What Will History Say?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… history will record this shutdown as a gargantuan mistake. Even if the totalitarian progressive faction wins, they will tell this as a time they received what is rightfully theirs… absolute arbitrary power over us, with a warning. The reason they will tell the truth, despite the burning in their throats and mouths the truth inflicts on them, is they will not want to repeat such a catastrophic mistake… and lose that usurped power. History will have much to say about how horribly our “leaders” have failed us in this “emergency.” We may discover in the future that the whole thing was a fabricated crisis to effect the election of Trump. While today that may be the stuff of conspiracy theories… psychopaths intent on absolute arbitrary power over the rest of humanity, are not to be scoffed at.

The World continued during the great plagues that exterminated up to 80% of the population. Those were plagues, this is less than the common cold to children, and only dangerous to the weak, old and infirm. No more so however, as it turns out, than the seasonal flu. The 1918 pandemic swept the world like wildfire. It surfaced in places without contact with the outside world, like remote islands in the Aleutians. Which is where modern “scientists” exhumed the bodies of 1918 victims to revive that deadly flu. Given the over the top reaction of the administrative state’s apparatchiks, if they were to release that virus onto the world, in three years say, the reaction would collapse the world. In stark contrast to the actual 1918 pandemic’s results.

As I said before… the outcome of an emergency is totally dependent on the reaction to it. If you step on a wasp nest, your reaction determines the outcome. Should you stand there and kill them as they land on you, you can expect many stings. If you run off a cliff, the outcome is drastically diminished for you. On the other hand, if you trot a few feet away and continue walking, they will largely leave you alone. From that example we can glean that the reaction is often more important than the cause. Shutting down the economy, along with arbitrary rules, set by unelected apparatchiks, is like running off a cliff. The outcome is drastically diminished for mankind. Had the government done nothing, I suspect no more people would have died of the Wuhan flu, but far fewer would have from the reaction.

Right now, while the populace is in a state of fear, initiated by the media’s call to panic, the administrative state is in it’s glory. They can finally exercise the powers they have so longed for. They stand before us, experts who cannot be questioned, even by other experts, and who’s word is law. They decide who can and cannot buy and sell based on their own random ideas. Going to the extreme of taping off isles in stores if those isles have verboten items in them! Seriously! I couldn’t have made such foolishness up if I tried. Through their sycophants in the media, and mad scientists on the payroll, they demand we accept whatever shot they want to give us. Openly talking about forcing us to get digital tattoos so we can buy and sell. The administrative state is in heaven.

Nevertheless, the actions of the progressive faction is waking people up. Absurdities like shutting down beaches, churches and salons, while keeping open liqueur stores, weed stores and abortion clinics cannot be justified and indeed are just the type of reaction to a crisis that makes it worse. Releasing violent criminals from prison while jailing mothers for taking children to the park, salon owners for cutting hair and pastors for violating the unconstitutional, arbitrary and oppressive edicts of the administrative state. By showing us who and what they are, power mad psychopaths interested in nothing but power and willing to do anything, even destroy the world economy for it. Will their machinations work? Let’s see how the people judge the reaction to the “crisis” this November.


John Pepin

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