism and you have a perfect recipe for societal upheaval.

Our leaders have decided before we hit the bottom of a recession, “the worse since the great depression”, to raise taxes (historical in magnitude), generate societal upheaval, and take command of the economy. Do these look and sound like the actions of wise individuals?

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