Waste, Fraud And Abuse

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it takes a special kind of zealot to defend government waste, fraud and abuse. One with no self-awareness, or an entertainer type whose reputation is that of an entertainer, or paid shill, not a serious pundit. The legacy media had a reputation of honesty. As did the courts. They savaged that like a Bobcat does a goose. The golden eggs have stopped but the goose made a great meal. Now the same people that gaslit us for decades, abused us under color of law, and have lost all credibility for it, demand we pretend they can be trusted. I do give them some sympathy though, imagine having to defend waste, fraud and abuse, to those whose money is wasted, the victims of fraud and people who are abused? Shredding any mote of trust they may still have, and thus, their business model.

I’m not sure defending waste fraud and abuse is organic nor authentic. Put another way, those who are defending waste, fraud and abuse, would not tolerate it in their own lives. Yet they expect us to tolerate our money wasted, us being defrauded and abused by the courts under color of law? That’s hypocrisy. No hypocrite should ever be taken seriously. Even a Pharisee. Because the hypocrite always uses hypocrisy to lower, never to elevate. Even if the message sounds good. Therefore following a hypocrite leads to disaster. Take the examples of Mao, Stalin and Marx, each the acme of hypocrisy. Leading their followers to hell on Earth. Moreover, the hypocrite can’t be authentic, our authentic self is in our actions, not our rhetoric. Even as organic ideas come from within, and aren’t bought and paid for.

We know the legacy media took payola from the government because DOGE exposed it. USAID was giving money to the main stream media literally for “mass deception.” Which suggests the strident defense of waste fraud and abuse indeed, isn’t intuited, but a product. A product like advertising, that’s sold to fund the enterprise. The other parts are to increase the profitability. Attributes like trust, honesty and good intentions, merely increase the profitability of propaganda. The more viewers who trust a media organization then, the greater the profitability of their propaganda. Which is the incentive for them to demand censorship, thought laws and licenses to speak… profit. It’s their business model. The mouth of Sauron will always have a voice. It’s the whistle blowers who will be silenced.

We used to have great confidence in our courts. US courts were known around the world as a bastion of fairness. That, of course, was all a lie. US courts as well as all courts, operate on political favor… not justice or law. From the New York courts abusing Trump under color of law, to Delaware courts abusing Elon Musk, and even Texas and Connecticut courts abusing Alex Jones under color of law, in plain sight, our courts have proven they are the mouths of Sauron. Not arbiters of justice or law. Today the courts are openly usurping the role of the Executive. In open violation of the plain wording of our Constitution. And they do it with impunity. Judges and prosecutors have ruled they are above the same laws they impose on others. Totaling their reputations.

As you and I struggle to make ends meet, we’re told by the media and courts, we have no right to know how the government spends the money it takes from us at gun point. Don’t believe taxes are taken at gun point? Try not paying and see if armed men don’t show up at your door. The threat is implicit. So we have courts and a media that claims unelected bureaucrats wasting our money is of no concern of ours. We should accept the administrative state abuse of us and our trust. Fraud in government is for our good. Yet those are clearly self serving lies. Foisted on us by paid shills, people who killed the goose that laid the golden egg, by defending waste, fraud and abuse, and ruining their reputations because of it. This is a lesson in organizational seppuku.


John Pepin

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