Dear Friends,
It seems to me, the reason evil destroys itself, is that evil people will act against their self interests to do evil. Like when FDR wouldn’t allow a ship load of Jews to off load in NYC, instead sending them back to the death camp gas chambers. There was no personal or national cost of accepting those refugees. Indeed there would have been a huge political boon for FDR. In a loyal bloc added to the others he had bribed from the treasury. While FDR didn’t personally suffer in his life for his evil, his faction was forced underground, for decades after. Just as Hitler used his trains to transport Jews and Roma to death camps, instead of resupplying Army Group Center, leading to its collapse. Evil acts against it’s own interest, to do evil… because doing evil is so compelling.
Have you ever noticed that evil people dress snazzy? The Schutzstaffel in their black uniforms, ANTIFA in their black outfits and face masks, and the red fez dyed in the blood of Christians slaughtered at Tunis for example. Those sharp clothes are part of the draw of evil. Appealing to evil’s narcissism. Evil also offers simple solutions for complex problems. Just commit the atrocities the leader orders you to. Those who don’t are the enemy. Moreover, evil unleashes our dark side. Allowing us to do evil for a good cause. That’s what makes evil magnetic to the stupid. They can dress up, be the bullies, and smash things. Could there be anything more fun to an immature half wit? Which is why evil is hard to do away with.
Once someone is zealously evil, they will act against their own interests to do evil. It’s not a stretch then, to imagine that a crowd of evil people dedicated to evil, will act as a group to destroy itself? Mostly by their absolute lack of self awareness. They foolishly think others are as attracted to the grotesque as they are. So they do their evil in full sun. Initially, evil associations are laughed at, and ignored. Because regular people reason no on else could be that stupid. So evil can work in the dark. The place where evil thrives. Beating up political foes, breaking up political rallies, using terrorism as a tool and exploiting naivete to do election fraud. As Lenin did to get his faction named Bolsheviks (majority). Until they gain enough power to become a mortal threat to our liberty. Then it’s too late.
One way to detect evil masquerading as good is by examining outcomes. What has that faction, association or group’s actions resulted in, in the past? Have those factions produced prosperity, peace and healthy societies? Or have they produced famines, wars and sick societies? Do those crowds appeal to goodness or evil? In other words, do they use demagoguery and hate, or appeals to human heartedness and love? Take two democrats as an example… JFK once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” While Dark Brandon told us to separate along political lines and attack those he disagrees with. Which of these two examples exhibits true empathy, reciprocation, and practices the Golden Rule? Which was evil that destroys itself?
Smart evil couches itself as good until it gets unlimited power. Once that happens, evil is free to harm itself. The omnipotent evil become idealists. Eschewing pragmatically doing good, to hide their true natures, instead idealizing evil and showing us who they really are. That’s why Hitler used his logistics to kill Roma and Jews, instead of supplying his troops. Doing evil became more important to him than winning the war… or even Germany’s survival. The Mongols conquered the world in a generation… and lost it as fast. Because ruling wasn’t what they wanted to do… they preferred killing and raping. Until conquering extended them to collapse. Today we see evil again destroying itself. Because it’s become arrogant and self blind. So it’s doing evil out in the open where we can recoil from it properly. Therefore, evil destroys itself.
John Pepin