The Coming Bird Flu Pandemic

Dear friends,

It seems to me, as ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield said, “We will have a bird flu pandemic… just a matter of time…” because the government and elite are working diligently to make it happen. We know they had bio weapon labs across Ukraine. That’s proven and admitted. Moreover, Covid was a gain of function experiment that escaped, or was set free, we don’t know yet. Then there’s the monkey pox virus, that the experts are doing their best to make more deadly, and transmissible. To protect us from it. Bird flu is the gold standard of gain of function though. It can kill a cow, chicken or person. At least it can, now, with the billions I’m sure that’s been spent on improving its transmissibility. I believe an expert, when they say there will be a pandemic, like an arsonist who threatens to start a fire.

The elite claim that they have to do gain of function to protect us. If they don’t create novel and deadly viruses in a lab, how could they research vaccines for them? Of course, they skirt the elephant in the room, there’s no need of a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t and will never exist. So the experts solve it… by creating them. If a few escape and kill millions, oh well, that’s the price the elite are willing for us to pay, to advance the science of the weaponization of viruses, er… gain of function. Billions of dollars are spent on this noble research… how to exterminate mankind by disease. To protect us from randomly occurring mild colds. The inflation for food, housing and clothing is partially a result of all that spending. No need to thank the elite, they’re happy to do it.

Since gain of function has become a dirty word, due to the millions of deaths from Covid, the elite defined it into non existence, so they can continue creating ever more deadly and transmissible viruses, for fun and profit. Fauci claimed in his testimony before Congress, that the NIH never funded gain of function… by their definition. Which is like a bank robber claiming in court, “I didn’t rob the bank at gun point… by my definition.” Both are self serving lies. The progressive faction demanded Roger Stone spend the rest of his life in prison, for a politically motivated perjury frame. That injured no one but Stone. Even as they defend Fauci for actual perjury, and his lies cost millions of people across the planet… their very lives. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

Then there’s the vaccine that isn’t. It provided little or no protection, at a cost of heart enlargement, turbo cancers, eel like blood clots and strange diseases that baffle doctors. A minor trade off when you consider that Fauci made millions for his efforts. A dollar a human life. Not a great trade for the dead but wonderful for Fauci and big pharma. Meanwhile, the latest research shows that the vaccinated are far more likely now, to get and die of Covid… as well as cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc… But hey, Fauci and big pharma meant well, right? I’m sure if your well meaning meth lab created a cloud of poison gas that killed millions, then the meth you cooked up killed a few more million… the government would be as forgiving of you. Even your perjury over it would be allowed. Wouldn’t it?

Which brings us to the fact, no one has been punished for anything related to the crime against humanity, that was Covid… so why wouldn’t they release monkey pox and Bird flu on us next? A bank robber who’s allowed to get away with it… isn’t likely to stop. The villains have no motivation to cease creating ever more deadly and transmissible pathogens, and releasing them on us by stupidity, or malevolence. Especially when there’s so much profit in the vaccine. Both immediate, and long term, in treating the life altering side effects. Without actual consequences for killing millions of people across the planet, it’ll happen again… if not now. That’s why I agree with director Robert Redfield, that we will have a bird flu pandemic. Because the experts and elite are working diligently to make it happen.


John Pepin

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