Voter ID

Dear friends,

It seems to me, voting must be protected, and if voter ID keeps people from voting, then by all means they must be eliminated. Along with all requirements for ids. Like to open a bank account, get welfare, cash a check, rent a car, apartment, buy explosives, a gun, go to a game, to drive a car, or fly in a plane, there are myriads of other times we’re ordered by law to carry an id. But if carrying an id is a violation of our basic rights, then we have no choice but to ban them. Anything less is to be inconsistent, and inconsistency is synonymous with arbitrary rule. The ancient Greeks, Chinese sages, and all sane people, believe arbitrary rule is the worse kind of government. Moreover, election integrity is far more important than barring a poor person from opening a bank account.

If personal identification is a violation of our rights, then they must go… all of them. Am I to accept that the same people who democrats are trying to protect, can vote… but are barred from driving, opening a bank account or cutting hair? What an unjust system to allow such a violation of human rights to take place! How can anyone think it’s okay to ban people by law, from renting housing, a credit card or buying alcohol, but allow them to vote? Those poor people, unable to participate in any activities, because of the onerous identification laws, must be liberated! You would think their blessed advocates, in the democrat party, would push as hard to rid them of the burden of id, for driving, buying guns or cigarettes. Can’t the poor even have a smoke and a beer for heavens sake?

I support the elimination of all ids, licenses to operate a business, drive or practice law. The elites have taken a step in the right direction, in allowing undocumented illegal aliens to drive without valid identification, but let’s face it, that’s no where near far enough. No one should be forced to carry identification while driving. Because no one can argue, someone in the country illegally, is a safer bet, than a downtrodden American. If getting identification to vote is too burdensome, then getting a license to cut hair is worse. If someone messes up a haircut, the hair will grow back, but if someone messes up a nation, that nation and the millions in it, are ruined. How can an indigent vote without an id if they can’t even enter the building? Government buildings must have all security removed.

If carrying an identification card is a broken prop, then having to fill out paperwork to get permission to do business, is an anchor. Can you imagine how hard it must be for those poor people unable to get identification to start a business? It’s effectively impossible. The law bans them from advancing at all. You need identification, a social security number and have a valid address to get a job. So even working is legally banned from those downtrodden without identification to vote! They can’t drive, work, have housing, or get into a public building… but at least they can drag themselves out of the gutter every few years and cast their all important ballot. As long as their sacred right to vote is protected we couldn’t care less if they starve to death in the bar ditch, or not. If they can get in without id.

Consistency is the hallmark of legitimate rule and law. If carrying identification is so onerous, it can’t be allowed in the voting parlor, then I expect all democrats will join me in calling for the elimination of all licenses, government disclosure and government oversight altogether. Those poor individuals without any form of id must be living a hunter gatherer existence in the woods. It’s up to us to bring them in from the cold. The only way is to eliminate all forms of identification, to allow them to rejoin our society, get housed, a job and maybe a bowl of warm soup. Only the truly heartless would maintain this unjust system where some are barred by law from everything but voting, and even that, unless they can sneak past the security guards. Eliminate all ID for everything! Justice for the poor!.


John Pepin

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