Why Does the World Suck?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, whenever government does something, that action is also accompanied by a message. The message can be a positive motivator of men, or it can be a negative one, but every action does indeed send a message. When murder is punished by the death penalty, for example, the message is, “If you take someone else life unjustly, the State will take yours… justly.” The message there is not to kill others. When we avoid killing each other, there is less chaos… which means businesses can thrive, children can walk to school and food is plentiful. When the government refuses to prosecute, or even investigate someone because of their political favor, the message is different. That message is, “some people are more equal than others.” Which powerfully effects our society.

Government in this way sends messages to society all the time. Every regulation, policy, permit and even plank in a platform, send a message. The rise of the welfare state sends many messages… fathers are no longer necessary, the roof can now support the foundation, you are more likely to become poor than get rich, etc… when it is illegal to feed the poor, the message is virtue is bad. Planks in political platforms send powerful messages about what a faction believes, where they want the nation to go and who they serve. You have to read between the lies… and lines. Often the real goal is in opposition to the stated one. This is done by passing a law that is supposed to do one thing, but the message creates the opposite effect.

Society reacts to these messages in subtle ways. We don’t consciously listen for the message, it slides in under the radar… to society as a whole. This makes the messages sent by the elite, that run our government and culture, very effective at changing society for the better, or worse. The effect is strongest among the weak and vulnerable. They are the ones who openly act out the intent of the message and suffer the most for it. The lust for transsexuals has created laws and regulations, out of “compassion,” along with the accompanying messages, creating a wave of people self sterilizing to become playthings… who will most likely end up committing suicide. But that’s okay, because they will no longer be pretty anymore, anyway. You see how powerful and sinister these messages can be.

The result is the society we find ourselves in. The level of homelessness, how many school shootings there are a year, the factionalization of our society, crime rate, poverty rate, business ownership rate, etc… in short, every statistic that can be looked at, is most strongly effected by the messages the political elite send us through government actions and policies. The effect is compounded by the fact we are locked into government monopoly schools. This allows the new class progressive faction, that controls our education system, to inculcate these messages directly to our children. Every problem, and indeed virtue we find in our societies, are a result of the messages we are sent by our governments actions. Our society as it is, is as it is, because of the messages government sends.

To change society then, we must change the messages government sends, to do that we must first examine the messages. What messages do… holding the boarders open, government subsidizing abortion, anti constitutional laws, selective enforcement of laws, selective punishment of laws, the welfare state, ever more absurd legal rulings, etc… send? These messages are often at odds with the stated goals of the policies that send them. Selective punishment of laws, tells people there is no real justice, and where justice is for appearances, people will not act justly, and society will be filled with injustice of all kinds. We must ask ourselves, maybe it’s time to look at the messages government sends, as well as stated intentions… to make our society what we want, rather than what we don’t want.


John Pepin

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