What Do You Want? Heaven or Hell?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have to ask ourselves, where do we want the future of the human race to go? Do we seek a Hell on Earth paradigm or a Heaven on Earth Paradigm? Both are valid positions to take, both are taken by various people, sadly most don’t have this basic understanding that there are two paths. The Hell on Earth scenario is where unemployment is rife, poverty and famine are the norm, crime insures no one is safe, but a tiny cabal of elite live like kings. The heaven on Earth paradigm, is one where everyone is able to reach his or her highest potential, people swim in food and goods, and many live like kings. Once we have made a decision we should act. If we want Hell on Earth, we are doing fine, but if we want Heaven on Earth, we have work to do.

It is best to boil a question down to it’s core. Most problems resist solution because they are not really addressed. Instead, people look at the results, not the cause. If a person with lice only uses anti itch cream… he will never rid himself of the lice. Anti itch cream might work temporarily to alleviate the itching, but until the actual issue, lice, is addressed the problem will be pernicious. As to the future of humanity, doesn’t it make sense to look at the end goal and aim at that, rather than short term goals, that may or may not lead in the right direction? Clearly it is the smarter course of action to have a strategy than to wing it. So, we have to ask ourselves, where do we want the human race to go? To Hell or to Heaven? If we seek Heaven, then aim at it, and if we seek Hell, then aim at it.

Before we make a choice we should try to be informed, so our choice will actually reflect our own wishes, and not those of propagandists who have manipulated us. So let’s make a reasoned choice. Hell on Earth, (Utopia) would literally be Hell for almost everyone, huddled cold, suffering, hungry, afraid and without hope. A small cabal on the other hand will be kings. Probably following a Pareto curve. The misery of the many would be as great as the luxury of the few would be terrific. Heaven on Earth would not be a place where everyone was free from toil. That is the road to Hell on Earth. Heaven would be a place where people could meet and exceed their potential, opportunity would be everywhere, there would be no suffering yet there still would be great wealth.

If we choose heaven on Earth as our goal, we should aim directly at it. Promoting evil is probably not a good way to aim at heaven on Earth, as is anything that hinders people from reaching their potential. It should be obvious that promoting mental illness is a poor means of achieving Heaven on Earth. Lowering the value we place on human life doesn’t really make us value our fellows. Things that do aim at Heaven on Earth are, promoting the nuclear family, eliminating pernicious incentives and keeping fathers in the home, instead of using regulation to protect crony corporations, perhaps limiting regulations so entrepreneurs can compete, restarting the creative destruction process that leads to more and better jobs and putting charity back in the hands of the people… can only make us more charitable.

To make heaven on Earth we must stop promoting Hell on Earth. It shouldn’t be a surprise that those who seek Hell on Earth would lie, cheat, and steal to get it, should it? They befuddle us with half truths to guide our aim… to Hell on earth, without our knowing it. They manipulate us into acting against our own best interests, as any demon would, and relish the thought of our eventual reduction to misery. How do we know they exist? Look only to the people who placed a statue to Baphomet in the Capital of Arkansas. They, and the people backing them, are the people who seek Hell on earth. Sadly, most that actively help those who seek Hell on Earth, do it with the intention of gaining Heaven on earth. They “climb a tree looking for fish…” -Mo Ti. So, lets choose, then aim, and aim wisely.


John Pepin

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