Tolerating Political Violence

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, at this point we must ask ourselves, “How much political violence are we going to continue accepting from progressives and the left?” Everyone knows that almost all political violence comes from the left, actual violence, where someone gets injured not feelings hurt, because someone didn’t pay for your drug habit. People maintain the fiction that political violence from the right is just around the corner, but there hasn’t been a cross burning on a victim’s lawn for a long time, but there have been many riots where the rioters called for death to cops, smashed windows and pulled innocent drivers from their vehicles and beat them within an inch of their lives. Why is violence from the left tolerated, why are they so reliably violent and what is the goal of the violence?

If such actions were being done by right wing nuts, the media would whip society into a frenzy, yet they are silent as left wing nuts do it? The Main stream media, or legacy media has been thoroughly discredited, both by revelations by government and by their own actions. No one honestly believes the MSM that calls itself unbiased is in fact unbiased, it is very very slanted. The three corporations that own all the legacy media are run by new class progressives. Perhaps that is why the MSM called a bunch of geriatric people setting in lawn chairs with an American flag taped to the side, as they swilled soda and listened to speeches about the US Constitution… terrorists, violent fringe, Tea baggers and racists. The MSM tolerance of political violence is because of bias.

Socialism is at it’s foundation violent. You cannot take from one to give to another without taking. To say it’s voluntary is absurd. Is a robber violent when he puts a gun to your wife’s head and demands you “voluntarily” hand over your wallet? If the core of your philosophy itself, legitimizes violence, then why would you have any compunction about using violence to manipulate the political process anyway? That would be like an alcoholic avoiding beer to get some wine… that would come quicker if he drank the beer! Even a cursory glance at history shows that rioting in the street is the least of what you can expect if socialists get their greasy fingers on the levers of power. From Stalin’s purges and Mao’s famines to Venezuela today, the death toll goes up vertically once they are in power.

The goal of the violence is power, and power is maintained by violence. Progressives strongly believe in Mao’s words, “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun.” With that power they will be able to break a few eggs. The society they will create will be based on violence, legitimate authority only comes from willing and informed people, while illegitimate authority comes from violence. A good way to predict future actions is to look at past actions, in this case socialist actions, when they have come to power. On this count, history is unambiguous, every time socialism becomes the dominant political power, it crushes free speech, imposes ever more oppressive regulations, starves to death swaths of it’s population, and jails many of the survivors, while the political class live like kings.

So again, How much longer are we going to tolerate, from progressives, that which they would never tolerate from us, nor should they! Violence in the advancement of a political ideology is itself an indictment of that ideology. Our schools teach everything bad about the West and especially the US, but nothing at all about Stalin’s Gulags, the slaughter of the Kulaks, the Ukrainian famines, Mao’s Red Guard guilt in thirty million deaths or even Pol Pot’s Killing fields! Even the most progressive of our media, NPR, admits most political violence emanates from the left. Our progressive comedians, leaders, pundits and politicians openly call for violence and we just tolerate it. It’s time to stop tolerating violence… even when it comes from the left.


John Pepin

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