Why Democrats Are Acting So Fast

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressives are hitting the ground running, because they know this is it, their last chance in perhaps a century to force through their diabolical agenda. They tried convincing us… that failed miserably. Hillary was supposed to close the deal and finally move the US away from patriotism and to globalism. The American people rejected her and the horse she rode in on. That horse is the same one the progressives are riding today… the “white horse of conquest.” The conquest of the US Constitution. To that end they have obliterated almost all of it. A few examples are, they have established atheism as the state religion, freedom of speech is subject to big tech censorship, freedom of assembly to redress grievances is met with the US army, and the 10th amendment is a standing joke.

The progressive establishment, and by that I mean all elected democrats, most republicans and the bureaucracy… know the people are not onboard with their globalist socialist utopian vision for humanity. That is why they have taken off the mask and exposed who they are and what they serve. They don’t believe in… equality but in equity, justice but of social justice, freedom of speech but censorship, freedom of conscience but thought laws, freedom of religion but freedom from religion, the sanctity of human life but of abortion, reason but of emotion, individualism but of groupism, capitalism but of socialism and peace but of confrontation. The people have chosen against the philosophy of the progressives. No one more than classic liberals, and to a lesser extent… conservatives.

Since the American voter had the bad taste to disagree, our opinion is no longer wanted, nor sought. We are told to shut up and sit down. The division of troops in our capital says that loud and clear. The progressive elite have surrounded themselves with sufficient power to conquer most nations on Earth… without reinforcements. They have improved positions with razor wire, walls, and fences. I would not be shocked to hear there are channelizing devices in place… like land mines. To keep us in check as they do what needs to be done. They are making the hard decisions. Like, how quickly to overturn our Constitution in it’s entirety, what is the best means, and how to do that in less than two years? Because in two years we will be so enraged, election fraud will have to be codified, else they lose… bigly.

To that end, rigging elections for the foreseeable future, the democrats have already offered a bill to nationalize our elections. House bill H-1 (F the People Act), will enshrine every dirty trick democrats used in 2020, in perpetuity. Very progressive. That is just in case stacking the Supreme court, adding two new democrat states and eliminating the filibuster, fails to give them perpetual unlimited power. The elite are not stupid, they know these “innovations” will enrage the people. That is part of the point. Some will rise up and become violent, thus “proving” we need to be disarmed, as well as silenced, reeducated and thought controlled. For our own good. That the progressive establishment will build an oligarchy forever is just a pleasant externality. That is why they are acting with such haste.

The next two years are critical for the US and indeed the world. If the US falls, to make way for a CCP style global government, the world will suffer greatly. If we succeed, and stave off the assault on our Constitutional system, the world will greatly benefit. This is an opportunity. Don’t listen to Q psyop telling us to set on our hands, act, and change the future to a brighter one for all of humanity. The progressive globalists know this that is why they are racing ahead. Let’s take this two year window of opportunity to finally stop the globalist progressives. We have the power, we have the strength, the only question is, do we have the will? You see what is happening and happening fast. Don’t be like sergeant Hans Schultz, see nothing, say nothing and do nothing… see, say and act. We can win this thing.


John Pepin

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