Vengeful Impeachment or Constitutional Coup?

Dear Friends,

I hesitate to say this impeachment has reached full insanity, because it keeps getting stranger. The latest oddity is that the “whistleblower’s” name cannot be released, even though everyone interested knows it, because it puts his job or even life in jeopardy? Now his name has been released by a lawmaker we’ll see how that plays. While the hypocrisy is thick the sophistry is downright dense. The real reason that Ciaramella’s name is withheld from the public… is because of his associations. Associations that color his testimony, if he were to give any, showing him to be an operative, not an honest whistleblower. That a government filled with psychopaths will lie, is no great revelation, or that they work in pathological ways such as this. The entire impeachment is really an open coup against our Constitutional Republic.

The recent example of a whistleblower at ABC illustrates the outright hypocrisy of the progressives on this. The other day Project Veritas exposed that ABC had been covering for Jeffery Epstein. ABC claimed, the reason they didn’t air a show their star reporter had put together, was because the evidence was unverified. Unlike the Kavanaugh hearsay they went wall to wall with. But then again Kavanaugh is a conservative while Epstein was a very important progressive. Moreover, had they aired the segment it would have also exposed many elites that had been raping children on Epstein’s pedophile island. Now, that in and of itself is pretty damning, but ABC went all vengeful on that Whistleblower, and tracked her down to CBS where they got her fired! Turns out they fired the wrong person!!!

Julian Assange is facing the death penalty, albeit by slow torture in a British prison, before he ever sees the inside of a US court. His crime against the deep state, was to expose their dirty dealings to the American public, an unforgivable crime in their evil eyes. His website is still exposing their psychopathy and pathological mindsets. Of course, the same people freaking out to the point of suppressing his name, are totally cool with Julian Assange being slowly killed. Even those elites at ABC who so rabidly protected the pedophile to the stars… Jeffery Epstein. Assange will never see the inside of a US court of law. Because he would be released that day. No, he will be killed in jail for exposing the deep state’s evil… so progressive!

The whistleblower, Ciaramella, is a deep state plant, which is the real reason the progressive faction doesn’t want his name out there. If people knew his history and allegiances they would immediately discredit this entire “impeachment” before it got going. In the last few days Facebook and Youtube have been deleting any mention of his name. Clearly to keep the public ignorant of the truth. This article will almost certainly be deleted for containing his name. Such censorship displays the fear the deep state has of us. They worry that we may someday discover how they have lowered the lot of Man, waged war on our children and intentionally pervert everything they touch. This deep state plant Ciaramella, is an agent for Specter, no more no less.

Which completely ignores the fact, the transcript of the phone conversation that supposedly triggered this complaint in the first place, is in the public sphere! Showing this entire affair is much ado about nothing. But it isn’t nothing, the new class progressive faction that is the deep state must silence truth tellers, hide their evil and stay in the dark. The deep state and indeed the entire progressive faction’s diabolical plans for us and our children have to be exposed. Because all it takes for evil to gain ground, is for good men to remain silent, (or tolerate being silenced). Therefore it is up to all of us to do the job the media refuses to do… tell the truth, spread the truth and live the truth. Shine cleansing light of truth on the slimy machinations of the deep state… and it will wither and desiccate like the fungus it is.


John Pepin

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