Why Progressivism Fails at Being Machiavellian

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the complete collapse and actual debunking of the Russia collusion hoax, again proves Machiavelli’s maxim, that a prince should never rely on evil, because it always fails. Machiavelli used the example of an evil prince who was subdued by an unarmed Pope. That while the evil prince could do evil to his people, taking it the next step, and killing the Pope and his Archbishops was going too far… and so Machiavelli concluded, that evil may work well for awhile, it eventually becomes impossible to continue, and so leads to the downfall of the prince. This should be a warning to the progressive faction, but they are power mad. Blind to anything that stands in the way of absolute power over the human race, to experiment on, play eugenics, oppress and population control us.

The modern evidence suggesting Machiavelli was correct, is that the progressive faction was willing to exploit their authority to spy on political enemies, silence us, lie, commit vote fraud, weaponize law, and collude with foreign powers to frame Trump for colluding with foreign powers… when push came to shove, they wouldn’t go the last step and lie under oath to back up their Russia Collusion hoax. In closed door sessions, in testimony the progressives thought would never see the light of day, they told the truth, and that was their ruination. Had they lied then, unanimously and without care to their own potential prosecution, they would have prevailed, Trump would be in prison and their power would be total and permanent. Just like that Prince would have “won,” had he slaughtered the Catholic church.

Evil is the easy path… at first. It gets increasingly difficult to follow as one goes further down it though. Each step making the traveler more of a demon and removing more of their soul. Like the German policemen who were sent to Poland during WWII. At first they tried to be humane, but they were given increasingly evil orders, while being told they could go home at any time. Their commitment to each other made doing evil acts heroic. Because only a bastard would leave his friends to do the dirty work. Each step down that “heroic path” made the men, who originally were good people, into monsters their own mothers wouldn’t recognize. Committing acts so evil they don’t deserve to be recorded. Had they all refused however the atrocities couldn’t have happened.

The Nazi party they served, rose to power by evil, and collapsed by evil. They were the German version of the American progressive party. Nazi Germany is what the US would have become had the progressives seized total power here. Hitler praised American progressives for eugenics and their ruthless implementation of it. In the end though, when Army Group Center was in dire need of supplies… instead of sending it to them, Hitler sent the trains to Hungary to bring Jews to the death camps. Insuring the “Collapse of Army Group Center.” The German policeman illustrating each step becomes ever more evil, and the collapse of Army Group Center, that evil must always eventually destroy itself… because even if it can be taken far enough, evil then becomes an end in and of itself.

So again we have history, this time modern, showing us the wisdom of Machiavelli’s idea, that no prince can use evil as the means to power, no one can bring it off. Despots since the first cave man have tried it, and each of them has met a bad end. Hitler most famously tried it as did Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and today’s American Progressives. Their post modernist progressive movement mirrors the ideas of the Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger. Who’s philosophies are supremacist at the core, “rational,” atheistic and hold that the end justifies the means. Another thing they have in common, is that they are willing to use evil as a shortcut to power… but as the Nazis and Machiavelli’s ill fated prince discovered, and progressives are today… that short cut ends in quick sand.


John Pepin

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