Turn Away From Hate and Violence

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are powerful, diabolical forces, conniving to create chaos and violence in the West. How do we know this? The world all around us tells us so. From obvious arbitrary rule to the entire fake news controversy, every input we receive from the culture, media and politics is towards violence, intolerance and willful ignorance. The trifecta that is efficient stupidity. Why is anyone surprised, when a culture, political discourse and media normalizes violence… then becomes violent? It is a trap that some powerful people have set for us. We can take the bait and act out our wrath, and we will have given them the excuse they want, to completely do away with our Constitution. Perhaps keeping it in name only to give some “legitimacy” to their usurpation.

These powerful diabolical forces have near monopolistic control of the legacy media, judiciary, universities, banks and culture. There are three corporations that own all the legacy media, while the public broadcasting network, is paid for by government. Everywhere you turn you get the same point of view, unless you change to alternative media, or foreign media, which is why the legacy media coined the term, “fake news.” To regain their monopoly to our minds. Our Universities have long since ceased graduating students, ready to compete and win in a market system, and instead producing angry Marxist ne’erdowells, intent on defecating where they eat. Our universities even openly call for the elimination of freedom of speech! The very foundation of the university system’s legitimacy!

The political faction under the control of these evil people uses violence and the threat of violence as a political tool… and the media who are also in the thrall of these powers, hide and misdirects the blame for it. Every mass shooting is immediately blamed on some right wing nutcase, until it is proven they were a left wing nutcase, after which the media that calls itself unbiased, drops the story, often without even a correction. The violence we see on college campuses against incorrect opinion is ignored. Meanwhile open calls for the murder of police by left wing, well financed groups, like ANTIFA and BLM is legal while the wrong Facebook post, that is both true and nonviolent, came land someone in prison in many European countries. The obvious incentive is to violence and away from peace.

The immediate goal is to sow such discord among us that we step into the trap and become violent ourselves. Diabolically powerful forces seek us to turn against each other. They use violence, heart rending pictures, arbitrary rule, openly detest our Constitution, and manipulate us in every way, to get us to split up… to fight, brother against brother, sister against sister and friend against friend. Why would I hate someone who I love… simply because they have a different opinion than I? Am I so childish, I cannot tolerate the opinion of another, even if I believe that opinion to be untrue, dangerous and offensive? Of course not. I am a mature adult human hearted person. I embrace the advance of the Enlightenment, and would rather have discourse than violence.

Armed with the ideals of Marx, the rationalism of Nietzsche, the insights of Freud and the cold calculating of Darwin, they believe the ends justify the means. To their ends, they will manipulate the religious to war, anger the peaceful to kill, converting our most noble emotions to evil, thereby making us their pawns. So I stand with all my brothers and sisters, together we stand against the violence that seeks to turn us against each other, the propaganda that intends us harm and the manipulations of psychopaths. Trust in each other, against everything the media, culture and government inculcate in us. Individually, each choosing what he or she believes is best, with tolerance and openness to reason, can we make this world better for every generation after us… or we can take the bait.


John Pepin

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