Who Is Investigated Depends on Political Affiliation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when a republican is accused, he or she is investigated, but when a democrat is accused, it’s the accuser who is investigated. This might appear a bit strange to anyone who labors under the common misconception, that the law is applied equally, else the Constitution’s equal treatment clause is violated… but they would be wrong. The scientific method says, when theory runs up against empirical reality, theory must give. While not at all progressive, that standard has served us very well since the Enlightenment. Empirical history is unambiguous, when a republican is accused, no matter how absurd the accusation, that accusation is investigated with the idea to prove it. While if a democrat is accused, the accuser is destroyed by the media, bureaucracy and the courts, to cover it up.

In case someone thinks I am blowing smoke, and have no examples, I direct you to the Biden Hard drive. It revealed astounding corruption in the Biden family. Selling access. The media, at the time, censored the story, vilified anyone who reported it and investigated it as Russian disinformation. Now it has all but been proven true, rather than admit they have egg on their faces, they parade around like no one sees it. Remember when Planned parenthood was exposed for selling baby parts in violation of US law? Yea, Planned Parenthood sued the journalists and were awarded millions in damages. Meanwhile, not one criminal charge was filed against anyone in Planned Parenthood, who violated the law. There are many many more examples of accusers of democrats being investigated and destroyed.

Even as Hillary’s blatant criminality, setting up a private server to handle top secret emails, was being covered up by the FBI, they were opening Crossfire Hurricane to investigate Trump, for what they knew at the time was a hoax. A set of completely absurd allegations, many of which were on their face a lie, all were investigated fully. Innocent men impugned, framed and prosecuted over a hoax. Paul Mannafort is in jail as I write this, while his partner, the democrat Tony Podesta, was given immunity! The Special prosecutor had information the whole thing was a hoax, from the get go, yet still spent tens of millions of dollars investigating Trump. He had no problem framing and charging anyone he could get his grubby hands on, and when questioned later, Mueller admitted he is a complete half wit.

No one involved in spygate, other than a low level functionary, has been charged for creating a hoax investigation, lying under oath, abuse of power, corruption, conspiracy, fraud or even jay walking. Barr has charged no one of his own initiative. The low level functionary who doctored a document for his superiors… was referred to Barr by the IG report, and that dirtbag will not even go to jail! Barr and Durham have proven themselves to be tools of the establishment. They are there to cover up democrat crimes, not investigate them. I bet Barr will quickly prosecute any whistle blowers that spill the beans on democrat crimes. He would have cahoonas sufficient for that. As history shows however, he lacks them to charge an actual criminal, if they are a democrat.

Who the heck cares? So what if democrats are above the law while the rest of us are below it’s protections? It’s not like they are coming for our guns, Rights and children. Even if they are, they are the professionals, the authorities. They know what is best, due to their university degrees, and have the interests of all of society at heart. If you or I have to suffer for the greater good who are we to complain? Just as if the greater good requires democrats live in opulence, as the pigs in Animal Farm, when they work so hard for us, why deny them a little comfort? Unless you are a self interested human being who cares about your children. If that is the case, then you do care, you care deeply. Because you know the end game of arbitrary rule is always tyranny, poverty and war. Dystopia, a progressive Eden.


John Pepin

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