What Does American Charity Buy?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, most of the wars across the planet would end, if the US stopped funding them. In almost all of the conflicts around the world, the US gives aid to both sides. The Palestinian Authority and Israel for example. If the US stopped funding the Palestinian Authority they wouldn’t have the money for thousands of rockets. Israel has a thriving economy, why do they need foreign aid? China as well? Biden just gave Iran a few billion, to spend on munitions, aimed at our troops overseas. I suppose some of that largess paid for a few of the rockets just launched into Israel. If you think there are too many people, this strategy, of funding both sides in a conflict, makes perfect sense. It lowers the surplus population, enriches the MIC and furthers the perpetual animosity between men.

Money is called “fungible,” which is a fancy way of saying that it’s like water in a pail. If you pour some in, it immediately mixes, and the level raises. Put another way, if you have fifty bucks in your wallet, and your mother gives you another twenty for gasoline, you now have seventy dollars to spend. You would’ve bought gasoline anyway, so the twenty allows you to buy more beer, cigarettes and drugs… or you can run the roads further. New money opens up old money to be used elsewhere. So when the US gives the CCP economic aid, that money allows more to be spent on other things, like a military buildup to invade Taiwan. Even if money is earmarked for one thing, it frees up other money that would have been spent there, to be spent elsewhere.

Azerbaijan is waging a genocide against the remnants of the Armenian population, funded by US foreign aid. Obviously the pedophiles who run the West don’t fund it directly. They give “humanitarian,” “economic aid” and political support at the UN. Armenia is allied with Russia so their genocide serves the globalist goal of harming the Russians. I have to wonder how many Non Governmental Organizations NGOs that are supporting the Armenian genocide? China still gets economic aid from the US. “Only” thirty two million dollars though. How much “humanitarian aid” do you suppose the US now gives ISIS… to fight Assad in Syria? That money frees up other funds for ISIS to go after Americans. Across the planet, most of the bloodshed is due to American charity.

The world’s demographics is an upside down pyramid, killing the youth with war, vaccines and covid only serves to sharpen that down facing point. If you believe there are too many people, the population collapse that will inevitably come about, is a good thing. If they could only depopulate the planet, so there aren’t any humans left, they could finally live in harmony with nature. Far from an exercise in psychopathy, the planetary depopulation through plague, poisoned vaccine, abortion, gang violence, fentanyl and war, is an act of love. The suffering of others proves the righteousness of the plan. If they hadn’t been born they wouldn’t have had to suffer so. Those, like me, on the other hand, who think there can’t be too many people, stand aghast at the lack of human heartedness of those bastards.

So here we are, another war has broken out, funded by the US, to further the purpose of lowering the surplus population. Added to the Ukraine war, the pending Taiwan conflict and Syria, along with a myriad of smaller conflicts, all of them paid for by the US taxpayer. Not that we want to mind you, the government simply borrows, inflates and taxes it from us. Imagine the blood on the hands of our politicians, bureaucrats and the military industrial complex? Rivers flow from their fingers into the Styx. That’s why I propose a radical, unthinkable, and sure to be vilified solution to staunching those torrents… stop funding the wars. Stop getting involved in every conflict around the world, and most of all… stop starting them! Defund the wars, the CIA and the MIC, stop the killing, save the kids.


John Pepin

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