Utopia is California

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… California has made the most progress towards utopia of any state in the US. It is a one party state, that regulates every aspect of it’s citizen’s lives, and has a strong social safety net protecting rapists, drug addicts, illegal immigrants, the lazy and the malicious. The tax rate is still way too low but the wise one party government there is well on it’s way to fixing that glaring error. California continues providing it’s citizens with all their desires. Feces lined streets, once eradicated diseases making a strong comeback, like leprosy, random crime is at record levels and guns are effectively illegal, while gun crime is out of control. With California so near Utopia, I cannot understand why anyone would leave what they have voted, protested for and demanded?

Thomas Moore’s Utopia was essentially a prison island, where the prisoners were moved from cell to cell weekly, to keep them confused as to who they are. The islanders were disarmed and subject to the whims of their “democracy.” Individual rights was not even a concept in their language. Everyone was equally impoverished, wretched and without property… and therefore “happy.” Which is essentially what today’s progressives envision as their goal for humanity. They would like to make the Earth a prison planet, where we all serve the State as robots, with the same rights as an ant, subject to the whims of our hard working virtuous Administrators, disarmed, censored and beaten into submission. A quick look at places progressives have evolved towards utopia is helpful in understanding their vision.

California, Detroit, Sweden, these are just down payments for the world system that will bring such wonderful results to the rest of us. Which probably means the reason progressives are fleeing those places… is because they are selflessly spreading utopia to the rest of us. So we too can enjoy the subtle pleasures of scraping human feces from our shoes, not daring to go out at night, abandoned neighborhoods taken over by vermin, gangs, drug houses, and the largest cause of death a fight between opioid overdose and random violence. The pleasures of utopia are as subtle as they are munificent. People piled upon one another in purple martin houses for humans, is the goal of every right thinking progressive, a world wide Cabrini Green. Then the world can be as Detroit is now.

Progressives took control of Detroit in the mid 1960s. Then, it was a bustling center for production, commerce and culture… run by evil capitalists. It only took them 50 years to evolve it to the utopia it is today. They did the it in the same time span in California. A place with ideal weather, plentiful natural resources, a long coastline, deep water bays for shipping, plentiful natural resources, heck… the streams are even bedded with gold! While California lags Detroit in it’s progress to utopia, it is making great strides. LA and San Francisco are open sewers, crime goes unpunished if illegal immigrants carry it out, the price of real estate is absurd to an inflection point, and the voting process has been perverted to insure a one party state… Showing Detroit is the goal of everyone who votes progressive.

California is leading the way, cutting the path and forging ahead, leading us inexorably to utopia. They may be in the fore, but others are close behind. New York, Vermont and New Jersey are trying mightily to catch up. Vermont’s opioid crisis is otherworldly and New York has proposed criminalizing politically incorrect speech. Taxes in those states are almost punitive enough. The beauty of those one party systems in VT, NJ, NY and CA, is that the people don’t have to vote for their slavery, the system almost insures it. Like I said, they are close behind California on the path to Utopia. With the fleeing of progressives from the places they have created, spreading to us the joys of their vision, it will not be long before we all live in a planet wide Utopia… With Space as our only hope of escape.


John Pepin

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